Raw File
Tip revision: 169eae30157f9f72819739567a80168687fecadd authored by Duncan Temple Lang on 22 April 2007, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.7-2
Tip revision: 169eae3
\title{Create internal XML node or document object}
These are used to create internal `libxml' nodes
and top-level document objects 
that are used to write XML trees.
While the functions are available,
their direct use is not encouraged.
Instead, use \code{\link{xmlTree}}
as the functions need to be 
used within a strict regime
to avoid corrupting C level structures.
newXMLDoc(dtd, namespaces=NULL)
newXMLNode(name, ..., attrs = NULL, namespace="", doc=NULL, .children = list(...))
newXMLTextNode(text, doc = NULL)
newXMLCDataNode(text, doc = NULL)
newXMLCommentNode(text, doc = NULL)
newXMLPINode(name,  text, doc = NULL)
newXMLDTDNode(nodeName, externalID = character(), systemID = character(), doc = NULL)  
  \item{dtd}{the name of the DTD to use for the XML document.}
  \item{namespaces}{a named character vector
  with each element specifying a name space identifier and the
  corresponding URI for that namespace
  that are to be declared and used in the XML document, \\
   e.g. \code{c(shelp = "")}}
 \item{name}{the tag/element name for the XML node and
   the for a Processing Instruction (PI) node, this is the "target",
   e.g. the identifier for the system for whose attention this PI node is intended.}
  \item{...}{the children of this node. These can be other nodes created
  earlier or R strings that are converted to text nodes and added as children
  to this newly created node.}
  \item{attrs}{a named list of name-value pairs to be used as 
  attributes for the XML node.}
  \item{namespace}{the short or alias for the namespace to use for
      this XML node}
  \item{doc}{the \code{XMLInternalDocument} object created with
    \code{newXMLDoc} that is used to root the node.}
  \item{.children}{a list containing XML node elements or content.
    This is an alternative form of specifying the child nodes than \dots
  which is useful for programmatic interaction when the "sub"-content is
  already in a list rather than a loose collection of values.}
\item{text}{the text content for the new XML node}
\item{nodeName}{the name of the node to put in the DOCTYPE element
  that will appear as the top-most node in the XML document.}
\item{externalID}{the PUBLIC identifier for the document type.
  This is a string of the form \code{A//B//C//D}.
  A is either + or -; B identifies the person or insitution that defined
  the format (i.e. the "creator");
  C is the name of the format; and language is an encoding for the
  language that comes from the ISO 639 document.}
\item{systemID}{the SYSTEM identifier for the DTD for the document.
     This is a URI}
These create internal C level objects/structure instances
that can be added to a libxml DOM and subsequently
inserted into other document objects or ``serialized''
to textual form.
 Each function returns an R object that points to the
C-level structure instance.
These are of class \code{XMLInternalDocument}
and \code{XMLInternalNode}, respectively

\references{\url{}, \url{},
\author{ Duncan Temple Lang }

\note{These functions are used to build up an internal XML tree.
This can be used in the Sxslt package (\url{})
when creating content in R that is to be dynamicall inserted into an XML


x = summary(rnorm(1000))
d = xmlTree()
d$addNode("table", close = FALSE)

d$addNode("tr", .children = sapply(names(x), function(x) d$addNode("th", x)))
d$addNode("tr", .children = sapply(x, function(x) d$addNode("td", format(x))))


# Just doctype
z = xmlTree("people", dtd = "people")
# no public element
z = xmlTree("people", dtd = c("people", "", ""))
# public and system
z = xmlTree("people", dtd = c("people", "//a//b//c//d", ""))

# Using a DTD node directly.
dtd = newXMLDTDNode(c("people", "", ""))
z = xmlTree("people", dtd = dtd)

x = rnorm(3)
z = xmlTree("r:data", namespaces = c(r = ""))
z$addNode("numeric", attrs = c("r:length" = length(x)), close = FALSE)
lapply(x, function(v) z$addNode("el", x))
# should give   <r:data><numeric r:length="3"/></r:data>

# shows namespace prefix on an attribute, and different from the one on the node.
z = xmlTree()
z$addNode("r:data",  namespace = c(r = "", omg = ""), close = FALSE)
x = rnorm(3)
z$addNode("r:numeric", attrs = c("omg:length" = length(x)))

z = xmlTree("people", namespaces = list(r = ""))

z$addNode("person", attrs = c(id = "123"), close = FALSE)
z$addNode("firstname", "Duncan")
z$addNode("surname", "Temple Lang")
z$addNode("title", "Associate Professor")
z$addNode("expertize", close = FALSE)
z$addNode("topic", "Data Technologies")
z$addNode("topic", "Programming Language Design")
z$addNode("topic", "Parallel Computing")
z$addNode("topic", "Data Visualization")
z$addNode("address", "4210 Mathematical Sciences Building, UC Davis")
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