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Tip revision: 459bf8e7e25fe9b591b153497afb1fe23a04af62 authored by Theo Knijnenburg on 29 December 2016, 21:34:32 UTC
added code to apply LOBICO model to (test) data
Tip revision: 459bf8e
%% Initialize

%% Create artifical dataset

N = 500;    %number of samples
P = 25;     %number of predictors
K = 2;      %number of disjuncts
M = 2;      %maximum number of terms of disjunct
nX = 0.01;  %noise in binary input (bit-flip probability in X)
nY = 0.1;   %noise added to binary output to create continuous output

[X,Y,W,SolMatT] = makeartificaldataset(N,P,K,M,nX,nY);

%% Cplex options
param = cat(1,{'timelimit.Cur',60,'MaxTime'},...                            %Maximum time for IP (in seconds)
              {'mip.tolerances.integrality.Cur',1e-5,'Integrality'},...     %Integrality contraint; default = 1e-5 (see cplex.Param.mip.tolerances.integrality.Help)
              {'mip.tolerances.mipgap.Cur',1e-4,'RelGap'},...               %Optimality gap tolerance; default = 1e-4 (0.01% of optimal solution, set to 0.05, 5% for early termination, approximate solution) (see cplex.Param.mip.tolerances.mipgap.Help)
              {'threads.Cur',8,'Threads'},...                               %Number of threads to use (default = 0, automatic) (see  cplex.Param.threads.Help);          
              {'parallel.Cur',-1,'ParallelMode'},...                        %Parallel optimization mode,  -1 = opportunistic 0 = automatic 1 = deterministic (see cplex.Param.parallel.Help)
              {'mip.pool.relgap.Cur',1e-1,'Pool_relgap'},...                %Relative gap for suboptimal solutions in the pool; default 0.1 (10%)
              {'mip.pool.intensity.Cur',1,'Pool_intensity'},...             %Pool intensity; default 1 = mild: generate few solutions quickly (see  cplex.Param.mip.pool.intensity.Help)
              {'mip.pool.replace.Cur',2,'Pool_replace'},...                 %Pool replacement strategy; default 2 = replace least diverse solutions (see  cplex.Param.mip.pool.replace.Help)
              {'mip.pool.capacity.Cur',11,'Pool_capacity'},...              %Pool capacity; default 11 = best + 10 (see  cplex.Param.mip.pool.replace.Help)
              {'mip.limits.populate.Cur',11,'Pool_size'});                  %Number of solutions generated; default 11 = best + 10 (see  cplex.Param.mip.limits.populate.Help)

%% Cplex solver
sol = lobico(X,W,K,M,1,param);

%% Check solution

%inferred formula
x = round(sol.Solution.x);
SolMat = getsolution(x,K,M,P);
str = showformula(SolMat,K,M);
disp('Inferred logic model');

%actual formula
str = showformula(SolMatT,K,M);
disp('Actual logic model');

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