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Tip revision: 96e9ae2336937469a8f1602c178ea5e0cb8564b6 authored by Lukas Klimmasch on 13 August 2021, 14:16:04 UTC
Merge branch 'alternateRearing' of into alternateRearing
Tip revision: 96e9ae2
classdef SparseCodingHomeo < handle
        Basis;          %all the basis
        basisHist;     %save basis at regular intervals

        Basis_num_used; %number of basis used to encode in sparse mode
        Basis_size;     %size of each base vector
        Basis_num;      %total basis number
        eta;            %learning rate
        Temperature;    %temperature in softmax
        Dsratio;        %Downsampling ratio (to produce 8x8)

        switch_sym;     % we use ON/OFF symmetry
        batch_size;     % how many 'imagelets' do we take for each learning step?
        display_every;  % delay between snapshots (to the screen or movie)

        % Learning parameters
        frac;           % we take *at most* frac active filters in the Matching Pursuit during the lerning phase
        noise_var_ssc;  % relative threshold for SSC corresponding to an
                        % estimate of the ratio of background
                        % noise over total signal energy
        var_eta_ssc;    % used to ensure that all filters


        % Variables


        %PARAM = {Basis_num_used, Basis_size, Basis_num, eta, Temperature, Dsratio, Basist, loadBasis};
        function obj = SparseCodingHomeo(PARAM)
            obj.Basis_num_used = PARAM{1};
            obj.Basis_size = PARAM{2};
            obj.Basis_num = PARAM{3};
            obj.eta = PARAM{4};
            obj.Temperature = PARAM{5};
            obj.Dsratio = PARAM{6};
            if (PARAM{8})
                obj.Basis = PARAM{7};
                obj.basisHist = PARAM{7};
                a = rand(obj.Basis_size, obj.Basis_num)-0.5; % basis function set
                a = a*diag(1./sqrt(sum(a.*a)));
                obj.gain_rand = sqrt(sum(a.*a))';
                thenorm = ones(obj.Basis_size, 1)*sqrt(sum(a.*a, 1));
                a = a./thenorm;
                obj.Basis = a;
                obj.basisHist = a;

            obj.switch_sym = 1;
            obj.batch_size = 100;
            obj.display_every = 50;
            obj.frac = 0.25;
            obj.noise_var_ssc = 0.002;
            obj.var_eta_ssc = 1/20;
            obj.switch_choice = obj.var_eta_ssc > 0;
            obj.n_quant = 512;%???
            obj.switch_Mod = 1;

            obj.Pz_j = 1/obj.n_quant*ones(obj.n_quant, obj.Basis_num);
            obj.Mod = cumsum(obj.Pz_j);

            obj.where = ['../results/' datestr(now, 30)];

        %%% encode the image accoring to softmax distribution
        %%% Images is the batch input
        %%% debugmode indicates whether some intermedia should be recorded;
        %%% Coef is the output Coefficients for each basis and images
        %%% Error is the reconstruction error using current coefficients
        %%% Basis_picked indicates which basis are picked to encode
        %%% Basis_Entropy is the entropy of each base
        function [Coef, Error] = softmaxEncode(this, Images)
            batch_size = size(Images, 2);
            Coef = zeros(this.Basis_num, batch_size);
            I = Images;
            for count = 1:this.Basis_num_used
                corr = abs(this.Basis'*I)/this.Temperature;
                corr = corr - kron(ones(this.Basis_num, 1), max(corr));
                softmaxcorr = softmax(corr);

                softmaxcorr = tril(ones(this.Basis_num)) * softmaxcorr - kron(ones(this.Basis_num, 1), rand(1, batch_size));
                softmaxcorr(softmaxcorr<0) = 2;
                [~, index] = min(softmaxcorr);
                corr = this.Basis'*I;
                linearindex = sub2ind(size(corr), index, 1:batch_size);
                Coef(linearindex) = Coef(linearindex) + corr(linearindex);
                I = Images - this.Basis*Coef;
            Error = I;

        %%% Encode the input images with the best matched basis
        %%% Images are the input images batch
        %%% A_rand = rand(e.L, e.M)-0.5; A_rand = A_rand*diag(1./sqrt(sum(A_rand.*A_rand)));
        %%% Coef is the output Coefficients
        %%% Error is the reconstructin error using current coefficients
        function [coef, error] = sparseEncode(this, imageBatch)
            %             batch_size = size(Images, 2);
            %             Coef = zeros(this.Basis_num, batch_size);
            %             I = Images;
            %             for count = 1:this.Basis_num_used
            %                 corr = this.Basis'*I;
            %                 [~, index] = max(abs(corr));
            %                 alpha = diag(this.Basis(:, index)'*I);
            %                 linearindex = sub2ind(size(corr), index, 1:batch_size);
            %                 Coef(linearindex) = Coef(linearindex) + alpha';
            %                 I = Images - this.Basis*Coef;
            %             end
            %             Error = I;
            size_Batch = size(imageBatch, 2); %X = imageBatch
            this.batch_size = size_Batch;
            coef = zeros(this.Basis_num, size_Batch); % initialize coeffs for LGM
            dA = zeros(size(this.Basis)); % initalize weight's gradient

            % --------------------------------------------
            % SPARSIFICATION
            [coef, dA, Pz_j_] = mp_fitS(this.Basis, imageBatch, this.noise_var_ssc, this.frac, this.switch_choice, ...
                                        this.Mod, 0, 0, this.switch_sym);
            this.Pz_j_ = Pz_j_;
            this.dA = dA;
            % residual
            error = imageBatch - this.Basis*coef;

        %%% Calculate the corre lation between input image and the basis
        %%% Images are the input image batch
        %%% Coef is the output correlation
        function [Coef, Error] = fullEncode(this, Images)
            Coef = this.Basis'*Images;
            Error = Images - this.Basis*Coef;

        function updateBasis(this, coef, error)
            %% --------------------------------------------
            %% apply the learning gradient (dA) on the network (n) and modify
            %% homeostatic variables

                eta = this.eta;% sparsify by Matching Pursuit

            %% LEARNING : it is the same for both methods
            if (eta > 0)
                % 1) updates basis functions

                %% if you increase the batch size, the gradient increases proportionnally
                %% (with ergodicity...), so by Knuth programming law ("Thou shall
                %% make your program scale invariant")
                dA = this.dA;
                dA = dA/this.batch_size;

                %% applies the gradient descent
                this.Basis = this.Basis + eta * dA;%
            end% end learning loop

            %% HOMEOSTASIS : it's different for both methods
            % 2) update the norm and average use of every neuron (homeostatic rules)
            normA = sqrt(sum(this.Basis.*this.Basis));
            % normalization
            for i_M = 1:this.Basis_num %over basis functions
                this.Basis(:, i_M) = this.Basis(:, i_M)/normA(i_M);

            if (this.var_eta_ssc > 0)
                % adaptive rule for homeostasis
                t_homeo = 1/this.var_eta_ssc; % TODO: remove? min(t, 1/e.var_eta_ssc); %
                this.Pz_j = (1-1/t_homeo)*this.Pz_j+1/t_homeo*this.Pz_j_;% update statistics
                this.Mod = cumsum(this.Pz_j); %

        function [error, coef] = stepTrain(this, Images)
            % [Coef, Error] = this.softmaxEncode(Images);
            [coef, error] = this.sparseEncode(Images);  %Matching Pursuit
            updateBasis(this, coef, error);             %Gradient descent (Basis change)

        %%% save the parameters in a file
        function saveClass(this, configfile)
            Basis = this.Basis;

        %%% save the Basis during training
        function saveBasis(this)
            this.basisHist = cat(3, this.basisHist, this.Basis);

        %%Display the Basis functions (Zhao Yu code) at iteration t
        function displayBasis(this, t)
            R = 16; C = 18;      %how to arrange the basis (rows, col)
            len = 1;
            % basisTrack = this.drecord.basisTrack(1:len);
            basisTrack{1} = this.Basis;
            %checkPoint = 1;

            endBasis = basisTrack{end}(1:end/2,:);
            leftEnergy = abs(sum(endBasis.^2)-0.5);
            [~, I] = sort(leftEnergy);

            % h = gcf;
            % set(h,'Position',[1 1 800 600]);
            % scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
            % set(h,'Position',[scrsz(1) scrsz(2) scrsz(3) scrsz(4)]);
            subplot(1, 1, 1);
            [di, num] = size(basisTrack{1});
            fun1 = @(blc_struct) padarray(padarray(reshape(permute(padarray(reshape(, sqrt(di / 2), ...
                     sqrt(di / 2), 2),[1, 1], 'pre'), [1, 3, 2]), (sqrt(di / 2) + 1) * 2, sqrt(di / 2) + 1), [1, 1], ...
                     'post') - 1, [1 1], 'pre') + 1;
            for j = 1:len
                A = basisTrack{j}(:, I);
                % B = reshape(A, di*sqrt(num/2), sqrt(num/2)*2);
                B = reshape(A, di*R, C);
                B = B/max(max(abs(B))) + 0.5;
                C = padarray(padarray(blockproc(B,[di, 1], fun1)-1,[1 1],'post')+1,[2, 2]);
                % title(num2str(checkPoint(j)));
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