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Tip revision: 85d0a0463621c30063752c5577e591be0de5ae60 authored by Dominique Makowski on 26 July 2021, 08:40:08 UTC
version 0.10.5
Tip revision: 85d0a04
#' Bayes Factors (BF)
#' This function compte the Bayes factors (BFs) that are appropriate to the input.
#' For vectors or single models, it will compute \code{\link[=bayesfactor_parameters]{BFs for single parameters}},
#' or is \code{hypothesis} is specified, \code{\link[=bayesfactor_restricted]{BFs for restricted models}}.
#' For multiple models, it will return the BF corresponding to \code{\link[=bayesfactor_models]{comparison between models}}
#' and if a model comparison is passed, it will compute the \code{\link[=bayesfactor_inclusion]{inclusion BF}}.
#' \cr\cr
#' For a complete overview of these functions, read the \href{}{Bayes factor vignette}.
#' @param ... A numeric vector, model object(s), or the output from \code{bayesfactor_models}.
#' @inheritParams bayesfactor_parameters
#' @inheritParams bayesfactor_restricted
#' @inheritParams bayesfactor_models
#' @inheritParams bayesfactor_inclusion
#' @return Some type of Bayes factor, depending on the input. See \code{\link{bayesfactor_parameters}}, \code{\link{bayesfactor_models}} or \code{\link{bayesfactor_inclusion}}
#' @note There is also a \href{}{\code{plot()}-method} implemented in the \href{}{\pkg{see}-package}.
#' @examples
#' library(bayestestR)
#' if (require("logspline")) {
#'   prior <- distribution_normal(1000, mean = 0, sd = 1)
#'   posterior <- distribution_normal(1000, mean = .5, sd = .3)
#'   bayesfactor(posterior, prior = prior)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' # rstanarm models
#' # ---------------
#' if (require("rstanarm")) {
#'   model <- stan_lmer(extra ~ group + (1 | ID), data = sleep)
#'   bayesfactor(model)
#' }
#' }
#' if (require("logspline")) {
#'   # Frequentist models
#'   # ---------------
#'   m0 <- lm(extra ~ 1, data = sleep)
#'   m1 <- lm(extra ~ group, data = sleep)
#'   m2 <- lm(extra ~ group + ID, data = sleep)
#'   comparison <- bayesfactor(m0, m1, m2)
#'   comparison
#'   bayesfactor(comparison)
#' }
#' @export
bayesfactor <-
           prior = NULL,
           direction = "two-sided",
           null = 0,
           hypothesis = NULL,
           effects = c("fixed", "random", "all"),
           verbose = TRUE,
           denominator = 1,
           match_models = FALSE,
           prior_odds = NULL) {
    mods <- list(...)
    effects <- match.arg(effects)

    if (length(mods) > 1) {
      bayesfactor_models(..., denominator = denominator)
    } else if (inherits(mods[[1]], "bayesfactor_models")) {
      bayesfactor_inclusion(..., match_models = match_models, prior_odds = prior_odds)
    } else if (inherits(mods[[1]], "BFBayesFactor")) {
      if (class(mods[[1]]@numerator[[1]]) == "BFlinearModel") {
        bayesfactor_inclusion(..., match_models = match_models, prior_odds = prior_odds)
      } else {
    } else if (!is.null(hypothesis)) {
        prior = prior,
        verbose = verbose,
        effects = effects
    } else {
        prior = prior,
        direction = direction,
        null = null,
        effects = effects,
        verbose = verbose
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