Raw File
Tip revision: a79f9aeb6de046ca12210d26317fab59c175d0dd authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 08 July 2014, 09:43:21 UTC
Fix bug w.r.t. _tools presence detection.
Tip revision: a79f9ae
(* Copyright (c) - 2012-2014 - IMDEA Software Institute and INRIA
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license *)

(* Copyright The Coq Development Team, 1999-2010
 * Copyright INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS, 1999-2010
 * This file is distributed under the terms of the:
 *   GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 * This file originates from the `Coq Proof Assistant'
 * It has been modified for the needs of EasyCrypt

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcRing

type fexpr =  
| FEc of c
| FEX of int
| FEadd of fexpr * fexpr
| FEsub of fexpr * fexpr
| FEmul of fexpr * fexpr
| FEopp of fexpr
| FEinv of fexpr
| FEdiv of fexpr * fexpr
| FEpow of fexpr * int

type rsplit = pexpr * pexpr * pexpr

let left ((t,_,_) : rsplit) : pexpr = t
let right ((_,_,t) : rsplit) : pexpr = t
let common ((_,t,_) : rsplit) : pexpr = t
let npepow x n =
  match n with
  | 0 -> PEc c1
  | p -> 
    if p = 1 then x else
      match x with
      | PEc c -> 
        if ceq c c1 then PEc c1 
        else if ceq c c0 then PEc c0 
          let res = Big_int.power_big_int_positive_int c p in
          PEc res 
      | _ -> PEpow (x,n)
let rec npemul (x : pexpr) (y : pexpr) : pexpr =
  match x,y with
  | PEc c, PEc c' -> PEc (cmul c c')
  | PEc c, _ -> 
    if ceq c c1 then y 
    else if ceq c c0 then PEc c0 
    else PEmul (x,y)
  | _, PEc c -> 
    if ceq c c1 then x 
    else if ceq c c0 then PEc c0 
    else PEmul (x,y)
  | PEpow (e1,n1), PEpow (e2,n2) -> 
    if n1 = n2 then npepow (npemul e1 e2) n1 
    else PEmul (x,y)
  | _,_ -> PEmul (x,y)

let rec isIn (e1 : pexpr) (p1 : int) (e2 : pexpr) (p2 : int) : (int * pexpr) option =
  match e2 with
  | PEmul (e3,e4) ->
    begin match isIn e1 p1 e3 p2 with
    | Some (0,e5) -> Some (0, npemul e5 (npepow e4 p2))                
    | Some (p, e5) ->
      begin match isIn e1 p e4 p2 with
      | Some (n, e6) -> Some (n, npemul e5 e6)
      | None -> Some (p, npemul e5 (npepow e4 p2))
    | None -> 
      match isIn e1 p1 e4 p2 with
      | Some (n,e5) -> Some (n,npemul (npepow e3 p2) e5)
      | None -> None
  | PEpow (_,0)   -> None
  | PEpow (e3,p3) -> isIn e1 p1 e3 (p3 * p2)
  | _ -> 
    if pexpr_eq e1 e2 then
      if p1 = p2 then Some (0, PEc c1) else
        if p1 > p2 then Some (p1-p2, PEc c1)
        else Some (0, npepow e2 (p2-p1))
    else None

let rec split_aux (e1 : pexpr) (p : int) (e2 : pexpr) : rsplit =
  match e1 with
  | PEmul (e3,e4) ->
    let r1 = split_aux e3 p e2 in
    let r2 = split_aux e4 p (right r1) in
    (npemul (left r1) (left r2),
     npemul (common r1) (common r2),
     right r2)
  | PEpow (_,0) -> (PEc c1, PEc c1, e2)
  | PEpow (e3,p3) -> split_aux e3 (p3 * p) e2
  | _ ->
    match isIn e1 p e2 1 with
    | Some (0,e3) -> (PEc c1, npepow e1 p, e3)
    | Some (q , e3) -> (npepow e1 q, npepow e1 (p - q), e3)
    | None -> (npepow e1 p, PEc c1, e2)

let split e1 e2 = split_aux e1 1 e2

type linear = (pexpr * pexpr * (pexpr list))
let num (t,_,_) = t
let denum (_,t,_) = t
let condition (_,_,t) = t

let npeadd (e1 : pexpr) (e2 : pexpr) =
  match (e1,e2) with
  | (PEc c, PEc c') -> PEc (cadd c c')
  | (PEc c, _) -> if (ceq c c0) then e2 else PEadd (e1,e2)
  | (_, PEc c) -> if (ceq c c0) then e1 else PEadd (e1,e2)
  | _ -> PEadd (e1,e2)

let npesub e1 e2 = 
  match (e1,e2) with
  | (PEc c, PEc c') -> PEc (csub c c')
  | (PEc c, _ ) -> if (ceq c c0) then PEopp e2 else PEsub (e1,e2)
  | ( _, PEc c) -> if (ceq c c0) then e1 else PEsub (e1,e2)
  | _ -> PEsub (e1,e2)

let npeopp e1 =
  match e1 with
  | PEc c -> PEc (copp c)
  | _ -> PEopp e1

let rec fnorm (e : fexpr) : linear =
  match e with
  | FEc c -> (PEc c, PEc c1, [])
  | FEX x -> (PEX x, PEc c1, [])
  | FEadd (e1,e2) -> 
    let x = fnorm e1 in
    let y = fnorm e2 in
    let s = split (denum x) (denum y) in
    (npeadd (npemul (num x) (right s)) (npemul (num y) (left s)),
     npemul (left s) (npemul (right s) (common s)),
     condition x @ condition y)
  | FEsub (e1,e2) ->
    let x = fnorm e1 in
    let y = fnorm e2 in
    let s = split (denum x) (denum y) in
    (npesub (npemul (num x) (right s)) (npemul (num y) (left s)),
     npemul (left s) (npemul (right s) (common s)),
     condition x @ condition y)
  | FEmul (e1,e2) ->
    let x = fnorm e1 in
    let y = fnorm e2 in
    let s1 = split (num x) (denum y) in
    let s2 = split (num y) (denum x) in
    (npemul (left s1) (left s2),
     npemul (right s2) (right s1),
     condition x @ condition y)
  | FEopp e1 ->
    let x = fnorm e1 in
    (npeopp (num x), denum x, condition x)
  | FEinv e ->
    let x = fnorm e in
    (denum x, num x, (num x) :: (condition x))
  | FEdiv (e1,e2) -> 
    let x = fnorm e1 in
    let y = fnorm e2 in
    let s1 = split (num x) (num y) in
    let s2 = split (denum x) (denum y) in
    (npemul (left s1) (right s2),
     npemul (left s2) (right s1),
     (num y) :: ((condition x) @ (condition y)))
  | FEpow (e1,n) ->
    let x = fnorm e1 in
    (npepow (num x) n, npepow (denum x) n, condition x)
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