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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
213207c Bug 1237219 - Lock patch files while applying updates; r=rstrong a=ritu MozReview-Commit-ID: 8m4SQVhZy4D --HG-- extra : source : 3fe6c728ce7674ff710309587eaae01ca46e887d extra : intermediate-source : dc2c791cbd988ca367356156b8035b56687a98b8 14 April 2016, 16:33:42 UTC
2d36086 Bug 1273324 - Fix dmd test on mozilla-beta. r=njn a=testonly 20 May 2016, 17:29:36 UTC
bd8a606 No bug - Tagging 0723a0212f5e0b30d7532d4e35eba7759fb54507 with FIREFOX_47_0b7_BUILD1, FIREFOX_47_0b7_RELEASE a=release CLOSED TREE 20 May 2016, 13:34:12 UTC
79dce5f Automatic version bump. CLOSED TREE NO BUG a=release 20 May 2016, 13:34:09 UTC
70e72e6 Bug 1262427. Don't try D3D11 harder. r=dvander,a=rkothari 19 May 2016, 16:38:36 UTC
edadd60 Bug 1267636 - Adjust window titlebar metrics scaling on Win10 to improve the appearance of DevEdition and similar themes on a secondary lo-dpi display. r=emk a=ritu 17 May 2016, 14:35:58 UTC
06da123 Bug 1273202, make sure to not keep objects alive too long because of some useless event dispatching, r=jwatt a=ritu --HG-- extra : source : 87e32446023f9d56c5ca367834b1d9ee7a1701c3 extra : intermediate-source : 9942206d3f9c41e6d0ffd7c34460ed71fd329a97 16 May 2016, 18:42:24 UTC
0c6ff93 Bug 1272916: [MSE] P1. Don't rely only on dts gap to establish if we have a gap in our source buffer. r=gerald a=ritu Also check that the pts have similar gap. MozReview-Commit-ID: 4Hk24S78HjF --HG-- extra : source : 0f9a6f4ef56ec7111376d48c9ab845b24af5536c extra : intermediate-source : 51e908eb48fb52e1f11869b4cc606b88271b6606 15 May 2016, 10:58:46 UTC
3e43294 Bug 1270381. r=wchen. a=ritu --HG-- extra : source : 3d583c1845ca7f95670b74425c8503e783e765c0 15 May 2016, 14:03:06 UTC
74cd142 Bug 1271698 - Add Switchboard flags for URL bar changes. r=margaret a=ritu * urlbar-show-origin-only: Only show origin in URL bar instead of full URL (Bug 1236431) * urlbar-show-ev-cert-owner: Show name of organization (EV cert) instead of full URL in URL bar (Bug 1249594) 16 May 2016, 23:23:34 UTC
4acae88 Bug 1268155 - GetAsSourceSurface might return nullptr, let's handle it. r=jgilbert a=ritu MozReview-Commit-ID: 6uH9esA2PqC --HG-- extra : source : 218969cdfaf0a78d9d5d0490b38532782ea902fe extra : intermediate-source : 520c41cefb4221f0402b4d10cda5ace5fd792a3c 12 May 2016, 06:08:24 UTC
de28d80 Bug 1264613 - Allow object-to-nonobject serialization. r=baku a=ritu Fix the Structured Clone API to avoid assigning a numeric back-reference id to objects that are serialized as non-objects; in particular, this fixes incorrect serialization and crashes upon deserialization when a DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope is serialized twice in the same serialization packet. --HG-- extra : source : 0504bc4398f643b6b7c4a6f3cbf9e435b732b384 extra : intermediate-source : 21500d655b72b17af8acbc2d72a1305b70110475 19 April 2016, 08:26:00 UTC
03720cb Bug 1234147 - Fix height computation for JitcodeSkiplistTower. (r=djvj) a=ritu --HG-- extra : source : 6a30c1484e916c03c69a617653ddc4ae8bfbecec extra : intermediate-source : ef7602300e893e99b112dbd3ce3e562bbeb7cec8 10 May 2016, 01:05:32 UTC
3155a7c Bug 1269941 - Upgrade to Hunspell 1.4.1. r=ehsan a=ritu --HG-- extra : source : 3a4e50717846a0e3789ed6859ab685d162425265 03 May 2016, 23:00:00 UTC
3476822 Bug 1246162 - Put weak crypto advanced panel in an absolutely positioned container to prevent page content moving. r=Gijs a=ritu 13 May 2016, 21:02:26 UTC
6cffa99 Bug 1269729 - Handle another OOM case on ARM. (r=jolesen) a=ritu --HG-- extra : source : 374889c1ff7dde28ec8700652563bdfafbb70354 extra : intermediate-source : 75eba1454695cc8947edeca32a062e46574db8f6 04 May 2016, 22:54:43 UTC
594af3c Bug 1251919 - Nuke Debugger wrappers on failure. (r=shu) a=ritu --HG-- extra : amend_source : 21d0422f17459baa11c81ed8078840ecb2c6e309 19 May 2016, 00:12:03 UTC
6e0aa25 Bug 1254544 - Show clipboard commands in the synced tabs filter context menu. r=markh a=ritu MozReview-Commit-ID: 9XTYrU0xp9E --HG-- extra : source : ba9179915fb0d9cbb3914cdce6f67154d0777074 16 March 2016, 23:31:19 UTC
54cf9f3 Bug 1268868: [MSE] P3. Prevent crash should gap be detected in content. r=gerald, a=ritu If the last frames of a media segment were evicted due to gap detection, mLongestFrameDuration would have been reset. Additionally, simplify the code by using temporary variables. MozReview-Commit-ID: HCjuZkgwANN 18 May 2016, 06:33:01 UTC
5dd1b87 Bug 1268868: [MSE] P2. Reset longest duration after keyframe is seen. r=gerald, a=ritu This makes us closer to the spec, while still allowing some leeway in gap detection which was found to too strict in the past. MozReview-Commit-ID: 9EPT2e2F6ed 18 May 2016, 05:51:31 UTC
f873dbe Bug 1271312 followup, disable the opt builds that nobody has any interesting in allowing to be green by allowing them to upload symbols, a=nuisance 18 May 2016, 02:39:07 UTC
471f288 Bug 1270689 - Clear WidevineDecryptor::mCallback in WidevineDecryptor::DecryptingComplete(). r=gerald,a=ritu The OnSessionClosed() callback is happening on a timer, after WidevineDecryptor::DecryptingComplete() has been called. So mCallback could actually be non-null because DecryptingComplete() has been called, but the object pointed to by mCallback has been deallocated, and mCallback is a dangling pointer. MozReview-Commit-ID: 4xdHYRn7EAS --HG-- extra : source : 55d79997aa3e3e2133d9155c37f4435317b44061 extra : intermediate-source : 30f9e7dfcd3d3de1d949f523d353d9956f2b976a 16 May 2016, 02:34:20 UTC
561e9d3 No bug - Tagging 7d1f3450acc47025876964c1eca854ae027934f3 with FIREFOX_47_0b6_BUILD1, FIREFOX_47_0b6_RELEASE a=release CLOSED TREE 17 May 2016, 15:52:01 UTC
215b6ef Automatic version bump. CLOSED TREE NO BUG a=release 17 May 2016, 15:51:58 UTC
9c40176 Bug 1269731 - partner-repacks push to mirrors should work on reruns r=nthomas a=release DONTBUILD MozReview-Commit-ID: 8zc1ppQGxWp --HG-- extra : source : 3270563e24035ee0a3a503d82e0568c0dd739e47 17 May 2016, 12:26:37 UTC
14607f2 Bug 1272918 - Shut off broken and unwanted Unit/frontend job for Gecko 47, a=waste 17 May 2016, 03:34:50 UTC
3160062 Bug 1269407 - Return early from all lifecycle methods if not supported system. r=sebastian a=ritu This avoids a problem where a lifecycle method may assume a previous lifecycle method initialized some values but we returned early (e.g. on a not supported system) so these values were never initialized and the application may crash. I tested this patch by forcing HardwareUtils.isSupportedSystem to return either true or false (but both were in a supported device configuration). MozReview-Commit-ID: 1WvOId8CLjP --HG-- extra : source : ea0021eed8cd7658fe0e247cacb4022506b6968d extra : amend_source : 8f87701e4e71dc27545505f163cfe10d34153bb2 extra : intermediate-source : d9669cd7db678363a76231b9995bb2796e529d83 12 May 2016, 22:59:34 UTC
617d297 Bug 1272166 - Update UI telemetry logging. r=margaret a=ritu MozReview-Commit-ID: Gzb2qdm3TuT --HG-- extra : source : 44dc9457053b0f6ecacbc01c7d11a8b457c3cb55 extra : intermediate-source : 0bb379c0ee669923882cfdd2ef625767b5d92338 12 May 2016, 00:30:34 UTC
a29d373 Bug 1272755 bump pocket addon version, r=gijs a=ritu --HG-- extra : amend_source : 6a5df2642ea9434b48e169193195a92932947209 16 May 2016, 19:29:58 UTC
adc7dc7 Bug 1271460, don't leak editor created element objects, r=ehsan a=ritu --HG-- extra : source : 009736e264b46b6284ae49f97e6e2b420532537d extra : amend_source : 0c412896dcc046579d1983993305876a198c9265 extra : intermediate-source : 5d6b894490f27d7e8ee098fd8279f2954e89a712 13 May 2016, 17:10:22 UTC
148b6f8 Bug 1270783. If we end up erroring out of a worker main-script load before we get to creating a global for the worker, don't try to enter that global's compartment to throw an exception. Just squelch it instead. r=khuey a=ritu --HG-- extra : source : 6ea22dfff1e343ffb1d1c1156dcd90bdc2987746 extra : intermediate-source : 39d73775d903e37dfcd2f779e136033807789dc3 14 May 2016, 00:09:50 UTC
8920a1d Bug 1272521 - Hide Widevine CDM on MacOSX 10.6. r=spohl a=ritu The Widevine CDM crashes on MacOSX 10.6, so only download, expose, and install it on 10.7 and later. MozReview-Commit-ID: 51iJpQEB1m7 --HG-- extra : rebase_source : ef6571bc6c74a2bd1f7f77214694030b3b1c5fe1 extra : source : 9424c4ab7471e932ad436e4ae0906490307a8714 13 May 2016, 02:02:20 UTC
b82ec13 Bug 1272521 - Reject Widevine keysystem requests on MacOSX 10.6. r=gerald a=ritu The Widevine CDM is crashing trying to determine the screen layout, and since 10.6 is being deprecated in August, we're not going to bother making it work. MozReview-Commit-ID: K1k1WZqjoyy --HG-- extra : rebase_source : c992f12ed902cff22cf4a092a5fa498a96914ba7 extra : source : b4282c012d01834f32c95e26a722560f3881451a 13 May 2016, 02:00:29 UTC
0be758a Bug 1264575 - Add missing pre-barrier in Ion r=jandem a=ritu --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 7999e154a5cbfde92534c8e179d11aa09092cde3 extra : intermediate-source : df9b55a0fed6e85bfde84a9f6debe2c772fdc7f5 extra : source : 55aa8c623d4133eccc000cfa61f32c0809d97330 11 May 2016, 09:14:45 UTC
2f24a46 Bug 1258922: [MSE] P4. Set draining flag to true when skip to next keyframe failed. r=gerald a=ritu data promise is only resolved once the decoder has been drained. It was possible for a promise to never be resolved if skipping to the next key frame failed. MozReview-Commit-ID: GimbQTImH9e --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 66944cefed2f4986118ae339dd2fe79a6bbc812a extra : intermediate-source : b72de38736248444009bfef8043ced0f15383776 extra : source : 6b20a2776b3a86e71be73dc58f0c2cebf64b4023 05 May 2016, 05:58:49 UTC
96b0af4 Bug 1258922: [MSE] P3. Check that the data we are attempting to skip to is buffered. r=gerald a=ritu MozReview-Commit-ID: DCQkIimciEe --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 0d4c33c3805c4fe940fcf9e3abc64b176ee77aaf extra : intermediate-source : 0ce7d0b3753b677f83c9a61c5f22491d506377bd extra : source : 60941c0d1f9f536d235e8372949e507ef768a73c 05 May 2016, 05:43:40 UTC
25bd7d1 Bug 1258922: [MSE] P2. Do not go over gap when attempting to find the next key frame. r=gerald a=ritu MozReview-Commit-ID: EtK34PdzN4a --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 2e1b4a578497e58d6b786a567d0257cf2f698717 extra : intermediate-source : 6ea323c87eb7f73e73ae374eb99a461723bc1323 extra : source : 6a992529b67d36eadbf84386bfc5a5fccceef769 05 May 2016, 05:36:32 UTC
a5930cc Bug 1258922: [MSE] P1. Initialise variable. r=gerald a=ritu It was possible for the variable to be used uninitialized. MozReview-Commit-ID: EwzyJRPn7iV --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 57ca2dc16f70159b6541cea4a6065b99ad50ab68 extra : intermediate-source : 02a2242a2a77850c6e256a02dde628b72a22f353 extra : source : 96df35e11c4821243e8afbdc0e9baefcdac2cfbd 05 May 2016, 04:57:47 UTC
f99e833 Bug 1271847 - Only adjust the samples once we have a complete moof. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe, a=lizzard MozReview-Commit-ID: 5TO0d20uUhZ --HG-- extra : rebase_source : ca8ab72eb1bde28627969c9a98f73a661f5ea3e4 extra : intermediate-source : 10d23a4482ebf6d59467ccb76a8f4685786e0d2d extra : source : c541b055d7af2289095cdb36b2a773f9edda8343 11 May 2016, 05:59:33 UTC
d9761e1 Bug 1269325: [mp4] Recalculate dts after adjusting cts. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe,r=gerald a=ritu CTS are adjusted so that all frames within a moof are contiguous and gapless. This means that the duration of each sample are updated accordingly. In MP4, the definition of a sample's duration is the delta between two decoding timestamp. As such, when changing the duration, the decode timestamp should be updated accordingly. MozReview-Commit-ID: 8D8DeNeyzy --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 8968a789e364f24c3d0ca1e3404853bb0454d910 extra : intermediate-source : cd7dd2a236ca6295e3699aad8adf1b45387ac1f8 extra : source : 61091afacd2312e8d7500722414689c70ee4bd1f 03 May 2016, 06:02:10 UTC
3292cdf Bug 1268714 - Check for failure result or a failed nsresult from SendLoadGMP. r=mccr8 a=ritu MozReview-Commit-ID: 9bE9hfXiBI5 --HG-- extra : rebase_source : bf67c7b13f809d2ac6c9141f0b5390f9873edbe7 extra : intermediate-source : ab4a17a4d9d6c9fae18446c6292acf12c9fb6865 extra : source : c9ed1f5f53583d071883ec3b1a8716ede3f76efb 29 April 2016, 18:24:30 UTC
fc82b1b Bug 1263951 - avoid trying to initialize new GMP instances once the browser enters shutdown. r=cpearce a=ritu --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 87785c40aef3d03fdbb5a3dafae55c96e658c4df 12 May 2016, 19:29:05 UTC
842c83e Bug 1256415 - Replace FENNEC_GECKOAPP_STARTUP_ACTION histogram with UI telemetry. r=mfinkle a=ritu MozReview-Commit-ID: ElmELmp7baV --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 0320add8bddc544c73681989caa51bb03a0aa9aa extra : source : 7875a8acb8c47dbe656833e3493f7a5d5e5a480b 18 March 2016, 23:07:18 UTC
eaa2167 Bug 1174036 - Handle dynamically-removed textareas gracefully. r=mikedeboer r=ehsan a=ritu Also, flush layout when starting a find in order to avoid racing with textarea-hiding notifications and maintain JS type correctness when objects are passed over IPC. --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 2c9c5a92bc7b55010566221711d131282893e7d6 extra : source : 6a5f05ddfa83b5be135e329d46ab0d0a40e2696f 23 March 2016, 01:18:30 UTC
8db82f6 Bug 1232313: [mp4] Use cumulative decode time if tfdt box is not present. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe a=ritu Per ISO 14496-12, the Track fragment decode time (tfdt) is optional. MozReview-Commit-ID: LNrMPYlkDvt --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 3e149af9f5461f3f5e51499fa6c96a6f25561d07 extra : source : 0ed310b4f4d0d411d2044dfc18fac6653827ecb1 16 March 2016, 07:58:48 UTC
d6e1f14 Bug 1255273 - Partial mar files have two channel IDs r=nthomas a=release DONTBUILD MozReview-Commit-ID: 3Nv38vsoOvr --HG-- extra : source : ec4475ef7e31ec2e9488d0c756ccb9475b941f57 extra : amend_source : f3585e130c38eae342ba1955c6163ce056f42f80 extra : intermediate-source : 5bbf2e7c2fc6ff9010b1948e2f11477f48ee36e2 10 March 2016, 04:20:22 UTC
1308ebc Bug 1267012 - Disable test_signed_dir.js for having a timebomb that makes it fail after one year, a=orange 24 April 2016, 01:10:46 UTC
75d76b4 No bug, Automated blocklist update from host bld-linux64-spot-483 - a=blocklist-update 23 April 2016, 10:15:57 UTC
aebf041 Bug #1266462 - Use explicit purposes for Google search codes; r=mconnor, a=lizzard 21 April 2016, 19:39:34 UTC
b941148 Bug 1266039 - Generate release promotion specific docker images as a part of release promotion process r=Callek a=release DONTBUILD MozReview-Commit-ID: 89FYuMZYb6a --HG-- extra : source : 4061840a0f974238d5a6af2df7342ff130e90bb5 extra : intermediate-source : 9e0834bfce332e669f3a82414221c97822773345 20 April 2016, 21:03:09 UTC
3a7d31a Bug 1243729 - (m-b) Part II, Test on username selection dialog on a CLOSED TREE, r=MattN, a=lizzard MozReview-Commit-ID: 3OKA17mVjMs --HG-- extra : source : 88c060c38873d2373efd49a2e58acc46c22ba532 extra : intermediate-source : a2290938ee6cf794896a9347980bcb00ebb24c68 20 April 2016, 04:49:38 UTC
c4a1cca Bug 1243729 - (m-b) Create another LoginInfo object when username is picked, r=MattN, a=lizzard MozReview-Commit-ID: IRGUTFXiN9S --HG-- extra : source : b91e9c497db9007877d1c0b9661e486591af8d9d extra : intermediate-source : 201c523bcb482341f828a2e4011bfb7e97dea74e 20 April 2016, 00:41:09 UTC
f6cdf54 Bug 1243722 - Introduce notUsernameSelector in passwordmgr recipes, r=MattN a=lizzard CLOSED TREE Additionally, add a recipe for Facebook. MozReview-Commit-ID: 7TdT3q652Tk --HG-- extra : source : f51382b3b967a684813ed6f6aa4be0aaab766d6f 20 April 2016, 04:53:52 UTC
a9d9c1d Bug 1259842: allow RFC1918 pairing again r=mjf a=lizzard MozReview-Commit-ID: 8fFPVwl4bd3 --HG-- extra : source : 2514d1549b0b2824906d893d8be19f931f0eb055 20 April 2016, 00:06:44 UTC
3111314 Bug 1265928 - Hide Adobe GMP on Windows XP. r=spohl,a=lizzard We need to revert bug 1234099 so that we don't show the plugin in the add-on manager on Windows XP, since now that unencrypted decoding via Adobe GMP is disabled, we won't be using the Adobe GMP. MozReview-Commit-ID: FWRSQaTXBY3 --HG-- extra : source : 0183e41ccb6406ddd558ba7fb63dbeff676788a5 extra : intermediate-source : 2bf75333123ea40b35900d8547f968729142c954 20 April 2016, 00:05:10 UTC
de62eec Bug 1265815 - [Beta46] Disable unencrypted Adobe GMP decoding due to crashes. r=kentuckyfriedtakehe,a=lizzard We detected a spike in crashes in GMP plugin processes that coincide with turning on unencrypted decoding via GMP. This happens on all Windows versions, but particularly on Windows XP. MozReview-Commit-ID: 4csnWFfjimB --HG-- extra : source : 75d615fb8e1db3d263427b6684bf95fb8c17ed12 extra : intermediate-source : c5df1b572b8e80ff8d9fafb61c01dc3cb1e5fc77 19 April 2016, 23:32:19 UTC
746021c Bug 1258354 - Sanitize on shutdown adds 2 blockers, when only one is really needed. r=yoric a=lizzard MozReview-Commit-ID: BbtZMIwT54N --HG-- extra : source : b7772a6288f8b1011e1dfc8629ced4f401e47c9c extra : intermediate-source : d84b94361a277835e64d436933c263970845fa4f 13 April 2016, 12:08:18 UTC
55014ad Bug 1261012 - Check whether nsIObserverService is nullptr. r=smaug a=lizzard CLOSED TREE During shutdown, mozilla::services::GetObserverServie will return nullptr. So we should check it. MozReview-Commit-ID: 9xBbltRatJF --HG-- extra : source : 96c726556dc80f4a43a8423a7dc1a612789eeabc 14 April 2016, 05:43:18 UTC
4c062d4 Bug 1265742 - Update Google search plugin; r=margaret, a=lizzard --HG-- rename : mobile/locales/en-US/searchplugins/google.xml => mobile/locales/en-US/searchplugins/google-nocodes.xml extra : rebase_source : 59f3856095dc1c1c8f24edc7188d1aa68657e583 19 April 2016, 14:21:38 UTC
7b881bd Bug 1264869 - Request STORAGE permission before downloading images on a CLOSED TREE. r=liuche, a=lizzard MozReview-Commit-ID: KJGugrRw5iI --HG-- extra : source : 1a103681b59fd604cdfa9fded1e4ff2eae68282f extra : intermediate-source : 0821a5eeb05c5f79c7c71ab40baa9473b2884927 15 April 2016, 08:22:22 UTC
2cd4384 Bug 1261321 - Null-check when the CompositableClient when forcing its destruction at shutdown on a CLOSED TREE. r=jnicol, a=lizzard --HG-- extra : source : 6271ce7ff2aaaee6376cb0673a4999f5058bf89e extra : intermediate-source : 871de95c7a87a05f97367405d8eb6fc344f32c34 07 April 2016, 12:35:58 UTC
79cecda Bug 1262000, fix Android single-locale repacks on release, r=jlund, a=release 18 April 2016, 21:28:07 UTC
a5a75e0 Bug 1238592 - IonMonkey: Optimize away any OSR fixup blocks that are ultimately unreachable. r=nbp a=lizzard CLOSED TREE MozReview-Commit-ID: APJfOl2lkRM --HG-- extra : source : 4504452a90fff486e8ffc212f13ce39d31438653 extra : intermediate-source : 56772498e022e454c1489337e3477769b9513c46 09 February 2016, 00:11:37 UTC
b7d6898 Bug 1260415 - Use revision as tag r=coop a=release MozReview-Commit-ID: 3cZe5ieNndK --HG-- extra : source : 57ac6693f2547e9f509409ce3ee20e4d98377a4d extra : amend_source : a7512847a95a8adb912506274d8b279850ce12f3 extra : intermediate-source : 8cadd52cac62c70d310a1c1dbf176f58c7e87a6f 16 April 2016, 03:14:48 UTC
e4d71b8 Bug 1229967 - Handle onKeyDown() for the menu key in GeckoMenu. r=sebastian, a=lizzard on a CLOSED TREE This restores the functionality to close the menu by pressing the hardware menu key. MozReview-Commit-ID: EKCeALPvFoB --HG-- extra : source : d7ccace9b11cc71f14bbe5313ad6536849d68daf extra : intermediate-source : 9a9fe42b023a3cca14c6f2cce900870ea14e767c 11 April 2016, 10:42:21 UTC
4f43b1b Bug 1264227: lighten the box shadow inside the navbar on Linux to match the active tab highlight color. r=Gijs, a=lizzard on a CLOSED TREE --HG-- extra : source : 4a496faf1c5cac37ab6dac9db549cb65867fa7f6 extra : intermediate-source : 04c82e2f0a7e0faf5db748740e76211383f4b9c8 14 April 2016, 10:22:13 UTC
f9e9618 Bug 1264786 - Update Google search plugin (missed uk); r=mconnor, a=lizzard 18 April 2016, 12:51:06 UTC
fac254b Bug 1265332 - Publish l10n XPI files to candidates and releases r=mtabara a=release MozReview-Commit-ID: JgjZJyd6eQi --HG-- extra : source : a6eb4d3e373fbe117d1c527ed5cfcdabf8ef1f29 extra : amend_source : 27b52a28c3a343865664d843b66ca2d517eafbe5 18 April 2016, 11:05:51 UTC
12cbcb3 Bug 1264786 - Update Google search plugin; r=mconnor, a=lizzard --HG-- rename : browser/locales/en-US/searchplugins/google.xml => browser/locales/en-US/searchplugins/google-nocodes.xml 18 April 2016, 11:47:07 UTC
d45181b No bug, Automated blocklist update from host bld-linux64-spot-426 - a=blocklist-update 16 April 2016, 10:13:44 UTC
9680bb3 Update configs. IGNORE BROKEN CHANGESETS CLOSED TREE NO BUG a=release ba=release 15 April 2016, 20:56:48 UTC
1da5ed6 No bug - Tagging mozilla-release 64b6b8afb34bf8a4416b1d167b48177d0e30bde9 with FIREFOX_RELEASE_45_END a=release DONTBUILD CLOSED TREE 15 April 2016, 20:51:38 UTC
4f035fc Preserve old tags after debugsetparents. CLOSED TREE DONTBUILD a=release 15 April 2016, 20:51:35 UTC
2597c3d Merge old head via |hg debugsetparents 186a221def8e6d072735f2013cf09bbb62a0bf2f 64b6b8afb34bf8a4416b1d167b48177d0e30bde9|. CLOSED TREE DONTBUILD a=release 15 April 2016, 20:51:32 UTC
6ca4b58 No bug - Tagging mozilla-beta 6c4646c7a6d6506e744c92a8170310191904c98e with FIREFOX_RELEASE_46_BASE a=release DONTBUILD CLOSED TREE 15 April 2016, 20:50:20 UTC
8a60754 Bug 1260415 - Use platform independent buildprops.json r=coop DONTBUILD a=release MozReview-Commit-ID: 7ZAZSldvItQ --HG-- extra : source : 79778dc483340b046b321ed7e259b32c2f2effbd 15 April 2016, 19:18:12 UTC
24a8c77 Bug 1261641 - Increase the number of Android 4.3 mochitest chunks to 20. r=rail, a=test-only --HG-- extra : source : 3ac7e12ebbeb448a690e9ba56dceebaad6e68f5c extra : intermediate-source : fb9fa2ae37c9b600ca048c7e73cda8c389e42fc1 09 April 2016, 13:32:20 UTC
06a1a73 No bug, Automated blocklist update from host bld-linux64-spot-396 - a=blocklist-update 09 April 2016, 10:20:19 UTC
3a9a24c Automated checkin: version bump for firefox 45.0.2 release. DONTBUILD CLOSED TREE a=release 07 April 2016, 23:48:44 UTC
16ee8b4 Port bug 1228998 to fix bustage from bug 1239828 - Update Loop's build configuration to use new Hierarchical structures. r=mshal,a=bustage-fix 07 April 2016, 19:15:50 UTC
55b9e06 Bug 1257861 - Default to sending all cookies if we can't compute 3rdpartyness. r=sicking a=sylvestre MozReview-Commit-ID: HHVHh7u7bQz --HG-- extra : source : 8b4d6477fd3e18d3995878f0d9dff41efa264cd4 extra : intermediate-source : 5c891e7ab21f679b0710f328d3b2da8599d96794 06 April 2016, 23:31:19 UTC
a7a55a8 Bug 1257861 - Test that we send cookies from XHRs in web workers when 3rd party cookies are disabled. r=sicking a=sylvestre MozReview-Commit-ID: JdvVaPEeAbC --HG-- extra : source : 9e99383b97c614ba0927ee7d76e9e837b7ffba1f extra : intermediate-source : 64db700aecc5879c0ad69512fa81e1bc0dbc13e3 06 April 2016, 23:28:49 UTC
05ecd36 Bug 1256442 - Ship 1.1.x of the Loop system add-on to the release population - code changes. rs=Standard8 for already reviewed code. a=sledru 06 April 2016, 20:57:48 UTC
65ed3a6 Bug 1256442 - Ship 1.1.x of the Loop system add-on to the release population - vendor test code. rs=Standard8 for already reviewed code. a=sledru 06 April 2016, 20:54:52 UTC
cb13fd5 Bug 1256442 - Ship 1.1.x of the Loop system add-on to the release population - Locale additions. rs=Standard8 for already reviewed code. a=sledru 06 April 2016, 20:53:57 UTC
3fc6153 Bug 1259482 - Ensure that image loads are never dropped on the floor when queued for later. r=johns a=sylvestre MozReview-Commit-ID: Fbbx0NCtBHG --HG-- extra : source : 5df20795af1438c88a7997255e52ac44ec07047e extra : intermediate-source : ba23b5544593590fd2f07fc4c367e5566b436524 30 March 2016, 16:39:59 UTC
05259a9 Bug 1254980 - Ensure that text/html is still written to the clipboard. r=enndeakin a=sylvestre MozReview-Commit-ID: Dz6tGtCfxgJ --HG-- extra : source : 946feaef8a9cd1b051d323085e47751692ee2ae6 extra : intermediate-source : 61c878404745cbdce141a56a7a1e4858fbe85571 22 March 2016, 15:47:00 UTC
1e92aa6 No bug, Automated blocklist update from host bld-linux64-spot-1059 - a=blocklist-update 02 April 2016, 10:16:33 UTC
b71c7b4 Bug 1258562: [MSE] Abort if MediaSource has been shutdown. r=gerald, a=sledru The assumption was made that this code was never called if MediaSourceDecoder::NextFrameBufferedStatus() had been called before. However, that assumption was incorrect as NextFrameBufferedStatus() is only called if we had determine we had no frame buffered. MozReview-Commit-ID: 1hsEJuInION --HG-- extra : source : fad8fe6c7c9005466b61bc6e306b0fe718acaf15 extra : intermediate-source : 3cf9547052455c40906d3a875ddef2570535d7bb 21 March 2016, 23:34:30 UTC
31bf3f1 Bug 1255735 - "Firefox 45 does not send content-type in empty input[type=file] anymore". r=smaug, a=sylvestre 18 March 2016, 09:40:00 UTC
7d0210c No bug, Automated blocklist update from host bld-linux64-spot-303 - a=blocklist-update 19 March 2016, 10:19:25 UTC
a31a1d2 Bug 1249604 - Don't use gtk_drag_set_icon_surface on GTK versions that use X SHAPE for dnd with cairo. r=karlt, a=lizzard MozReview-Commit-ID: 2XxnJfvfOXl --HG-- extra : source : ed30a5133273ae64150621624c0c418f932ba8d3 20 February 2016, 01:33:54 UTC
e170563 Bug 1264076 - Allow customized device string for user agent on Fennec; r=mcmanus a=lizzard 14 April 2016, 22:19:47 UTC
0ff4a86 Bug 1260758 - Add distribution field to Fennec core ping; r=mfinkle,mkaply a=lizzard 14 April 2016, 22:07:57 UTC
11aa363 Bug 1262184 - Web Platform test for embed load skipping in media nodes; r=bz, a=testonly 14 April 2016, 22:00:58 UTC
5fb0d08 Backout f0a957ac2f26 (Bug 1262184 tests) due to web-platform-test manifest bustage 14 April 2016, 20:50:38 UTC
8f3ec61 Bug 1262184 - Web Platform test for embed load skipping in media nodes; r=bz, a=testonly 14 April 2016, 20:42:21 UTC
fab419f Bug 1256992 Part 2: Move SandboxBroker Initialization earlier and add telemetry and extra null checks. r=aklotz a=lizzard MozReview-Commit-ID: Fu05wLn27UG 07 April 2016, 07:28:14 UTC
57c9496 Bug 1256992: Initialize Windows sandbox BrokerServices before any child processes are created. r=aklotz a=lizzard MozReview-Commit-ID: J8vilBceSda 23 March 2016, 20:50:14 UTC
c98944b Bug 1262184 - Block embed content loading when child of media element; r=bz a=lizzard MozReview-Commit-ID: Dgwpsg9fum7 --HG-- extra : source : f95bb4a2a46ddc64770060ce2967e7ba7695fd9f extra : intermediate-source : 51ec91ed78a5cd33e600b82512f5b8357d524254 11 April 2016, 17:58:08 UTC
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