Raw File
Tip revision: acdad0a712df44b9a36018cb43ccb20ab58817ca authored by Daniel Lee on 17 March 2015, 23:04:18 UTC
Merge pull request #1393 from stan-dev/release/v2.6.3
Tip revision: acdad0a
# Makefile for Stan.

# The default target of this Makefile is...

## Disable implicit rules.

# Users should only need to set these three variables for use.
# - CC: The compiler to use. Expecting g++ or clang++.
# - O: Optimization level. Valid values are {0, 1, 2, 3}.
# - AR: archiver (must specify for cross-compiling)
# - OS_TYPE: {mac, win, linux}
# - C++11: Compile with C++11 extensions, Valid values: {true, false}. 
CC = g++
O = 3
AR = ar
C++11 = false

# Library locations
EIGEN ?= lib/eigen_3.2.4
BOOST ?= lib/boost_1.55.0
GTEST ?= lib/gtest_1.7.0

# Set default compiler options.
LDLIBS_STANC = -Lbin -lstanc
EXE = 

-include $(HOME)/.config/stan/make.local  # define local variables
-include make/local                       # overwrite local variables

# Get information about the compiler used.
# - CC_TYPE: {g++, clang++, mingw32-g++, other}
# - CC_MAJOR: major version of CC
# - CC_MINOR: minor version of CC
-include make/detect_cc

# OS_TYPE is set automatically by this script
# These includes should update the following variables
# based on the OS:
#   - CFLAGS
#   - EXE
-include make/detect_os

include make/libstan  # bin/libstan.a bin/libstanc.a
include make/tests    # tests
include make/doxygen  # doxygen
include make/manual   # manual: manual, doc/stan-reference.pdf
include make/cpplint  # cpplint

# Dependencies
ifneq (,$(filter-out test-headers generate-tests clean% %-test %.d,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
  -include $(addsuffix .d,$(subst $(EXE),,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))

bin/%.o : src/%.cpp
	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)

# Rule for generating dependencies.
bin/%.d : src/%.cpp
	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
	@set -e; \
	rm -f $@; \
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -O$O $(TARGET_ARCH) -MM $< > $@.$$$$; \
	sed -e 's,\($(notdir $*)\)\.o[ :]*,$(dir $@)\1\.o $@ : ,g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \
	rm -f $@.$$$$

.PHONY: help
	@echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
	@echo 'Stan makefile:'
	@echo '  Current configuration:'
	@echo '  - OS_TYPE (Operating System): ' $(OS_TYPE)
	@echo '  - CC (Compiler):              ' $(CC)
	@echo '  - Compiler version:           ' $(CC_MAJOR).$(CC_MINOR)
	@echo '  - O (Optimization Level):     ' $(O)
	@echo '  - O_STANC (Opt for stanc):    ' $(O_STANC)
	@echo '  - TEMPLATE_DEPTH:             ' $(TEMPLATE_DEPTH)
	@echo '  - STAN_HOME                   ' $(STAN_HOME)
	@echo '  Library configuration:'
	@echo '  - EIGEN                       ' $(EIGEN)
	@echo '  - BOOST                       ' $(BOOST)
	@echo '  - GTEST                       ' $(GTEST)
	@echo ''
	@echo 'Common targets:'
	@echo '  Model related:'
	@echo '  - bin/libstanc.a : Build the Stan compiler static library'
	@echo '  Documentation:'
	@echo '  - manual         : Builds the reference manual. Copies built manual to'
	@echo '                     doc/stan-reference-$(VERSION_STRING).pdf'
	@echo '                     (requires LaTeX installation)'
	@echo '  - doxygen        : Builds the API documentation. The documentation is located'
	@echo '                     doc/api/'
	@echo '                     (requires doxygen installation)'
	@echo ' TESTS:'
	@echo ''
	@echo '   Unit tests are built through make by specifying the executable as the target'
	@echo '   to make. For a test in src/test/*_test.cpp, the executable is test/*$(EXE).'
	@echo ''
	@echo '   Header tests'
	@echo '   - test-headers  : tests all source headers to ensure they are compilable and'
	@echo '                     include enough header files.'
	@echo ''
	@echo '   To run a single header test, add "-test" to the end of the file name.'
	@echo '   Example: make src/stan/math/constants.hpp-test'
	@echo ''
	@echo '  Clean:'
	@echo '  - clean          : Basic clean. Leaves doc and compiled libraries intact.'
	@echo '  - clean-manual   : Cleans temporary files from building the manual.'
	@echo '  - clean-deps     : Removes dependency files for tests. If tests stop building,'
	@echo '                     run this target.'
	@echo '  - clean-all      : Cleans up all of Stan.'
	@echo ''
	@echo '  Higher level targets:'
	@echo '  - docs           : Builds all docs.'
	@echo ''
	@echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

# Documentation

.PHONY: docs
docs: manual doxygen

# Clean up.
MODEL_SPECS := $(shell find src/test -type f -name '*.stan')
.PHONY: clean clean-demo clean-dox clean-manual clean-models clean-all clean-deps
	$(RM) $(shell find src -type f -name '*.dSYM') $(shell find src -type f -name '*.d.*')
	$(RM) $(wildcard $(MODEL_SPECS:%.stan=%.hpp))
	$(RM) $(wildcard $(MODEL_SPECS:%.stan=%$(EXE)))
	$(RM) $(wildcard $(MODEL_SPECS:%.stan=%.o))
	$(RM) $(wildcard $(MODEL_SPECS:%.stan=%.d))

	$(RM) -r doc/api

	rm -rf doc
	cd src/docs/stan-reference; $(RM) *.brf *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.log *.toc *.pdf *.out *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.cb *.cb2 *.upa

	@echo '  removing dependency files'
	$(shell find . -type f -name '*.d' -exec rm {} +)

clean-all: clean clean-manual clean-deps
	$(RM) -r test bin
	@echo '  removing .o files'
	$(shell find src -type f -name '*.o' -exec rm {} +)
	@echo '  removing generated test files'
	$(shell find src/test/prob -name '*_generated_*_test.cpp' -type f -exec rm {} +)
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