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Tip revision: 3da49db3cf0eea4d2c5eba241ddb5470cd7dd929 authored by Dominique Makowski on 26 January 2021, 16:40:03 UTC
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% Please edit documentation in R/bayesfactor_models.R
\title{Bayes Factors (BF) for model comparison}
bayesfactor_models(..., denominator = 1, verbose = TRUE)

bf_models(..., denominator = 1, verbose = TRUE)

\method{update}{bayesfactor_models}(object, subset = NULL, reference = NULL, ...)

\method{as.matrix}{bayesfactor_models}(x, ...)
\item{...}{Fitted models (see details), all fit on the same data, or a single
\code{BFBayesFactor} object (see 'Details'). Ignored in \code{as.matrix()},

\item{denominator}{Either an integer indicating which of the models to use as
the denominator, or a model to be used as a denominator. Ignored for

\item{verbose}{Toggle off warnings.}

\item{object, x}{A \code{\link{bayesfactor_models}} object.}

\item{subset}{Vector of model indices to keep or remove.}

\item{reference}{Index of model to rereference to, or \code{"top"} to
reference to the best model, or \code{"bottom"} to reference to the worst
A data frame containing the models' formulas (reconstructed fixed and random effects) and their BFs, that prints nicely.
This function computes or extracts Bayes factors from fitted models.
\cr \cr
The \code{bf_*} function is an alias of the main function.
If the passed models are supported by \pkg{insight} the DV of all models will be tested for equality
(else this is assumed to be true), and the models' terms will be extracted (allowing for follow-up
analysis with \code{bayesfactor_inclusion}).

  \item For \code{brmsfit} or \code{stanreg} models, Bayes factors are computed using the \CRANpkg{bridgesampling} package.
    \item \code{brmsfit} models must have been fitted with \code{save_pars = save_pars(all = TRUE)}.
    \item \code{stanreg} models must have been fitted with a defined \code{diagnostic_file}.
  \item For \code{BFBayesFactor}, \code{bayesfactor_models()} is mostly a wraparound \code{BayesFactor::extractBF()}.
  \item For all other model types (supported by \CRANpkg{insight}), BIC approximations are used to compute Bayes factors.
In order to correctly and precisely estimate Bayes factors, a rule of thumb
are the 4 P's: \strong{P}roper \strong{P}riors and \strong{P}lentiful
\strong{P}osteriors. How many? The number of posterior samples needed for
testing is substantially larger than for estimation (the default of 4000
samples may not be enough in many cases). A conservative rule of thumb is to
obtain 10 times more samples than would be required for estimation
(\cite{Gronau, Singmann, & Wagenmakers, 2017}). If less than 40,000 samples
are detected, \code{bayesfactor_models()} gives a warning.
\cr \cr
See also \href{}{the Bayes factors vignette}.
There is also a \href{}{\code{plot()}-method} implemented in the \href{}{\pkg{see}-package}.
\section{Interpreting Bayes Factors}{

A Bayes factor greater than 1 can be interpreted as evidence against the
null, at which one convention is that a Bayes factor greater than 3 can be
considered as "substantial" evidence against the null (and vice versa, a
Bayes factor smaller than 1/3 indicates substantial evidence in favor of the
null-model) (\cite{Wetzels et al. 2011}).

# With lm objects:
# ----------------
lm1 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ 1, data = iris)
lm2 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris)
lm3 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species + Petal.Length, data = iris)
lm4 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species * Petal.Length, data = iris)
bayesfactor_models(lm1, lm2, lm3, lm4, denominator = 1)
bayesfactor_models(lm2, lm3, lm4, denominator = lm1) # same result
BFM <- bayesfactor_models(lm1, lm2, lm3, lm4, denominator = lm1) # same result

update(BFM, reference = "bottom")

# With lmerMod objects:
# ---------------------
if (require("lme4")) {
  lmer1 <- lmer(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length + (1 | Species), data = iris)
  lmer2 <- lmer(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length + (Petal.Length | Species), data = iris)
  lmer3 <- lmer(
    Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length + (Petal.Length | Species) + (1 | Petal.Width),
    data = iris
  bayesfactor_models(lmer1, lmer2, lmer3, denominator = 1)
  bayesfactor_models(lmer1, lmer2, lmer3, denominator = lmer1)

# rstanarm models
# ---------------------
# (note that a unique diagnostic_file MUST be specified in order to work)
if (require("rstanarm")) {
  stan_m0 <- stan_glm(Sepal.Length ~ 1,
    data = iris,
    family = gaussian(),
    diagnostic_file = file.path(tempdir(), "df0.csv")
  stan_m1 <- stan_glm(Sepal.Length ~ Species,
    data = iris,
    family = gaussian(),
    diagnostic_file = file.path(tempdir(), "df1.csv")
  stan_m2 <- stan_glm(Sepal.Length ~ Species + Petal.Length,
    data = iris,
    family = gaussian(),
    diagnostic_file = file.path(tempdir(), "df2.csv")
  bayesfactor_models(stan_m1, stan_m2, denominator = stan_m0)

# brms models
# --------------------
# (note the save_pars MUST be set to save_pars(all = TRUE) in order to work)
if (require("brms")) {
  brm1 <- brm(Sepal.Length ~ 1, data = iris, save_all_pars = TRUE)
  brm2 <- brm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris, save_all_pars = TRUE)
  brm3 <- brm(
    Sepal.Length ~ Species + Petal.Length,
    data = iris,
    save_pars = save_pars(all = TRUE)

  bayesfactor_models(brm1, brm2, brm3, denominator = 1)

# BayesFactor
# ---------------------------
if (require("BayesFactor")) {
  BF <- anovaBF(RT ~ shape * color + ID,
    data = puzzles,
    whichRandom = "ID", progress = FALSE
  bayesfactor_models(BF) # basically the same
  \item Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., & Wagenmakers, E. J. (2017). Bridgesampling: An R package for estimating normalizing constants. arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.08162.
  \item Kass, R. E., and Raftery, A. E. (1995). Bayes Factors. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90(430), 773-795.
  \item Robert, C. P. (2016). The expected demise of the Bayes factor. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 72, 33–37.
  \item Wagenmakers, E. J. (2007). A practical solution to the pervasive problems of p values. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 14(5), 779-804.
  \item Wetzels, R., Matzke, D., Lee, M. D., Rouder, J. N., Iverson, G. J., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2011). Statistical Evidence in Experimental Psychology: An Empirical Comparison Using 855 t Tests. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6(3), 291–298. \doi{10.1177/1745691611406923}
Mattan S. Ben-Shachar
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