Raw File
Tip revision: 5e36c34b5b938e0f97c7be777e85042eba6df44c authored by Martin Schlather on 21 February 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.0.42
Tip revision: 5e36c34
\title{Pressure and temperature forecast errors over the Pacific Northwest}
  Meteorological dataset, which consists of difference between forecasts
  and observations (forcasts minus observations) of temperature and
  pressure at 157 locations in the North American Pacific Northwest. 
  This data frame contains the following columns:
    \item{pressure}{in units of Pascal}
    \item{temperature}{in units of degree Celcius}
    \item{lon}{longitudinal coordinates of the locations}
    \item{lat}{latitude coordinates of the locations}
  The forecasts are from the GFS member of the University of Washington
regional numerical weather prediction ensemble (UWME; Grimit and Mass
2002; Eckel and Mass 2005); they were valid on December 18, 2003 at 4 pm
local time, at a forecast horizon of 48 hours.
The data were obtained from Cliff Mass and Jeff Baars in the University
of Washington Department of Atmospheric Sciences.
    Eckel, A. F. and Mass, C. F. (2005) Aspects of effective mesoscale,
   short-range ensemble forecasting \emph{Wea. Forecasting} \bold{20},

    Gneiting, T., Kleiber,W.  and  Schlather, M. (2011) Matern
    cross-covariance functions for multivariate random fields 
    \emph{J. Amer. Statist. Assoc.} \bold{105}, 1167-1177.

    Grimit, E. P. and Mass, C. F. (2002) Initial results of a
    mesoscale short-range forecasting system over the Pacific
    Northwest \emph{Wea. Forecasting} \bold{17}, 192-205.


# % library(RandomFields, lib="~/TMP")

##                                                        ##
##    T. Gneiting, W. Kleiber, M. Schlather, JASA 2011    ##
##                                                        ##

## Here the analysis in the above mentioned paper is replicated.
## The results differ slightly from those in the paper, as the algorithm
## has been improved, and the estimation has been nearly fully automated.
## In particular, user supplied lower and upper bound for estimating
## the independent model are no longer required.
## As a result, the corresponding MLE fit deteriorates, whereas
## the other fits improve slightly.

## get the data                ##
miles2km <- 1.608

## P and T are so different in scale so that they have
## to be normalized first:
sdP <- sd(weather[, 1])
sdT <- sd(weather[, 2])
PT <- cbind( weather[, 1] / sdP, weather[, 2] / sdT )

Dist.mat <-[,3:4])
Dist.mat <- Dist.mat[lower.tri(Dist.mat)] ## in miles

## first: marginal estimation  ##
uni.est <- 
       list("$", var=NA, list("nugget")),
       list("$", var=NA, scale=NA, list("whittle", nu=NA))
fvP <- fitvario(Distances=Dist.mat, truedim=2, data=PT[, 1],
                model=uni.est, grid=FALSE, ml="ml", Print=1)$ml # -153.9

fvT <- fitvario(Distances=Dist.mat, truedim=2, data=PT[, 2],
                model=uni.est, grid=FALSE, ml="ml", Print=1)$ml # -138.45

# % file <- "fvPT.rda"; load(file); fvT <- fvT$ml; fvP  <- fvP$ml

## second: parsimoninous model ##
puni2bi <- function(mP, mT, lower) {
  nugg1 <- mP[[2]]$var
  nugg2 <- mT[[2]]$var
  nu1 <- mP[[3]][[4]]$nu
  nu2 <- mT[[3]][[4]]$nu
  s <- mean(c(mP[[3]]$scale, mT[[3]]$scale))
  c1 <- mP[[3]]$var
  c2 <- mT[[3]]$var
  if (missing(lower)) {
    rhored <- 0
    f <- 1
  } else if (lower) {
    rhored <- -1
    f <- 0.2
    nugg1 <- nugg2 <- 0
  } else {
    rhored <- 1
    f <- 4
    nugg1 <- c1 / 2
    nugg2 <- c2 / 2
              list("M", M=matrix(nc=2, c(sqrt(nugg1), 0, 0, sqrt(nugg2))),
                   nu = c(nu1 * f, nu2 * f), 
                   s = s * f,
                   c = c(c1 * f, c2 * f), rhored=rhored 
              ) )

p.est.model <- 
       list("M", M=matrix(nc=2, c(NA, 0, 0, NA)),
            nu = c(NA, NA), 
            s = NA,
            c = c(NA, NA), rhored=NA

## takes a rather long time (15 min in 2011)
pars <- fitvario(Distances=Dist.mat, truedim = 2, data=PT,
                 model=p.est.model, grid=FALSE, trend=list(0,0),
                 lower= puni2bi(fvP$model, fvT$model, lower=TRUE),
                 upper= puni2bi(fvP$model, fvT$model, lower=FALSE),
                 users.guess=puni2bi(fvP$model, fvT$model),
                 Print=2, ml="ml")$ml ## -280.9791

# % save(file="pars", pars)
# % Print(puni2bi(fvP$model, fvT$model, lower=TRUE),puni2bi(fvP$model, fvT$model, lower=FALSE),puni2bi(fvP$model, fvT$model))

## third: full biwm model      ##
pars2full <- function(model, lower){
  s <- model[[3]]$s
  nuP <- model[[3]]$nu[1]
  nuT <- model[[3]]$nu[2]
  tauP <- model[[2]]$M[1]
  tauT <- model[[2]]$M[4]
  cP <- model[[3]]$c[1]
  cT <- model[[3]]$c[2]
  Rhored <- model[[3]]$rhored
  nured <- 1

  if (missing(lower)) {
    f <- 1
  } else if (lower) {
    nured <- 0.1
    f <- 0.5
    Rhored <- -1
    tauP <- tauT <- 0
  } else {
    f <- 2
    tauP <- max(f * tauP, cP / 10)
    tauT <- max(f * tauT, cT / 10)
    Rhored <- 0 ## as estimated Rhored is negativ

       list("M", M=matrix(nc=2, c(tauP, 0, 0, tauT)),
            nu = c(nuP * f, nuT * f), nured=nured,
            s = c(s * f, s * f), s12=s * f,
            c = c(cP * f, cT * f), rhored=Rhored 
            ) )

est.model <- 
       list("M", M=matrix(nc=2, c(NA, 0, 0, NA)),
            nu = c(NA, NA), nured=NA,
            s = c(NA, NA), s12=NA,
            c = c(NA, NA), rhored=NA

fv <- fitvario(Distances=Dist.mat, truedim = 2, data=PT, Print=2,
               model=est.model, grid=FALSE, trend=list(0,0),
               lower=pars2full(pars$model, lower=TRUE),
               upper=pars2full(pars$model, lower=FALSE),
               users.guess=pars2full(pars$model), ml="ml")$ml # -280.6910
## %                      now even  -280.5419
# %  Print(pars2full(pars$model, lower=TRUE),pars2full(pars$model,lower=FALSE),pars2full(pars$model))

## output                      ##

Factor <- function(nu1, nu2, nu12, a1, a2, a12, d) {
  gamma(nu1 + d/2) * gamma(nu2 + d/2) / gamma(nu1) / gamma(nu2) *
  (gamma(nu12) / gamma(nu12+d/2))^2 * (a1^nu1 * a2^nu2 / a12^(2*nu12) )^2

InfQ <- function(nu1, nu2, nu12, a1, a2, a12, d) {
  gamma <- (2*nu12+d) * a1^2 * a2^2 - (nu2 +d/2)*a1^2*a12^2 -
    (nu1 +d/2) *a2^2*a12^2
  beta <- (2 * nu12 - nu2 + d/2) * a1^2 + (2 * nu12 - nu1 + d/2) * a2^2  -
    (nu1 + nu2 + d) *a12^2
  alpha <- 2 * nu12 - nu1 -nu2
  rednu12 <- 0.5 * (nu1 + nu2) / nu12
  if (rednu12 == 1.0) {
    t1sq <- t2sq <- max(0, if (beta==0) 0 else -gamma / beta)
    inf <- 1
  } else {
    inf <- Inf
    discr <- beta^2 - 4 * alpha * gamma
    t1sq <- t2sq <- 0
    if (discr >= 0) {
      discr <- sqrt(discr)
      t1sq = max(0, (-beta + discr) / (2.0 * alpha))
      t2sq = max(0, (-beta - discr) / (2.0 * alpha))
  tsq <- c(0, t1sq, t2sq)
  return(min(inf, (a12^2 + tsq)^(2.0 * nu12 + d) /
            (a1^2 + tsq)^(nu1 + d/2) / (a2^2 + tsq)^(nu2 + d/2) ))

uni2full <- function(mP, mT) {
  nuggP <- mP[[2]]$var
  nuggT <- mT[[2]]$var
  nuP <- mP[[3]][[4]]$nu
  nuT <- mT[[3]][[4]]$nu
  sP <- mP[[3]]$scale
  sT <- mT[[3]]$scale
  c1 <- mP[[3]]$var
  c2 <- mT[[3]]$var
             list("M", M=matrix(nc=2, c(sqrt(nuggP), 0, 0, nuggT)),
                  nu = c(nuP, nuT), nured=1,
                  s = c(sP, sT), s12=1,
                  c = c(c1, c2), rhored=0)
            ) )

PaperOutput <- function(m, sdP, sdT) {
  m[[2]]$M <- m[[2]]$M * c(sdP, 0, 0, sdT)
  m[[3]]$c <- m[[3]]$c * c(sdP, sdT)^2
  sP <- m[[3]]$s[1] * miles2km
  sT <- m[[3]]$s[2] * miles2km
  sPT <- m[[3]]$s12 * miles2km
  m[[3]]$s <- c(sP, sT)
  m[[3]]$s12 <- sPT
  d <- 2

  ml <- fitvario(Distances=Dist.mat * miles2km,
                 truedim = d, data=t(t(PT) * c(sdP, sdT)),
                 m=m, grid=FALSE, trend=list(0,0), ml="ml")$ml$ml

  nuP <- m[[3]]$nu[1]
  nuT <- m[[3]]$nu[2]
  nuPT <- 0.5 * (nuP + nuT) / m[[3]]$nured
  f <- Factor(nuP, nuT, nuPT, 1/sP, 1/sT, 1/sPT, d)
  infQ <- InfQ(nuP, nuT, nuPT, 1/sP, 1/sT, 1/sPT, d)
         model = m,
         sigmaP = sqrt(m[[3]]$c[1]),
         sigmaT = sqrt(m[[3]]$c[2]),
         nuP  = nuP,
         nuT  = nuT,
         nuPT = nuPT,
         inv.aP = sP,
         inv.aT = sT,
         inv.aPT= sPT,
         rhoPT  = m[[3]]$rhored * sqrt(f * infQ),
         tauP = m[[2]]$M[1],
         tauT = m[[2]]$M[4],
         ml = ml

Print(PaperOutput(uni2full(fvP$model, fvT$model), sdP, sdT)) # -1277.11
Print(PaperOutput(pars2full(pars$model), sdP, sdT)) # -1265.73
Print(PaperOutput(fv$model, sdP, sdT)) # -1265.30


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