Raw File
Tip revision: e7082fbde3634286f458d64846699ae488fe18f3 authored by Michael Kohlhase on 22 December 2016, 09:28:55 UTC
initial commit, thanks to David Plaisted
Tip revision: e7082fb
%%%                   Clause-Linking Prover
%%%                          (CLIN)
%%%             DAVID A. PLAISTED and SHIE-JUE LEE
%%%               Department of Computer Science
%%%                University of North Carolina
%%%                Chapel Hill, NC 27599--3175
%%%                   (919) 962-{1751|1934}
%%%                 {plaisted|lee}
%%% version 1.0

%%% ALS Prolog Version %%%
%     :- [-'ALS'].

%%% CProlog Version %%%
%     :- [-'Cprolog'].

%%% Eclipse Prolog Version %%%
     :- compile('Eclipse').

%%% Quintus Prolog Version %%%
%     :- compile('Quintus').

%%% Consult files.
     :- load_file('auxiliary').
     :- load_file('clausify').
     :- load_file('command').
     :- load_file('exprules').
     :- load_file('fls').
     :- load_file('hyper').
     :- load_file('instdel').
     :- load_file('interp').
     :- load_file('skolem').
     :- load_file('define').
     :- load_file('library').
     :- load_file('main').
     :- load_file('pc').
     :- load_file('replace').
     :- load_file('simplify').
     :- load_file('spc').
     :- load_file('try').
     :- load_file('xvisor').

%%% Initialization
     :- abolish(clin_version,1).
     :- assert(clin_version('1.0')).

%%% Welcome message.
     :- (clin_version(Version),
	nl, tab(15),write('WELCOME TO CLIN '),
     helpmsg :-
	nl,write_line(2,'USER GUIDE : '),
	write_line(2,'Key in "prove(File).".'),
	write_line(2,'Key in "settings." to list all current settings.'),
	write_line(2,'For more info., type "choice.".'),
	write_line(2,'These info. can be reviewed by typing in "helpmsg.".'),
     :- helpmsg.
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