Raw File
Tip revision: 40815ac392dff1d2235395747dd161044ecc86b9 authored by Tobias Setz on 07 March 2020, 10:06:10 UTC
version 3042.89.1
Tip revision: 40815ac
Package: fBasics
Title: Rmetrics - Markets and Basic Statistics
Date: 2017-11-12
Version: 3042.89.1
Author: Diethelm Wuertz [aut],
	Tobias Setz [cre],
	Yohan Chalabi [ctb]
	Martin Maechler [ctb]
Maintainer: Tobias Setz <>
Description: Provides a collection of functions to 
    explore and to investigate basic properties of financial returns 
    and related quantities.
    The covered fields include techniques of explorative data analysis
    and the investigation of distributional properties, including
    parameter estimation and hypothesis testing. Even more there are
    several utility functions for data handling and management.
Depends: R (>= 2.15.1), timeDate, timeSeries
Imports: stats, grDevices, graphics, methods, utils, MASS, spatial,
        gss, stabledist
ImportsNote: akima not in Imports because of non-GPL licence.
Suggests: akima, RUnit, tcltk
LazyData: yes
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2020-03-07 10:25:14 UTC; hornik
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-03-07 11:06:10 UTC
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