Raw File
Tip revision: 7d48561a5e49429f02d1bfe35bc7c32be85096ac authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 05 April 2024, 11:33:24 UTC
Internal: refactoring of matching algorithm
Tip revision: 7d48561
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcSymbols
open EcPath
open EcAst

module Sid = EcIdent.Sid
module Mid = EcIdent.Mid

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
include EcCoreModules

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module OI = PreOI

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let mr_empty = {
  mr_xpaths = ur_empty EcPath.Sx.empty;
  mr_mpaths = ur_empty EcPath.Sm.empty;
  mr_oinfos = Msym.empty;

let mr_full = {
  mr_xpaths = ur_full EcPath.Sx.empty;
  mr_mpaths = ur_full EcPath.Sm.empty;
  mr_oinfos = Msym.empty;

let mr_add_restr mr (rx : Sx.t use_restr) (rm : Sm.t use_restr) =
  { mr_xpaths = ur_union Sx.union Sx.inter mr.mr_xpaths rx;
    mr_mpaths = ur_union Sm.union Sm.inter mr.mr_mpaths rm;
    mr_oinfos = mr.mr_oinfos; }

let change_oinfo restr f oi =
  { restr with mr_oinfos = Msym.add f oi restr.mr_oinfos }

let add_oinfo restr f oi = change_oinfo restr f oi

let oicalls_filter restr f filter =
  match Msym.find f restr.mr_oinfos with
  | oi -> change_oinfo restr f (OI.filter filter oi)
  | exception Not_found -> restr

let change_oicalls restr f ocalls =
  let oi = match Msym.find f restr.mr_oinfos with
    | oi -> OI.filter (fun x -> List.mem x ocalls) oi
    | exception Not_found -> ocalls in
  add_oinfo restr f oi

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let mty_hash  = EcCoreFol.mty_hash
let mty_equal = EcCoreFol.mty_equal

let mr_equal  = EcCoreFol.mr_equal
let mr_hash   = EcCoreFol.mr_hash
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