Raw File
Tip revision: a3dac6f8f0994a67af6b9dbe479769d12eecf923 authored by Alex Rickabaugh on 08 January 2020, 20:04:16 UTC
release: cut the v7.2.16 release
Tip revision: a3dac6f
 * @license
 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

const browserProvidersConf = require('./browser-providers.conf');
const {generateSeed} = require('./tools/jasmine-seed-generator');

// Karma configuration
// Generated on Thu Sep 25 2014 11:52:02 GMT-0700 (PDT)
module.exports = function(config) {

    frameworks: ['jasmine'],

    client: {
      jasmine: {
        random: true,
        seed: generateSeed('karma-js.conf'),

    files: [
      // Sources and specs.
      // Loaded through the System loader, in `test-main.js`.
      {pattern: 'dist/all/@angular/**/*.js', included: false, watched: true},

      // Serve AngularJS for `ngUpgrade` testing.
      {pattern: 'node_modules/angular-1.5/angular?(.min).js', included: false, watched: false},
      {pattern: 'node_modules/angular-mocks-1.5/angular-mocks.js', included: false, watched: false},
      {pattern: 'node_modules/angular-1.6/angular?(.min).js', included: false, watched: false},
      {pattern: 'node_modules/angular-mocks-1.6/angular-mocks.js', included: false, watched: false},
      {pattern: 'node_modules/angular/angular?(.min).js', included: false, watched: false},
      {pattern: 'node_modules/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js', included: false, watched: false},


      // Including systemjs because it defines `__eval`, which produces correct stack traces.

      // Serve polyfills necessary for testing the `elements` package.
        pattern: 'node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/**/*.js',
        included: false,
        watched: false
      {pattern: 'node_modules/mutation-observer/index.js', included: false, watched: false},

      {pattern: 'node_modules/rxjs/**', included: false, watched: false, served: true},
      {pattern: 'dist/all/@angular/empty.*', included: false, watched: false},
      {pattern: 'packages/platform-browser/test/static_assets/**', included: false, watched: false},
        pattern: 'packages/platform-browser/test/browser/static_assets/**',
        included: false,
        watched: false,
      {pattern: 'packages/common/i18n/**', included: false, watched: false, served: true},

    exclude: [

    customLaunchers: browserProvidersConf.customLaunchers,

    plugins: [

    preprocessors: {
      '**/*.js': ['sourcemap'],

    // Bazel inter-op: Allow tests to request resources from either
    //   /base/node_modules/path/to/thing
    // or
    //   /base/angular/node_modules/path/to/thing
    // This can be removed when all karma tests are run under Bazel, then we
    // don't need this entire config file.
    proxies: {
      '/base/angular/': '/base/',
      '/base/npm/': '/base/',

    reporters: ['dots'],
    sauceLabs: {
      testName: 'Angular2',
      retryLimit: 3,
      startConnect: false,
      recordVideo: false,
      recordScreenshots: false,
      idleTimeout: 600,
      commandTimeout: 600,
      maxDuration: 5400,

    browserStack: {
      project: 'Angular2',
      startTunnel: false,
      retryLimit: 3,
      timeout: 1800,
      pollingTimeout: 10000,

    browsers: ['Chrome'],

    port: 9876,
    captureTimeout: 180000,
    browserDisconnectTimeout: 180000,
    browserDisconnectTolerance: 3,
    browserNoActivityTimeout: 300000,

  if (process.env.CIRCLECI) {
    const tunnelIdentifier = process.env['SAUCE_TUNNEL_IDENTIFIER'];

    // Setup the Saucelabs plugin so that it can launch browsers using the proper tunnel. = tunnelIdentifier;
    config.sauceLabs.tunnelIdentifier = tunnelIdentifier;

    // Setup the Browserstack plugin so that it can launch browsers using the proper tunnel.
    // TODO: This is currently not used because BS doesn't run on the CI. Consider removing. = tunnelIdentifier;
    config.browserStack.tunnelIdentifier = tunnelIdentifier;

    // Try "websocket" for a faster transmission first. Fallback to "polling" if necessary.
    config.transports = ['websocket', 'polling'];
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