Raw File
// validat0.cpp - originally written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai and Jeffrey Walton
//                Routines in this source file are only tested in Debug builds.
//                Source files split in July 2018 to expedite compiles.

#include "pch.h"


#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "cpu.h"
#include "validate.h"

#include "asn.h"
#include "gf2n.h"
#include "default.h"
#include "integer.h"
#include "polynomi.h"
#include "channels.h"

#include "ida.h"
#include "gzip.h"
#include "zlib.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>

// Aggressive stack checking with VS2005 SP1 and above.
#if (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 140050727)
# pragma strict_gs_check (on)

# pragma warning(disable: 4505 4355)


// Issue 64: "PolynomialMod2::operator<<=",
bool TestPolynomialMod2()
    std::cout << "\nTesting PolynomialMod2 bit operations...\n\n";
    bool pass1 = true, pass2 = true, pass3 = true;

    const unsigned int start = 0;
    const unsigned int stop = 4 * WORD_BITS + 1;

    for (unsigned int i = start; i < stop; i++)
        PolynomialMod2 p(1);
        p <<= i;

        Integer n(Integer::One());
        n <<= i;

        std::ostringstream oss1;
        oss1 << p;

        std::string str1, str2;

        // str1 needs the commas removed used for grouping
        str1 = oss1.str();
        str1.erase(std::remove(str1.begin(), str1.end(), ','), str1.end());

        // str1 needs the trailing 'b' removed
        str1.erase(str1.end() - 1);

        // str2 is fine as-is
        str2 = IntToString(n, 2);

        pass1 &= (str1 == str2);

    for (unsigned int i = start; i < stop; i++)
        const word w((word)SIZE_MAX);

        PolynomialMod2 p(w);
        p <<= i;

        Integer n(Integer::POSITIVE, static_cast<lword>(w));
        n <<= i;

        std::ostringstream oss1;
        oss1 << p;

        std::string str1, str2;

        // str1 needs the commas removed used for grouping
        str1 = oss1.str();
        str1.erase(std::remove(str1.begin(), str1.end(), ','), str1.end());

        // str1 needs the trailing 'b' removed
        str1.erase(str1.end() - 1);

        // str2 is fine as-is
        str2 = IntToString(n, 2);

        pass2 &= (str1 == str2);

    RandomNumberGenerator& prng = GlobalRNG();
    for (unsigned int i = start; i < stop; i++)
        word w;     // Cast to lword due to Visual Studio
        prng.GenerateBlock((byte*)&w, sizeof(w));

        PolynomialMod2 p(w);
        p <<= i;

        Integer n(Integer::POSITIVE, static_cast<lword>(w));
        n <<= i;

        std::ostringstream oss1;
        oss1 << p;

        std::string str1, str2;

        // str1 needs the commas removed used for grouping
        str1 = oss1.str();
        str1.erase(std::remove(str1.begin(), str1.end(), ','), str1.end());

        // str1 needs the trailing 'b' removed
        str1.erase(str1.end() - 1);

        // str2 is fine as-is
        str2 = IntToString(n, 2);

        if (str1 != str2)
            std::cout << "  Oops..." << "\n";
            std::cout << "     random: " << std::hex << n << std::dec << "\n";
            std::cout << "     str1: " << str1 << "\n";
            std::cout << "     str2: " << str2 << "\n";

        pass3 &= (str1 == str2);

    std::cout << (!pass1 ? "FAILED" : "passed") << ":  " << "1 shifted over range [" << std::dec << start << "," << stop << "]" << "\n";
    std::cout << (!pass2 ? "FAILED" : "passed") << ":  " << "0x" << std::hex << word(SIZE_MAX) << std::dec << " shifted over range [" << start << "," << stop << "]" << "\n";
    std::cout << (!pass3 ? "FAILED" : "passed") << ":  " << "random values shifted over range [" << std::dec << start << "," << stop << "]" << "\n";

    return pass1 && pass2 && pass3;

bool TestCompressors()
    std::cout << "\nTesting Compressors and Decompressors...\n\n";
    bool fail1 = false, fail2 = false, fail3 = false;
    const unsigned int COMP_COUNT = 64;

        // Gzip uses Adler32 checksums. We expect a failure to happen on occasion.
        // If we see more than 2 failures in a run of 128, then we need to investigate.
        unsigned int truncatedCount=0;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i<COMP_COUNT; ++i)
            std::string src, dest, rec;
            unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(4, 0xfff);

            RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new StringSink(src));
            StringSource(src, true, new Gzip(new StringSink(dest)));
            StringSource(dest, true, new Gunzip(new StringSink(rec)));

            if (src != rec)
                throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "Gzip failed to decompress stream");

            // Tamper
            try {
                StringSource(dest.substr(0, len - 2), true, new Gunzip(new StringSink(rec)));
                if (truncatedCount++ >= 2)
                    std::cout << "FAILED:  Gzip failed to detect a truncated stream\n";
                    fail1 = true;
            catch (const Exception&) {}
    catch (const Exception& ex)
        std::cout << "FAILED:   " << ex.what() << "\n";
        fail1 = true;

    // **************************************************************

    // Gzip Filename, Filetime and Comment
        std::string filename = "test.txt";
        std::string comment = "This is a test";
        word32 filetime = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(4, 0xffffff);

        AlgorithmParameters params = MakeParameters(Name::FileTime(), (int)filetime)
            (Name::FileName(), ConstByteArrayParameter(filename.c_str(), false))
            (Name::Comment(), ConstByteArrayParameter(comment.c_str(), false));

        std::string src, dest;
        unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(4, 0xfff);

        RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new StringSink(src));
        Gunzip unzip(new StringSink(dest));
        StringSource(src, true, new Gzip(params, new Redirector(unzip)));

        if (filename != unzip.GetFilename())
            throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "Failed to retrieve filename");

        if (filetime != unzip.GetFiletime())
            throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "Failed to retrieve filetime");

        if (comment != unzip.GetComment())
            throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "Failed to retrieve comment");

        std::cout << "passed:  filenames, filetimes and comments\n";
    catch (const Exception& ex)
        std::cout << "FAILED:  " << ex.what() << "\n";

    // Unzip random data. See if we can induce a crash
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<COMP_COUNT; i++)
        SecByteBlock src;
        unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(4, 0xfff);
        RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new ArraySink(src, src.size()));

        try {
            ArraySource(, src.size(), true, new Gunzip(new Redirector(TheBitBucket())));
        catch (const Exception&) {}

    // Unzip random data. See if we can induce a crash
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<COMP_COUNT; i++)
        SecByteBlock src;
        unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(4, 0xfff);
        RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new ArraySink(src, src.size()));

        src[0] = (byte)0x1f;  // magic header
        src[1] = (byte)0x8b;
        src[2] = 0x00;  // extra flags
        src[3] = src[3] & (2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32);   // flags

        // Commit d901ecd9a4de added Filenames, Filetimes and Comments. Gzip does
        // not specify a length for them; rather, they are NULL terminated. We add
        // a couple of NULLs in random places near filenames and comments to ensure
        // we are getting coverage in areas beyond the header.
        len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(12, 24);
        if (len < src.size())  // guard it to ensure in-bounds
            src[len] = (byte)0x00;
        len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(12+len, 24+len);
        if (len < src.size())  // guard it to ensure in-bounds
            src[len] = (byte)0x00;

        // The remainder are extra headers and the payload

        try {
            ArraySource(, src.size(), true, new Gunzip(new Redirector(TheBitBucket())));
        catch (const Exception&) {}

    if (!fail1)
        std::cout << "passed:";
        std::cout << "FAILED:";
    std::cout << "  " << COMP_COUNT << " zips and unzips" << std::endl;

    // **************************************************************

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i<COMP_COUNT; ++i)
            std::string src, dest, rec;
            unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(4, 0xfff);

            RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new StringSink(src));
            StringSource(src, true, new Deflator(new StringSink(dest)));
            StringSource(dest, true, new Inflator(new StringSink(rec)));

            if (src != rec)
                throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "Inflate failed to decompress stream");

            // Tamper
            try {
                StringSource(dest.substr(0, len - 2), true, new Gunzip(new StringSink(rec)));
                std::cout << "FAILED:  Inflate failed to detect a truncated stream\n";
                fail2 = true;
            catch (const Exception&) {}
    catch (const Exception& ex)
        std::cout << "FAILED:   " << ex.what() << "\n";
        fail2 = true;

    // **************************************************************

    // Inflate random data. See if we can induce a crash
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<COMP_COUNT; i++)
        SecByteBlock src;
        unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(4, 0xfff);
        RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new ArraySink(src, src.size()));

        src[0] = (byte)0x1f;  // magic header
        src[1] = (byte)0x8b;
        src[2] = 0x00;  // extra flags
        src[3] = src[3] & (2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32);   // flags

        // Don't allow ENCRYPTED|CONTINUED to over-run tests
        if (src[3] & (2 | 32)) {
            if (i % 3 == 0) { src[3] &= ~2; }
            if (i % 3 == 1) { src[3] &= ~32; }

        // The remainder are extra headers and the payload

        try {
            ArraySource(, src.size(), true, new Inflator(new Redirector(TheBitBucket())));
        catch (const Exception&) {}

    // Inflate random data. See if we can induce a crash
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<COMP_COUNT; i++)
        SecByteBlock src;
        unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(4, 0xfff);
        RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new ArraySink(src, src.size()));

        try {
            ArraySource(, src.size(), true, new Inflator(new Redirector(TheBitBucket())));
        catch (const Exception&) {}

    if (!fail2)
        std::cout << "passed:";
        std::cout << "FAILED:";
    std::cout << "  " << COMP_COUNT << " deflates and inflates\n";

    // **************************************************************

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i<COMP_COUNT; ++i)
            std::string src, dest, rec;
            unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(4, 0xfff);

            RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new StringSink(src));
            StringSource(src, true, new ZlibCompressor(new StringSink(dest)));
            StringSource(dest, true, new ZlibDecompressor(new StringSink(rec)));

            if (src != rec)
                throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "Zlib failed to decompress stream");

            // Tamper
            try {
                StringSource(dest.substr(0, len - 2), true, new Gunzip(new StringSink(rec)));
                std::cout << "FAILED:  Zlib failed to detect a truncated stream\n";
                fail3 = true;
            catch (const Exception&) {}
    catch (const Exception& ex)
        std::cout << "FAILED:   " << ex.what() << "\n";
        fail3 = true;

    // **************************************************************

    // Decompress random data. See if we can induce a crash
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<COMP_COUNT; i++)
        SecByteBlock src;
        unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(4, 0xfff);
        RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new ArraySink(src, src.size()));

        // CMF byte
        src[0] = (byte)(GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(0, 14) << 4);
        src[0] |= (byte)(GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(0, 7));

        // FLG byte
        src[1] = (byte)(GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(0, 7) << 5);
        src[1] |= (byte)(31 - (src[0] * 256 + src[1]) % 31);

        // The remainder are the payload, but missing Adler32

        try {
            ArraySource(, src.size(), true, new ZlibDecompressor(new Redirector(TheBitBucket())));
        catch (const Exception&) {}

    if (!fail3)
        std::cout << "passed:";
        std::cout << "FAILED:";
    std::cout << "  " << COMP_COUNT << " zlib decompress and compress" << std::endl;

    // **************************************************************

    return !fail1 && !fail2 && !fail3;

bool TestEncryptors()
    std::cout << "\nTesting Default Encryptors and Decryptors...\n\n";
    const unsigned int ENCRYPT_COUNT = 64, ENCRYPT_MAC_COUNT = 64;
    bool fail0 = false, fail1 = false, fail2 = false, fail3 = false, fail4 = false;

    // **************************************************************

        // Common password and message.
        std::string password = "super secret password";
        std::string recovered, message = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide of their country.";

        // This data was generated with Crypto++ 5.6.2
        //StringSource(message, true, new LegacyEncryptorWithMAC(password.c_str(), new FileSink("TestData/defdmac1.bin")));
        FileSource(DataDir("TestData/defdmac1.bin").c_str(), true, new LegacyDecryptorWithMAC(password.c_str(), new StringSink(recovered)));
        if (message != recovered)
            throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "LegacyDecryptorWithMAC failed a self test");

        // Reset sink

        // This data was generated with Crypto++ 6.0
        //StringSource(message, true, new DefaultEncryptorWithMAC(password.c_str(), new FileSink("TestData/defdmac2.bin")));
        FileSource(DataDir("TestData/defdmac2.bin").c_str(), true, new DefaultDecryptorWithMAC(password.c_str(), new StringSink(recovered)));
        if (message != recovered)
            throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "DefaultDecryptorWithMAC failed a self test");
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail0 = true;

    if (!fail0)
       std::cout << "passed:";
       std::cout << "FAILED:";
    std::cout << "  cross-platform decryption with MAC of binary file" << std::endl;

    // **************************************************************

        for (unsigned int i=0; i<ENCRYPT_COUNT; ++i)
            std::string pwd, src, dest, rec;
            unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(8, 0xfff);
            unsigned int plen = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(0, 32);

            RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new StringSink(src));
            RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), plen, true, new HexEncoder(new StringSink(pwd)));

            StringSource(src, true, new DefaultEncryptor(pwd.c_str(), new StringSink(dest)));
            StringSource(dest, true, new DefaultDecryptor(pwd.c_str(), new StringSink(rec)));
            if (src != rec)
                throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "DefaultEncryptor failed a self test");
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail1 = true;

    if (!fail1)
       std::cout << "passed:";
       std::cout << "FAILED:";
    std::cout << "  " << ENCRYPT_COUNT << " default encryptions and decryptions" << std::endl;

    // **************************************************************

        for (unsigned int i=0; i<ENCRYPT_MAC_COUNT; ++i)
            const unsigned int runt = EnumToInt(DefaultEncryptorWithMAC::SALTLENGTH) + EnumToInt(DefaultEncryptorWithMAC::KEYLENGTH);
            std::string pwd, src, dest, rec;
            unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(runt, 0xfff);
            unsigned int plen = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(0, 32);

            RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new StringSink(src));
            RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), plen, true, new HexEncoder(new StringSink(pwd)));

            StringSource(src, true, new DefaultEncryptorWithMAC(pwd.c_str(),new StringSink(dest)));
            StringSource(dest, true, new DefaultDecryptorWithMAC(pwd.c_str(), new StringSink(rec)));
            if (src != rec)
                throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "DefaultEncryptorWithMAC failed a self test");

            // Tamper with the stream. Data format is [SALT][KEYCHECK][ENCRYPTED DATA].
            try {
                StringSource(dest.substr(0, len-2), true, new DefaultDecryptorWithMAC(pwd.c_str(), new StringSink(rec)));
                std::cout << "FAILED:  DefaultDecryptorWithMAC failed to detect a truncated stream\n";
                fail2 = true;
            } catch(const Exception&) { }
            try {
                // tamper salt
                dest[DefaultDecryptorWithMAC::SALTLENGTH/2] ^= 0x01;
                StringSource(dest, true, new DefaultDecryptorWithMAC(pwd.c_str(), new StringSink(rec)));
                std::cout << "FAILED:  DefaultDecryptorWithMAC failed to detect a tampered salt\n";
                fail2 = true;
            } catch(const Exception&) { }
            try {
                // undo previous tamper
                dest[DefaultDecryptorWithMAC::SALTLENGTH/2] ^= 0x01;
                // tamper keycheck
                dest[DefaultDecryptorWithMAC::SALTLENGTH+DefaultDecryptorWithMAC::KEYLENGTH/2] ^= 0x01;
                StringSource(dest, true, new DefaultDecryptorWithMAC(pwd.c_str(), new StringSink(rec)));
                std::cout << "FAILED:  DefaultDecryptorWithMAC failed to detect a tampered keycheck\n";
                fail2 = true;
            } catch(const Exception&) { }
            try {
                // undo previous tamper
                dest[DefaultDecryptorWithMAC::SALTLENGTH+DefaultDecryptorWithMAC::KEYLENGTH/2] ^= 0x01;
                // tamper encrypted data
                dest[dest.size()-2] ^= 0x01;
                StringSource(dest, true, new DefaultDecryptorWithMAC(pwd.c_str(), new StringSink(rec)));
                std::cout << "FAILED:  DefaultDecryptorWithMAC failed to detect a tampered data\n";
                fail2 = true;
            } catch(const Exception&) { }
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail2 = true;

    if (!fail2)
       std::cout << "passed:";
       std::cout << "FAILED:";
    std::cout << "  " << ENCRYPT_MAC_COUNT << " default encryptions and decryptions with MAC" << std::endl;

    // **************************************************************

        for (unsigned int i=0; i<ENCRYPT_COUNT; ++i)
            std::string pwd, src, dest, rec;
            unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(16, 0xfff);
            unsigned int plen = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(0, 32);

            RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new StringSink(src));
            RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), plen, true, new HexEncoder(new StringSink(pwd)));

            StringSource(src, true, new LegacyEncryptor(pwd.c_str(),new StringSink(dest)));
            StringSource(dest, true, new LegacyDecryptor(pwd.c_str(),new StringSink(rec)));

            if (src != rec)
                throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "LegacyEncryptor failed a self test");
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail3 = true;

    if (!fail3)
       std::cout << "passed:";
       std::cout << "FAILED:";
    std::cout << "  " << ENCRYPT_COUNT << " legacy encryptions and decryptions" << std::endl;

    // **************************************************************

        for (unsigned int i=0; i<ENCRYPT_MAC_COUNT; ++i)
            const unsigned int runt = EnumToInt(LegacyDecryptorWithMAC::SALTLENGTH) + EnumToInt(LegacyDecryptorWithMAC::KEYLENGTH);
            std::string pwd, src, dest, rec;
            unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(runt, 0xfff);
            unsigned int plen = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(0, 32);

            RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new StringSink(src));
            RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), plen, true, new HexEncoder(new StringSink(pwd)));

            StringSource(src, true, new LegacyEncryptorWithMAC(pwd.c_str(), new StringSink(dest)));
            StringSource(dest, true, new LegacyDecryptorWithMAC(pwd.c_str(), new StringSink(rec)));
            if (src != rec)
                throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "LegacyEncryptorWithMAC failed a self test");

            // Tamper with the stream. Data format is [SALT][KEYCHECK][ENCRYPTED DATA].
            try {
                StringSource(dest.substr(0, len-2), true, new LegacyDecryptorWithMAC(pwd.c_str(), new StringSink(rec)));
                std::cout << "FAILED:  LegacyEncryptorWithMAC failed to detect a truncated stream\n";
                fail4 = true;
            } catch(const Exception&) { }
            try {
                // tamper salt
                dest[LegacyEncryptorWithMAC::SALTLENGTH/2] ^= 0x01;
                StringSource(dest, true, new LegacyDecryptorWithMAC(pwd.c_str(), new StringSink(rec)));
                std::cout << "FAILED:  LegacyEncryptorWithMAC failed to detect a tampered salt\n";
                fail4 = true;
            } catch(const Exception&) { }
            try {
                // undo previous tamper
                dest[LegacyEncryptorWithMAC::SALTLENGTH/2] ^= 0x01;
                // tamper keycheck
                dest[LegacyEncryptorWithMAC::SALTLENGTH+LegacyEncryptorWithMAC::KEYLENGTH/2] ^= 0x01;
                StringSource(dest, true, new LegacyDecryptorWithMAC(pwd.c_str(), new StringSink(rec)));
                std::cout << "FAILED:  LegacyEncryptorWithMAC failed to detect a tampered keycheck\n";
                fail4 = true;
            } catch(const Exception&) { }
            try {
                // undo previous tamper
                dest[LegacyEncryptorWithMAC::SALTLENGTH+LegacyEncryptorWithMAC::KEYLENGTH/2] ^= 0x01;
                // tamper encrypted data
                dest[dest.size()-2] ^= 0x01;
                StringSource(dest, true, new LegacyDecryptorWithMAC(pwd.c_str(), new StringSink(rec)));
                std::cout << "FAILED:  LegacyEncryptorWithMAC failed to detect a tampered data\n";
                fail4 = true;
            } catch(const Exception&) { }
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail4 = true;

    if (!fail4)
       std::cout << "passed:";
       std::cout << "FAILED:";
    std::cout << "  " << ENCRYPT_MAC_COUNT << " legacy encryptions and decryptions with MAC" << std::endl;

    return !fail0 && !fail1 && !fail2 && !fail3 && !fail4;

// Information Dispesal and Secret Sharing
bool TestSharing()
    std::cout << "\nInformation Dispersal and Secret Sharing...\n\n";
    const unsigned int INFORMATION_SHARES = 64;
    const unsigned int SECRET_SHARES = 64;
    const unsigned int CHID_LENGTH = 4;
    bool pass=true, fail=false;

    // ********** Infrmation Dispersal **********//

    for (unsigned int shares=3; shares<INFORMATION_SHARES; ++shares)
        std::string message;
        unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(4, 0xff);
        unsigned int threshold = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(2, shares-1);

        RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new StringSink(message));

        ChannelSwitch *channelSwitch = NULLPTR;
        StringSource source(message, false, new InformationDispersal(threshold, shares, channelSwitch = new ChannelSwitch));

        std::vector<std::string> strShares(shares);
        vector_member_ptrs<StringSink> strSinks(shares);
        std::string channel;

        // ********** Create Shares
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<shares; i++)
            strSinks[i].reset(new StringSink(strShares[i]));
            channel = WordToString<word32>(i);
            strSinks[i]->Put((const byte *), CHID_LENGTH);
            channelSwitch->AddRoute(channel, *strSinks[i], DEFAULT_CHANNEL);

        // ********** Randomize shares

        GlobalRNG().Shuffle(strShares.begin(), strShares.end());

        // ********** Recover secret
            std::string recovered;
            InformationRecovery recovery(threshold, new StringSink(recovered));

            vector_member_ptrs<StringSource> strSources(threshold);

            for (unsigned int i=0; i<threshold; i++)
                strSources[i].reset(new StringSource(strShares[i], false));
                strSources[i]->Get((byte*)&channel[0], CHID_LENGTH);
                strSources[i]->Attach(new ChannelSwitch(recovery, channel));

            while (strSources[0]->Pump(256))
                for (unsigned int i=1; i<threshold; i++)

            for (unsigned int i=0; i<threshold; i++)

            fail = (message != recovered);
        catch (const Exception&)
            fail = true;

        pass &= !fail;

    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  " << INFORMATION_SHARES << " information dispersals\n";

    // ********** Secret Sharing **********//

    for (unsigned int shares=3; shares<SECRET_SHARES; ++shares)

        std::string message;
        unsigned int len = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(4, 0xff);
        unsigned int threshold = GlobalRNG().GenerateWord32(2, shares-1);

        RandomNumberSource(GlobalRNG(), len, true, new StringSink(message));

        ChannelSwitch *channelSwitch = NULLPTR;
        StringSource source(message, false, new SecretSharing(GlobalRNG(), threshold, shares, channelSwitch = new ChannelSwitch));

        std::vector<std::string> strShares(shares);
        vector_member_ptrs<StringSink> strSinks(shares);
        std::string channel;

        // ********** Create Shares
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<shares; i++)
            strSinks[i].reset(new StringSink(strShares[i]));
            channel = WordToString<word32>(i);
            strSinks[i]->Put((const byte *), CHID_LENGTH);
            channelSwitch->AddRoute(channel, *strSinks[i], DEFAULT_CHANNEL);

        // ********** Randomize shares

        GlobalRNG().Shuffle(strShares.begin(), strShares.end());

        // ********** Recover secret
            std::string recovered;
            SecretRecovery recovery(threshold, new StringSink(recovered));

            vector_member_ptrs<StringSource> strSources(threshold);
            for (unsigned int i=0; i<threshold; i++)
                strSources[i].reset(new StringSource(strShares[i], false));
                strSources[i]->Get((byte*)&channel[0], CHID_LENGTH);
                strSources[i]->Attach(new ChannelSwitch(recovery, channel));

            while (strSources[0]->Pump(256))
                for (unsigned int i=1; i<threshold; i++)

            for (unsigned int i=0; i<threshold; i++)

            fail = (message != recovered);
        catch (const Exception&)
            fail = true;

        pass &= !fail;

    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  " << SECRET_SHARES << " secret sharings\n";

    return pass;

bool TestRounding()
    std::cout << "\nTesting RoundUpToMultipleOf/RoundDownToMultipleOf...\n\n";
    bool pass=true, fail;

    // ********** byte **********//
        const byte v=0, b=0x08;
        byte r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != v);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, byte, no overflow\n";

        const byte v=1, b=0x08;
        byte r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != b);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, byte, no overflow\n";

        const byte v=0x08, b=0x08;
        byte r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != v);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, byte, no overflow\n";

        const byte v=0xf7, b=0x08;
        byte r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != 0xf8);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, byte, no overflow\n";

        const byte v=0xf8, b=0x08;
        byte r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != 0xf8);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, byte, no overflow\n";

        const byte v=0xf9, b=0x08;
        byte r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = true;
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = false;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, byte, overflow\n";

    // ********** word16 **********//
        const word16 v=0, b=0x08;
        word16 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != v);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word16, no overflow\n";

        const word16 v=1, b=0x08;
        word16 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != b);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word16, no overflow\n";

        const word16 v=0x08, b=0x08;
        word16 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != v);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word16, no overflow\n";

        const word16 v=0xfff7, b=0x08;
        word16 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != 0xfff8);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word16, no overflow\n";

        const word16 v=0xfff8, b=0x08;
        word16 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != 0xfff8);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word16, no overflow\n";

        const word16 v=0xfff9, b=0x08;
        word16 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = true;
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = false;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word16, overflow\n";

    // ********** word32 **********//
        const word32 v=0, b=0x08;
        word32 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != v);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word32, no overflow\n";

        const word32 v=1, b=0x08;
        word32 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != b);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word32, no overflow\n";

        const word32 v=0x08, b=0x08;
        word32 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != v);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word32, no overflow\n";

        const word32 v=0xfffffff7, b=0x08;
        word32 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != 0xfffffff8);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word32, no overflow\n";

        const word32 v=0xfffffff8, b=0x08;
        word32 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != 0xfffffff8);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word32, no overflow\n";

        const word32 v=0xfffffff9, b=0x08;
        word32 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = true;
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = false;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word32, overflow\n";

    // ********** word64 **********//
        const word64 v=0, b=0x08;
        word64 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != v);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word64, no overflow\n";

        const word64 v=1, b=0x08;
        word64 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != b);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word64, no overflow\n";

        const word64 v=0x08, b=0x08;
        word64 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != v);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word64, no overflow\n";

        const word64 v=W64LIT(0xffffffffffffff7), b=0x08;
        word64 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != W64LIT(0xffffffffffffff8));
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word64, no overflow\n";

        const word64 v=W64LIT(0xffffffffffffff8), b=0x08;
        word64 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != W64LIT(0xffffffffffffff8));
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word64, no overflow\n";

        const word64 v=W64LIT(0xfffffffffffffff9), b=0x08;
        word64 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = true;
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = false;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word64, overflow\n";

    // ********** word128 **********//
        const word128 v=0, b=0x08;
        word128 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != v);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word128, no overflow\n";

        const word128 v=1, b=0x08;
        word128 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != b);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word128, no overflow\n";

        const word128 v=0x08, b=0x08;
        word128 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != v);
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word128, no overflow\n";

        const word128 h = ((word128)W64LIT(0xffffffffffffffff)) << 64U;
        const word128 v = h | (word128)W64LIT(0xfffffffffffffff7), b=0x08;
        word128 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != (h | (word128)W64LIT(0xfffffffffffffff8)));
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word128, no overflow\n";

        const word128 h = ((word128)W64LIT(0xffffffffffffffff)) << 64U;
        const word128 v = h | (word128)W64LIT(0xfffffffffffffff8), b=0x08;
        word128 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = (r != (h | (word128)W64LIT(0xfffffffffffffff8)));
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = true;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word128, no overflow\n";

        const word128 h = ((word128)W64LIT(0xffffffffffffffff)) << 64U;
        const word128 v = h | (word128)W64LIT(0xfffffffffffffff9), b=0x08;
        word128 r=RoundUpToMultipleOf(v, b);
        fail = true;
    catch(const Exception&)
        fail = false;

    pass = !fail && pass;
    std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << "  RoundUpToMultipleOf, word128, overflow\n";

    return pass;

struct ASN1_TestTuple
    ASN1_TestTuple(int tag, int result, const char* data, size_t len) {
        m_result = result;
        m_tag = tag;
        m_data = std::string(data, len);

    std::string Name() const {
        return Id2String();

    const byte* Data() const {
        return ConstBytePtr(m_data);

    size_t Size() const {
        return BytePtrSize(m_data);

    int Tag() const {
        return m_tag;

    int Result() const {
        return m_result;

    std::string Id2String() const
        case BIT_STRING:
            return "BIT_STRING";
        case OCTET_STRING:
            return "OCTET_STRING";
        case INTEGER:
            return "INTEGER";
        case UTF8_STRING:
            return "UTF8_STRING";
        case PRINTABLE_STRING:
            return "PRINTABLE_STRING";
        case IA5_STRING:
            return "IA5_STRING";
            return "Unknown";

    std::string m_data;
    int m_tag, m_result;

bool RunASN1TestSet(const ASN1_TestTuple asnTuples[], size_t count)
    bool pass=true, fail;

    // Disposition
    enum {REJECT=3, ACCEPT=4};

    for(size_t i=0; i<count; i++)
        const ASN1_TestTuple & thisTest = asnTuples[i];
        ArraySource as1(thisTest.Data(), thisTest.Size(), true);
        ArraySource as2(thisTest.Data(), thisTest.Size(), true);

        SecByteBlock unused1;
        std::string unused2;
        unsigned int unused3;
        word32 unused4;
        word64 unused5;

        // Reporting
        std::string val;
        HexEncoder encoder(new StringSink(val));
        encoder.Put(thisTest.Data(), thisTest.Size());

            byte tag = (byte)thisTest.Tag();
            switch (tag)
                case BIT_STRING:
                    BERDecodeBitString(as1, unused1, unused3);

                case OCTET_STRING:
                    BERDecodeOctetString(as1, unused1);

                case INTEGER:
                    BERDecodeUnsigned(as1, unused4);
                    BERDecodeUnsigned<word64>(as2, unused5, byte(INTEGER), 0, W64LIT(0xffffffffffffffff));

                case UTF8_STRING: case PRINTABLE_STRING: case IA5_STRING:
                    BERDecodeTextString(as1, unused2, tag);

                    BERGeneralDecoder(as1, tag);

            fail = thisTest.Result() != ACCEPT;
        catch(const Exception&)
            fail = thisTest.Result() != REJECT;

        std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED:" : "passed:") << (thisTest.Result() == ACCEPT ? "  accept " : "  reject ");
        std::cout << asnTuples[i].Name() << " " << val << "\n";
        pass = !fail && pass;

    return pass;

bool TestASN1Parse()
    std::cout << "\nTesting ASN.1 parser...\n\n";

    bool pass = true;

    // Disposition
    enum {REJECT=3, ACCEPT=4};

    // All the types Crypto++ recognizes.
    //   "C" is one content octet with value 0x43.
    const ASN1_TestTuple bitStrings[] =
        // The first "\x00" content octet is the "initial octet" representing unused bits. In the
        //   primitive encoding form, there may be zero, one or more contents after the initial octet.
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x03\x01" "\x00", 3),  // definite length, short form, initial octet, zero subsequent octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, REJECT, "\x03\x01" "\x08", 3),  // definite length, short form, initial octet, zero subsequent octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x03\x02" "\x00" "C", 4),  // definite length, short form, expected subsequent octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, REJECT, "\x03\x02" "\x08" "C", 4),  // too many unused bits
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, REJECT, "\x03\x7F" "\x00" "C", 4),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x03\x81\x01" "\x00", 4),  // definite length, long form, initial octet, zero subsequent octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, REJECT, "\x03\x81\x01" "\x08", 4),  // definite length, long form, initial octet, zero subsequent octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x03\x81\x02" "\x00" "C", 5),  // definite length, long form
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, REJECT, "\x03\x81\x02" "\x08" "C", 5),  // too many unused bits
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, REJECT, "\x03\x81\xff" "\x00" "C", 5),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x03\x82\x00\x02" "\x00" "C", 6),  // definite length, long form
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, REJECT, "\x03\x82\x00\x02" "\x08" "C", 6),  // too many unused bits
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, REJECT, "\x03\x82\xff\xff" "\x00" "C", 6),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x03\x83\x00\x00\x02" "\x00" "C", 7),  // definite length, long form
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, REJECT, "\x03\x83\x00\x00\x02" "\x08" "C", 7),  // too many unused bits
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, REJECT, "\x03\x83\xff\xff\xff" "\x00" "C", 7),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x03\x84\x00\x00\x00\x02" "\x00" "C", 8),  // definite length, long form
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, REJECT, "\x03\x84\x00\x00\x00\x02" "\x08" "C", 8),  // too many unused bits
        ASN1_TestTuple(BIT_STRING, REJECT, "\x03\x84\xff\xff\xff\xff" "\x00" "C", 8),  // <== Issue 346; requires large allocation

    pass = RunASN1TestSet(bitStrings, COUNTOF(bitStrings)) && pass;

    const ASN1_TestTuple octetStrings[] =
        // In the primitive encoding form, there may be zero, one or more contents.
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x04\x00", 2),  // definite length, short form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x04\x01" "C", 3),  // definite length, short form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, REJECT, "\x04\x02" "C", 3),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, REJECT, "\x04\x7F" "C", 3),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x04\x81\x00", 3),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x04\x81\x01" "C", 4),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, REJECT, "\x04\x81\x02" "C", 4),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, REJECT, "\x04\x81\xff" "C", 4),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x04\x82\x00\x00", 4),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x04\x82\x00\x01" "C", 5),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, REJECT, "\x04\x82\x00\x02" "C", 5),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, REJECT, "\x04\x82\xff\xff" "C", 5),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x04\x83\x00\x00\x00", 5),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x04\x83\x00\x00\x01" "C", 6),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, REJECT, "\x04\x83\x00\x00\x02" "C", 6),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, REJECT, "\x04\x83\xff\xff\xff" "C", 6),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x04\x84\x00\x00\x00\x00", 6),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x04\x84\x00\x00\x00\x01" "C", 7),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, REJECT, "\x04\x84\x00\x00\x00\x02" "C", 7),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(OCTET_STRING, REJECT, "\x04\x84\xff\xff\xff\xff" "C", 7),  // <== Issue 346; requires large allocation

    pass = RunASN1TestSet(octetStrings, COUNTOF(octetStrings)) && pass;

    const ASN1_TestTuple utf8Strings[] =
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x0c\x00", 2),  // definite length, short form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x0c\x01" "C", 3),  // definite length, short form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, REJECT, "\x0c\x02" "C", 3),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, REJECT, "\x0c\x7F" "C", 3),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x0c\x81\x00", 3),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x0c\x81\x01" "C", 4),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, REJECT, "\x0c\x81\x02" "C", 4),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, REJECT, "\x0c\x81\xff" "C", 4),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x0c\x82\x00\x00", 4),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x0c\x82\x00\x01" "C", 5),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, REJECT, "\x0c\x82\x00\x02" "C", 5),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, REJECT, "\x0c\x82\xff\xff" "C", 5),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x0c\x83\x00\x00\x00", 5),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x0c\x83\x00\x00\x01" "C", 6),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, REJECT, "\x0c\x83\x00\x00\x02" "C", 6),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, REJECT, "\x0c\x83\xff\xff\xff" "C", 6),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x0c\x84\x00\x00\x00\x00", 6),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x0c\x84\x00\x00\x00\x01" "C", 7),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, REJECT, "\x0c\x84\x00\x00\x00\x02" "C", 7),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(UTF8_STRING, REJECT, "\x0c\x84\xff\xff\xff\xff" "C", 7),  // <== Issue 346; requires large allocation

    pass = RunASN1TestSet(utf8Strings, COUNTOF(utf8Strings)) && pass;

    const ASN1_TestTuple printableStrings[] =
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x13\x00", 2),  // definite length, short form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x13\x01" "C", 3),  // definite length, short form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, REJECT, "\x13\x02" "C", 3),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, REJECT, "\x13\x7F" "C", 3),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x13\x81\x00", 3),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x13\x81\x01" "C", 4),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, REJECT, "\x13\x81\x02" "C", 4),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, REJECT, "\x13\x81\xff" "C", 4),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x13\x82\x00\x00", 4),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x13\x82\x00\x01" "C", 5),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, REJECT, "\x13\x82\x00\x02" "C", 5),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, REJECT, "\x13\x82\xff\xff" "C", 5),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x13\x83\x00\x00\x00", 5),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x13\x83\x00\x00\x01" "C", 6),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, REJECT, "\x13\x83\x00\x00\x02" "C", 6),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, REJECT, "\x13\x83\xff\xff\xff" "C", 6),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x13\x84\x00\x00\x00\x00", 6),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x13\x84\x00\x00\x00\x01" "C", 7),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, REJECT, "\x13\x84\x00\x00\x00\x02" "C", 7),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(PRINTABLE_STRING, REJECT, "\x13\x84\xff\xff\xff\xff" "C", 7),  // <== Issue 346; requires large allocation

    pass = RunASN1TestSet(printableStrings, COUNTOF(printableStrings)) && pass;

    const ASN1_TestTuple ia5Strings[] =
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x16\x00", 2),  // definite length, short form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x16\x01" "C", 3),  // definite length, short form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, REJECT, "\x16\x02" "C", 3),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, REJECT, "\x16\x7F" "C", 3),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x16\x81\x00", 3),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x16\x81\x01" "C", 4),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, REJECT, "\x16\x81\x02" "C", 4),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, REJECT, "\x16\x81\xff" "C", 4),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x16\x82\x00\x00", 4),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x16\x82\x00\x01" "C", 5),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, REJECT, "\x16\x82\x00\x02" "C", 5),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, REJECT, "\x16\x82\xff\xff" "C", 5),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x16\x83\x00\x00\x00", 5),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x16\x83\x00\x00\x01" "C", 6),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, REJECT, "\x16\x83\x00\x00\x02" "C", 6),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, REJECT, "\x16\x83\xff\xff\xff" "C", 6),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x16\x84\x00\x00\x00\x00", 6),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, ACCEPT, "\x16\x84\x00\x00\x00\x01" "C", 7),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, REJECT, "\x16\x84\x00\x00\x00\x02" "C", 7),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(IA5_STRING, REJECT, "\x16\x84\xff\xff\xff\xff" "C", 7),  // <== Issue 346; requires large allocation

    pass = RunASN1TestSet(ia5Strings, COUNTOF(ia5Strings)) && pass;

    const ASN1_TestTuple integerValues[] =
        // 8.3.1 The encoding of an integer value shall be primitive. The contents octets shall consist of one or more octets.
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x00", 2),  // definite length, short form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, ACCEPT, "\x02\x01" "C", 3),  // definite length, short form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x02" "C", 3),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x7F" "C", 3),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x81\x00", 3),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, ACCEPT, "\x02\x81\x01" "C", 4),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x81\x02" "C", 4),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x81\xff" "C", 4),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x82\x00\x00", 4),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, ACCEPT, "\x02\x82\x00\x01" "C", 5),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x82\x00\x02" "C", 5),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x82\xff\xff" "C", 5),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x83\x00\x00\x00", 5),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, ACCEPT, "\x02\x83\x00\x00\x01" "C", 6),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x83\x00\x00\x02" "C", 6),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x83\xff\xff\xff" "C", 6),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x84\x00\x00\x00\x00", 6),  // definite length, long form, zero content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, ACCEPT, "\x02\x84\x00\x00\x00\x01" "C", 7),  // definite length, long form, expected content octets
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x84\x00\x00\x00\x02" "C", 7),  // runt or underrun
        ASN1_TestTuple(INTEGER, REJECT, "\x02\x84\xff\xff\xff\xff" "C", 7),  // <== Issue 346; requires large allocation

    pass = RunASN1TestSet(integerValues, COUNTOF(integerValues)) && pass;

    return pass;

bool TestASN1Functions()
    std::cout << "\nTesting ASN.1 functions...\n\n";

    bool pass = true, fail;

        const std::string message = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide of their country";
        ByteQueue encoded, reencoded, decoded;
        size_t len = 0, rlen = 0;

        len = DEREncodeOctetString(encoded, ConstBytePtr(message), BytePtrSize(message));
        DERReencode(encoded, reencoded);
        rlen = (size_t)reencoded.MaxRetrievable();
        (void)BERDecodeOctetString(reencoded, decoded);

        std::string recovered;
        StringSink sink(recovered);

        fail = (len != rlen || message != recovered);
        pass = pass && !fail;

        std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED" : "passed") << "  ";
        std::cout << "DEREncodeOctetString" << "\n";
        std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED" : "passed") << "  ";
        std::cout << "BERDecodeOctetString" << "\n";

        const std::string message = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide of their country";
        const byte asnStringTypes[] = {

        unsigned int failed = 0;
        size_t len = 0, rlen = 0, i = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < COUNTOF(asnStringTypes); ++i)
            ByteQueue encoded, reencoded, decoded;
            std::string recovered;

            len = DEREncodeTextString(encoded, ConstBytePtr(message), BytePtrSize(message), asnStringTypes[i]);
            DERReencode(encoded, reencoded);
            rlen = (size_t)reencoded.MaxRetrievable();
            (void)BERDecodeTextString(reencoded, recovered, asnStringTypes[i]);

            fail = (len != rlen || message != recovered);
            if (fail) failed++;

        failed ? fail = true : fail = false;
        pass = pass && !fail;

        std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED" : "passed") << "  ";
        std::cout << "DEREncodeTextString" << "\n";
        std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED" : "passed") << "  ";
        std::cout << "DEREncodeTextString" << "\n";

        const byte date[] = "Sun, 21 Mar 2021 01:00:00 +0000";
        SecByteBlock message; message.Assign(date, sizeof(date)-1);
        const byte asnDateTypes[] = {UTC_TIME, GENERALIZED_TIME};
        unsigned int failed = 0;
        size_t i = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < COUNTOF(asnDateTypes); ++i)
            ByteQueue encoded, decoded;
            SecByteBlock recovered;

            (void)DEREncodeDate(encoded, message, asnDateTypes[i]);
            (void)BERDecodeDate(encoded, recovered, asnDateTypes[i]);

            fail = (message != recovered);
            if (fail) failed++;

        failed ? fail = true : fail = false;
        pass = pass && !fail;

        std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED" : "passed") << "  ";
        std::cout << "DEREncodeDate" << "\n";
        std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED" : "passed") << "  ";
        std::cout << "BERDecodeDate" << "\n";

    return pass;


bool TestStringSink()
        std::string in = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";

        std::string str;
        StringSource s1(in, true, new StringSink(str));

        std::vector<byte> vec;
        StringSource s2(in, true, new VectorSink(vec));

        std::vector<byte> vec2;
        VectorSource s3(vec, true, new VectorSink(vec2));

        return str.size() == vec.size() &&
            std::equal(str.begin(), str.end(), vec.begin()) &&
            vec.size() == vec2.size() &&
            std::equal(vec.begin(), vec.end(), vec2.begin());
    catch(const std::exception&)
    return false;

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