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Tip revision: 63e8a52ae6668e736720c89691352d6dc3bc9eb1 authored by HwB on 17 January 2012, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.9.6
Tip revision: 63e8a52
  Trigonometric Polynomial
  Computes the trigonometric coefficients.
trigPoly(x, m)
  \item{x}{data from \code{t=0} to \code{t=2*(n-1)*pi/n}.}
  \item{m}{degree of trigonometric regression.}
  Compute the coefficients of the trigonometric series of degree \code{m},
  \deqn{a_0 + \sum_k(a_k \cos(k t) + b_k \sin(k t))}
  by applying orthogonality relations.
  Coefficients as a list with components \code{a0}, \code{a}, and \code{b}. 
  Fausett, L. V. (2007). Applied Numerical Analysis Using Matlab.
  Second edition, Prentice Hall.
  For irregular spaced data or data not covering the whole period, use
  standard regression techniques, see examples.
# Data available only from 0 to pi/2
t <- seq(0, pi, len=7)
x <- 0.5 + 0.25*sin(t) + 1/3*cos(t) - 1/3*sin(2*t) - 0.25*cos(2*t)

# use standard regression techniques
A <- cbind(1, cos(t), sin(t), cos(2*t), sin(2*t))
ab <- qr.solve(A, x)
# [1]  0.5000000  0.3333333  0.2500000 -0.2500000 -0.3333333
ts <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 100)
xs <- ab[1] + ab[2]*cos(ts) +
      ab[3]*sin(ts) + ab[4]*cos(2*ts) +ab[5]*sin(2*ts)

# plot to make sure
plot(t, x, col = "red", xlim=c(0, 2*pi), ylim=c(-2,2),
           main = "Trigonometric Regression")
lines(ts, xs, col="blue")
\keyword{ math }
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