Raw File
Tip revision: d5336cd4ce8151c7d33eff37592616539f8b2965 authored by uygar on 06 November 2017, 22:51:39 UTC
update based on recent literature
Tip revision: d5336cd
% Various MATLAB functions used in the paper
% 'A genetic and computational approach to structural classification of neuronal types'
% Software developed by: Uygar Sümbül <>

function rgcAnalyzer(arborFileName,OnSACFilename,OffSACFilename,voxelRes,conformalJump)
% read the arbor trace file - add 1 to node positions because FIJI format for arbor tracing starts from 0
[nodes,edges,radii,nodeTypes,abort] = readArborTrace(arborFileName,[-1 0 1 2 3 4 5]); nodes = nodes + 1;
arborBoundaries(1) = min(nodes(:,1)); arborBoundaries(2) = max(nodes(:,1));
arborBoundaries(3) = min(nodes(:,2)); arborBoundaries(4) = max(nodes(:,2));
%generate the SAC surfaces from annotations
thisVZminmesh = fitSurfaceToSACAnnotation(OnSACFilename);
thisVZmaxmesh = fitSurfaceToSACAnnotation(OffSACFilename);
% find conformal maps of the ChAT surfaces onto the median plane
surfaceMapping = calcWarpedSACsurfaces(thisVZminmesh,thisVZmaxmesh,arborBoundaries,conformalJump);
warpedArbor = calcWarpedArbor(nodes,edges,radii,surfaceMapping,voxelRes,conformalJump);
% hard-coded representation and filtering parameters used in arbor density representation (ADR) calculation
% filter parameters were optimized based on representation size choices to minimize discrepancy with genetic
% labels as explained in the manuscript
zLen=120; % number of pixels in z of the ADR
repLenX=20; % number of pixels in x (and y) of the ADR
zExt=5; % z-extent of the ADR in terms of the distance between SAC surfaces
xExt=420; % x-extent (and y-extent) of the ADR in um (x resolution of ADR=xExtent/replenX (in um))
xLen=720; % x-extent (and y-extent) of the initial nearest neighbor gridding (in um)
fLR=0.6; % ratio of the extent of the post-registration in-plane low-pass filter to representation length (repLenX)
betaX=11;betaY=29; % beta parameters for the Kaiser-Bessel filters used in post-registration in-plane low-pass filtering
% calculate the anisotropic post-registration in-plane low-pass filter for individual dimensions (x and y)
postFilterWx = ceil(fLR*repLenX); x=-(repLenX/2):(repLenX/2)-1;
kbX(isnan(kbX))=0; kbX=kbX/max(kbX); kbY(isnan(kbY))=0; kbY=kbY/max(kbY);
% calculate the separable 2-d (xy) filter and rotate it 45 degrees because the longer extent of the
% arbor trace is aligned with the main diagonal in returnDist3d for storage/computation efficiency
xyFilter = imrotate(kbX'*kbY,45,'bicubic','crop');lpfilt=permute(repmat(xyFilter,[1 1 zLen]),[3 1 2]);
% calculate the ADR and use nodes reassigned to edge centers weighted by edge masses
[dist3d,nodes,density] = calc3dDist(warpedArbor.nodes,warpedArbor.edges,warpedArbor.medVZmin,warpedArbor.medVZmax,repLenX,zLen,xLen,zExt,xExt,lpfilt);
% calculate depth profile directly from the arbor and save as png image
gridPointCount = 120; % number of points on the z-profile plot
[token,remain] = strtok(datestr(clock),' '); commonSaveFileName = strcat(arborFileName,token,'_',remain(2:end));
%% load allDist here -- all arbor distributions for classification
%% to find how the new cell will be clustered
% myLinkage = elinkage(pdist([allDist dist3d(:)]','euclidean')); myLinkage(:,3) = myLinkage(:,3)/myLinkage(end,3);
% labelDendrogram(myLinkage,readLabels,commonSaveFileName);
% [AR,RI,MI,HI,rowSplits,columnSplits,typeConfusions] = reportConfusionsAndRI(c1,c2);
% hardClusterStats = cutDendrogram(myLinkage,clusterIDsForKnownCells,knownCellPositions,maxCutLevel);

function [nodes,edges,radii,nodeTypes,abort] = readArborTrace(fileName,validNodeTypes)
abort = false; nodes = []; edges = []; nodeTypes = [];
validNodeTypes = setdiff(validNodeTypes,1); % 1 is for soma
% read the SWC file
[nodeID, nodeType, xPos, yPos, zPos, radii, parentNodeID] = textread(fileName, '%u%d%f%f%f%f%d','commentstyle', 'shell');
% every tree should start from a node of type 1 (soma)
% find the first soma node in the list (more than one node can be labeled as soma)
firstSomaNode = find(nodeType == 1 & parentNodeID == -1, 1);
% find the average position of all the soma nodes, and assign it as THE soma node position
somaNodes = find(nodeType == 1);
somaX = mean(xPos(somaNodes)); somaY = mean(yPos(somaNodes)); somaZ = mean(zPos(somaNodes));
somaRadius = mean(radii(somaNodes));
xPos(firstSomaNode) = somaX; yPos(firstSomaNode) = somaY; zPos(firstSomaNode) = somaZ;
radii(firstSomaNode) = somaRadius;
% change parenthood so that there is a single soma parent
parentNodeID(ismember(parentNodeID,somaNodes)) = firstSomaNode;
% delete all the soma nodes except for the firstSomaNode
nodesToDelete = setdiff(somaNodes,firstSomaNode);
nodeID(nodesToDelete)=[]; nodeType(nodesToDelete)=[];
xPos(nodesToDelete)=[]; yPos(nodesToDelete)=[]; zPos(nodesToDelete)=[];
radii(nodesToDelete)=[]; parentNodeID(nodesToDelete)=[];
% reassign node IDs due to deletions
for kk = 1:numel(nodeID)
  while ~any(nodeID==kk)
    nodeID(nodeID>kk) = nodeID(nodeID>kk)-1;
    parentNodeID(parentNodeID>kk) = parentNodeID(parentNodeID>kk)-1;
% of all the nodes, retain the ones indicated in validNodeTypes
% ensure connectedness of the tree if a child is marked as valid but not some of its ancestors
validNodes = nodeID(ismember(nodeType,validNodeTypes));
additionalValidNodes = [];
for kk = 1:numel(validNodes)
  thisParentNodeID = parentNodeID(validNodes(kk)); thisParentNodeType = nodeType(thisParentNodeID);
  while ~ismember(thisParentNodeType,validNodeTypes)
    if thisParentNodeType == 1
    additionalValidNodes = union(additionalValidNodes, thisParentNodeID); nodeType(thisParentNodeID) = validNodeTypes(1);
    thisParentNodeID = parentNodeID(thisParentNodeID); thisParentNodeType = nodeType(thisParentNodeID);
% retain the valid nodes only
% the soma node is always a valid node to ensure connectedness of the tree
validNodes = [firstSomaNode; validNodes; additionalValidNodes']; validNodes = unique(validNodes);
nodeID = nodeID(validNodes); nodeType = nodeType(validNodes); parentNodeID = parentNodeID(validNodes);
xPos = xPos(validNodes); yPos = yPos(validNodes); zPos = zPos(validNodes); radii = radii(validNodes);
% reassign node IDs after deletions
for kk = 1:numel(nodeID)
  while ~any(nodeID==kk)
    nodeID(nodeID>kk) = nodeID(nodeID>kk)-1;
    parentNodeID(parentNodeID>kk) = parentNodeID(parentNodeID>kk)-1;
% return the resulting tree data
nodes = [xPos yPos zPos];
edges = [nodeID parentNodeID];
edges(any(edges==-1,2),:) = [];
nodeTypes = unique(nodeType)';

function vzmesh = fitSurfaceToSACAnnotation(annotationFilename)
% read the annotation file
[t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,x,z,y] = textread(annotationFilename, '%u%u%d%d%d%d%d%d','headerlines',1);
% add 1 to x and z, butnot to y because FIJI point tool starts from 0 for pixels of an image
% but from 1 for slice of a stack
x=x+1; z=z+1;
% find the maximum boundaries
xMax = max(x); yMax = max(y);
% smoothened fit (with extrapolation) to a grid - to save time, make the grid coarser (every 3 pixels)
[zgrid,xgrid,ygrid] = gridfit(x,y,z,[[1:3:xMax-1] xMax],[[1:3:yMax-1] yMax],'smoothness',1);
% linearly (fast) interpolate to fine grid
[xi,yi]=meshgrid(1:xMax,1:yMax); xi = xi'; yi = yi';

function surfaceMapping = calcWarpedSACsurfaces(thisVZminmesh,thisVZmaxmesh,arborBoundaries,conformalJump)
minXpos = arborBoundaries(1); maxXpos = arborBoundaries(2); minYpos = arborBoundaries(3); maxYpos = arborBoundaries(4);
% retain the minimum grid of SAC points, where grid resolution is determined by conformalJump
thisx = [max(minXpos-1,1):conformalJump:min(maxXpos+1,size(thisVZmaxmesh,1))];
thisy = [max(minYpos-1,1):conformalJump:min(maxYpos+1,size(thisVZmaxmesh,2))];
thisminmesh=thisVZminmesh(thisx,thisy); thismaxmesh=thisVZmaxmesh(thisx,thisy);
% calculate the traveling distances on the diagonals of the two SAC surfaces - this must be changed to Dijkstra's algorithm for exact results
[mainDiagDistMin, skewDiagDistMin] = calculateDiagLength(thisx,thisy,thisminmesh);
[mainDiagDistMax, skewDiagDistMax] = calculateDiagLength(thisx,thisy,thismaxmesh);
% average the diagonal distances on both surfaces for more stability against band tracing errors - not ideal
mainDiagDist = (mainDiagDistMin+mainDiagDistMax)/2; skewDiagDist = (skewDiagDistMin+skewDiagDistMax)/2;
% quasi-conformally map individual SAC surfaces to planes
mappedMinPositions = conformalMap_indepFixedDiagonals(mainDiagDist,skewDiagDist,thisx,thisy,thisminmesh);
mappedMaxPositions = conformalMap_indepFixedDiagonals(mainDiagDist,skewDiagDist,thisx,thisy,thismaxmesh);
% align the two independently mapped surfaces so their flattest regions are registered to each other
xborders = [thisx(1) thisx(end)]; yborders = [thisy(1) thisy(end)];
mappedMaxPositions = alignMappedSurfaces(thisVZminmesh,thisVZmaxmesh,mappedMinPositions,mappedMaxPositions,xborders,yborders,conformalJump);
% return original and mapped surfaces with grid information
surfaceMapping.mappedMinPositions=mappedMinPositions; surfaceMapping.mappedMaxPositions=mappedMaxPositions;;
surfaceMapping.thisVZminmesh=thisVZminmesh; surfaceMapping.thisVZmaxmesh=thisVZmaxmesh; surfaceMapping.thisx=thisx; surfaceMapping.thisy=thisy;

function [mainDiagDist, skewDiagDist] = calculateDiagLength(xpos,ypos,VZmesh)
M = size(VZmesh,1); N = size(VZmesh,2);
[ymesh,xmesh] = meshgrid(ypos,xpos);
mainDiagDist = 0; skewDiagDist = 0;
% travel on the diagonals and not necessarily the grid points) and accumulate the 3d distance traveled
if N >= M
  xKnots = interp2(ymesh,xmesh,xmesh, ypos, [xpos(1):(xpos(end)-xpos(1))/(N-1):xpos(end)]');
  yKnots = interp2(ymesh,xmesh,ymesh, ypos, [xpos(1):(xpos(end)-xpos(1))/(N-1):xpos(end)]');
  zKnotsMainDiag = griddata(xmesh(:),ymesh(:),VZmesh(:), [xpos(1):(xpos(end)-xpos(1))/(N-1):xpos(end)]', ypos');
  zKnotsSkewDiag = griddata(xmesh(:),ymesh(:),VZmesh(:), [xpos(1):(xpos(end)-xpos(1))/(N-1):xpos(end)]', ypos(end:-1:1)');
  dxKnots = diag(xKnots); dyKnots = diag(yKnots); mainDiagDist = sum(sqrt(diff(dxKnots).^2 + diff(dyKnots).^2 + diff(zKnotsMainDiag).^2));
  sdxKnots = xKnots(N:N-1:end-1)'; sdyKnots = yKnots(N:N-1:end-1)'; skewDiagDist = sum(sqrt(diff(sdxKnots).^2 + diff(sdyKnots).^2 + diff(zKnotsSkewDiag).^2));

  xKnots = interp2(ymesh,xmesh,xmesh, [ypos(1):(ypos(end)-ypos(1))/(M-1):ypos(end)], xpos');
  yKnots = interp2(ymesh,xmesh,ymesh, [ypos(1):(ypos(end)-ypos(1))/(M-1):ypos(end)], xpos');
  zKnotsMainDiag = griddata(xmesh(:),ymesh(:),VZmesh(:), xpos', [ypos(1):(ypos(end)-ypos(1))/(M-1):ypos(end)]');
  zKnotsSkewDiag = griddata(xmesh(:),ymesh(:),VZmesh(:), xpos', [ypos(end):-(ypos(end)-ypos(1))/(M-1):ypos(1)]');
  dxKnots = diag(xKnots); dyKnots = diag(yKnots); mainDiagDist = sum(sqrt(diff(dxKnots).^2 + diff(dyKnots).^2 + diff(zKnotsMainDiag).^2));
  sdxKnots = xKnots(M:M-1:end-1)'; sdyKnots = yKnots(M:M-1:end-1)'; skewDiagDist = sum(sqrt(diff(sdxKnots).^2 + diff(sdyKnots).^2 + diff(zKnotsSkewDiag).^2));


function mappedMaxPositions = alignMappedSurfaces(VZminmesh,VZmaxmesh,mappedMinPositions,mappedMaxPositions,validXborders,validYborders,conformalJump,patchSize)
if nargin < 8
  patchSize = 21;
  if nargin < 7
    conformalJump = 1;
patchSize = ceil(patchSize/conformalJump);
% pad the surfaces by one pixel so that the size remains the same after the difference operation
VZminmesh = [[VZminmesh 10*max(VZminmesh(:))*ones(size(VZminmesh,1),1)]; 10*max(VZminmesh(:))*ones(1,size(VZminmesh,2)+1)];
VZmaxmesh = [[VZmaxmesh 10*max(VZmaxmesh(:))*ones(size(VZmaxmesh,1),1)]; 10*max(VZmaxmesh(:))*ones(1,size(VZmaxmesh,2)+1)];
% calculate the absolute differences in xy between neighboring pixels
tmp1 = diff(VZminmesh,1,1); tmp1 = tmp1(:,1:end-1); tmp2 = diff(VZminmesh,1,2); tmp2 = tmp2(1:end-1,:); dMinSurface = abs(tmp1+i*tmp2);
tmp1 = diff(VZmaxmesh,1,1); tmp1 = tmp1(:,1:end-1); tmp2 = diff(VZmaxmesh,1,2); tmp2 = tmp2(1:end-1,:); dMaxSurface = abs(tmp1+i*tmp2);
% retain the region of interest, with a resolution specified by conformalJump
dMinSurface = dMinSurface(validXborders(1):conformalJump:validXborders(2), validYborders(1):conformalJump:validYborders(2));
dMaxSurface = dMaxSurface(validXborders(1):conformalJump:validXborders(2), validYborders(1):conformalJump:validYborders(2));
% calculate the cost as the sum of absolute slopes on both surfaces
patchCosts = conv2(dMinSurface+dMaxSurface, ones(patchSize),'valid');
% find the minimum cost
[row,col] = find(patchCosts == min(min(patchCosts)),1);
row = row+(patchSize-1)/2; col = col+(patchSize-1)/2;
% calculate and apply the corresponding shift
linearInd = sub2ind(size(dMinSurface),row,col);
shift1 = mappedMaxPositions(linearInd,1)-mappedMinPositions(linearInd,1);
mappedMaxPositions(:,1) = mappedMaxPositions(:,1) - shift1;
shift2 = mappedMaxPositions(linearInd,2)-mappedMinPositions(linearInd,2);
mappedMaxPositions(:,2) = mappedMaxPositions(:,2) - shift2;

function mappedPositions = conformalMap_indepFixedDiagonals(mainDiagDist,skewDiagDist,xpos,ypos,VZmesh)
% implements quasi-conformal mapping suggested in
% Levy et al., 'Least squares conformal maps for automatic texture atlas generation', 2002, ACM Transactions on Graphics
M = size(VZmesh,1); N = size(VZmesh,2);
col1 = kron([1;1],[1:M-1]');
temp1 = kron([1;M+1],ones(M-1,1));
temp2 = kron([M+1;M],ones(M-1,1));
oneColumn = [col1 col1+temp1 col1+temp2];
% every pixel is divided into 2 triangles
triangleCount = (2*M-2)*(N-1);
vertexCount = M*N;
triangulation = zeros(triangleCount, 3);
% store the positions of the vertices for each triangle - triangles are oriented consistently
for kk = 1:N-1
  triangulation((kk-1)*(2*M-2)+1:kk*(2*M-2),:) = oneColumn + (kk-1)*M;
Mreal = sparse([],[],[],triangleCount,vertexCount,triangleCount*3);
Mimag = sparse([],[],[],triangleCount,vertexCount,triangleCount*3);
% calculate the conformality condition (Riemann's theorem)
for triangle = 1:triangleCount
  for vertex = 1:3
    nodeNumber = triangulation(triangle,vertex);
    xind = rem(nodeNumber-1,M)+1;
    yind = floor((nodeNumber-1)/M)+1;
    trianglePos(vertex,:) = [xpos(xind) ypos(yind) VZmesh(xind,yind)];
  [w1,w2,w3,zeta] = assignLocalCoordinates(trianglePos);
  denominator = sqrt(zeta/2);
  Mreal(triangle,triangulation(triangle,1)) = real(w1)/denominator;
  Mreal(triangle,triangulation(triangle,2)) = real(w2)/denominator;
  Mreal(triangle,triangulation(triangle,3)) = real(w3)/denominator;
  Mimag(triangle,triangulation(triangle,1)) = imag(w1)/denominator;
  Mimag(triangle,triangulation(triangle,2)) = imag(w2)/denominator;
  Mimag(triangle,triangulation(triangle,3)) = imag(w3)/denominator;
% minimize the LS error due to conformality condition of mapping triangles into triangles
% take the two fixed points required to solve the system as the corners of the main diagonal
mainDiagXdist = mainDiagDist*M/sqrt(M^2+N^2); mainDiagYdist = mainDiagXdist*N/M;
A = [Mreal(:,2:end-1) -Mimag(:,2:end-1); Mimag(:,2:end-1) Mreal(:,2:end-1)];
b = -[Mreal(:,[1 end]) -Mimag(:,[1 end]); Mimag(:,[1 end]) Mreal(:,[1 end])]*[[xpos(1);xpos(1)+mainDiagXdist];[ypos(1);ypos(1)+mainDiagYdist]];
mappedPositions1 = A\b;
mappedPositions1 = [[xpos(1);mappedPositions1(1:end/2);xpos(1)+mainDiagXdist] [ypos(1);mappedPositions1(1+end/2:end);ypos(1)+mainDiagYdist]];
% take the two fixed points required to solve the system as the corners of the skew diagonal
skewDiagXdist = skewDiagDist*M/sqrt(M^2+N^2); skewDiagYdist = skewDiagXdist*N/M; freeVar = [[1:M-1] [M+1:M*N-M] [M*N-M+2:M*N]];
A = [Mreal(:,freeVar) -Mimag(:,freeVar); Mimag(:,freeVar) Mreal(:,freeVar)];
b = -[Mreal(:,[M M*N-M+1]) -Mimag(:,[M M*N-M+1]); Mimag(:,[M M*N-M+1]) Mreal(:,[M M*N-M+1])]*[[xpos(1)+skewDiagXdist;xpos(1)];[ypos(1);ypos(1)+skewDiagYdist]];
mappedPositions2 = A\b;
mappedPositions2 = [[mappedPositions2(1:M-1);xpos(1)+skewDiagXdist;mappedPositions2(M:M*N-M-1);xpos(1);mappedPositions2(M*N-M:end/2)] ...
% take the mean of the two independent solutions and return it as the solution
mappedPositions = (mappedPositions1+mappedPositions2)/2;

function [w1,w2,w3,zeta] = assignLocalCoordinates(triangle)
% triangle is a 3x3 matrix where the rows represent the x,y,z coordinates of the vertices.
% The local triangle is defined on a plane, where the first vertex is at the origin(0,0) and the second vertex is at (0,-d12).
d12 = norm(triangle(1,:)-triangle(2,:));
d13 = norm(triangle(1,:)-triangle(3,:));
d23 = norm(triangle(2,:)-triangle(3,:));
y3 = ((-d12)^2+d13^2-d23^2)/(2*(-d12));
x3 = sqrt(d13^2-y3^2); % provisional

w2 = -x3-i*y3; w1 = x3+i*(y3-(-d12));
zeta = i*(conj(w2)*w1-conj(w1)*w2); % orientation indicator
w3 = i*(-d12);
zeta = abs(real(zeta));

function warpedArbor = calcWarpedArbor(nodes,edges,radii,surfaceMapping,voxelDim,conformalJump)
% voxelDim: physical size of voxels in um, 1x3

mappedMinPositions=surfaceMapping.mappedMinPositions; mappedMaxPositions=surfaceMapping.mappedMaxPositions;
thisVZminmesh=surfaceMapping.thisVZminmesh; thisVZmaxmesh=surfaceMapping.thisVZmaxmesh; thisx=surfaceMapping.thisx; thisy=surfaceMapping.thisy;
% generate correspondence points for the points on the surfaces
[tmpymesh,tmpxmesh] = meshgrid([thisy(1):conformalJump:thisy(end)],[thisx(1):conformalJump:thisx(end)]);
tmpminmesh = thisVZminmesh(thisx(1):conformalJump:thisx(end),thisy(1):conformalJump:thisy(end));
tmpmaxmesh = thisVZmaxmesh(thisx(1):conformalJump:thisx(end),thisy(1):conformalJump:thisy(end));
topInputPos = [tmpxmesh(:) tmpymesh(:) tmpminmesh(:)]; botInputPos = [tmpxmesh(:) tmpymesh(:) tmpmaxmesh(:)];
topOutputPos = [mappedMinPositions(:,1) mappedMinPositions(:,2) median(tmpminmesh(:))*ones(size(mappedMinPositions,1),1)];
botOutputPos = [mappedMaxPositions(:,1) mappedMaxPositions(:,2) median(tmpmaxmesh(:))*ones(size(mappedMaxPositions,1),1)];
% use the correspondence points to calculate local transforms and use those local transforms to map points on the arbor
nodes = localLSregistration(nodes,topInputPos,botInputPos,topOutputPos,botOutputPos,conformalJump);
% switch to physical dimensions (in um)
nodes(:,1) = nodes(:,1)*voxelDim(1); nodes(:,2) = nodes(:,2)*voxelDim(2); nodes(:,3) = nodes(:,3)*voxelDim(3);
% calculate median band positions in z
medVZminmesh = median(tmpminmesh(:)); medVZmaxmesh = median(tmpmaxmesh(:));
% return the warped arbor and the corresponding median SAC surface values
warpedArbor.nodes=nodes; warpedArbor.edges=edges; warpedArbor.radii=radii;
warpedArbor.medVZmin=medVZminmesh; warpedArbor.medVZmax=medVZmaxmesh;

function nodes = localLSregistration(nodes,topInputPos,botInputPos,topOutputPos,botOutputPos,conformalJump)
% aX^2+bXY+cY^2+dX+eY+f+gZX^2+hXYZ+iZY^2+jXZ+kYZ+lZ -> at least 12 equations needed
maxOrder=2; % maximum multinomial order in xy
for kk = 1:size(nodes,1)
  window=conformalJump; % neighborhood extent for the LS registration
  % gradually increase 'window' to avoid an underdetermined system
    % fetch the band points around an xy neighborhood for each point on the arbor
    xpos = nodes(kk,1); ypos = nodes(kk,2); zpos = nodes(kk,3);
    lx = round(xpos-window); ux = round(xpos+window); ly = round(ypos-window); uy = round(ypos+window);
    thisInT = topInputPos(topInputPos(:,1)>=lx & topInputPos(:,1)<=ux & topInputPos(:,2)>=ly & topInputPos(:,2)<=uy,:);
    thisInB = botInputPos(botInputPos(:,1)>=lx & botInputPos(:,1)<=ux & botInputPos(:,2)>=ly & botInputPos(:,2)<=uy,:);
    thisIn = [thisInT; thisInB];
    thisOutT = topOutputPos(topInputPos(:,1)>=lx & topInputPos(:,1)<=ux & topInputPos(:,2)>=ly & topInputPos(:,2)<=uy,:);
    thisOutB = botOutputPos(botInputPos(:,1)>=lx & botInputPos(:,1)<=ux & botInputPos(:,2)>=ly & botInputPos(:,2)<=uy,:);
    thisOut = [thisOutT; thisOutB];
    % convert band correspondence data into local coordinates
    xShift = mean(thisIn(:,1)); yShift = mean(thisIn(:,2));
    thisIn(:,1) = thisIn(:,1)-xShift; thisOut(:,1) = thisOut(:,1)-xShift;
    thisIn(:,2) = thisIn(:,2)-yShift; thisOut(:,2) = thisOut(:,2)-yShift;
    % calculate the transformation that maps the band points to their correspondences
    quadData = [thisIn(:,1:2) ones(size(thisIn,1),1)];
    for totalOrd = 2:maxOrder; for ord = 0:totalOrd; % slightly more general - it can handle higher lateral polynomial orders
      quadData = [(thisIn(:,1).^ord).*(thisIn(:,2).^(totalOrd-ord)) quadData];
    end; end;
    quadData = [quadData kron(thisIn(:,3),ones(1,size(quadData,2))).*quadData];
    if rank(quadData)<12
  transformMat = lscov(quadData,thisOut);
  shiftedNode = [xpos-xShift ypos-yShift];
  quadData = [shiftedNode(1:2) 1];
  for totalOrd = 2:maxOrder; for ord = 0:totalOrd; % slightly more general - it can handle higher lateral polynomial orders
    quadData = [(shiftedNode(1).^ord).*(shiftedNode(2).^(totalOrd-ord)) quadData];
  end; end;
  quadData = [quadData kron(zpos,ones(1,size(quadData,2))).*quadData];
  % transform the arbor points using the calculated transform
  nodes(kk,:) = quadData*transformMat; nodes(kk,1) = nodes(kk,1) + xShift; nodes(kk,2) = nodes(kk,2) + yShift;

function [dist3d,nodes,density] = calc3dDist(nodes,edges,medVZmin,medVZmax,repLenX,zLen,xLen,zExtent,xExtent,lpfilt)
% calculate the mass of each edge and assign it to nodes located at the center of each edge
% this is because edges can be 1, sqrt(2), or sqrt(3) units long in 3d
[density,nodes] = segmentLengths(nodes,edges);
% shift the nodes so that the xy center of mass is at the origin
allXYpos = [nodes(:,1)-density'*nodes(:,1)/sum(density) nodes(:,2)-density'*nodes(:,2)/sum(density)];
% rotate the nodes so that the xy component of the longest principal axis coincides with the main diagonal - to save space and computation
allXYpos = align2dDataWithMainDiagonal([allXYpos nodes(:,3)-density'*nodes(:,3)/sum(density)],density);
% normalize nodes by the SAC surface unit
allZpos = (2*nodes(:,3) - medVZmin)/(medVZmax - medVZmin);
% prepare for gridding by scaling the data so that data of interest lies within [-0.5,0.5]
allZpos = allZpos/zExtent; allXYpos = allXYpos/xExtent;
% grid the data and perform filtering
dist3d = gridder_KBinZ_NNinXY(allZpos,allXYpos(:,1),allXYpos(:,2),density,zLen,xLen,repLenX,lpfilt);
% normalize the arbor density representation so that the norm is equal to the total length of the arbor
dist3d = sqrt(sum(density))*dist3d/sqrt(dist3d(:)'*dist3d(:));

function xy = align2dDataWithMainDiagonal(xyz, weights)
if nargin < 2; weights = ones(size(xyz,1),1); end;
% find the inertia tensor
inertiaTensor = zeros(3);
inertiaTensor(1,1) = sum(weights .* (xyz(:,2).^2 + xyz(:,3).^2)); inertiaTensor(2,2) = sum(weights .* (xyz(:,1).^2 + xyz(:,3).^2));
inertiaTensor(3,3) = sum(weights .* (xyz(:,1).^2 + xyz(:,2).^2)); inertiaTensor(1,2) = -sum(weights .* xyz(:,1) .* xyz(:,2));
inertiaTensor(1,3) = -sum(weights .* xyz(:,1) .* xyz(:,3)); inertiaTensor(2,3) = -sum(weights .* xyz(:,2) .* xyz(:,3));
inertiaTensor(2,1) = inertiaTensor(1,2); inertiaTensor(3,1) = inertiaTensor(1,3); inertiaTensor(3,2) = inertiaTensor(2,3);
% find the principal axes of the inertia tensor
[principalAxes, evMatrix] = eig(inertiaTensor);
% take the projection of the 1st principle axis onto the xy plane
pA = principalAxes(1:2,1); pA = pA/norm(pA);
% find the rotation to align pA with the x-axis
pA = pA * sign(xyz(1,1:2)*pA);
%pA = pA * sign(weights'*xyz(:,1:2)*pA);
rotAngle1 = -sign(pA(2))*acos(pA(1)); % (negative of) angle with x-axis
rotMatrix1 = cos(rotAngle1)*eye(2) + sin(rotAngle1)*[0 -1;1 0]; rotMatrix1 = sqrt(1/2)*[1 1;-1 1]*rotMatrix1;
xy = xyz(:,1:2)*rotMatrix1';

function [localMass,newNodes] = segmentLengths(nodes,edges)
% assign new nodes at the center of mass of each edge and calculate the mass (length) of each edge
localMass = zeros(size(nodes,1),1); newNodes = zeros(size(nodes,1),3);
for kk=1:size(nodes,1);
  parent = edges(find(edges(:,1)==kk),2);
  if ~isempty(parent)
    localMass(kk) = norm(nodes(parent,:)-nodes(kk,:)); newNodes(kk,:) = (nodes(parent,:)+nodes(kk,:))/2;
    localMass(kk) = 0; newNodes(kk,:) = nodes(kk,:);

function interpolated = gridder_KBinZ_NNinXY(zSamples,xSamples,ySamples,density,n,m,repLenX,lpfilt)
% data must be in [-0.5, 0.5]
alphaZ=2; Wz=3; error=1e-3; Sz=ceil(0.91/error/alphaZ); beta=pi*sqrt((Wz/alphaZ*(alphaZ-1/2))^2-0.8);
Gz=alphaZ*n; F_kbZ=besseli(0,beta*sqrt(1-([-1:2/(Sz*Wz):1]).^2)); z=-(alphaZ*n/2):(alphaZ*n/2)-1; F_kbZ=F_kbZ/max(F_kbZ(:));
kbZ=sqrt(alphaZ*n)*sin(sqrt((pi*Wz*z/Gz).^2-beta^2))./sqrt((pi*Wz*z/Gz).^2-beta^2);  % generate Fourier transform of 1d interpolating kernels
% zero out output array in the alpha grid - use a vector representation to be able to use sparse matrix structure
n = alphaZ*n; interpolated = sparse(n*m*m,1);
% convert samples to matrix indices
nz = (n/2+1) + n*zSamples;
% nearest neighbor interpolation in XY results in some frequency aliasing.
% Low-pass filtering to obtain an arbor density estimate will remove aliased frequencies anyway
nxt = min(m,max(1,round((m/2+1)+m*xSamples))); nyt = min(m,max(1,round((m/2+1)+m*ySamples)));
% loop over samples in kernel
for lz = -(Wz-1)/2:(Wz-1)/2,
 nzt = round(nz+lz); zpos=Sz*((nz-nzt)-(-Wz/2))+1; kwz=F_kbZ(round(zpos))'; nzt = min(max(nzt,1),n);
 linearIndices = sub2ind([n m m],nzt,nxt,nyt); %nzt+(nxt-1)*n+(nyt-1)*n*m;   % compute linear indices
 interpolated = interpolated+sparse(linearIndices,1,density.*kwz,n*m*m,1);   % use sparse matrix to turn k-space trajectory into 2D matrix
interpolated=reshape(full(interpolated),n,m,m); interpolated([1 n],:,:)=0;   % edges may be due to samples outside the matrix
n = n/alphaZ; interpolated = myifft3(interpolated,n,repLenX,repLenX);        % pre-filter for decimation, low-pass filtering for arbor density

kbZtmp = kbZ((alphaZ-1)*n/2+1:(alphaZ+1)*n/2); deapod = repmat(kbZtmp',[1 repLenX repLenX]); interpolated = interpolated./deapod; % deapodize
% further low-pass filtering. also removes ringing

function F=myfft3(f,u,v,w)
% does the centering(shifts) and normalization
% needs a slight modification to actually support rectangular images
if nargin<4
zoffset=(u-size(f,1))/2; xoffset=(v-size(f,2))/2; yoffset=(w-size(f,3))/2;

function f=myifft3(F,u,v,w)
% does the centering(shifts) and normalization
% needs a slight modification to actually support rectangular images
if nargin<4
zoffset=ceil((size(f,1)-u)/2); xoffset=ceil((size(f,2)-v)/2); yoffset=ceil((size(f,3)-w)/2);

function saveZProfile(medVzmin,medVzmax,density,nodes,zRes,zExt,gridPointCount,saveName)
% express z-positions in the universal z-coordinate
allZpos = (nodes(:,3)/zRes - medVzmin)/(medVzmax - medVzmin);
% divide z-positions by the total z-extent so the region of interest is within [-0.5, 0.5]
allZpos = allZpos/zExt;
% grid the 1d z-position data onto a 120-point grid (grid Resolution= zExt*SACdistance/gridPointCount)
zDist = gridder1d(allZpos,density,gridPointCount);
% normalize the profile so that the sum of the profile equals total dendritic length
zDist = zDist * (sum(density)/sum(zDist)/zRes); % assuming each z-bin is 0.5um, sum of profile equals total dendritic length
bins = [-zExt/2:zExt/gridPointCount:zExt/2-zExt/gridPointCount];
% plot the profile
Xup = gridPointCount*zRes/2; Xlow = -Xup;
h=plot(bins*(gridPointCount*zRes/zExt),zDist); set(h,'LineWidth',2); xlim([[Xlow Xup]]);
ylabel('Dendritic length distribution','FontSize',14); xlabel(strcat('depth in IPL (\mu','m)'),'FontSize',14);
h = gcf; pixelsPerInch = 70; set(h,'Color','w','PaperUnits', 'inches', 'PaperPosition', [0 0 700 400]/pixelsPerInch); set(gca,'box','off');
% save the profile and close the plot;
print(gcf,'-dpng',sprintf('-r%d',pixelsPerInch), strcat(saveName,'_zProfile.png')); close;

function interpolated = gridder1d(zSamples,density,n,Wz,betaZ)
% data must be in [-0.5, 0.5]
alpha=2; W=5; error=1e-3; S=ceil(0.91/error/alpha); beta=pi*sqrt((W/alpha*(alpha-1/2))^2-0.8);
% generate interpolating low-pass filter
Gz=alpha*n; F_kbZ=besseli(0,beta*sqrt(1-([-1:2/(S*W):1]).^2)); z=-(alpha*n/2):(alpha*n/2)-1; %F_kbZ=(Gz/W)*besseli(0,beta*sqrt(1-([-1:2/(S*W):1]).^2));
% generate Fourier transform of 1d interpolating kernels
% zero out output array in the alphaX grid - use a vector representation to be able to use sparse matrix structure
n = alpha*n; interpolated = zeros(n,1);
% convert samples to matrix indices
nz = (n/2+1) + n*zSamples;
% loop over samples in kernel
for lz = -(W-1)/2:(W-1)/2,
      % find nearest samples
      nzt = round(nz+lz);
      % compute weighting for KB kernel using linear interpolation
      zpos=S*((nz-nzt)-(-W/2))+1; kwz = F_kbZ(round(zpos))';
      % map samples outside the matrix to the edges
      nzt = max(nzt,1); nzt = min(nzt,n);
      % use sparse matrix to turn k-space trajectory into 2D matrix
      interpolated = interpolated+sparse(nzt,1,density.*kwz,n,1);
interpolated = full(interpolated);
% zero out edge samples, since these may be due to samples outside the matrix
interpolated(1) = 0; interpolated(n) = 0;
n = n/alpha;
interpolated = myifft(interpolated,n);
% generate Fourier domain deapodization function and deapodize
deapod = kbZ(n/2+1:3*n/2)'; interpolated = interpolated./deapod;
if nargin>3
  z=-(n/2):(n/2)-1;kbZ=sin(sqrt((pi*Wz*z/n).^2-betaZ^2))./sqrt((pi*Wz*z/n).^2-betaZ^2); kbZ(isnan(kbZ))=0; kbZ=kbZ/max(kbZ);
  interpolated = abs(myfft3(interpolated.*kbZ'));
  interpolated = abs(myfft3(interpolated));

function f=myifft(F,u)
% does the centering(shifts) and normalization
% needs a slight modification to actually support rectangular images
if nargin<2

function labelDendrogram(thisLinkage,labels,colorLabels,saveName)
figure;h = dendrogram(thisLinkage,0);
% cell IDs in the dendrogram leaves
curLabels=get(gca,'XTickLabel'); for kk = 1:size(curLabels,1); numCurLabels(kk) = str2num(curLabels(kk,:)); end;
% label leaves
for kk = 1:size(curLabels,1);
  x = kk; y = -0.01; t=text(x,y,labels{numCurLabels(kk)},'Color',colorLabels{numCurLabels(kk)});
  set(t,'HorizontalAlignment','right','VerticalAlignment','top'); %,'Rotation',90);
set(gca,'XLim',[0,size(thisLinkage,1)+2],'YLim',[0,1.05], 'XTickLabel', {}, 'XTick',[], 'YTickLabel', {'0','0.2','0.4','0.6','0.8','1'}, 'YTick',[0:0.2:1]);
for kk = 1:numel(h); set(h(kk),'Color','black','LineWidth',2); end;
pixelsPerInch = 70; set(gcf,'Color','w','PaperUnits', 'inches', 'PaperPosition',[100 100 4000 800]/pixelsPerInch); set(gca,'box','off');
print(gcf,'-dpng',sprintf('-r%d',pixelsPerInch), strcat(saveName,'_dendrogram.png')); close;

function labels=readLabels
% cell types of the 363 cells of the dataset as presented in the paper
labels=cell(364,1); labels{364}='N';
colorLabels=cell(364,1); colorLabels{364}='r';
AA=[84:93 127 304 355]; BB=[94:99 142 153 170 186 201 209 240 246 259 264 285 290 316 318 321 328 354];
CC=[100:105 125 126 130 136 137 149 150 151 172 173 195 205 206 214 215 228 235 237 238 293 299 305 315 319 342 344 345 346 347 348 356];
DD=[65:83 112 119 131 133 145 154 156 157 162 163 164 168 169 171 177 178 181 185 190 191 194 197 198 202 210 218];
DD=[DD 220 221 239 241 245 247 250 251 253 255 268 272 274 286 287 296 306 307 309 310 327 329 343 350 352];
EE=[42:57 108:111 216]; FF=[33:41 114 115 159 160 176 203 225 242 265 276 300 311 330];
GG=[58:64 263 337 363];
HH=[1:32 200 323];
II=[106:107 117 121 122 123 128 141 158 166 179 219 222 226 231 243 244 266 269 288 292 298];
VV=[193 224 283 336 358 359 362];
UU=[129 146 161 167 175 187 189 192 196 204 212 213 229 232 254 281 282 308 312 314 320 322 331 334 349 360];
YY=[139 140 147 148 174 217 227 230 234 252 267 273 277 289 294 295 297 340];
WW=[258 270 280 303 325 341 353 357];
XX=[113 116 132 134 138 152 155 165 180 182 183 184 188 207 233 236 248 256 257 271 275 278 284 302 313 324 326 333 338 339];
ZZ=[118 120 124 135 143 144 199 208 211 223 249 260 261 262 279 291 301 317 332 335 351 361];
labels(AA)={'a'}; labels(BB)={'b'}; labels(CC)={'c'}; labels(DD)={'d'}; labels(EE)={'e'}; labels(FF)={'f'}; labels(GG)={'g'}; labels(HH)={'h'};
labels(II)={'i'}; labels(UU)={'u'}; labels(VV)={'v'}; labels(WW)={'w'}; labels(XX)={'x'}; labels(YY)={'y'}; labels(ZZ)={'z'};

function hardClusterStats = cutDendrogram(myLinkage,clusterIDsForKnownCells,knownCellPositions,maxCutLevel)
% clusterIDsForKnownCells: array of integers of length numel(knowmCellPositions), where cells with same IDs belong to the same cluster
if nargin < 4; maxCutLevel = 0.1; end;
% normalize linkage values
myLinkage(:,3) = myLinkage(:,3)/myLinkage(end,3);
% cutting levels for the linkage
cutStep = 0.001; threshold = cutStep:cutStep:maxCutLevel;
% results of all cuts
randIndices = zeros(size(threshold)); adjustedRandIndices = zeros(size(threshold)); typeConfs = zeros(size(threshold)); widths = zeros(size(threshold));
rowSplits = zeros(size(threshold)); columnSplits = zeros(size(threshold));
% initialize hard-clustering variable for all cutting levels (allT)
for kk = 1:numel(threshold)
 % cut the dendrogram at threshold(kk)
 T = cluster(myLinkage,'cutoff',threshold(kk),'criterion','distance');
 % calculate clustering accuracy metrics
 allT(:,kk) = T; [AR,RI,MI,HI,rS,cS,typeConfusions]=reportConfusionsAndRI(T(knownCellPositions),clusterIDsForKnownCells);
 randIndices(kk) = RI; adjustedRandIndices(kk) = AR; rowSplits(kk) = rS; columnSplits(kk) = cS; typeConfs(kk) = typeConfusions;
% calculate the width of the range of cutting levels yielding the exact same clustering, for each cutting level
for kk = 1:numel(threshold)
 flag=true;width=1;while flag&&(kk-width>0);[AR,RI1,MI,HI,~,~,~]=reportConfusionsAndRI(allT(:,kk-width),allT(:,kk));
 if RI1==1;width=width+1;else;flag=false;end;end;
 flag=true;tmpwidth=0;while flag&&(kk+tmpwidth+1<=numel(threshold));[AR,RI2,MI,HI,~,~,~]=reportConfusionsAndRI(allT(:,kk+tmpwidth+1),allT(:,kk));
 if RI2==1;tmpwidth=tmpwidth+1;else;flag=false;end;end;
 widths(kk) = width+tmpwidth;

[mini0, pos0] = min(typeConfs); allMin = find(typeConfs==mini0); % among minimum type-confusions ...
[~, postemp] = max(randIndices(allMin)); pos0=allMin(postemp); th0=threshold(pos0); width=widths(pos0);
myRowSplits = rowSplits(pos0); myColumnSplits = columnSplits(pos0);
T = cluster(myLinkage,'cutoff',th0,'criterion','distance');

hardClusterStats.minTypeConfs = mini0;
hardClusterStats.structuralSplits = myRowSplits;
hardClusterStats.geneticSplits = myColumnSplits;
hardClusterStats.minCutForMinTypeConfs = th0;
hardClusterStats.cutWidthForMinTypeConfs = width*cutStep;
hardClusterStats.ClusterCountAtMinCut = numel(unique(T));
hardClusterStats.hardClusters = T;
hardClusterStats.riAtMinCut = randIndices(pos0);
hardClusterStats.ariAtMinCut = adjustedRandIndices(pos0);
hardClusterStats.ri = randIndices;
hardClusterStats.ari = adjustedRandIndices;
hardClusterStats.allTypeConfs = typeConfs;
hardClusterStats.allCutWidths = widths*cutStep;

function [AR,RI,MI,HI,rowSplits,columnSplits,typeConfusions] = reportConfusionsAndRI(c1,c2)

% This code is slightly modified from the original by Uygar Sümbül.
% The copyright information for the original file is generated below.
% The original file can be downloaded from the following website as of Dec. 23, 2013:

%RANDINDEX - calculates Rand Indices to compare two partitions
% ARI=RANDINDEX(c1,c2), where c1,c2 are vectors listing the
% class membership, returns the "Hubert & Arabie adjusted Rand index".
% [AR,RI,MI,HI]=RANDINDEX(c1,c2) returns the adjusted Rand index,
% the unadjusted Rand index, "Mirkin's" index and "Hubert's" index.
% See L. Hubert and P. Arabie (1985) "Comparing Partitions" Journal of
% Classification 2:193-218

%(C) David Corney (2000)

if nargin < 2 | min(size(c1)) > 1 | min(size(c2)) > 1
   error('RandIndex: Requires two vector arguments')

C=Contingency(c1,c2); %form contingency matrix

nis=sum(sum(C,2).^2); %sum of squares of sums of rows
njs=sum(sum(C,1).^2); %sum of squares of sums of columns

t1=nchoosek(n,2); %total number of pairs of entities
t2=sum(sum(C.^2)); %sum over rows & columnns of nij^2

%Expected index (for adjustment)

A=t1+t2-t3; %no. agreements
D= -t2+t3; %no. disagreements

if t1==nc
   AR=0; %avoid division by zero; if k=1, define Rand = 0
   AR=(A-nc)/(t1-nc); %adjusted Rand - Hubert & Arabie 1985

RI=A/t1; %Rand 1971 %Probability of agreement
MI=D/t1; %Mirkin 1970 %p(disagreement)
HI=(A-D)/t1; %Hubert 1977 %p(agree)-p(disagree)

tmp1=sum(C>0,1); tmp2=sum(C>0,2);
rowSplits = sum(tmp1)-nnz(tmp1); columnSplits = sum(tmp2)-nnz(tmp2);
typeConfusions = rowSplits+columnSplits; % number of splits in both directions!
%for kk=1:size(C,2)
% [maxi,pos]=max(C(:,kk)); if pos>kk; tmp = C(pos,:); C(pos,:) = C(kk,:); C(kk,:) = tmp; end;
%tmp = diag(diag(C)); tmp = [tmp; zeros(size(C,1)-size(tmp,1),size(tmp,2))]; tmp = [tmp zeros(size(tmp,1), size(C,2)-size(tmp,2))]; tmp = C-tmp;
%typeConfusions = nnz(tmp);

function Cont=Contingency(Mem1,Mem2)

if nargin < 2 | min(size(Mem1)) > 1 | min(size(Mem2)) > 1
   error('Contingency: Requires two vector arguments')


for i = 1:length(Mem1);

function L = elinkage(y, alpha)
%ELINKAGE Minimum energy clustering for Matlab
% y data matrix with observations in rows,
% or distances produced by pdist
% alpha power of Euclidean distance, 0<alpha<=2
% default alpha=1
% Agglomerative hierarchical clustering by minimum
% energy method, using L-W recursion, for Matlab 7.0.
% See the contributed package "energy" for R, and its
% reference manual, for details:
% Reference:
% Szekely, G.J. and Rizzo, M.L. (2005), Hierarchical
% clustering via joint between-within distances:
% extending Ward's minimum variance method, Journal
% of Classification, Vol. 22 (2).
% Email:
% gabors @, mrizzo @
% Software developed and maintained by:
% Maria Rizzo, mrizzo @
% Matlab version 1.0.0 created: 12-Dec-2005
% License: GPL 2.0 or later

%%% initialization
if nargin < 2
    alpha = 1.0;

%%% if n==1, y is distance, output from pdist()
[n, d] = size(y); %n obs. in rows
if n == 1 %distances in y
    ed = 2 .* squareform(y) .^alpha;
else %data matrix
    ed = 2 .* (squareform(pdist(y)).^alpha);
n = length(ed);
clsizes = ones(1, n); %cluster sizes
clindex = 1:n; %cluster indices
L = zeros(n-1, 3); %linkage return value
nclus = n;

for merges = 1:(n-2);

    %find clusters at minimum e-distance
    b = ones(nclus, 1) .* (ed(1,2) + 1);
    B = ed + diag(b);
    [colmins, mini] = min(B);
    [minmin, j] = min(colmins);
    i = mini(j);
    %cluster j will be merged into i
    %update the linkage matrix
    L(merges, 1) = clindex(i);
    L(merges, 2) = clindex(j);
    L(merges, 3) = ed(i, j);
    %update the cluster distances
    m1 = clsizes(i);
    m2 = clsizes(j);
    m12 = m1 + m2;
    for k = 1:nclus;
     if (k ~= i && k ~= j);	
     m3 = clsizes(k);
            m = m12 + m3;
            ed(i, k) = ((m1+m3)*ed(i,k) + (m2+m3)*ed(j,k) - m3*ed(i,j))/m;
            ed(k, i) = ed(i, k);
    %update cluster data, merge j into i and delete j
    ed(j, :) = [];
    ed(:, j) = [];
    clsizes(i) = m12;
    clsizes(j) = [];
    clindex(i) = n + merges;
    clindex(j) = [];
    nclus = n - merges;
    %order the leaves so that ht incr left to right
    if L(merges, 1) > L(merges, 2);
        ij = L(merges, 1);
        L(merges, 1) = L(merges, 2);
        L(merges, 2) = ij;

%handle the final merge
L(n-1, :) = [clindex(1), clindex(2), ed(1, 2)];
if L(n-1, 1) > L(n-1, 2);
    ij = L(n-1, 1);
    L(n-1, 1) = L(n-1, 2);
    L(n-1, 2) = ij;

function L = elinkage(y, alpha)
%ELINKAGE Minimum energy clustering for Matlab
% y      data matrix with observations in rows, 
%        or distances produced by pdist
% alpha  power of Euclidean distance, 0<alpha<=2
%        default alpha=1
% Agglomerative hierarchical clustering by minimum 
% energy method, using L-W recursion, for Matlab 7.0.
% See the contributed package "energy" for R, and its 
% reference manual, for details:
% Reference: 
% Szekely, G.J. and Rizzo, M.L. (2005), Hierarchical 
% clustering via joint between-within distances: 
% extending Ward's minimum variance method, Journal 
% of Classification, Vol. 22 (2).
% Email:
% gabors @, mrizzo @
% Software developed and maintained by: 
%     Maria Rizzo, mrizzo @                    
% Matlab version 1.0.0 created: 12-Dec-2005    
% License: GPL 2.0 or later

%%% initialization
if nargin < 2
    alpha = 1.0;

%%% if n==1, y is distance, output from pdist()
[n, d] = size(y);            %n obs. in rows
if n == 1  %distances in y
    ed = 2 .* squareform(y) .^alpha;
else       %data matrix
    ed = 2 .* (squareform(pdist(y)).^alpha);
n = length(ed);
clsizes = ones(1, n);        %cluster sizes
clindex = 1:n;               %cluster indices
L = zeros(n-1, 3);           %linkage return value
nclus = n;

for merges = 1:(n-2);

    %find clusters at minimum e-distance  
    b = ones(nclus, 1) .* (ed(1,2) + 1);
    B = ed + diag(b);
    [colmins, mini] = min(B);
    [minmin, j] = min(colmins);
    i = mini(j);
    %cluster j will be merged into i
    %update the linkage matrix
    L(merges, 1) = clindex(i);
    L(merges, 2) = clindex(j);
    L(merges, 3) = ed(i, j);
    %update the cluster distances
    m1 = clsizes(i);
    m2 = clsizes(j);
    m12 = m1 + m2;
    for k = 1:nclus;
    	if (k ~= i && k ~= j);	
    	    m3 = clsizes(k);
            m = m12 + m3;
            ed(i, k) = ((m1+m3)*ed(i,k) + (m2+m3)*ed(j,k) - m3*ed(i,j))/m;
            ed(k, i) = ed(i, k);
    %update cluster data, merge j into i and delete j
    ed(j, :) = [];
    ed(:, j) = [];
    clsizes(i) = m12;
    clsizes(j) = [];
    clindex(i) = n + merges;
    clindex(j) = [];
    nclus = n - merges;
    %order the leaves so that ht incr left to right
    if L(merges, 1) > L(merges, 2);
        ij = L(merges, 1);
        L(merges, 1) = L(merges, 2);
        L(merges, 2) = ij;

%handle the final merge
L(n-1, :) = [clindex(1), clindex(2), ed(1, 2)];
if L(n-1, 1) > L(n-1, 2);
    ij = L(n-1, 1);
    L(n-1, 1) = L(n-1, 2);
    L(n-1, 2) = ij;

function [zgrid,xgrid,ygrid] = gridfit(x,y,z,xnodes,ynodes,varargin)
%Copyright (c) 2006, John D'Errico
%All rights reserved.

%Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
%modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are

%    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
%      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
%    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
%      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
%      the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution


% gridfit: estimates a surface on a 2d grid, based on scattered data
%          Replicates are allowed. All methods extrapolate to the grid
%          boundaries. Gridfit uses a modified ridge estimator to
%          generate the surface, where the bias is toward smoothness.
%          Gridfit is not an interpolant. Its goal is a smooth surface
%          that approximates your data, but allows you to control the
%          amount of smoothing.
% usage #1: zgrid = gridfit(x,y,z,xnodes,ynodes);
% usage #2: [zgrid,xgrid,ygrid] = gridfit(x,y,z,xnodes,ynodes);
% usage #3: zgrid = gridfit(x,y,z,xnodes,ynodes,prop,val,prop,val,...);
% Arguments: (input)
%  x,y,z - vectors of equal lengths, containing arbitrary scattered data
%          The only constraint on x and y is they cannot ALL fall on a
%          single line in the x-y plane. Replicate points will be treated
%          in a least squares sense.
%          ANY points containing a NaN are ignored in the estimation
%  xnodes - vector defining the nodes in the grid in the independent
%          variable (x). xnodes need not be equally spaced. xnodes
%          must completely span the data. If they do not, then the
%          'extend' property is applied, adjusting the first and last
%          nodes to be extended as necessary. See below for a complete
%          description of the 'extend' property.
%          If xnodes is a scalar integer, then it specifies the number
%          of equally spaced nodes between the min and max of the data.
%  ynodes - vector defining the nodes in the grid in the independent
%          variable (y). ynodes need not be equally spaced.
%          If ynodes is a scalar integer, then it specifies the number
%          of equally spaced nodes between the min and max of the data.
%          Also see the extend property.
%  Additional arguments follow in the form of property/value pairs.
%  Valid properties are:
%    'smoothness', 'interp', 'regularizer', 'solver', 'maxiter'
%    'extend', 'tilesize', 'overlap'
%  Any UNAMBIGUOUS shortening (even down to a single letter) is
%  valid for property names. All properties have default values,
%  chosen (I hope) to give a reasonable result out of the box.
%   'smoothness' - scalar or vector of length 2 - determines the
%          eventual smoothness of the estimated surface. A larger
%          value here means the surface will be smoother. Smoothness
%          must be a non-negative real number.
%          If this parameter is a vector of length 2, then it defines
%          the relative smoothing to be associated with the x and y
%          variables. This allows the user to apply a different amount
%          of smoothing in the x dimension compared to the y dimension.
%          Note: the problem is normalized in advance so that a
%          smoothness of 1 MAY generate reasonable results. If you
%          find the result is too smooth, then use a smaller value
%          for this parameter. Likewise, bumpy surfaces suggest use
%          of a larger value. (Sometimes, use of an iterative solver
%          with too small a limit on the maximum number of iterations
%          will result in non-convergence.)
%          DEFAULT: 1
%   'interp' - character, denotes the interpolation scheme used
%          to interpolate the data.
%          DEFAULT: 'triangle'
%          'bilinear' - use bilinear interpolation within the grid
%                     (also known as tensor product linear interpolation)
%          'triangle' - split each cell in the grid into a triangle,
%                     then linear interpolation inside each triangle
%          'nearest' - nearest neighbor interpolation. This will
%                     rarely be a good choice, but I included it
%                     as an option for completeness.
%   'regularizer' - character flag, denotes the regularization
%          paradignm to be used. There are currently three options.
%          DEFAULT: 'gradient'
%          'diffusion' or 'laplacian' - uses a finite difference
%              approximation to the Laplacian operator (i.e, del^2).
%              We can think of the surface as a plate, wherein the
%              bending rigidity of the plate is specified by the user
%              as a number relative to the importance of fidelity to
%              the data. A stiffer plate will result in a smoother
%              surface overall, but fit the data less well. I've
%              modeled a simple plate using the Laplacian, del^2. (A
%              projected enhancement is to do a better job with the
%              plate equations.)
%              We can also view the regularizer as a diffusion problem,
%              where the relative thermal conductivity is supplied.
%              Here interpolation is seen as a problem of finding the
%              steady temperature profile in an object, given a set of
%              points held at a fixed temperature. Extrapolation will
%              be linear. Both paradigms are appropriate for a Laplacian
%              regularizer.
%          'gradient' - attempts to ensure the gradient is as smooth
%              as possible everywhere. Its subtly different from the
%              'diffusion' option, in that here the directional
%              derivatives are biased to be smooth across cell
%              boundaries in the grid.
%              The gradient option uncouples the terms in the Laplacian.
%              Think of it as two coupled PDEs instead of one PDE. Why
%              are they different at all? The terms in the Laplacian
%              can balance each other.
%          'springs' - uses a spring model connecting nodes to each
%              other, as well as connecting data points to the nodes
%              in the grid. This choice will cause any extrapolation
%              to be as constant as possible.
%              Here the smoothing parameter is the relative stiffness
%              of the springs connecting the nodes to each other compared
%              to the stiffness of a spting connecting the lattice to
%              each data point. Since all springs have a rest length
%              (length at which the spring has zero potential energy)
%              of zero, any extrapolation will be minimized.
%          Note: The 'springs' regularizer tends to drag the surface
%          towards the mean of all the data, so too large a smoothing
%          parameter may be a problem.
%   'solver' - character flag - denotes the solver used for the
%          resulting linear system. Different solvers will have
%          different solution times depending upon the specific
%          problem to be solved. Up to a certain size grid, the
%          direct \ solver will often be speedy, until memory
%          swaps causes problems.
%          What solver should you use? Problems with a significant
%          amount of extrapolation should avoid lsqr. \ may be
%          best numerically for small smoothnesss parameters and
%          high extents of extrapolation.
%          Large numbers of points will slow down the direct
%          \, but when applied to the normal equations, \ can be
%          quite fast. Since the equations generated by these
%          methods will tend to be well conditioned, the normal
%          equations are not a bad choice of method to use. Beware
%          when a small smoothing parameter is used, since this will
%          make the equations less well conditioned.
%          DEFAULT: 'normal'
%          '\' - uses matlab's backslash operator to solve the sparse
%                     system. 'backslash' is an alternate name.
%          'symmlq' - uses matlab's iterative symmlq solver
%          'lsqr' - uses matlab's iterative lsqr solver
%          'normal' - uses \ to solve the normal equations.
%   'maxiter' - only applies to iterative solvers - defines the
%          maximum number of iterations for an iterative solver
%          DEFAULT: min(10000,length(xnodes)*length(ynodes))
%   'extend' - character flag - controls whether the first and last
%          nodes in each dimension are allowed to be adjusted to
%          bound the data, and whether the user will be warned if
%          this was deemed necessary to happen.
%          DEFAULT: 'warning'
%          'warning' - Adjust the first and/or last node in
%                     x or y if the nodes do not FULLY contain
%                     the data. Issue a warning message to this
%                     effect, telling the amount of adjustment
%                     applied.
%          'never'  - Issue an error message when the nodes do
%                     not absolutely contain the data.
%          'always' - automatically adjust the first and last
%                     nodes in each dimension if necessary.
%                     No warning is given when this option is set.
%   'tilesize' - grids which are simply too large to solve for
%          in one single estimation step can be built as a set
%          of tiles. For example, a 1000x1000 grid will require
%          the estimation of 1e6 unknowns. This is likely to
%          require more memory (and time) than you have available.
%          But if your data is dense enough, then you can model
%          it locally using smaller tiles of the grid.
%          My recommendation for a reasonable tilesize is
%          roughly 100 to 200. Tiles of this size take only
%          a few seconds to solve normally, so the entire grid
%          can be modeled in a finite amount of time. The minimum
%          tilesize can never be less than 3, although even this
%          size tile is so small as to be ridiculous.
%          If your data is so sparse than some tiles contain
%          insufficient data to model, then those tiles will
%          be left as NaNs.
%          DEFAULT: inf
%   'overlap' - Tiles in a grid have some overlap, so they
%          can minimize any problems along the edge of a tile.
%          In this overlapped region, the grid is built using a
%          bi-linear combination of the overlapping tiles.
%          The overlap is specified as a fraction of the tile
%          size, so an overlap of 0.20 means there will be a 20%
%          overlap of successive tiles. I do allow a zero overlap,
%          but it must be no more than 1/2.
%          0 <= overlap <= 0.5
%          Overlap is ignored if the tilesize is greater than the
%          number of nodes in both directions.
%          DEFAULT: 0.20
%   'autoscale' - Some data may have widely different scales on
%          the respective x and y axes. If this happens, then
%          the regularization may experience difficulties. 
%          autoscale = 'on' will cause gridfit to scale the x
%          and y node intervals to a unit length. This should
%          improve the regularization procedure. The scaling is
%          purely internal. 
%          autoscale = 'off' will disable automatic scaling
%          DEFAULT: 'on'
% Arguments: (output)
%  zgrid   - (nx,ny) array containing the fitted surface
%  xgrid, ygrid - as returned by meshgrid(xnodes,ynodes)
% Speed considerations:
%  Remember that gridfit must solve a LARGE system of linear
%  equations. There will be as many unknowns as the total
%  number of nodes in the final lattice. While these equations
%  may be sparse, solving a system of 10000 equations may take
%  a second or so. Very large problems may benefit from the
%  iterative solvers or from tiling.
% Example usage:
%  x = rand(100,1);
%  y = rand(100,1);
%  z = exp(x+2*y);
%  xnodes = 0:.1:1;
%  ynodes = 0:.1:1;
%  g = gridfit(x,y,z,xnodes,ynodes);
% Note: this is equivalent to the following call:
%  g = gridfit(x,y,z,xnodes,ynodes, ...
%              'smooth',1, ...
%              'interp','triangle', ...
%              'solver','normal', ...
%              'regularizer','gradient', ...
%              'extend','warning', ...
%              'tilesize',inf);
% Author: John D'Errico
% e-mail address:
% Release: 2.0
% Release date: 5/23/06

% set defaults
params.smoothness = 1;
params.interp = 'triangle';
params.regularizer = 'gradient';
params.solver = 'backslash';
params.maxiter = [];
params.extend = 'warning';
params.tilesize = inf;
params.overlap = 0.20;
params.mask = []; 
params.autoscale = 'on';
params.xscale = 1;
params.yscale = 1;

% was the params struct supplied?
if ~isempty(varargin)
  if isstruct(varargin{1})
    % params is only supplied if its a call from tiled_gridfit
    params = varargin{1};
    if length(varargin)>1
      % check for any overrides
      params = parse_pv_pairs(params,varargin{2:end});
    % check for any overrides of the defaults
    params = parse_pv_pairs(params,varargin);


% check the parameters for acceptability
params = check_params(params);

% ensure all of x,y,z,xnodes,ynodes are column vectors,
% also drop any NaN data
k = isnan(x) | isnan(y) | isnan(z);
if any(k)
xmin = min(x);
xmax = max(x);
ymin = min(y);
ymax = max(y);

% did they supply a scalar for the nodes?
if length(xnodes)==1
  xnodes = linspace(xmin,xmax,xnodes)';
  xnodes(end) = xmax; % make sure it hits the max
if length(ynodes)==1
  ynodes = linspace(ymin,ymax,ynodes)';
  ynodes(end) = ymax; % make sure it hits the max

dx = diff(xnodes);
dy = diff(ynodes);
nx = length(xnodes);
ny = length(ynodes);
ngrid = nx*ny;

% set the scaling if autoscale was on
if strcmpi(params.autoscale,'on')
  params.xscale = mean(dx);
  params.yscale = mean(dy);
  params.autoscale = 'off';

% check to see if any tiling is necessary
if (params.tilesize < max(nx,ny))
  % split it into smaller tiles. compute zgrid and ygrid
  % at the very end if requested
  zgrid = tiled_gridfit(x,y,z,xnodes,ynodes,params);
  % its a single tile.
  % mask must be either an empty array, or a boolean
  % aray of the same size as the final grid.
  nmask = size(params.mask);
  if ~isempty(params.mask) && ((nmask(2)~=nx) || (nmask(1)~=ny))
    if ((nmask(2)==ny) || (nmask(1)==nx))
      error 'Mask array is probably transposed from proper orientation.'
      error 'Mask array must be the same size as the final grid.'
  if ~isempty(params.mask)
    params.maskflag = 1;
    params.maskflag = 0;

  % default for maxiter?
  if isempty(params.maxiter)
    params.maxiter = min(10000,nx*ny);

  % check lengths of the data
  n = length(x);
  if (length(y)~=n) || (length(z)~=n)
    error 'Data vectors are incompatible in size.'
  if n<3
    error 'Insufficient data for surface estimation.'

  % verify the nodes are distinct
  if any(diff(xnodes)<=0) || any(diff(ynodes)<=0)
    error 'xnodes and ynodes must be monotone increasing'

  % do we need to tweak the first or last node in x or y?
  if xmin<xnodes(1)
    switch params.extend
      case 'always'
        xnodes(1) = xmin;
      case 'warning'
        warning('GRIDFIT:extend',['xnodes(1) was decreased by: ',num2str(xnodes(1)-xmin),', new node = ',num2str(xmin)])
        xnodes(1) = xmin;
      case 'never'
        error(['Some x (',num2str(xmin),') falls below xnodes(1) by: ',num2str(xnodes(1)-xmin)])
  if xmax>xnodes(end)
    switch params.extend
      case 'always'
        xnodes(end) = xmax;
      case 'warning'
        warning('GRIDFIT:extend',['xnodes(end) was increased by: ',num2str(xmax-xnodes(end)),', new node = ',num2str(xmax)])
        xnodes(end) = xmax;
      case 'never'
        error(['Some x (',num2str(xmax),') falls above xnodes(end) by: ',num2str(xmax-xnodes(end))])
  if ymin<ynodes(1)
    switch params.extend
      case 'always'
        ynodes(1) = ymin;
      case 'warning'
        warning('GRIDFIT:extend',['ynodes(1) was decreased by: ',num2str(ynodes(1)-ymin),', new node = ',num2str(ymin)])
        ynodes(1) = ymin;
      case 'never'
        error(['Some y (',num2str(ymin),') falls below ynodes(1) by: ',num2str(ynodes(1)-ymin)])
  if ymax>ynodes(end)
    switch params.extend
      case 'always'
        ynodes(end) = ymax;
      case 'warning'
        warning('GRIDFIT:extend',['ynodes(end) was increased by: ',num2str(ymax-ynodes(end)),', new node = ',num2str(ymax)])
        ynodes(end) = ymax;
      case 'never'
        error(['Some y (',num2str(ymax),') falls above ynodes(end) by: ',num2str(ymax-ynodes(end))])
  % determine which cell in the array each point lies in
  [junk,indx] = histc(x,xnodes); %#ok
  [junk,indy] = histc(y,ynodes); %#ok
  % any point falling at the last node is taken to be
  % inside the last cell in x or y.
  ind = indy + ny*(indx-1);
  % Do we have a mask to apply?
  if params.maskflag
    % if we do, then we need to ensure that every
    % cell with at least one data point also has at
    % least all of its corners unmasked.
    params.mask(ind) = 1;
    params.mask(ind+1) = 1;
    params.mask(ind+ny) = 1;
    params.mask(ind+ny+1) = 1;
  % interpolation equations for each point
  tx = min(1,max(0,(x - xnodes(indx))./dx(indx)));
  ty = min(1,max(0,(y - ynodes(indy))./dy(indy)));
  % Future enhancement: add cubic interpolant
  switch params.interp
    case 'triangle'
      % linear interpolation inside each triangle
      k = (tx > ty);
      L = ones(n,1);
      L(k) = ny;
      t1 = min(tx,ty);
      t2 = max(tx,ty);
      A = sparse(repmat((1:n)',1,3),[ind,ind+ny+1,ind+L], ...
    case 'nearest'
      % nearest neighbor interpolation in a cell
      k = round(1-ty) + round(1-tx)*ny;
      A = sparse((1:n)',ind+k,ones(n,1),n,ngrid);
    case 'bilinear'
      % bilinear interpolation in a cell
      A = sparse(repmat((1:n)',1,4),[ind,ind+1,ind+ny,ind+ny+1], ...
        [(1-tx).*(1-ty), (1-tx).*ty, tx.*(1-ty), tx.*ty], ...
  rhs = z;
  % do we have relative smoothing parameters?
  if numel(params.smoothness) == 1
    % it was scalar, so treat both dimensions equally
    smoothparam = params.smoothness;
    xyRelativeStiffness = [1;1];
    % It was a vector, so anisotropy reigns.
    % I've already checked that the vector was of length 2
    smoothparam = sqrt(prod(params.smoothness));
    xyRelativeStiffness = params.smoothness(:)./smoothparam;
  % Build regularizer. Add del^4 regularizer one day.
  switch params.regularizer
    case 'springs'
      % zero "rest length" springs
      [i,j] = meshgrid(1:nx,1:(ny-1));
      ind = j(:) + ny*(i(:)-1);
      m = nx*(ny-1);
      stiffness = 1./(dy/params.yscale);
      Areg = sparse(repmat((1:m)',1,2),[ind,ind+1], ...
        xyRelativeStiffness(2)*stiffness(j(:))*[-1 1], ...
      [i,j] = meshgrid(1:(nx-1),1:ny);
      ind = j(:) + ny*(i(:)-1);
      m = (nx-1)*ny;
      stiffness = 1./(dx/params.xscale);
      Areg = [Areg;sparse(repmat((1:m)',1,2),[ind,ind+ny], ...
        xyRelativeStiffness(1)*stiffness(i(:))*[-1 1],m,ngrid)];
      [i,j] = meshgrid(1:(nx-1),1:(ny-1));
      ind = j(:) + ny*(i(:)-1);
      m = (nx-1)*(ny-1);
      stiffness = 1./sqrt((dx(i(:))/params.xscale/xyRelativeStiffness(1)).^2 + ...
      Areg = [Areg;sparse(repmat((1:m)',1,2),[ind,ind+ny+1], ...
        stiffness*[-1 1],m,ngrid)];
      Areg = [Areg;sparse(repmat((1:m)',1,2),[ind+1,ind+ny], ...
        stiffness*[-1 1],m,ngrid)];
    case {'diffusion' 'laplacian'}
      % thermal diffusion using Laplacian (del^2)
      [i,j] = meshgrid(1:nx,2:(ny-1));
      ind = j(:) + ny*(i(:)-1);
      dy1 = dy(j(:)-1)/params.yscale;
      dy2 = dy(j(:))/params.yscale;
      Areg = sparse(repmat(ind,1,3),[ind-1,ind,ind+1], ...
        xyRelativeStiffness(2)*[-2./(dy1.*(dy1+dy2)), ...
        2./(dy1.*dy2), -2./(dy2.*(dy1+dy2))],ngrid,ngrid);
      [i,j] = meshgrid(2:(nx-1),1:ny);
      ind = j(:) + ny*(i(:)-1);
      dx1 = dx(i(:)-1)/params.xscale;
      dx2 = dx(i(:))/params.xscale;
      Areg = Areg + sparse(repmat(ind,1,3),[ind-ny,ind,ind+ny], ...
        xyRelativeStiffness(1)*[-2./(dx1.*(dx1+dx2)), ...
        2./(dx1.*dx2), -2./(dx2.*(dx1+dx2))],ngrid,ngrid);
    case 'gradient'
      % Subtly different from the Laplacian. A point for future
      % enhancement is to do it better for the triangle interpolation
      % case.
      [i,j] = meshgrid(1:nx,2:(ny-1));
      ind = j(:) + ny*(i(:)-1);
      dy1 = dy(j(:)-1)/params.yscale;
      dy2 = dy(j(:))/params.yscale;
      Areg = sparse(repmat(ind,1,3),[ind-1,ind,ind+1], ...
        xyRelativeStiffness(2)*[-2./(dy1.*(dy1+dy2)), ...
        2./(dy1.*dy2), -2./(dy2.*(dy1+dy2))],ngrid,ngrid);
      [i,j] = meshgrid(2:(nx-1),1:ny);
      ind = j(:) + ny*(i(:)-1);
      dx1 = dx(i(:)-1)/params.xscale;
      dx2 = dx(i(:))/params.xscale;
      Areg = [Areg;sparse(repmat(ind,1,3),[ind-ny,ind,ind+ny], ...
        xyRelativeStiffness(1)*[-2./(dx1.*(dx1+dx2)), ...
        2./(dx1.*dx2), -2./(dx2.*(dx1+dx2))],ngrid,ngrid)];
  nreg = size(Areg,1);
  % Append the regularizer to the interpolation equations,
  % scaling the problem first. Use the 1-norm for speed.
  NA = norm(A,1);
  NR = norm(Areg,1);
  A = [A;Areg*(smoothparam*NA/NR)];
  rhs = [rhs;zeros(nreg,1)];
  % do we have a mask to apply?
  if params.maskflag
    unmasked = find(params.mask);
  % solve the full system, with regularizer attached
  switch params.solver
    case {'\' 'backslash'}
      if params.maskflag
        % there is a mask to use
        zgrid(unmasked) = A(:,unmasked)\rhs;
        % no mask
        zgrid = reshape(A\rhs,ny,nx);
    case 'normal'
      % The normal equations, solved with \. Can be faster
      % for huge numbers of data points, but reasonably
      % sized grids. The regularizer makes A well conditioned
      % so the normal equations are not a terribly bad thing
      % here.
      if params.maskflag
        % there is a mask to use
        Aunmasked = A(:,unmasked);
        zgrid(unmasked) = (Aunmasked'*Aunmasked)\(Aunmasked'*rhs);
        zgrid = reshape((A'*A)\(A'*rhs),ny,nx);
    case 'symmlq'
      % iterative solver - symmlq - requires a symmetric matrix,
      % so use it to solve the normal equations. No preconditioner.
      tol = abs(max(z)-min(z))*1.e-13;
      if params.maskflag
        % there is a mask to use
        [zgrid(unmasked),flag] = symmlq(A(:,unmasked)'*A(:,unmasked), ...
        [zgrid,flag] = symmlq(A'*A,A'*rhs,tol,params.maxiter);
        zgrid = reshape(zgrid,ny,nx);
      % display a warning if convergence problems
      switch flag
        case 0
          % no problems with convergence
        case 1
          % SYMMLQ iterated MAXIT times but did not converge.
          warning('GRIDFIT:solver',['Symmlq performed ',num2str(params.maxiter), ...
            ' iterations but did not converge.'])
        case 3
          % SYMMLQ stagnated, successive iterates were the same
          warning('GRIDFIT:solver','Symmlq stagnated without apparent convergence.')
          warning('GRIDFIT:solver',['One of the scalar quantities calculated in',...
            ' symmlq was too small or too large to continue computing.'])
    case 'lsqr'
      % iterative solver - lsqr. No preconditioner here.
      tol = abs(max(z)-min(z))*1.e-13;
      if params.maskflag
        % there is a mask to use
        [zgrid(unmasked),flag] = lsqr(A(:,unmasked),rhs,tol,params.maxiter);
        [zgrid,flag] = lsqr(A,rhs,tol,params.maxiter);
        zgrid = reshape(zgrid,ny,nx);
      % display a warning if convergence problems
      switch flag
        case 0
          % no problems with convergence
        case 1
          % lsqr iterated MAXIT times but did not converge.
          warning('GRIDFIT:solver',['Lsqr performed ', ...
            num2str(params.maxiter),' iterations but did not converge.'])
        case 3
          % lsqr stagnated, successive iterates were the same
          warning('GRIDFIT:solver','Lsqr stagnated without apparent convergence.')
        case 4
          warning('GRIDFIT:solver',['One of the scalar quantities calculated in',...
            ' LSQR was too small or too large to continue computing.'])
  end  % switch params.solver
end  % if params.tilesize...

% only generate xgrid and ygrid if requested.
if nargout>1

% ============================================
% End of main function - gridfit
% ============================================

% ============================================
% subfunction - parse_pv_pairs
% ============================================
function params=parse_pv_pairs(params,pv_pairs)
% parse_pv_pairs: parses sets of property value pairs, allows defaults
% usage: params=parse_pv_pairs(default_params,pv_pairs)
% arguments: (input)
%  default_params - structure, with one field for every potential
%             property/value pair. Each field will contain the default
%             value for that property. If no default is supplied for a
%             given property, then that field must be empty.
%  pv_array - cell array of property/value pairs.
%             Case is ignored when comparing properties to the list
%             of field names. Also, any unambiguous shortening of a
%             field/property name is allowed.
% arguments: (output)
%  params   - parameter struct that reflects any updated property/value
%             pairs in the pv_array.
% Example usage:
% First, set default values for the parameters. Assume we
% have four parameters that we wish to use optionally in
% the function examplefun.
%  - 'viscosity', which will have a default value of 1
%  - 'volume', which will default to 1
%  - 'pie' - which will have default value 3.141592653589793
%  - 'description' - a text field, left empty by default
% The first argument to examplefun is one which will always be
% supplied.
%   function examplefun(dummyarg1,varargin)
%   params.Viscosity = 1;
%   params.Volume = 1;
%   params.Pie = 3.141592653589793
%   params.Description = '';
%   params=parse_pv_pairs(params,varargin);
%   params
% Use examplefun, overriding the defaults for 'pie', 'viscosity'
% and 'description'. The 'volume' parameter is left at its default.
%   examplefun(rand(10),'vis',10,'pie',3,'Description','Hello world')
% params = 
%     Viscosity: 10
%        Volume: 1
%           Pie: 3
%   Description: 'Hello world'
% Note that capitalization was ignored, and the property 'viscosity'
% was truncated as supplied. Also note that the order the pairs were
% supplied was arbitrary.

npv = length(pv_pairs);
n = npv/2;

if n~=floor(n)
  error 'Property/value pairs must come in PAIRS.'
if n<=0
  % just return the defaults

if ~isstruct(params)
  error 'No structure for defaults was supplied'

% there was at least one pv pair. process any supplied
propnames = fieldnames(params);
lpropnames = lower(propnames);
for i=1:n
  p_i = lower(pv_pairs{2*i-1});
  v_i = pv_pairs{2*i};
  ind = strmatch(p_i,lpropnames,'exact');
  if isempty(ind)
    ind = find(strncmp(p_i,lpropnames,length(p_i)));
    if isempty(ind)
      error(['No matching property found for: ',pv_pairs{2*i-1}])
    elseif length(ind)>1
      error(['Ambiguous property name: ',pv_pairs{2*i-1}])
  p_i = propnames{ind};
  % override the corresponding default in params
  params = setfield(params,p_i,v_i); %#ok

% ============================================
% subfunction - check_params
% ============================================
function params = check_params(params)

% check the parameters for acceptability
% smoothness == 1 by default
if isempty(params.smoothness)
  params.smoothness = 1;
  if (numel(params.smoothness)>2) || any(params.smoothness<=0)
    error 'Smoothness must be scalar (or length 2 vector), real, finite, and positive.'

% regularizer  - must be one of 4 options - the second and
% third are actually synonyms.
valid = {'springs', 'diffusion', 'laplacian', 'gradient'};
if isempty(params.regularizer)
  params.regularizer = 'diffusion';
ind = find(strncmpi(params.regularizer,valid,length(params.regularizer)));
if (length(ind)==1)
  params.regularizer = valid{ind};
  error(['Invalid regularization method: ',params.regularizer])

% interp must be one of:
%    'bilinear', 'nearest', or 'triangle'
% but accept any shortening thereof.
valid = {'bilinear', 'nearest', 'triangle'};
if isempty(params.interp)
  params.interp = 'triangle';
ind = find(strncmpi(params.interp,valid,length(params.interp)));
if (length(ind)==1)
  params.interp = valid{ind};
  error(['Invalid interpolation method: ',params.interp])

% solver must be one of:
%    'backslash', '\', 'symmlq', 'lsqr', or 'normal'
% but accept any shortening thereof.
valid = {'backslash', '\', 'symmlq', 'lsqr', 'normal'};
if isempty(params.solver)
  params.solver = '\';
ind = find(strncmpi(params.solver,valid,length(params.solver)));
if (length(ind)==1)
  params.solver = valid{ind};
  error(['Invalid solver option: ',params.solver])

% extend must be one of:
%    'never', 'warning', 'always'
% but accept any shortening thereof.
valid = {'never', 'warning', 'always'};
if isempty(params.extend)
  params.extend = 'warning';
ind = find(strncmpi(params.extend,valid,length(params.extend)));
if (length(ind)==1)
  params.extend = valid{ind};
  error(['Invalid extend option: ',params.extend])

% tilesize == inf by default
if isempty(params.tilesize)
  params.tilesize = inf;
elseif (length(params.tilesize)>1) || (params.tilesize<3)
  error 'Tilesize must be scalar and > 0.'

% overlap == 0.20 by default
if isempty(params.overlap)
  params.overlap = 0.20;
elseif (length(params.overlap)>1) || (params.overlap<0) || (params.overlap>0.5)
  error 'Overlap must be scalar and 0 < overlap < 1.'

% ============================================
% subfunction - tiled_gridfit
% ============================================
function zgrid=tiled_gridfit(x,y,z,xnodes,ynodes,params)
% tiled_gridfit: a tiled version of gridfit, continuous across tile boundaries 
% usage: [zgrid,xgrid,ygrid]=tiled_gridfit(x,y,z,xnodes,ynodes,params)
% Tiled_gridfit is used when the total grid is far too large
% to model using a single call to gridfit. While gridfit may take
% only a second or so to build a 100x100 grid, a 2000x2000 grid
% will probably not run at all due to memory problems.
% Tiles in the grid with insufficient data (<4 points) will be
% filled with NaNs. Avoid use of too small tiles, especially
% if your data has holes in it that may encompass an entire tile.
% A mask may also be applied, in which case tiled_gridfit will
% subdivide the mask into tiles. Note that any boolean mask
% provided is assumed to be the size of the complete grid.
% Tiled_gridfit may not be fast on huge grids, but it should run
% as long as you use a reasonable tilesize. 8-)

% Note that we have already verified all parameters in check_params

% Matrix elements in a square tile
tilesize = params.tilesize;
% Size of overlap in terms of matrix elements. Overlaps
% of purely zero cause problems, so force at least two
% elements to overlap.
overlap = max(2,floor(tilesize*params.overlap));

% reset the tilesize for each particular tile to be inf, so
% we will never see a recursive call to tiled_gridfit
Tparams = params;
Tparams.tilesize = inf;

nx = length(xnodes);
ny = length(ynodes);
zgrid = zeros(ny,nx);

% linear ramp for the bilinear interpolation
rampfun = inline('(t-t(1))/(t(end)-t(1))','t');

% loop over each tile in the grid
h = waitbar(0,'Relax and have a cup of JAVA. Its my treat.');
warncount = 0;
xtind = 1:min(nx,tilesize);
while ~isempty(xtind) && (xtind(1)<=nx)
  xinterp = ones(1,length(xtind));
  if (xtind(1) ~= 1)
    xinterp(1:overlap) = rampfun(xnodes(xtind(1:overlap)));
  if (xtind(end) ~= nx)
    xinterp((end-overlap+1):end) = 1-rampfun(xnodes(xtind((end-overlap+1):end)));
  ytind = 1:min(ny,tilesize);
  while ~isempty(ytind) && (ytind(1)<=ny)
    % update the waitbar
    waitbar((xtind(end)-tilesize)/nx + tilesize*ytind(end)/ny/nx)
    yinterp = ones(length(ytind),1);
    if (ytind(1) ~= 1)
      yinterp(1:overlap) = rampfun(ynodes(ytind(1:overlap)));
    if (ytind(end) ~= ny)
      yinterp((end-overlap+1):end) = 1-rampfun(ynodes(ytind((end-overlap+1):end)));
    % was a mask supplied?
    if ~isempty(params.mask)
      submask = params.mask(ytind,xtind);
      Tparams.mask = submask;
    % extract data that lies in this grid tile
    k = (x>=xnodes(xtind(1))) & (x<=xnodes(xtind(end))) & ...
        (y>=ynodes(ytind(1))) & (y<=ynodes(ytind(end)));
    k = find(k);
    if length(k)<4
      if warncount == 0
        warning('GRIDFIT:tiling','A tile was too underpopulated to model. Filled with NaNs.')
      warncount = warncount + 1;
      % fill this part of the grid with NaNs
      zgrid(ytind,xtind) = NaN;
      % build this tile
      zgtile = gridfit(x(k),y(k),z(k),xnodes(xtind),ynodes(ytind),Tparams);
      % bilinear interpolation (using an outer product)
      interp_coef = yinterp*xinterp;
      % accumulate the tile into the complete grid
      zgrid(ytind,xtind) = zgrid(ytind,xtind) + zgtile.*interp_coef;
    % step to the next tile in y
    if ytind(end)<ny
      ytind = ytind + tilesize - overlap;
      % are we within overlap elements of the edge of the grid?
      if (ytind(end)+max(3,overlap))>=ny
        % extend this tile to the edge
        ytind = ytind(1):ny;
      ytind = ny+1;
  end % while loop over y
  % step to the next tile in x
  if xtind(end)<nx
    xtind = xtind + tilesize - overlap;
    % are we within overlap elements of the edge of the grid?
    if (xtind(end)+max(3,overlap))>=nx
      % extend this tile to the edge
      xtind = xtind(1):nx;
    xtind = nx+1;

end % while loop over x

% close down the waitbar

if warncount>0
  warning('GRIDFIT:tiling',[num2str(warncount),' tiles were underpopulated & filled with NaNs'])

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