Raw File
Tip revision: 4d105b9a4e02f465626dc132c70efc2da9f14752 authored by Adrian Baddeley on 13 April 2005, 10:21:37 UTC
version 1.6-3
Tip revision: 4d105b9
#	kmrs.S
#	S code for Kaplan-Meier and reduced sample
#	estimates of a distribution function
#	from _histograms_ of censored data.
#	kaplan.meier()
#	reduced.sample()
#	$Revision: 3.4 $	$Date: 2002/05/13 12:41:10 $
#	The functions in this file produce vectors `km' and `rs'
#	where km[k] and rs[k] are estimates of F(breaks[k+1]),
#	i.e. an estimate of the c.d.f. at the RIGHT endpoint of the interval.

"kaplan.meier" <-
function(obs, nco, breaks) {
#	obs: histogram of all observations : min(T_i,C_i)
#	nco: histogram of noncensored observations : T_i such that T_i <= C_i
# 	breaks: breakpoints (vector or 'breakpts' object, see breaks.S)
        breaks <- as.breakpts(breaks)

	n <- length(obs)
	if(n != length(nco)) 
		stop("lengths of histograms do not match")
	check.hist.lengths(nco, breaks)
#   reverse cumulative histogram of observations
	d <- cumsum(obs[n:1])[n:1]
#  product integrand
	s <- ifelse(d > 0, 1 - nco/d, 1)
	km <- 1 - cumprod(s)
#  km has length n;  km[i] is an estimate of F(r) for r=breaks[i+1]
	widths <- diff(breaks$val)
	lambda <-  - log(ifelse(s > 0, s, 1))/widths 
#  lambda has length n; lambda[i] is an estimate of
#  the average of \lambda(r) over the interval (breaks[i],breaks[i+1]).
	return(list(km=km, lambda=lambda))

"reduced.sample" <-
function(nco, cen, ncc, show=FALSE)
#	nco: histogram of noncensored observations: T_i such that T_i <= C_i
#	cen: histogram of all censoring times: C_i
#	ncc: histogram of censoring times for noncensored obs:
#		C_i such that T_i <= C_i
#	Then nco[k] = #{i: T_i <= C_i, T_i \in I_k}
#	     cen[k] = #{i: C_i \in I_k}
#	     ncc[k] = #{i: T_i <= C_i, C_i \in I_k}.
	n <- length(nco)
	if(n != length(cen) || n != length(ncc))
		stop("histogram lengths do not match")
#	denominator: reverse cumulative histogram of censoring times
#		denom(r) = #{i : C_i >= r}
#	We compute 
#		cc[k] = #{i: C_i > breaks[k]}	
#	except that > becomes >= for k=0.
	cc <- cumsum(cen[n:1])[n:1]
#	numerator
#	#{i: T_i <= r <= C_i }
#	= #{i: T_i <= r, T_i <= C_i} - #{i: C_i < r, T_i <= C_i}
#	We compute
#		u[k] = #{i: T_i <= C_i, T_i <= breaks[k+1]}
#			- #{i: T_i <= C_i, C_i <= breaks[k]}
#		     = #{i: T_i <= C_i, C_i > breaks[k], T_i <= breaks[k+1]}
#	this ensures that numerator and denominator are 
#	comparable, u[k] <= cc[k] always.
	u <- cumsum(nco) - c(0,cumsum(ncc)[1:(n-1)])
	rs <- u/cc
#	Hence rs[k] = u[k]/cc[k] is an estimator of F(r) 
#	for r = breaks[k+1], i.e. for the right hand end of the interval.
          return(list(rs=rs, numerator=u, denominator=cc))

"" <-
function(o, cc, d, breaks) {
#	o: censored lifetimes min(T_i,C_i)
#	cc: censoring times C_i
#	d: censoring indicators 1(T_i <= C_i)
#	breaks: histogram breakpoints (vector or 'breakpts' object)
        breaks <- as.breakpts(breaks)
# compile histograms
	obs <- hist( o,		breaks=breaks$val,plot=FALSE,probability=FALSE)$counts
	nco <- hist( o[d], 	breaks=breaks$val,plot=FALSE,probability=FALSE)$counts
	cen <- hist( cc,	breaks=breaks$val,plot=FALSE,probability=FALSE)$counts
	ncc <- hist( cc[d],	breaks=breaks$val,plot=FALSE,probability=FALSE)$counts
# go
	km <- kaplan.meier(obs, nco, breaks)
	rs <- reduced.sample(nco, cen, ncc)
	return(list(rs=rs, km=km$km, hazard=km$lambda,
                    r=breaks$val[-1], breaks=breaks$val))
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