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Tip revision: 8ce5c7ad9c68d55e67c96c46a7fc35746c3e6710 authored by Pierre Boutry on 02 September 2022, 14:10:48 UTC
Merge branch 'deploy-oldlibs-cleanup' of into deploy-oldlibs-cleanup
Tip revision: 8ce5c7a
require import AllCore FSet List SmtMap CHoareTactic StdOrder.
require (*--*) BitWord Distr DInterval.
(*---*) import RealOrder RField StdBigop.Bigint BIA.
require (*--*) DiffieHellman ROM PKE_CPA.

(* The type of plaintexts: bitstrings of length k *)
op k: { int | 0 < k } as gt0_k.

clone import BitWord as Bits with
  op n <- k
proof gt0_n by exact/gt0_k
  "word" as "bits"
  "dunifin" as "dbits".
import DWord.

op cdbits : { int | 0 <= cdbits } as ge0_cdbits.

schema cost_cdbits `{P} : cost [P: dbits] = N cdbits.
hint simplify cost_cdbits.

(* Upper bound on complexity of the adversary *)
type adv_cost = {
  cchoose : int; (* cost *)
  ochoose : int; (* number of call to o *)
  cguess  : int; (* cost *)
  oguess  : int; (* number of call to o *)

op cA : adv_cost.
axiom cA_pos : 0 <= cA.`cchoose /\ 0 <= cA.`ochoose /\ 0 <= cA.`cguess /\ 0 <= cA.`oguess /\ 0 < cA.`ochoose + cA.`oguess.

op qH = cA.`ochoose + cA.`oguess.
lemma gt0_qH :  0 < qH by smt (cA_pos).

(* Assumption: Set CDH *)
clone DiffieHellman as DH.

clone import DH.List_CDH as LCDHT with
  op n <- qH
  proof gt0_n by apply gt0_qH.

clone import LCDHT.Cost as C1.

clone include AllCore.Cost.
clone include Bool.Cost.
clone include Bits.Cost.
clone include DBool.Cost.
clone include List.Cost.
clone include DH.GP.Cost.

type pkey = group.
type skey = exp.
type ptxt = bits.
type ctxt = group * bits.

(* Goal: PK IND-CPA *)
clone import PKE_CPA as PKE with
  type pkey <- pkey,
  type skey <- skey,
  type ptxt <- ptxt,
  type ctxt <- ctxt.

(* Some abstract hash oracle *)
module type Hash = {
  proc init(): unit
  proc hash(x:group): bits

module Hashed_ElGamal (H:Hash): Scheme = {
  proc kg(): pkey * skey = {
    var sk;

    sk <$ dt;
    return (g ^ sk, sk);

  proc enc(pk:pkey, m:ptxt): ctxt = {
    var y, h;

    y <$ dt;
    h <@ H.hash(pk ^ y);
    return (g ^ y, h +^ m);

  proc dec(sk:skey, c:ctxt): ptxt option = {
    var gy, h, hm;

    (gy, hm) <- c;
    h        <@ H.hash(gy ^ sk);
    return Some (h +^ hm);

clone import ROM as RO with
  type in_t    <- group,
  type out_t   <- bits,
  type d_in_t  <- unit,
  type d_out_t <- bool,
  op   dout _  <- dbits.

import Lazy.

clone import ROM_BadCall as ROC with
  op qH <- qH.

clone import FMapCost as FMC with
  type from  <- group.

(* Adversary Definitions *)
module type Adversary (O : POracle) = {
  proc choose(pk:pkey): ptxt * ptxt
  proc guess(c:ctxt)  : bool

(* Specializing and merging the hash function *)

module H = {
  var qs : group list
  proc init(): unit = { LRO.init(); qs <- []; }
  proc o(x:group): bits = { var y; qs <- x::qs; y <@ LRO.o(x); return y; }
  proc hash = LRO.o

(* The initial scheme *)
module S = Hashed_ElGamal(H).

(* We want to bound the probability of A winning CPA(Bounder(A,RO),S) in terms of
   the probability of B = CDH_from_CPA(SCDH_from_CPA(A,RO)) winning CDH(B) *)

  declare module A <: Adversary [choose : `{N cA.`cchoose, #O.o : cA.`ochoose},
                                 guess  : `{N cA.`cguess,  #O.o : cA.`oguess}] {-H}.

  declare axiom guess_ll (O <: POracle {-A}) : islossless O.o => islossless A(O).guess.

  local module G0 = {
    var gxy:group

    proc main(): bool = {
      var m0, m1, c, b, b';
      var x, y, h, gx;

      x       <$ dt;
      y       <$ dt;
      gx      <- g ^ x;
      gxy     <- gx ^ y;
      (m0,m1) <@ A(H).choose(gx);
      h       <$ dbits;
      c       <- (g ^ y, h);
      b'      <@ A(H).guess(c);
      b       <$ {0,1};
      return (b' = b);

  local lemma Pr_CPA_G0 &m :
    Pr[CPA(S,A(LRO)).main() @ &m: res] <=
      Pr[G0.main() @ &m: res] + Pr[G0.main() @ &m: G0.gxy \in H.qs].
    byequiv => //.
    inline Hashed_ElGamal(H).kg Hashed_ElGamal(H).enc H.hash.
    swap{1} 8 -5; swap{2} 10 -3.
    call (_: G0.gxy \in H.qs,
            (forall x, x \in H.qs{2} = x \in LRO.m{2}) /\
            eq_except (pred1 G0.gxy{2}) LRO.m{1} LRO.m{2}).
    + by apply guess_ll.
    + proc; inline *; auto => /> &1 &2 hb; smt (eq_except_set_eq get_setE).
    + by move=> *; islossless.
    + by move=> /=; proc; call (_: true); 1: islossless; auto => />.
    wp; rnd (fun y0 => y0 +^ m{1}) => /=.
    wp; rnd; call (_: ={LRO.m} /\ (forall x, x \in H.qs{2} = x \in LRO.m{2})).
    + by proc; inline *; auto => />; smt (get_setE).
    inline *; auto => /> *; split; 1: by move=> *; rewrite mem_empty.
    move=> _ ??? hdom ??; split; 1: by move=> *;ring.
    smt(eq_except_setl get_setE).

  local lemma Pr_G0_res &m :
     Pr[G0.main() @ &m: res] <= 1%r/2%r.
    byphoare => //; proc.
    rnd (pred1 b'); conseq (_:true) => //.
    by move=> /> *; rewrite DBool.dbool1E.

  local module ALCDH = {
    proc solve (gx:group, gy:group) : group list = {
      var m0, m1, c, b';
      var h;
      (m0,m1) <@ A(H).choose(gx);
      h       <$ dbits;
      c       <- (gy, h);
      b'      <@ A(H).guess(c);
      if (H.qs = []) H.qs <- [g];
      return H.qs;

  local lemma cost_ALCDH :
    choare [ALCDH.solve : true ==> 0 < size res <= cA.`ochoose + cA.`oguess]
    time [N (6 + cdbits + (3 + cdbits + cget qH + cset qH + cin qH) * (cA.`oguess + cA.`ochoose) + cA.`cguess + cA.`cchoose)].
    proc; wp.
    call (_: size H.qs- cA.`ochoose <= k /\ bounded LRO.m (size H.qs);
           [H.o k : [N(3 + cdbits + cget qH + cset qH + cin qH)]]).
    + move=> zo hzo; proc; inline *.
      wp := (bounded LRO.m qH).
      rnd; auto => &hr />; rewrite dbits_ll /=.
      progress; 1,2,4,6,7,8,9: smt (cset_pos bounded_set).
      * have -> : (qH = qH - 1 + 1) by smt ().
        apply bounded_set.
        smt ().

      * rewrite addzC.
        apply bounded_set.
        smt ().

    wp; rnd; call (_: size H.qs = k /\ bounded LRO.m (size H.qs);
           time [H.o k : [N(3 + cdbits + cget qH + cset qH + cin qH)]]).
    + move=> zo hzo; proc; inline *.
      wp := (bounded LRO.m qH).
      rnd;auto => &hr />; rewrite dbits_ll /=.
      progress; 1,2,4,6,7,8,9:
      smt(cset_pos bounded_set cA_pos).
      * have -> : (qH = qH - 1 + 1) by smt ().
        apply bounded_set.
        smt (cA_pos).

      * rewrite addzC.
        apply bounded_set.
        smt ().
    inline *; auto => />.
    split => *.
    + smt (bounded_empty dbits_ll size_ge0 size_eq0 cA_pos).
    rewrite !bigi_constz /=; smt(cA_pos).

  local lemma Pr_G0_LCDHPr_G0_res &m:
    Pr[G0.main() @ &m: G0.gxy \in H.qs] <= Pr[LCDH(ALCDH).main() @ &m : res].
    byequiv => //.
    conseq (_ : _ ==> G0.gxy{1} \in H.qs{1} => g ^ (x{2} * y{2}) \in s{2}) _ (_: true ==> size s <= qH) => //.
    + by move=> />.
    + call (_: true ==> 0 < size res <= qH); last by auto.
      by conseq cost_ALCDH; smt (cA_pos).
    inline *.
    rnd{1}; auto; call (_: ={glob H}); 1: by sim.
    auto; call (_: ={glob H}); 1: by sim.
    by auto => /> *; rewrite expM.

  lemma ex_reduction &m :
    exists (B<:DH.CDH.Adversary
      [solve : `{ N(C1.cduniform_n +
                  6 + cdbits +
                  (3 + cdbits + cget qH + cset qH + cin qH) * (cA.`oguess + cA.`ochoose) + cA.`cguess + cA.`cchoose)}]
               {+A, +H}),
    Pr[CPA(S,A(LRO)).main() @ &m: res] - 1%r/2%r <=
    qH%r * Pr[DH.CDH.CDH(B).main() @ &m: res].
    have [B hB]:= C1.ex_reduction _ ALCDH &m cost_ALCDH.
    exists B; split.
    + proc true : time [] => // /#.
    move: (Pr_CPA_G0 &m) (Pr_G0_res &m) (Pr_G0_LCDHPr_G0_res) => /#.

end section.

print ex_reduction.
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