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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
ebdf47c minor changes. 15 October 2023, 10:52:09 UTC
c88964c cmake/ edited online with Bitbucket 15 October 2023, 10:46:42 UTC
a0d654e uploading mesh files in tec format. 03 September 2023, 11:54:21 UTC
9cefbc9 minor improvements in an example. 01 September 2023, 09:09:51 UTC
9463996 Replacing stream out for SimpleMesh with save(). Adding boundary_nodes() and interior_nodes() methods to SimpleMesh for convenience. 31 August 2023, 08:40:59 UTC
2be3747 dvr::test::SimpleMesh cannot be modified after construction. Renaming .mesh with .tec 31 August 2023, 08:13:18 UTC
91c8d88 MeshType: GetNumNodes() -> n_nodes() GetNumElements() -> n_elements() GetSpatialDimension() -> spatial_dimension() MeshTraits and SimpleMesh classes have been revised accordingly. The remaining classes/functions have been updated. Adding a traits check for SimpleMesh as well. 31 August 2023, 06:44:34 UTC
886c24a Adding method GetConstMesh to MeshWrapper. Except for MeshWrapper, all other classes only provide const access to the mesh. 31 August 2023, 04:50:18 UTC
d5e6f40 Making it explicit that the mesh in mesh wrapper is expected to be modified. 30 August 2023, 17:02:48 UTC
f341006 Adding const access to the mesh in MeshWrapper. 30 August 2023, 16:59:51 UTC
3347d84 Fixing more OpenMP dependencies during build. 30 August 2023, 15:24:43 UTC
bf45b48 fixing cmake linking to OpenMP. 30 August 2023, 15:16:48 UTC
e27823a adding documentation under docs/ 30 August 2023, 12:04:43 UTC
460f4ac 1-ring elements and vertices has a much better access from MeshWrapper. 30 August 2023, 03:55:07 UTC
0a97c3c Revert "Revert "RingData no longer has 1-ring element pointer. This is directly accessed from the MeshWrapper class."" This reverts commit 96d0a3b4cd469462027c741a0b48cb2bcf5b06a1. 30 August 2023, 03:39:08 UTC
96d0a3b Revert "RingData no longer has 1-ring element pointer. This is directly accessed from the MeshWrapper class." This reverts commit 45ef307931b33ce2f6b926db1e220fbc7dd2cea1. 30 August 2023, 03:36:47 UTC
45ef307 RingData no longer has 1-ring element pointer. This is directly accessed from the MeshWrapper class. 30 August 2023, 03:33:30 UTC
9073159 renaming dvr_Module to dvrlib. 30 August 2023, 03:17:35 UTC
647aa1f dvr::Optimize functions access the mesh through the max-min solver. Unit tests and examples have been updated. 29 August 2023, 11:34:37 UTC
88152ea dvr::Optimize functions now access the mesh through the max-min solver. Passing the mesh was a redundant option. Hence, the mesh object cannot be const in the Quality, and in turn, the Quality cannot be const in the Max-Min solver. 29 August 2023, 11:33:31 UTC
9120bff all traits checks moved to the dvr_traits folder. 29 August 2023, 11:31:51 UTC
94cf4e1 Updating for reduced requirements on the mesh class. Vertex Coloring is now implemented in a separate target. SimpleMesh has been drastically simplified. 29 August 2023, 08:28:27 UTC
b949074 Removing assumption of 1-ring info from mesh objects. Quality classes provide non-const access to the mesh wrapper. 29 August 2023, 07:31:26 UTC
b2b5199 VertexColoring now uses the MeshWrapper class. 29 August 2023, 07:23:01 UTC
34f48b2 Updating tests for conformity with MeshWrapper class. 29 August 2023, 07:08:58 UTC
fb000f3 Breaking update: Quality classes now take a MeshWrapper object as input, rather than the mesh itself. Removing clone and copy constructors from the copy classes. Unit tests for quality classes has been updates. 29 August 2023, 05:41:48 UTC
838e109 Adding a MeshWrapper class to perform 1-ring computations. 29 August 2023, 05:24:57 UTC
a236c14 disabling checks on mesh traits within quality. 29 August 2023, 03:38:49 UTC
67e7065 Moving GetSpatialDimension() back to the mesh class. It does not seem right that it was not possible to know whether the mesh was 2D or 3D. 29 August 2023, 03:32:37 UTC
e880525 The Mesh class no longer is required to provide GetSpatialDimension() and GetNumNodsPerElement() methods. GetSpatialDimension() is provided by the Quality class. Nodes per element = 1+spd. 29 August 2023, 03:08:02 UTC
e9ba905 dvrmesh has been moved to dvr::test:: Minor changes in cmake build. 23 August 2023, 04:01:00 UTC
9f3e47f minor changes in build. 05 August 2023, 04:42:44 UTC
ca6dda9 Using try_compile for GSL and OpenMP dependency tests. OpenMP is no longer marked as required. 05 August 2023, 03:43:30 UTC
56fa347 improving openmp dependency during build. 04 August 2023, 05:00:42 UTC
aa1e2b3 Fixing openmp dependency during build 04 August 2023, 04:07:08 UTC
9e3bf7a Improving cmake build 04 August 2023, 03:57:10 UTC
7261b77 minor changes in build. 03 August 2023, 10:58:56 UTC
e8c2593 tutorial requires the CLI11 package rather than a copy of CLI11.hpp 20 September 2022, 06:50:40 UTC
d664d38 Minor change in cmakelists.txt 20 September 2022, 06:43:43 UTC
63487ad Attempting to simplify signed distance function interface. It is no longer necessary to pass a void* parameter. This can be done, if required, using boost::bind. 20 September 2022, 04:27:00 UTC
b2b3903 Removing parameter in SignedDistanceFunction that tracks whether the closest point lies on the feature. 25 August 2022, 08:52:46 UTC
2e00947 Major update in tutorial: Replacing TCLAP for reading command line options with CLI11. Updating the example dvr-cmd.cpp accordingly. 30 March 2022, 04:08:50 UTC
6845ef8 Major update in dvrmesh::SimpleMesh read/write. These are done now by overloading insertion/extraction operators, rather than using read/write methods. Tests and tutorial examples have been changed accordingly. 29 March 2022, 06:26:32 UTC
9205f3a Deactivtaing mesh traits checks. These are not passed by derived classes (a feature of Boost TTI). Major bummer. 23 March 2022, 18:10:00 UTC
720b068 Adding traits checks for VertexColoring and MaxMinSolver. These traits are checked in the constructor of the respective classes. 17 March 2022, 03:46:05 UTC
a5f7f2b Modifying checks for mesh and quality traits to return constexpr bool to make them be evaluated at compile time. 10 March 2022, 09:52:46 UTC
10927d5 Adding quality traits checks in max-min solver. 10 March 2022, 04:46:12 UTC
85a35da Adding traits check in the quality classes. 10 March 2022, 04:24:52 UTC
d1ab6db Adding traits checks for the mesh type and quality type. These checks need to be integrated. Also need a traits check for the max-min solver class. 09 March 2022, 11:29:43 UTC
af51f6e Revising install libraries in cmake. 09 March 2022, 11:16:11 UTC
1a3ef9e Major reorganization: Moving quality related headers to the folder Quality/ from Optimizer/ An interface library dvr_quality is created. Unit tests are moved accordingly Moving max-min solver related headers to the folder Maxmin/ from Optimizer/ A library dvr_maxmin is created Unit tests are moved accordingly In Optimizer/ TriTests and TetTests are merged into a single folder. 09 March 2022, 11:14:54 UTC
cec73ab Minor edit in documentation. 09 March 2022, 09:15:55 UTC
997a075 Changing the signature of SignedDistanceFunction to include a boolean return variable indicating whether the closest point projection lies on the geometry, or not. 27 January 2022, 07:57:53 UTC
18f23af Simplifying cmake files for linking unit tests. 20 September 2021, 09:25:16 UTC
ab9635f Minor edit in cmake file for unit test. 10 June 2021, 13:17:31 UTC
8dab43a Updating Cmake files for unit test. 10 June 2021, 12:54:49 UTC
dcac3bb Updating cmake files for unit tests. 10 June 2021, 12:45:15 UTC
c8a4ed5 Minor changes in cmake file for unit test. 10 June 2021, 12:32:06 UTC
535cd4e Minor bug fix in library variable name. 26 May 2021, 06:49:50 UTC
5b5ef5a Minor edit 07 April 2021, 11:38:17 UTC
2a93436 Minor edit. 06 April 2021, 10:19:59 UTC
66a8618 -Improving cmake files. Variables DVR_INCLUDE_DIRS. DVR_LIBRARY_DIRS and DVR_LIBRARIES are now defined and automatically include all dependencies. - Moving test/ folders to respective folders within src/ - Updating cmakelists.txt in tests and tutorial folders. 05 April 2021, 05:54:59 UTC
7409fd6 Removing inline default definition of dvr::TangentialDir::TangentialDirection. This will trigger instantiations of specialized definitions. 16 March 2021, 05:13:41 UTC
ed1fc3d Minor documentation updates. 23 February 2021, 11:31:09 UTC
f25d286 Bug fix in ReadTecplotFile: SetupMesh() is now called. 05 February 2021, 05:50:28 UTC
cf54d78 Fixed testing. 26 January 2021, 17:15:18 UTC
551c57b Making libraries static. Fixing template issues in dvr_GNUPolySolver and dvr_DesCartesPolyRootCounter. 26 January 2021, 16:58:48 UTC
05e3ba9 Major update. Revamping build system. Unit testing is still broken. 26 January 2021, 15:59:02 UTC
0843223 Removing JOSS paper. 23 January 2021, 12:22:12 UTC
9fb5589 Minor 23 January 2021, 12:10:01 UTC
1375eb1 Major Updated. Revamping the build system. Testing currently breaks. The issue concerns linking to the compiled libraries before install. Moving non-template functions to .cpp files The library is no longer header only. 23 January 2021, 12:06:25 UTC
ee58bfa BREAKING UPDATE: Moving non-templated implementations to .cpp file. Revamping the build system. 22 January 2021, 13:56:03 UTC
3a4ede3 Modification in dvr::SignedDistanceFunction These are now expect an additional user-defined parameter. As a result, the classes dvr::TangentialDirGenerator and dvr::ClosestPointStruct also take this parameter during construction. The tutorial example dvr-constraint.cpp is revised for conformity. 30 November 2020, 12:13:48 UTC
69ccaf3 Minor bug fix in the dvrmesh::SimpleMesh class. Vertex 1-rings could have had repetitions because of how they are accumulated. Now, for this reason, these 1-rings are collected as sets, and then converted to vectors. Implementation could be improved. 30 November 2020, 11:34:37 UTC
e99b352 Adding data checks in dvrmesh::SimpleMesh::PlotTec function. Verifies that only a 2D triangle or a 3D tet mesh is setup. 30 November 2020, 11:32:50 UTC
4281efb Committing joss badge 21 October 2020, 07:40:28 UTC
87d8312 Minor edit in 22 August 2020, 02:47:48 UTC
6d13233 Minor edit in 22 August 2020, 02:40:15 UTC
241c67c bitbucket-pipelines.yml edited online with Bitbucket 11 August 2020, 04:17:10 UTC
b3ec25e bitbucket-pipelines.yml edited online with Bitbucket 07 August 2020, 05:01:34 UTC
13f0482 Adding tutorial examples in the build pipeline. 07 August 2020, 05:09:30 UTC
8a85b0c Documentation fixes. 23 July 2020, 16:53:57 UTC
f6ece9e edited online with Bitbucket 22 July 2020, 12:06:31 UTC
7a3da9e edited online with Bitbucket 22 July 2020, 12:03:51 UTC
3088934 edited online with Bitbucket 22 July 2020, 12:01:42 UTC
1049125 edited online with Bitbucket 22 July 2020, 11:59:44 UTC
3c167ad Minor change in CMakeLists.txt. 22 July 2020, 11:58:03 UTC
6d869fe edited online with Bitbucket 22 July 2020, 11:52:39 UTC
45fa437 edited online with Bitbucket 22 July 2020, 11:50:27 UTC
6ff60ee edited online with Bitbucket 22 July 2020, 11:48:50 UTC
bf90837 edited online with Bitbucket 22 July 2020, 11:48:06 UTC
d0354f7 edited online with Bitbucket 22 July 2020, 11:46:59 UTC
fb55e88 edited online with Bitbucket 22 July 2020, 11:20:20 UTC
6f21884 Updating README. 22 July 2020, 10:46:27 UTC
dd44b94 Adding toy examples test_gsl.cpp and test_openmp.cpp to test the GSL and OpenMP installations. They are added to the list of tests. 21 July 2020, 15:18:12 UTC
9d30963 Removing .mesh files from the mesh/ folder 21 July 2020, 14:16:22 UTC
dbcc8fa Revising CMakeLists.txt in test/ to copy meshes to the build folder rather than using the test/ folder as the working directory. 21 July 2020, 14:03:46 UTC
d50b4d6 Tutorial examples - Sample meshes used by the examples are available within the tutorial folder. - CMakeLists.txt now copies the sample meshes to the build folder. - CMakeLists.txt creates an output folder for each target - Each tutorial examples writes an output to its respective output folder. 21 July 2020, 13:15:19 UTC
406603a Moving meshes required by tests to the respective test folder. CMakeLists.txt is revised with the WORKING_DIRECTORY option. 21 July 2020, 11:00:04 UTC
2388c86 edited online with Bitbucket 21 July 2020, 10:26:30 UTC
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