Raw File
Tip revision: c71fb7f6ffa323303affebf0e35a0070faa9c24d authored by Doug Nychka on 10 May 2004, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.7.2
Tip revision: c71fb7f
"" <-
function(out, x, cov.function=NULL, rho, sigma2, weights = NULL, cov = FALSE, stationary
	 = TRUE, fixed.mean = TRUE, ...)
	# NOTE: to follow along 
	# if lambda is an estimate of the random field at a point
	# and lambda_hat is an estimate based on linear combination of the data
	# MSE( lambda - lambda_hat) = VAR( lambda) - 2* COV( lambda, lambda_hat)
	#      + VAR( lambda_hat)
	# Perhaps the most confusing aspect of this code is that the MSE
	# are found simultanouesly for all the points in x.
	# This is to avoid an explicit for loop 
	if(missing(x)) x <- out$x
	x <- as.matrix(x)
	xraw <- x
	#### transform x to the scale used to fit model
	if(is.null(out$transform)) {
		xc <- rep(0, ncol(x))
		xs <- rep(1, ncol(x))
	else {
		xc <- out$transform$
		xs <- out$transform$x.scale
	x <- scale(x, xc, xs)
	xM <- scale(out$xM, xc, xs)
	########## if covariance function and parameters are missing
	########## extract them from the Krig object
	## figure out what covariance function to use. 

        if(!is.null(cov.function)) {
                        cov.function <- as.character(substitute(cov.function))
        else{ cov.function<- out$}

        if(missing(sigma2)) {
		sigma2 <- out$sigma2
	# OK now fix the right value for sigma
	if(missing(rho)) {
		rho <- out$rho
	# set switch if the covariance is stationary
		if(!is.null(formals(get(out$$marginal)) {
			stationary <- FALSE
	lambda <- sigma2/rho
	if(lambda != 0) {
		if((lambda - out$lambda)/lambda > 1e-08) {
			warning("lambda value used is different from the one in the Krig object"
			cat(lambda, out$lambda, fill = TRUE)
	nx <- nrow(xM)
	#       figure out if this is a correlation model and make adustments
	# <- 1
	var.mean <- 0
	if(out$correlation.model) {
		# predict standard deviations at xraw values <- c(predict(out$sd.obj, xraw))
		if(!fixed.mean) {
			# for the very end ... the variance in estimating the mean function. 
			var.mean <-$mean.obj, xraw)^2
	# here is where the real fun begins
	# wght.vec are the linear combinations of the data ( yM the averages
	# if there are replicates) that give the 
	# correpsonding estimates of the function at the points x
	wght.vec <- t(make.Amatrix(out, xraw, lambda))
	# modify weight.vec to give the weighted estimated 
	# Cy is the observed covariance matrix of the data vector
	# xM should be in transformed scale and are the unique x values from
	# the collapsed data means
		Cy <- rho *$, c(out$args, list(x1 = xM,
			x2 = xM))) + sigma2 * diag(1/out$weightsM)
	# see if the C argument is given, if so utilize it.
	C.arg.missing <- is.null(formals(get(out$$C)
	if(cov) {
		# this block find the whole covariance matrix 
			if(C.arg.missing) {
				temp <- rho *$, c(out$
					args, list(x1 = x, x2 = xM))) %*% 
			else {
				temp <- rho *$, c(out$
					args, list(x1 = x, x2 = xM, C = 
			# end of if else C.arg.missing stmt
			temp <- rho *$, c(out$args, list(
				x1 = x, x2 = x))) - temp - t(temp)

		temp <- temp + t(wght.vec) %*% Cy %*% wght.vec
		return( * t(t(temp *
	# this is the second term in the MSE
		temp1 <- rho * c(t(wght.vec *$, c(out$
			args, list(x1 = xM, x2 = x)))) %*% rep(1, nx))
	# this is the third term in the MSE 
	temp2 <- c(t(wght.vec * (Cy %*% wght.vec)) %*% rep(1, nx))
	# VAR of the first term is handled differently depending on 
	# if this is the MSE at a point or a weighted combination
	if(stationary) {
		x0 <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(x), nrow = 1)
			temp <- rho *$, c(out$args, list(
				x1 = x0, x2 = x0))) - 2 * temp1 + temp2
		return(sqrt(temp *^2 + var.mean))
	# if covariance is not stationary then loop through each point to get
	# the variance of field at that point. 
		if(is.null(formals(get(out$$marginal)) {
			temp <- rep(0, nrow(x))
			for(k in 1:nrow(x)) {
				x0 <- matrix(x[k,  ], nrow = 1)
				temp[k] <- rho *$, c(
					out$args, list(x1 = x0, x2 = x0))) -
					2 * temp1[k] + temp2[k]
		else {
			## marginal variances available by single call
			temp <- rho *$, c(out$args, list(
				x, marginal = TRUE))) - 2 * temp1 + temp2
	return(sqrt((^2) * temp + var.mean))
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