Raw File
Tip revision: 141cd4c8b4a4ba355088474442e0adbed9d2b5fd authored by Dan LaRocque on 13 February 2015, 21:25:29 UTC
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.5.4
Tip revision: 141cd4c
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <name>Titan: Distributed Graph Database</name>

        Titan is a distributed graph database optimized for processing massive-scale graphs represented over a machine
        Titan separates the concerns of graph processing and manipulation from storing the graph on disk,
        delegating that concern to an extensible set of persistence solutions.
            <name>Matthias Broecheler</name>
            <name>Daniel LaRocque</name>
            <name>Pavel Yaskevich</name>
            <name>Marko A. Rodriguez</name>
            <name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
        <!-- ES depends on Lucene.  This ES dependency can affect the
             version used by the titan-lucene module.  When updating
             the ES version, also consider the version of Lucene, and
             vice-versa. -->
        <perf.jvm.opts />
        <default.test.jvm.opts>-Xms256m -Xmx768m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -ea ${test.extra.jvm.opts}</default.test.jvm.opts>
        <mem.jvm.opts>-Xms256m -Xmx256m -ea -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError ${test.extra.jvm.opts}</mem.jvm.opts>
        <test.extra.jvm.opts />
        <compiler.args />
                                <DependencyConvergence />
                                        <!-- Ban ASM 3.x
                                             N.B.: ASM 4.x and 5.x use groupId org.ow2.asm which is not banned.  -->
                                        ASM 3.x is banned because it casues runtime conflicts with ASM 4.x+
                      Only release:perform uses this configuration
                      setting; release:prepare doesn't care and always
                      runs "clean verify"
                    <goals>javadoc:aggregate deploy</goals>

                      Tell the release plugin to never "git push".
                      When releasing, you have to manually issue "git
                      push" between release:prepare and
                      release:perform.  You'll have to push both the
                      branch you're releasing and the tag
                      release:prepare locally created.

                      @{...} is a special variable interpolation
                      syntax that uses the target release version
                      instead of the pom's actual version, which is
                      usually a -SNAPSHOT version when this setting
                      gets evaluated.

                      The release:perform goal activates these
                      profiles when it invokes maven with the <goals>
                      listed above.  Release engineering specific to
                      release:perform and disabled during non-release
                      operation should be encapsulated with the
                      profile id listed below.

                    <!-- Keep all submodules at same version as parent -->

                    <!-- applies to both release:prepare and :perform -->

                        <!-- six hours -->
                          To push changes to gh-pages during
                          release:perform using this plugin, your
                          ~/.m2/settings.xml file must contain a
                          <server> stanza that matches the
                          <server>github</server> tag below.  Here's
                          an example settings.xml:

                                <id>github</id> << must match <username>dalaro</username>
            <!-- Jackson 2.x -->
            <!-- Jackson 1.x -->
            <!-- Sesame -->

            <!-- Gremlin -->
            <!-- JLine (used by Gremlin and Rexster, theoretically also Cassandra) -->

            <!-- ASM 4.x -->

            <!-- Objenesis -->

            <!-- Testing -->

            <!-- Force newer Snappy-java because is broken on Mac OS X with JDK 7 -->
                <!-- Run the full test suite when changing the Guava version.
                     The Guava team is deadly serious about their 18 month period from deprecation
                     to feature deletion, and as a result, at least one of Titan's dependencies is
                     likely to break whenever the Guava version changes.

                     Example where blithely upgrading Guava introduced a linkage error in the past:

            <!-- Spatial4j -->

            <!-- Package prefix is org.apache.commons.httpclient -->

            <!-- Package prefix is org.apache.http -->


                <!-- Using avro-ipc 1.5.3 caused the following when opening the graphdb:
                     Stock avro 1.4.0 or 1.4.1 might work, but I'd like to see
                     what customizations were made in the cassandra copy of avro
                     before trying to drop it for the stock artifact...

        <!-- Logging -->


              Sign artifacts artifacts only during release:perform
              when this profile is automatically activated or whenever
              else it is manually activated.
              Stolen from:
                                    <!-- Quiet mode still shows warnings and errors -->

                    <!-- This binds no goals by default.  The user has to run the sonar:sonar goal for this plugin to do anything. -->


                                    <argLine>${default.test.jvm.opts} ${jacoco.opts}</argLine>
                            <!-- Unpack all dependency class and source files for use by JaCoCo -->
                                    <classifier />
                                    <!-- empty classifier requests the artifact containing classes -->
                        <!-- The Maven JaCoCo plugin doesn't allow
                             configuration of sourcefiles and destfiles
                             directories.  The Ant JaCoCo task does.  That's
                             why we use antrun here for JaCoCo instead of
                             JaCoCo's Maven plugin. -->
                                        <taskdef name="report" classname="org.jacoco.ant.ReportTask" classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />
                                                <file file="../target/jacoco-combined.exec" />
                                            <structure name="Integration test coverage">
                                                    <fileset dir="${}/jacoco-classes" />
                                                <sourcefiles encoding="UTF-8">
                                                    <fileset dir="${}/jacoco-sources" />
                                            <html destdir="${}/jacoco-report" />

                                <configuration combine.self="override">
                                    <excludedGroups />

                                <configuration combine.self="override">
                                    <argLine>${default.test.jvm.opts} ${perf.jvm.opts}</argLine>
                                    <excludedGroups />




                                                <fileMapper implementation="">
                                                <fileMapper implementation="">




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