Raw File
Tip revision: 11b30123c80c717f2ed14158faeed9ecb3cdc815 authored by Darren Strash on 01 March 2016, 14:08:53 UTC
Start development on faster bipartite matching
Tip revision: 11b3012
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 
    (at your option) any later version. 
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
    GNU General Public License for more details. 
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
    along with this program.  If not, see <> 

#include <limits.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

#include "Tools.h"
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "MemoryManager.h"
#include "DegeneracyTools.h"

#include "DegeneracyAlgorithm.h"

using namespace std;

/*! \file DegeneracyAlgorithm.cpp

    \brief This file contains the algorithm for listing all cliques
           according to the algorithm of Eppstein et al. (ISAAC 2010/SEA 2011).

    \author Darren Strash (first name DOT last name AT gmail DOT com)

    \copyright Copyright (c) 2011 Darren Strash. This code is released under the GNU Public License (GPL) 3.0.

    \image html gplv3-127x51.png

    <a href="gpl-3.0-standalone.html">See GPL 3.0 here</a>

    See the algorithm's description in

    This algorithm first orders the vertices in a degeneracy order (vertices
    are removed from the graph in order by degree in the remaining subgraph 
    and placed in this order in the ordering).

    We then recursively call a modified version of the algorithm of Tomita et
    al. (2006), for each vertex
    v in the ordering, where R = {v}, P = v's neighbors that are after v
    in the degneracy order, and X = v's neighbors that are before v 
    in the degeneracy order.

    This is a recursive backtracking algorithm that maintains three 
    sets of vertices, R, a partial clique, P, the common neighbors
    of vertices in R that are candidates to add to the partial clique,
    and X, the set of common neighbors of R that have been listed 
    in a maximal clique with R already.

    The algorithm recursively adds vertices to R from P, then 
    updates the sets P and X to be the new common neighbors of R
    and recurses. When P and X are empty, R is a maximal clique,
    and is reported.

    Updating the sets P and X is done by iterating over the later
    neighbors of vertices in P and X to see if they contain the vertex
    v added to R as a neighbor, and then testing if v's later neighbors
    are in P or X. Neighbors of v remain in their respective sets. For sparse
    graphs (graphs with low degeneracy) the number of neighbors of any vertex
    that come later in the degeneracy order is expected to be small. Then
    testing for neighbors in this way should be fast.

    Besides the ordering, this algorithm includes more efficient 
    pivot computation for sparse graphs.
    To find a "good" pivot, we must find the vertex in P union X that
    has the most neighbors in P. We accompish this step by maintaining
    a data structure that stores, for each vertex in P union X, its
    neighbors in P.


////static clock_t timeComputingPivot(0);
////static clock_t timeMovingFromRtoX(0);
////static clock_t timeMovingToR(0);
////static clock_t timeMovingXToP(0);
////static clock_t timeFillInPX(0);

DegeneracyAlgorithm::DegeneracyAlgorithm(vector<list<int>> const &adjacencyList)
 : Algorithm("degeneracy")
 , m_AdjacencyList(adjacencyList)


long DegeneracyAlgorithm::Run(list<list<int>> &cliques)
    return listAllMaximalCliquesDegeneracy(m_AdjacencyList, m_AdjacencyList.size());

/*! \brief Computes the vertex v in P union X that has the most neighbors in P,
           and places P \ {neighborhood of v} in an array. These are the 
           vertices to consider adding to the partial clique during the current
           recursive call of the algorithm.

    \param pivotNonNeighbors  An intially unallocated pointer, which will contain the set 
                              P \ {neighborhood of v} when this function completes.

    \param numNonNeighbors A pointer to a single integer, which has been preallocated,
                           which will contain the number of elements in pivotNonNeighbors.
    \param vertexSets An array containing sets of vertices divided into sets X, P, R, and other.
    \param vertexLookup A lookup table indexed by vertex number, storing the index of that 
                        vertex in vertexSets.

    \param neighborsInP Maps vertices to arrays of neighbors such that 
                        neighbors in P fill the first cells

    \param numNeighbors An the neighbor of neighbors a vertex had in P,
                        the first time this function is called, this bound is 
                        used to keep us from allocating more than linear space.
    \param beginX The index where set X begins in vertexSets.
    \param beginP The index where set P begins in vertexSets.

    \param beginR The index where set R begins in vertexSets.


inline int findBestPivotNonNeighborsDegeneracy( int** pivotNonNeighbors, int* numNonNeighbors,
                                                int* vertexSets, int* vertexLookup,
                                                int** neighborsInP, int* numNeighbors,
                                                int beginX, int beginP, int beginR)
////    clock_t clockStart = clock();
    int pivot = -1;
    int maxIntersectionSize = -1;

    // iterate over each vertex in P union X 
    // to find the vertex with the most neighbors in P.
    int j = beginX;
        int vertex = vertexSets[j];
        int numPotentialNeighbors = min(beginR - beginP, numNeighbors[vertex]);

        int numNeighborsInP = 0;

        int k = 0;
            int neighbor = neighborsInP[vertex][k];
            int neighborLocation = vertexLookup[neighbor];

            if(neighborLocation >= beginP && neighborLocation < beginR)


        if(numNeighborsInP > maxIntersectionSize)
            pivot = vertex;
            maxIntersectionSize = numNeighborsInP;


    // compute non neighbors of pivot by marking its neighbors
    // and moving non-marked vertices into pivotNonNeighbors.
    // we must do this because this is an efficient way
    // to compute non-neighbors of a vertex in 
    // an adjacency list.

    // we initialize enough space for all of P; this is
    // slightly space inefficient, but it results in faster
    // computation of non-neighbors.
    *pivotNonNeighbors = (int*)Calloc(beginR-beginP, sizeof(int));
    memcpy(*pivotNonNeighbors, &vertexSets[beginP], (beginR-beginP)*sizeof(int));

    // we will decrement numNonNeighbors as we find neighbors
    *numNonNeighbors = beginR-beginP;

    int numPivotNeighbors = min(beginR - beginP, numNeighbors[pivot]);

    // mark the neighbors of pivot that are in P.
    j = 0;
        int neighbor = neighborsInP[pivot][j];
        int neighborLocation = vertexLookup[neighbor];

        if(neighborLocation >= beginP && neighborLocation < beginR)
            (*pivotNonNeighbors)[neighborLocation-beginP] = -1;


    // move non-neighbors of pivot in P to the beginning of
    // pivotNonNeighbors and set numNonNeighbors appriopriately.

    // if a vertex is marked as a neighbor, the we move it
    // to the end of pivotNonNeighbors and decrement numNonNeighbors.
    j = 0;
        int vertex = (*pivotNonNeighbors)[j];

        if(vertex == -1)
            (*pivotNonNeighbors)[j] = (*pivotNonNeighbors)[*numNonNeighbors];


////    clock_t clockEnd = clock();
////    timeComputingPivot += (clockEnd - clockStart);

    return pivot; 

/*! \brief Move vertex to R, set P to vertex's later neighbors and
           set X to vertex's earlier neighbors.

    \param vertex The vertex to move to R.

    \param orderNumber The position of vertex in the ordering.

    \param vertexSets An array containing sets of vertices divided into sets X, P, and other.
    \param vertexLookup A lookup table indexed by vertex number, storing the index of that 
                        vertex in vertexSets.

    \param orderingArray A degeneracy order of the input graph.

    \param neighborsInP Maps vertices to arrays of neighbors such that 
                        neighbors in P fill the first cells

    \param numNeighbors An the neighbor of neighbors a vertex had in P,
                        the first time this function is called, this bound is 
                        used to keep us from allocating more than linear space.
    \param pBeginX The index where set X begins in vertexSets.
    \param pBeginP The index where set P begins in vertexSets.

    \param pBeginR The index where set R begins in vertexSets.

    \param pNewBeginX After function, contains the new index where set X begins
                      in vertexSets after adding vertex to R.
    \param pNewBeginP After function, contains the new index where set P begins
                      in vertexSets after adding vertex to P.

    \param pNewBeginR After function, contains the new index where set R begins
                      in vertexSets after adding vertex to R.

inline void fillInPandXForRecursiveCallDegeneracy( int vertex, int orderNumber,
                                                   int* vertexSets, int* vertexLookup, 
                                                   NeighborListArray** orderingArray,
                                                   int** neighborsInP, int* numNeighbors,
                                                   int* pBeginX, int *pBeginP, int *pBeginR, 
                                                   int* pNewBeginX, int* pNewBeginP, int *pNewBeginR)
////        clock_t startClock = clock();
        int vertexLocation = vertexLookup[vertex];

        vertexSets[vertexLocation] = vertexSets[*pBeginR];
        vertexLookup[vertexSets[*pBeginR]] = vertexLocation;
        vertexSets[*pBeginR] = vertex;
        vertexLookup[vertex] = *pBeginR;

        *pNewBeginR = *pBeginR;
        *pNewBeginP = *pBeginR;

        // swap later neighbors of vertex into P section of vertexSets
        int j = 0;
            int neighbor = orderingArray[orderNumber]->later[j];
            int neighborLocation = vertexLookup[neighbor];


            vertexSets[neighborLocation] = vertexSets[*pNewBeginP];
            vertexLookup[vertexSets[*pNewBeginP]] = neighborLocation;
            vertexSets[*pNewBeginP] = neighbor;
            vertexLookup[neighbor] = *pNewBeginP;


        *pNewBeginX = *pNewBeginP;

        // swap earlier neighbors of vertex into X section of vertexSets
        j = 0;
            int neighbor = orderingArray[orderNumber]->earlier[j];
            int neighborLocation = vertexLookup[neighbor];

            vertexSets[neighborLocation] = vertexSets[*pNewBeginX];
            vertexLookup[vertexSets[*pNewBeginX]] = neighborLocation;
            vertexSets[*pNewBeginX] = neighbor;
            vertexLookup[neighbor] = *pNewBeginX;

            neighborsInP[neighbor] = (int*)Calloc(min(*pNewBeginR-*pNewBeginP,orderingArray[neighbor]->laterDegree), sizeof(int));
            numNeighbors[neighbor] = 0;

            // fill in NeighborsInP
            int k = 0;
                int laterNeighbor = orderingArray[neighbor]->later[k];
                int laterNeighborLocation = vertexLookup[laterNeighbor];
                if(laterNeighborLocation >= *pNewBeginP && laterNeighborLocation < *pNewBeginR)
                    neighborsInP[neighbor][numNeighbors[neighbor]] = laterNeighbor;




        // reset numNeighbors and neighborsInP for this vertex
        j = *pNewBeginP;
            int vertexInP = vertexSets[j];
            numNeighbors[vertexInP] = 0;
            neighborsInP[vertexInP]=(int*)Calloc( min( *pNewBeginR-*pNewBeginP, 
                                               + orderingArray[vertexInP]->earlierDegree), sizeof(int));


        // count neighbors in P, and fill in array of neighbors
        // in P
        j = *pNewBeginP;
            int vertexInP = vertexSets[j];

            int k = 0;
                int laterNeighbor = orderingArray[vertexInP]->later[k];
                int laterNeighborLocation = vertexLookup[laterNeighbor];

                if(laterNeighborLocation >= *pNewBeginP && laterNeighborLocation < *pNewBeginR)
                    neighborsInP[vertexInP][numNeighbors[vertexInP]] = laterNeighbor;
                    neighborsInP[laterNeighbor][numNeighbors[laterNeighbor]] = vertexInP;


////    clock_t endClock = clock();
////    timeFillInPX += (endClock - startClock);

/*! \brief List all maximal cliques in a given graph using the algorithm
           by Eppstein et al. (ISAAC 2010/SEA 2011).

    \param adjList An array of linked lists, representing the input graph in the
                   "typical" adjacency list format.
    \param degree An array, indexed by vertex, containing the degree of that vertex. (not currently used)

    \param size The number of vertices in the graph.

    \return the number of maximal cliques of the input graph.

static unsigned long largestDifference(0);
static unsigned long numLargeJumps;
static unsigned long stepsSinceLastReportedClique(0);

long DegeneracyAlgorithm::listAllMaximalCliquesDegeneracy(vector<list<int>> const &adjList, int size)
    // vertex sets are stored in an array like this:
    // |--X--|--P--|
    int* vertexSets = (int*)Calloc(size, sizeof(int));

    // vertex i is stored in vertexSets[vertexLookup[i]]
    int* vertexLookup = (int*)Calloc(size, sizeof(int));

    int** neighborsInP = (int**)Calloc(size, sizeof(int*));
    int* numNeighbors = (int*)Calloc(size, sizeof(int));
    // compute the degeneracy order
////    clock_t clockStart = clock();
    NeighborListArray** orderingArray = computeDegeneracyOrderArray(adjList, size);
////    clock_t clockEnd = clock();
////    clock_t timeDegeneracyOrder = clockEnd - clockStart;

    int i = 0;

        vertexLookup[i] = i;
        vertexSets[i] = i;
        neighborsInP[i] = (int*)Calloc(1, sizeof(int));
        numNeighbors[i] = 1;

    int beginX = 0;
    int beginP = 0;
    int beginR = size;

    long cliqueCount = 0;

    list<int> partialClique;

    // for each vertex
        int vertex = (int)orderingArray[i]->vertex;

        printf("%d ", vertex);

        // add vertex to partial clique R

        int newBeginX, newBeginP, newBeginR;

        // set P to be later neighbors and X to be be earlier neighbors
        // of vertex
        fillInPandXForRecursiveCallDegeneracy( i, vertex, 
                                               vertexSets, vertexLookup, 
                                               neighborsInP, numNeighbors,
                                               &beginX, &beginP, &beginR, 
                                               &newBeginX, &newBeginP, &newBeginR);

        // recursively compute maximal cliques containing vertex, some of its
        // later neighbors, and avoiding earlier neighbors
                                                  vertexSets, vertexLookup,
                                                  neighborsInP, numNeighbors,
                                                  newBeginX, newBeginP, newBeginR); 

        printf("b ");

        beginR = beginR + 1;


    //cerr << endl;
    //cerr << "Largest Difference  : " << largestDifference << endl;
    //cerr << "Num     Differences : " << numLargeJumps << endl;
    //cerr << "Time Computing Pivot: " << ((double)(timeComputingPivot)/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)) << endl;
    //cerr << "Time Moving R to X  : " << ((double)(timeMovingFromRtoX)/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)) << endl;
    //cerr << "Time Moving   to R  : " << ((double)(timeMovingToR)/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)) << endl;
    //cerr << "Time Moving X to P  : " << ((double)(timeMovingXToP)/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)) << endl;
    //cerr << "Time Making X and P : " << ((double)(timeFillInPX)/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)) << endl;
    //cerr << "Time Degeneracy Ordr: " << ((double)(timeDegeneracyOrder)/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)) << endl;



    for(i = 0; i<size; i++)
        delete orderingArray[i];


    return cliqueCount;

/*! \brief Move a vertex to the set R, and update sets P and X
           and the arrays of neighbors in P

    \param vertex The vertex to move to R.

    \param vertexSets An array containing sets of vertices divided into sets X, P, R, and other.
    \param vertexLookup A lookup table indexed by vertex number, storing the index of that 
                        vertex in vertexSets.

    \param neighborsInP Maps vertices to arrays of neighbors such that 
                        neighbors in P fill the first cells

    \param numNeighbors An the neighbor of neighbors a vertex had in P,
                        the first time this function is called, this bound is 
                        used to keep us from allocating more than linear space.

    \param pBeginX The index where set X begins in vertexSets.
    \param pBeginP The index where set P begins in vertexSets.

    \param pBeginR The index where set R begins in vertexSets.

    \param pNewBeginX After function, contains the new index where set X begins
                      in vertexSets after adding vertex to R.
    \param pNewBeginP After function, contains the new index where set P begins
                      in vertexSets after adding vertex to P.

    \param pNewBeginR After function, contains the new index where set R begins
                      in vertexSets after adding vertex to R.

inline void moveToRDegeneracy( int vertex, 
                               int* vertexSets, int* vertexLookup, 
                               int** neighborsInP, int* numNeighbors,
                               int* pBeginX, int *pBeginP, int *pBeginR, 
                               int* pNewBeginX, int* pNewBeginP, int *pNewBeginR)

////    clock_t clockStart = clock();
        int vertexLocation = vertexLookup[vertex];

        vertexSets[vertexLocation] = vertexSets[*pBeginR];
        vertexLookup[vertexSets[*pBeginR]] = vertexLocation;
        vertexSets[*pBeginR] = vertex;
        vertexLookup[vertex] = *pBeginR;

        // this is not a typo, initially newX is empty
        *pNewBeginX = *pBeginP;
        *pNewBeginP = *pBeginP;
        *pNewBeginR = *pBeginP;

        int sizeOfP = *pBeginR - *pBeginP;

        int j = *pBeginX;
            int neighbor = vertexSets[j];
            int neighborLocation = j;

            int incrementJ = 1;

            int numPotentialNeighbors = min(sizeOfP, numNeighbors[neighbor]);

            int k = 0;
                if(neighborsInP[neighbor][k] == vertex)
                    vertexSets[neighborLocation] = vertexSets[(*pNewBeginX)];
                    vertexLookup[vertexSets[(*pNewBeginX)]] = neighborLocation;
                    vertexSets[(*pNewBeginX)] = neighbor;
                    vertexLookup[neighbor] = (*pNewBeginX);

            if(incrementJ) j++;

        j = (*pBeginP);
            int neighbor = vertexSets[j];
            int neighborLocation = j;

            int numPotentialNeighbors = min(sizeOfP, numNeighbors[neighbor]);

            int k = 0;
                if(neighborsInP[neighbor][k] == vertex)
                    vertexSets[neighborLocation] = vertexSets[(*pNewBeginR)];
                    vertexLookup[vertexSets[(*pNewBeginR)]] = neighborLocation;
                    vertexSets[(*pNewBeginR)] = neighbor;
                    vertexLookup[neighbor] = (*pNewBeginR);



        j = (*pNewBeginX);

        while(j < *pNewBeginR)
            int thisVertex = vertexSets[j];

            int numPotentialNeighbors = min(sizeOfP, numNeighbors[thisVertex]);

            int numNeighborsInP = 0;

            int k = 0;
            while(k < numPotentialNeighbors)
                int neighbor = neighborsInP[thisVertex][k];
                int neighborLocation = vertexLookup[neighbor];
                if(neighborLocation >= *pNewBeginP && neighborLocation < *pNewBeginR)
                    neighborsInP[thisVertex][k] = neighborsInP[thisVertex][numNeighborsInP];
                    neighborsInP[thisVertex][numNeighborsInP] = neighbor;


////    clock_t clockEnd = clock();
////    timeMovingToR += (clockEnd - clockStart);

/*! \brief Move a vertex from the set R to the set X, and update all necessary pointers
           and arrays of neighbors in P

    \param vertex The vertex to move from R to X.

    \param vertexSets An array containing sets of vertices divided into sets X, P, R, and other.
    \param vertexLookup A lookup table indexed by vertex number, storing the index of that 
                        vertex in vertexSets.

    \param pBeginX The index where set X begins in vertexSets.
    \param pBeginP The index where set P begins in vertexSets.

    \param pBeginR The index where set R begins in vertexSets.


inline void moveFromRToXDegeneracy( int vertex, 
                                    int* vertexSets, int* vertexLookup, 
                                    int* pBeginX, int* pBeginP, int* pBeginR )
////    clock_t clockStart = clock();
    int vertexLocation = vertexLookup[vertex];

    //swap vertex into X and increment beginP and beginR
    vertexSets[vertexLocation] = vertexSets[*pBeginP];
    vertexLookup[vertexSets[*pBeginP]] = vertexLocation;
    vertexSets[*pBeginP] = vertex;
    vertexLookup[vertex] = *pBeginP;

    *pBeginP = *pBeginP + 1;
    *pBeginR = *pBeginR + 1;

////    clock_t clockEnd = clock();
////    timeMovingFromRtoX += (clockEnd - clockStart);

/*! \brief Recursively list all maximal cliques containing all of
           all vertices in R, some vertices in P and no vertices in X.

    \param cliqueCount A pointer to the number of maximal cliques computed 
                       thus far.

    \param partialClique A linked list storing R, the partial clique for this
                         recursive call. 

    \param vertexSets An array containing sets of vertices divided into sets X, P, R and other.
    \param vertexLookup A lookup table indexed by vertex number, storing the index of that 
                        vertex in vertexSets.

    \param neighborsInP Maps vertices to arrays of neighbors such that 
                        neighbors in P fill the first cells

    \param numNeighbors An the neighbor of neighbors a vertex had in P,
                        the first time this function is called, this bound is 
                        used to keep us from allocating more than linear space.

    \param beginX The index where set X begins in vertexSets.
    \param beginP The index where set P begins in vertexSets.

    \param beginR The index where set R begins in vertexSets.


void DegeneracyAlgorithm::listAllMaximalCliquesDegeneracyRecursive(long* cliqueCount,
                                               list<int> &partialClique, 
                                               int* vertexSets, int* vertexLookup,
                                               int** neighborsInP, int* numNeighbors,
                                               int beginX, int beginP, int beginR)


    // if X is empty and P is empty, process partial clique as maximal
    if(beginX >= beginP && beginP >= beginR)

        if (stepsSinceLastReportedClique > partialClique.size()) {
            //cerr << "steps: " << stepsSinceLastReportedClique << ">" << partialClique.size() << endl;
            if (largestDifference < (stepsSinceLastReportedClique - partialClique.size())) {
                largestDifference = stepsSinceLastReportedClique - partialClique.size();

        stepsSinceLastReportedClique = 0;



    // avoid work if P is empty.
    if(beginP >= beginR)

    int* myCandidatesToIterateThrough;
    int numCandidatesToIterateThrough;

    // get the candidates to add to R to make a maximal clique
    findBestPivotNonNeighborsDegeneracy( &myCandidatesToIterateThrough,
                                         vertexSets, vertexLookup,
                                         neighborsInP, numNeighbors,
                                         beginX, beginP, beginR);

    // add candiate vertices to the partial clique one at a time and 
    // search for maximal cliques
    if(numCandidatesToIterateThrough != 0)
    int iterator = 0;
    while(iterator < numCandidatesToIterateThrough)
        // vertex to be added to the partial clique
        int vertex = myCandidatesToIterateThrough[iterator];

        printf("%d ", vertex);

        int newBeginX, newBeginP, newBeginR;

        // add vertex into partialClique, representing R.

        // swap vertex into R and update all data structures 
        moveToRDegeneracy( vertex, 
                           vertexSets, vertexLookup, 
                           neighborsInP, numNeighbors,
                           &beginX, &beginP, &beginR, 
                           &newBeginX, &newBeginP, &newBeginR);

        // recursively compute maximal cliques with new sets R, P and X
                                                 vertexSets, vertexLookup,
                                                 neighborsInP, numNeighbors,
                                                 newBeginX, newBeginP, newBeginR);

        printf("b ");

        // remove vertex from partialClique

        moveFromRToXDegeneracy( vertex, 
                                vertexSets, vertexLookup,
                                &beginX, &beginP, &beginR );


    // swap vertices that were moved to X back into P, for higher recursive calls.
    iterator = 0;

////    clock_t clockStart = clock();
    while(iterator < numCandidatesToIterateThrough)
        int vertex = myCandidatesToIterateThrough[iterator];
        int vertexLocation = vertexLookup[vertex];

        vertexSets[vertexLocation] = vertexSets[beginP];
        vertexSets[beginP] = vertex;
        vertexLookup[vertex] = beginP;
        vertexLookup[vertexSets[vertexLocation]] = vertexLocation;

////    clock_t clockEnd = clock();
////    timeMovingXToP += (clockEnd - clockStart);

    // don't need to check for emptiness before freeing, since
    // something will always be there (we allocated enough memory
    // for all of P, which is nonempty)
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