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Tip revision: 21ee00ff18151745c64f343eb09019d7e49dc05f authored by zhalehhosseini on 28 August 2016, 12:08:39 UTC
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Tip revision: 21ee00f
function [alternatives,f_max,f_min]=GAUGE(model,R,PCC,F2C2_Solver,SC_PCC,HC_PCC,U)
%   model: metabolic model in COBRA format with known gene_reaction
%       associations in model.rules and model.rxnGeneMat field
%   PCC: a matrix containing pearson correlation coefficients of gene pairs
%       number of columns=number of rows=number of genes in the model
%       PCC(i,j)=pearson correlation coefficient of gene pair (i,j)
%   F2C2_solver: the solver which is used in F2C2 function, (glpk,Lindo,clp,SoPlex,linprog)
%   SC_PCC: cutoff for choosing slightly correlated reaction pairs
%   HC_PCC: cutoff for choosing highly correlated reaction pairs
%   U: structure representing universal dataset of reactions with 3 fields
%       U.S: stoichiometric matrix of the reactions in the database
% lower bounds of reactions
%       U.ub: upper bounds of reactions
%   R: numberof reversible reactions in the model
%   alternatives: all of the alternative solutions. each column shows a
%       possible solution
%   f_min: minimum number of reactions which should be added to the model
%   f_max: maximum number of inconsistancies which can be resolved

    f_max = first_step(U,model,SC_lambda,HC_lambda,R);

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