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Tip revision: c349b1125b413a50f124f780f408b9e3f7167af3 authored by Dominique Makowski on 24 July 2024, 14:10:02 UTC
version 0.14.0
Tip revision: c349b11
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/estimate_density.R
\title{Density Probability at a Given Value}
density_at(posterior, x, precision = 2^10, method = "kernel", ...)
\item{posterior}{Vector representing a posterior distribution.}

\item{x}{The value of which to get the approximate probability.}

\item{precision}{Number of points of density data. See the \code{n} parameter in \code{density}.}

\item{method}{Density estimation method. Can be \code{"kernel"} (default), \code{"logspline"}
or \code{"KernSmooth"}.}

\item{...}{Currently not used.}
Compute the density value at a given point of a distribution (i.e.,
the value of the \code{y} axis of a value \code{x} of a distribution).
posterior <- distribution_normal(n = 10)
density_at(posterior, 0)
density_at(posterior, c(0, 1))
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