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Tip revision: 865d71c0c654d758bc0824d57f9cefee8dae9cdc authored by kaituoxu on 09 June 2018, 04:32:46 UTC
add bidirectional FSMN node and make it work in NDL/BS and add FSMN CPU forward
Tip revision: 865d71c
# CNTK v2.4 Release Notes

## Highlights of this Release
- Move to CUDA9, cuDNN 7 and Visual Studio 2017.
- Removed Python 3.4 support.
- Support Volta GPU and FP16.
- Better ONNX support.
- CPU perf improvement.
- More OPs.

## OPs
- ``top_k`` operation: in the forward pass it computes the top (largest) k values and corresponding indices along the specified axis. In the backward pass the gradient is scattered to the top k elements (an element not in the top k gets a zero gradient).
- ``gather`` operation now supports an axis argument
- ``squeeze`` and ``expand_dims`` operations for easily removing and adding singleton axes
- ``zeros_like`` and ``ones_like`` operations. In many situations you can just rely on CNTK correctly broadcasting a simple 0 or 1 but sometimes you need the actual tensor.
- ``depth_to_space``: Rearranges elements in the input tensor from the depth dimension into spatial blocks. Typical use of this operation is for implementing sub-pixel convolution for some image super-resolution models.
- ``space_to_depth``: Rearranges elements in the input tensor from the spatial dimensions to the depth dimension. It is largely the inverse of DepthToSpace.

There have been several improvements to ONNX support in CNTK.

### Updates
- Updated ONNX ``Reshape`` op to handle ``InferredDimension``.
- Adding ``producer_name`` and ``producer_version`` fields to ONNX models.
- Handling the case when neither ``auto_pad`` nor ``pads`` atrribute is specified in ONNX ``Conv`` op.

### Bug fixes
- Fixed bug in ONNX ``Pooling`` op serialization
- Bug fix to create ONNX ``InputVariable`` with only one batch axis.
- Bug fixes and updates to implementation of ONNX ``Transpose`` op to match updated spec.
- Bug fixes and updates to implementation of ONNX ``Conv``, ``ConvTranspose``, and ``Pooling`` ops to match updated spec.

## Operators
### Group convolution
- Fixed bug in group convolution. Output of CNTK ``Convolution`` op will change for groups > 1. More optimized implementation of group convolution is expected in the next release.
- Better error reporting for group convolution in ``Convolution`` layer.

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