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Tip revision: 2e29c2db2985c5b454d94298d8bdcb44e42c514f authored by Fabio Sigrist on 07 January 2020, 09:50:02 UTC
version 1.7
Tip revision: 2e29c2d
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
Propagator matrix G.
Function for obtaining the spectral propagator matrix G of the vector autoregressive model
for the Fourier coefficients.
get.propagator(wave, indCos, zeta, rho1, gamma, alpha, muX, muY, dt = 1, ns=4)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
    Spatial wavenumbers.
    Vector of integers indicating the position of columns in 'wave' of wavenumbers of cosine terms.
  Damping parameter
Range parameter of the diffusion term
Parameter that determines the amount of anisotropy in the diffusion term
Parameter that determines the direction of anisotropy in the diffusion term
X component of the drift vector.
Y component of the drift vector.
  Temporal lag between two time points. By default, this equals 1.
\item{ns}{Number of real Fourier functions that have only a cosine and no sine
term. 'ns' is maximal 4.

Propagator matrix G.

Fabio Sigrist

##For illustration, four grid points on each axis
n <- 4
wave <- wave.numbers(n)
G <- get.propagator(wave=wave$wave,indCos=wave$indCos,zeta=0.5, rho1=0.1, gamma=2,
           alpha=pi/4, muX=0.2, muY=-0.15,dt=1,ns=4)
## View(round(G,digits=2))

##An example
n <- 50
spec <- matern.spec(wave=spate.init(n=n,T=1)$wave,n=n,rho0=0.05,sigma2=1,norm=TRUE)
alphat <- sqrt(spec)*rnorm(n*n)
##Propagate initial state
wave <- wave.numbers(n)
G <- get.propagator(wave=wave$wave,indCos=wave$indCos,zeta=0.5, rho1=0.02, gamma=2,
            alpha=pi/4, muX=0.2, muY=0.2,dt=1,ns=4)
alphat1 <- G\%*\%alphat

opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(opar) # Reset par() settings
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