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Tip revision: 40b745a2ef0d4ac73c3d3b44066b1cde48e659a2 authored by pre-commit-ci[bot] on 14 November 2023, 17:15:13 UTC
[] pre-commit autoupdate (#432)
Tip revision: 40b745a
# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](

## [Unreleased]

## [2022.3.0]

### Fixed
- hook in signals which update the "main channel" combo box when sensors update/initialize

### Removed
- autonomic cosetting system is removed in favor of attune-delay daemon which handles SDC

## [2021.7.0]

### Fixed
- Ensure limits are computed when one bound should be inf
- Ensure float passed in `set_position_except` (rather than scalar ndarray)
- Motortune collecting tune points with discrete tunes
- Better consistency of autonomic system
- Ensure correct units used in acquisition
- axes with whitespace don't necessarily fail
- Motortune Tunepoints only calculated if the checkbox is checked
- old "identity" behavior removed which caused splitting on "F" in axis names
- Use expressions rather than names for processing of scan
- Decode when needed for axis dropdown in plot tab

### Added
- Widgets to control slit widths and mirror positions of monochromator

## [2021.3.0]

### Added
- support for sensors without `has-measure-trigger` trait
- support for sensors that implement `has-mapping` trait

### Changed
- Update for pint version of WrightTools (3.4.0)
- Use string based update of has-turret trait for spectrometers
- Add protection for DiscreteTune plotting

### Fixed
- Deprecated Qt function call

## [2021.1.1]

### Fixed
- Properly close files prior to new data file creation (fix file inconsistency)
- Do not use h5py libver="latest" (fix segfault upon copying)

## [2021.1.0]

### Added
- Freerun throttle:  In freerun mode, the GUI sensor reading will update after 0.1 seconds or after one measurement, whichever is longer
- Sensors busy states are polled more frequently (10 --> 100 Hz), which can significantly speed up acquisitions with fast measurements

### Fixed
- hard crashes caused by multithread access to data, data access now regulated by explicit lock
- freerun state is polled after an acquisition finishes
- set zero position at initialization time to ensure limits are set
- handling of zero position units to remove warning
- throttle delay poll (sleep 10 ms) during travel to decrease CPU workload

## [2020.12.1]

### Fixed
- offsets are stored and loaded properly, weird walking off behavior at startup fixed
- offsets set to zero when hardware is zeroed

## [2020.12.0]

### Added
- initial release
- previously released under the name "PyCMDS" via github, never packaged.

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