Raw File
Tip revision: 7c2b9218865c3d60c60e79b4933b11c9010feb77 authored by Sean Talts on 06 October 2017, 20:33:52 UTC
with node?
Tip revision: 7c2b921
def setup(String pr, Boolean failOnError = true) {
    errorStr = failOnError ? "-Werror " : ""
    script = """
        make math-revert
        make clean-all
        git clean -xffd
        echo CC=${env.CXX} ${errorStr}> make/local
    if (pr != '')  {
        prNumber = pr.tokenize('-').last()
        script += """ 
            cd stan/lib/stan_math
            git fetch +refs/pull/${prNumber}/merge:refs/remotes/origin/pr/${prNumber}/merge
            git checkout refs/remotes/origin/pr/${prNumber}/merge
    return script

pipeline {
    agent none
    options {
    parameters {
        string(defaultValue: '', name: 'math_pr', description: "Leave blank "
                + "unless testing against a specific math repo pull request.")
    stages {
        stage('Linting & Doc checks') {
            agent any
            steps {
                script {
                    sh setup(params.math_pr)
                        CppLint: { sh "make cpplint" },
                        //documentation: { sh 'make doxygen' },
                        manual: { sh 'make manual' },
                        //headers: { sh "make -j${env.PARALLEL} test-headers" },
                        failFast: true
            post { always { cleanWs() } }
        //stage('Tests') {
        //    failFast true
        //    parallel {
        //        stage('Windows Unit') {
        //            agent { label 'windows' }
        //            steps {
        //                bat setup(params.math_pr)
        //                bat " -j${env.PARALLEL} src/test/unit"
        //                junit 'test/**/*.xml'
        //            }
        //            post {
        //                always { 
        //                    cleanWs() 
        //                    warnings consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'GNU C Compiler 4 (gcc)']], canRunOnFailed: true
        //                    warnings consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'Clang (LLVM based)']], canRunOnFailed: true
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        stage('Windows Headers') { 
        //            agent { label 'windows' }
        //            steps {
        //                bat setup(params.math_pr)
        //                bat "make -j${env.PARALLEL} test-headers"
        //            }
        //            post {
        //                always {
        //                    cleanWs() 
        //                    warnings consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'GNU C Compiler 4 (gcc)']], canRunOnFailed: true
        //                    warnings consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'Clang (LLVM based)']], canRunOnFailed: true
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        stage('Unit') { 
        //            agent any
        //            steps {
        //                sh setup(params.math_pr, false)
        //                sh "./ -j${env.PARALLEL} src/test/unit"
        //                junit 'test/**/*.xml'
        //            }
        //            post {
        //                always {
        //                    cleanWs() 
        //                    warnings consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'GNU C Compiler 4 (gcc)']], canRunOnFailed: true
        //                    warnings consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'Clang (LLVM based)']], canRunOnFailed: true
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        stage('Integration') {
        //            agent any
        //            steps { 
        //                sh setup(params.math_pr)
        //                sh "./ -j${env.PARALLEL} src/test/integration"
        //                junit 'test/**/*.xml'
        //              }
        //            post {
        //                always {
        //                    cleanWs() 
        //                    warnings consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'GNU C Compiler 4 (gcc)']], canRunOnFailed: true
        //                    warnings consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'Clang (LLVM based)']], canRunOnFailed: true
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        stage('Upstream CmdStan tests') {
        //            // These will only execute when we're running against the
        //            // live PR build, not on other branches
        //            when { expression { env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /PR-\d+/ } }
        //            steps {
        //                build(job: 'CmdStan/downstream tests',
        //                        parameters: [string(name: 'stan_pr', value: env.BRANCH_NAME),
        //                                        string(name: 'math_pr', value: params.math_pr)])
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //stage('Performance') {
        //    agent { label 'gelman-group-mac' }
        //    steps {
        //        sh setup(params.math_pr)
        //        sh """
        //            ./ -j${env.PARALLEL} src/test/performance
        //            cd test/performance
        //            RScript ../../src/test/performance/plot_performance.R 
        //        """
        //        junit 'test/**/*.xml'
        //        archiveArtifacts 'test/performance/performance.csv,test/performance/performance.png'
        //        perfReport compareBuildPrevious: true, errorFailedThreshold: 0, errorUnstableThreshold: 0, failBuildIfNoResultFile: false, modePerformancePerTestCase: true, sourceDataFiles: 'test/performance/**.xml'
        //    }
        //stage('Update CmdStan Upstream') {
        //    agent none
        //    when { branch "develop" }
        //    steps {
        //        sh "curl -O"
        //        sh "sh"
        //    }
    post {
        always {
            node('master') {
                warnings consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'CppLint']], canRunOnFailed: true
                warnings consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'GNU C Compiler 4 (gcc)']], canRunOnFailed: true
                warnings consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'Clang (LLVM based)']], canRunOnFailed: true
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