Raw File
Tip revision: 2eb401e5f31b84e58a913ffc3235522d46d4668b authored by Jaime Crespo on 11 April 2024, 16:18:16 UTC
mariadb: Reenable notifications for db2201 & db2202
Tip revision: 2eb401e
# Instead of adding editor specific entries to this file, please use
# core.excludesFile setting on your global git setting to ignore for
# all oyur repositories, for details see:
# Puppet's repository shouldn't have any editor backup files

# Ignore .project (for eclipse/geppetto)

# vim swap files are unwanted

# Compiled Python files are useless


# Automatically generated documentation and related support path:

# ctags generated file (see `rake tags`)

# local ruby configuration

# bundle install adds gems to vendor/bundle

# python venv wrapper + test artifacts

# Jetbrain's IDEA editor settings

# vscode

# Vagrant directory

# Operating systems
## Mac OS X
## Windows

# XXX Pontoon hacks

# files created by shared spec_helper

# Puppet Bolt Hacks
## Bolt Files
## Puppet 6.0 dropped the nagios modules, so we clone our own copy
## Clone of
# created by beaker

# g10k state files, these improve g10k's speed when syncing modules, but that
# is not a concern at present
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