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Tip revision: 10da751d486ce8a17753faa2651fad922438f28b authored by Ty Stanford on 28 May 2020, 05:18:51 UTC
Tip revision: 10da751
# clsa
Fast min/max sliding window algorithm on unevenly spaced data. Impemented for use in `R` (`R` wrapper functions call `C` code for speed).

Details are available in the paper:
[Informed baseline subtraction of proteomic mass spectrometry data aided by a novel sliding window algorithm]( Specifically, [Figure 7]( contains the details of the CLSA algorithm.

# Installation
To install and load in R, run:
library(devtools) # see
### see help file to run example

## Example usage
n <- 100 # number of points
x <- sort(runif(n)) # location of points
f <- rchisq(n, 10) # signal at points
this_win <- 0.1 # the size of the window passed over the points

# rolling/moving minimum (erosion in morphology)
mins_f <- clsa_min(x, f, this_win)
# rolling/moving maximum (dilation in morphology)
maxs_f <- clsa_max(x, f, this_win)
# this is a morphological opening (dilation of the erosion)
mo_f   <- clsa_max(x, mins_f, this_win)

# plot data, erosion, dilation and opening
plot(x, f, type = "l", bty = "n")
lines(x, mins_f, col = "navy")
lines(x, maxs_f, col = "firebrick4")
lines(x,   mo_f, col = "forestgreen")

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