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Tip revision: 200f1c11ae22b24a56cf0ca87ab882e91f773299 authored by Roger Koenker on 26 February 2013, 00:00:00 UTC
version 4.95
Tip revision: 200f1c1
              The Quantreg FAQ

1.  [Non-uniqueness of Solutions] "The estimation of regression quantiles is 
a linear programming problem.  And the optimal solution may not be unique. 
However, rq() provides a single solution.
My question is what are the additional constraints to get the single solution? 
Because when we do the research, we can write our own routine in different 
software like in SAS to estimate quantile regression, does that mean people 
will get different solutions?"

   From ?

   eps: tolerance parameter for convergence.  In cases of multiple
          optimal solutions there may be some discrepancy between
          solutions produced by method '"fn"' and method '"br"'.  This
          is due to the fact that '"fn"' tends to converge to a point
          near the centroid of the solution set, while '"br"' stops at
          a vertex of the set. 

   There is already facility for doing QR in SAS and it is based _very_closely_ 
   on my R package and uses essentially the same algorithms.

2.  [Non-uniqueness redux] "And all these solutions is [sic] correct?  
Or do we need additional constraints to get the same solutions as derived in R?" 

   Yes, they are all correct.  Just as any number between the two central order 
   statistics is "a median" when the sample size is even and the order statistics 
   are distinct.  The main point here is that the differences between solutions are 
   of order 1/n and the inherent uncertainty about the estimates is of order 1/sqrt(n) so 
   the former variability is essentially irrelevant.

3.  [Basic Obervations]  "How can we identify the cases (data pairs) that belong to 
different quantiles in a scatterplot?   It seems that they must be identified by 
the code in the process of analyzing the quantile means, but I've been unable to 
figure out how to find and extract them." 

   For a given fit:

	f <- rq(y ~ x +z, tau = .4)
	h <- which(abs(f$resid) < tol)

   will recover the indices of the observations that have
   zero  residuals.  Of course you need to specify tol
   which I would  recommend to be something like:
	   tol <- .Machine$double.eps^(2/3)
   If f has p fitted parameters then h should have p elements.
   If this isn't  the case then you might need to experiment with tol a bit.

4.  [R^2]  "I am currently trying to caculate the coefficient of determination for 
different quantile regression models. For example, how do you calculate 
the the sum of the weighted absolute deviations in the models ..."

   R-squared is evil, that is why there isn't an automated way to compute
   something similar for quantile regression  in the quantreg package.  
   But if you insist use:

	R1 <- 1 - f1$rho/f0$rho

   Provided that f0 is nested within f1 and the taus are the same, 0 <= R1 <= 1.
   If you want to test f1 vs f0 then use anova(f1,f0)

   For further details see: Koenker R. and Jose A.F. Machado.  Goodness 
   of Fit and Related Inference Processes for Quantile Regression 
   J. of Am Stat. Assoc, (1999), 94, 1296-1310. 

5.  [Singular Designs]  "R crashes in some cases when fitting models with rq()."

   This happened in some earlier versions of the package when the design matrix
   was singular.  This is now checked more carefully, and shouldn't happen in
   versions 4.17 or later.  Eventually, I may try to treat singular designs in
   a way that is more compatible with lm().

6.  [Confidence Intervals]  "Why does summary(rq(...)) sometimes produce a
table with upper and lower confidence limits, and sometimes a table with standard

   There are several methods for computing standard errors and confidence limits.
   By default on small problems (n < 1001)  summary uses the rank inversion method,
   which produces (potentially asymmetric) confidence intervals,while for larger 
   problems the default is to estimate the asymptotic covariance matrix and
   report standard errors of the parameter estimates.

7. [Non-positive fis]  "What does the message "Non-positive fis" mean?

   When method ="nid" is used in summary local density estimates are made at
   each x_i value, in some cases these estimates can be negative and if so
   they are set to zero.  This is generally harmless, leading to a somewhat
   conservative (larger) estimate of the standard errors, however if the 
   reported number of non-positive fis is large relative to the sample size
   then it is an indication of misspecification of the model.  

8.  [rq vs lm fits]  In the Engel example in ?rq both rq fits and the least
squares fit are plotted -- what should we expect to see in such a comparison?

   In the classical linear regression model with iid error we could integrate
   betahat(tau) over [0,1] and should get something quite similar to the
   least squares estimate.  In the one-sample model this is exact:  averaging
   the order statistics is equivalent to averaging the unordered original
   observations.  In non-iid error situations this is more complicated but
   generally one sees that least squares coefs look roughly like some sort
   of average of their corresponding rq coefficients when averaged over tau.

10.  [AIC and pseudo likelihoods]  In  quantreg of R package, rq.object  can compute 
AIC (Akaile's An Information Criterion).but, AIC=-2L/n+2k/n ,where L is log-likelihood, 
k represents the number of parameters in the model ,n is the number of observation.
We know likelihood base on distribution,but quantile regression can not assume 
specific distribution,this is AIC maybe not compute accurately, or AIC maybe 
can not calculate.Why do rq.object can compute AIC? 

   This is discussed many places in the literature.  Yes, it is not a "real"  
   likelihood, only a pseudo likelihood, but then the Gaussian likelihood is 
   usually not a real likelihood either most of the time....
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