Raw File
Tip revision: ebdc30e030c72854de1f5476910f13306d0423d0 authored by Cameron Low on 27 January 2023, 18:14:03 UTC
added back the match equiv variants
Tip revision: ebdc30e
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type command = [
  | `Compile of cmp_option
  | `Cli     of cli_option
  | `Config
  | `Runtest of run_option
  | `Why3Config

and options = {
  o_options : glb_options;
  o_command : command;

and cmp_option = {
  cmpo_input   : string;
  cmpo_provers : prv_options;
  cmpo_gcstats : bool;
  cmpo_tstats  : string option;
  cmpo_noeco   : bool;
  cmpo_script  : bool;

and cli_option = {
  clio_emacs   : bool;
  clio_provers : prv_options;

and run_option = {
  runo_input     : string;
  runo_scenarios : string list;

and prv_options = {
  prvo_maxjobs    : int;
  prvo_timeout    : int;
  prvo_cpufactor  : int;
  prvo_provers    : string list option;
  prvo_pragmas    : string list;
  prvo_ppwidth    : int option;
  prvo_checkall   : bool;
  prvo_profile    : bool;
  prvo_iterate    : bool;
  prvo_why3server : string option;

and ldr_options = {
  ldro_idirs : (string option * string * bool) list;
  ldro_boot  : bool;

and glb_options = {
  o_why3     : string option;
  o_reloc    : bool;
  o_ovrevict : string list;
  o_loader   : ldr_options;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type ini_options = {
  ini_ppwidth  : int option;
  ini_why3     : string option;
  ini_ovrevict : string list;
  ini_provers  : string list;
  ini_idirs    : (string option * string) list;
  ini_rdirs    : (string option * string) list;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception InvalidIniFile of (int * string)

val read_ini_file : string -> ini_options
val parse_cmdline : ?ini:ini_options -> string array -> options
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