Raw File
Tip revision: e94dc0c225089b037035102c6bbd8d9ff9085674 authored by Daniel A. Wagenaar on 04 March 2021, 03:01:00 UTC
Added license file
Tip revision: e94dc0c

# I will create a db table with (r, m, s, m2, ii, x,y),
# (dx, dy, sx, sy, snr), and (dxb, dyb, sxb, syb, snrb).
# The logic will be that s pixel (x',y') fits to neighborhood
# pixel(x'+dx+dxb,y'+dy+dyb). Neighborhood is s-1.
# It will be understood that the "b" alignment was centered at
# (x, y) of the image.
# Although this information is slightly redundant, I think it will be
# convenient to have it all.
# I'll call the table RELMONTATTOUCHQ5.
# I will do the calculation for each of the positions defined by the
# slicealignq5 table.
# Note that I am _not_ scaling the dx, dy, etc. coordinates back up to Q1.
# That's why "Q5" is in the table name.

import aligndb
import time
import sys
import traceback

import swiftir
import pyqplot as qp
import numpy as np

import rawimage
import factory

SHOW = False

nthreads = 122

if SHOW:
    nthreads = 1

db = aligndb.DB()

def droptable():
    db.exe('''drop table relmontattouchq5''')

def maketable():
    db.exe('''create table if not exists relmontattouchq5 (
    r integer,
    m integer,
    s integer,
    ix integer,
    iy integer,
    x float, 
    y float,
    m2 integer,

    dx float,
    dy float,
    sx float,
    sy float,
    snr float,

    dxb float,
    dyb float,
    sxb float,
    syb float,
    snrb float

ri = db.runinfo()

baseshifts = {}

def alignsubtiles(subtileid, m2, row, tileimg, neighborhoodimg):
    r, m, s, ii, ix, iy = subtileid
    x, y = row
    print(f'ALIGN Working on r{r} m{m}:{m2} s{s} {ii}')
    Y,X = tileimg.shape
    if m2==ri.mleft(r,m) or m2==ri.mright(r,m):
        SIZ = (X//4, Y//2)
    elif m2==ri.mabove(r,m) or m2==ri.mbelow(r,m):
        SIZ = (X//2, Y//4)
        raise ValueError('Surprising pair')
        SIZ = (X//2, Y//2)

    x -= X*ix
    y -= Y*iy

    win1 = swiftir.extractStraightWindow(tileimg, (x,y), SIZ)
    # print('shape', win1.shape)
    win2 = swiftir.extractStraightWindow(neighborhoodimg, (x,y), SIZ)
    apo1 = swiftir.apodize(win1)
    apo2 = swiftir.apodize(win2)

    if SHOW:
        qp.figure('/tmp/s1', 8, 4)
        Y1,X1 = win1.shape,Y1/2)
        qp.text(f'{ix},{iy} {dx0}/{dy0}: {SIZ}')
    (dx, dy, sx, sy, snr) = swiftir.swim(apo1, apo2)

    win1 = swiftir.extractStraightWindow(tileimg, (x-dx/2,y-dy/2), SIZ)
    win2 = swiftir.extractStraightWindow(neighborhoodimg, (x+dx/2,y+dy/2), SIZ)
    apo1b = swiftir.apodize(win1)
    apo2b = swiftir.apodize(win2)
    (dxb, dyb, sxb, syb, snrb) = swiftir.swim(apo1b, apo2b)
    db.exe(f'''delete from relmontattouchq5 
      where r={r} and m={m} and m2={m2} and s={s} and ix={ix} and iy={iy}''')
    db.exe(f'''insert into relmontattouchq5 
    dx,dy,sx,sy,snr, dxb,dyb,sxb,syb,snrb)
def alignmanysubtiles(r, m, m2, ii, ix, iy):
    print(f'Working on R{r} M{m}:{m2} {ii} / {ix},{iy}')
    def loader(subtileid):
        r,m,s,ii,ix,iy = subtileid
        print(f'loading r{r} m{m} s{s} ix{ix} iy{iy}')
            img = rawimage.partialq5img(r,m,s,ix,iy)
        except Exception as e:
            img = np.zeros((684,684), dtype=np.uint8) + 128
        return img 
    def saver(subtileid, tileimg, neighborhoodimg):
        r,m,s,ii,ix,iy = subtileid
        rows1 = db.sel(f'''select
          from slicealignq5
          where r={r} and m1={m} and m2={m2} and s={s} and ii={ii}''')
        for row in rows1:
            alignsubtiles(subtileid, m2, row, tileimg, neighborhoodimg)
        rows2 = db.sel(f'''select
          from slicealignq5 
          where r={r} and m2={m} and m1={m2} and s={s} and ii={ii}''')
        for row in rows2:
            alignsubtiles(subtileid, m2, row, tileimg, neighborhoodimg)

    # Figure out what slices have to be done
    ssdone = set()
    for row in db.sel(f'''select s from relmontattouchq5
       where r={r} and m={m} and m2={m2} and ix={ix} and iy={iy}'''):
        s = row[0]
    lastimg = None
    for s in range(1, ri.nslices(r)):
        if s in ssdone:
            lastimg = None
            img = loader((r,m,s,ii,ix,iy))
            if lastimg is None:
                lastimg = loader((r,m,s-1,ii,ix,iy))
            saver((r,m,s,ii,ix,iy), img, lastimg)
            lastimg = img

fac = factory.Factory(nthreads)
def queuealignmanysubtiles(r, m, m2, ii, ix, iy):
    cnt = db.sel(f'''select count(1) from relmontattouchq5 
        where r={r} and m={m} and m2={m2} and ix={ix} and iy={iy}''')[0][0]
    cnt1 = db.sel(f'''select count(1) from slicealignq5
        where r={r} and m1={m} and m2={m2} and ii={ii} and s=0''')[0][0]
    cnt2 = db.sel(f'''select count(1) from slicealignq5
        where r={r} and m2={m} and m1={m2} and ii={ii} and s=0''')[0][0]
    if cnt == (cnt1 + cnt2)*(ri.nslices(r)-1):
    fac.request(alignmanysubtiles, r, m, m2, ii, ix, iy)

def queuealignmontagepair(r, m, m2, iifix):
    cnt = db.sel(f'''select count(1) from relmontattouchq5
    where r={r} and m={m} and m2={m2}''')
    cnt1 = db.sel(f'''select count(1) from slicealignq5
    where r={r} and m1={m} and m2={m2} and s=0''')[0][0]
    cnt2 = db.sel(f'''select count(1) from slicealignq5
    where r={r} and m2={m} and m1={m2} and s=0''')[0][0]
    if cnt==(cnt1+cnt2) * (ri.nslices(r)-1):
    for ii in range(5):
        ix, iy = iifix
        if ix is None:
            ix = ii
        if iy is None:
            iy = ii
        queuealignmanysubtiles(r, m, m2, ii, ix, iy)
def queuealignmontage(r, m):
    mleft = ri.mleft(r, m)
    mright = ri.mright(r, m)
    mabove = ri.mabove(r, m)
    mbelow = ri.mbelow(r, m)
    if mleft is not None:
        queuealignmontagepair(r, m, mleft, (0, None))
    if mright is not None:
        queuealignmontagepair(r, m, mright, (4, None))
    if mabove is not None:
        queuealignmontagepair(r, m, mabove, (None, 0))
    if mbelow is not None:
        queuealignmontagepair(r, m, mbelow, (None, 4))

for r0 in range(50, ri.nruns()):
    r  = r0 + 1
    print(f'Considering R{r}')
    cnt = db.sel(f'''select count(1) from relmontattouchq5 
    where r={r}''')[0][0]
    cnt1 = db.sel(f'''select count(1) from slicealignq5
    where r={r} and s=0''')[0][0]
    if cnt==2*cnt1*(ri.nslices(r)-1):
    for m in range(ri.nmontages(r)):
        queuealignmontage(r, m)

print(f'Waiting for factory to end')
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