sort by:
Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
41b5e6a Updated backport on buster-swh from debian/1.7.2-1_swh1 (unstable-swh) 31 October 2022, 09:10:06 UTC
e06db73 Merge tag 'debian/1.7.2-1_swh1' into debian/buster-swh 31 October 2022, 09:10:06 UTC
ac3b2b8 Updated debian changelog for version 1.7.2 31 October 2022, 09:01:33 UTC
09379d8 Update upstream source from tag 'debian/upstream/1.7.2' Update to upstream version '1.7.2' with Debian dir dacc5f180032675dbb661873d7a2b30a3f07b33f 31 October 2022, 09:01:32 UTC
3f35a0a New upstream version 1.7.2 31 October 2022, 09:01:30 UTC
82ad28b Fix documentation build It was broken by 0e8da810ac962b79dda18d9cfe9f3c7ea4f9de52 because the conditional import prevents sphinx from detecting where the class is imported from. Additionally, this attribute should not be on the interface, because proxies do not have it, but they are expected to have that interface. 23 October 2022, 15:39:56 UTC
0e8da81 tests: only flush() the kafka journal writer once per test instead of flushing it n times per test. Since the call to kafka Producer.flush() takes about 1s, reducing the number of calls to this method significantly reduce the execution time of the tests. This required a small refactoring of the JournalBackfiller class to make the journal writer live out of the scope of the run() so the test can access the journal writer instance and call the flush() method. Requires swh-journal >= 1.2.0 21 October 2022, 15:24:50 UTC
fe0eaee Make the replayer not crash on kafka messages that fail to be converted as model objects for example, there are a few kafka directory messages in the current production kafka cluster which entries contain the same name twice, preventing the Directory model object from being created at all, which makes the replayer crash. This change makes the replayer able to handle such cases. When the model object creation fails with a ValueError, the error is reported in the (redis) error reporter, but the replaying process continue. Since there is no model object, the error is reported with a crafted error key of the form "{object_type}:{object_id}" if an object id is present in the data structure, or "{object_type}:uuid:{uuid4}" if such an id is not even present. For the record, the standard error key in redis for a model object is it's swhid (if any). 21 October 2022, 14:43:16 UTC
242e37a Add a comment that should have been "kept" from 850a7553b 21 October 2022, 14:43:16 UTC
784f730 Fix typos detected by codespell 19 October 2022, 13:07:21 UTC
68d78cb Updated backport on buster-swh from debian/1.7.1-1_swh1 (unstable-swh) 19 October 2022, 13:05:31 UTC
6b1c9c4 Merge tag 'debian/1.7.1-1_swh1' into debian/buster-swh 19 October 2022, 13:05:30 UTC
2b68f26 Updated debian changelog for version 1.7.1 19 October 2022, 12:55:26 UTC
735340c Update upstream source from tag 'debian/upstream/1.7.1' Update to upstream version '1.7.1' with Debian dir f05f0e9091b40ea57a67d50d05421042fd01878e 19 October 2022, 12:55:26 UTC
086d974 New upstream version 1.7.1 19 October 2022, 12:55:24 UTC
3c08d9f test_retry: Use proper way to mock sleep of retryable storage methods Previous implementation was not mocking sleep of retryable storage methods as the RetryingProxyStorage setup the retry features when it is instantiated. So modify fixture to ensure sleep functions are mocked and return the mocks in a dict indexed by storage method names. This fixes debian buster package build for swh-storage. 19 October 2022, 12:10:32 UTC
c1c2dbf pre-commit, tox: Bump pre-commit, codespell, black and flake8 - pre-commit from 4.1.0 to 4.3.0, - codespell from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2, - black from 22.3.0 to 22.10.0 and - flake8 from 4.0.1 to 5.0.4. Also freeze flake8 dependencies. Also change flake8's repo config to github (the gitlab mirror being outdated). 18 October 2022, 16:53:39 UTC
17d9ad2 docs: Add info about CPAN extrinsic metadata format Related to T2833 17 October 2022, 17:03:30 UTC
7dc4438 Updated debian changelog for version 1.7.0 10 October 2022, 12:05:01 UTC
bbd7b5b Update upstream source from tag 'debian/upstream/1.7.0' Update to upstream version '1.7.0' with Debian dir 81b2401295e3498ed142bd16cdfa97d2cb619643 10 October 2022, 12:05:00 UTC
e8896bd New upstream version 1.7.0 10 October 2022, 12:04:58 UTC
657d31f postgresql: Remove merge join with origin_visit in origin_visit_get_latest I noticed that `origin_visit_get_latest` spends a lot of time doing index scans on `origin_visit_pkey`: ``` swh=> explain analyze SELECT * FROM origin_visit ov INNER JOIN origin o ON = ov.origin INNER JOIN origin_visit_status ovs USING (origin, visit) WHERE ov.origin = (SELECT id FROM origin o WHERE o.url = '') AND ovs.snapshot is not null AND ovs.status = 'full' ORDER BY ov.visit DESC, DESC LIMIT 1; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=10.14..29.33 rows=1 width=171) (actual time=1432.475..1432.479 rows=1 loops=1) InitPlan 1 (returns $0) -> Index Scan using origin_url_idx on origin o_1 (cost=0.56..8.57 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.077..0.079 rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: (url = ''::text) -> Merge Join (cost=1.56..2208.37 rows=115 width=171) (actual time=1432.473..1432.476 rows=1 loops=1) Merge Cond: (ovs.visit = ov.visit) -> Nested Loop (cost=1.00..1615.69 rows=93 width=143) (actual time=298.705..298.707 rows=1 loops=1) -> Index Scan Backward using origin_visit_status_pkey on origin_visit_status ovs (cost=0.57..1606.07 rows=93 width=85) (actual time=298.658..298.658 rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: (origin = $0) Filter: ((snapshot IS NOT NULL) AND (status = 'full'::origin_visit_state)) Rows Removed by Filter: 198 -> Materialize (cost=0.43..8.46 rows=1 width=58) (actual time=0.042..0.043 rows=1 loops=1) -> Index Scan using origin_pkey on origin o (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=58) (actual time=0.038..0.038 rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: (id = $0) -> Index Scan Backward using origin_visit_pkey on origin_visit ov (cost=0.56..590.92 rows=150 width=28) (actual time=30.120..1133.650 rows=100 loops=1) Index Cond: (origin = $0) Planning Time: 0.577 ms Execution Time: 1432.532 ms (18 lignes) ``` As far as I understand, this is because we do not have a FK to tell the planner that every row in `origin_visit_status` does have a corresponding row in `origin_visit`, so it checks every row from `origin_visit_status` in this loop. Therefore, I rewrote the query to use a `LEFT JOIN`, so it will spare this check. First, here is the original query: ``` swh=> explain SELECT * FROM origin_visit ov INNER JOIN origin_visit_status ovs USING (origin, visit) WHERE ov.origin = (SELECT id FROM origin o WHERE o.url = '') AND ovs.snapshot is not null AND ovs.status = 'full' ORDER BY ov.visit DESC, DESC LIMIT 1; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=9.71..28.82 rows=1 width=113) InitPlan 1 (returns $0) -> Index Scan using origin_url_idx on origin o (cost=0.56..8.57 rows=1 width=8) Index Cond: (url = ''::text) -> Merge Join (cost=1.13..2198.75 rows=115 width=113) Merge Cond: (ovs.visit = ov.visit) -> Index Scan Backward using origin_visit_status_pkey on origin_visit_status ovs (cost=0.57..1606.07 rows=93 width=85) Index Cond: (origin = $0) Filter: ((snapshot IS NOT NULL) AND (status = 'full'::origin_visit_state)) -> Index Scan Backward using origin_visit_pkey on origin_visit ov (cost=0.56..590.92 rows=150 width=28) Index Cond: (origin = $0) (11 lignes) ``` Change columns to filter directly on the "materialized" fields in ovs instead of those on those in ov (no actual change yet): ``` swh=> explain SELECT * FROM origin_visit ov INNER JOIN origin_visit_status ovs USING (origin, visit) WHERE ovs.origin = (SELECT id FROM origin o WHERE o.url = '') AND ovs.snapshot is not null AND ovs.status = 'full' ORDER BY ovs.visit DESC, DESC LIMIT 1; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=9.71..28.82 rows=1 width=113) InitPlan 1 (returns $0) -> Index Scan using origin_url_idx on origin o (cost=0.56..8.57 rows=1 width=8) Index Cond: (url = ''::text) -> Merge Join (cost=1.13..2198.75 rows=115 width=113) Merge Cond: (ovs.visit = ov.visit) -> Index Scan Backward using origin_visit_status_pkey on origin_visit_status ovs (cost=0.57..1606.07 rows=93 width=85) Index Cond: (origin = $0) Filter: ((snapshot IS NOT NULL) AND (status = 'full'::origin_visit_state)) -> Index Scan Backward using origin_visit_pkey on origin_visit ov (cost=0.56..590.92 rows=150 width=28) Index Cond: (origin = $0) (11 lignes) ``` Then, reorder tables (obviously no change either): ``` swh=> explain SELECT * FROM origin_visit_status ovs INNER JOIN origin_visit ov USING (origin, visit) WHERE ovs.origin = (SELECT id FROM origin o WHERE o.url = '') AND ovs.snapshot is not null AND ovs.status = 'full' ORDER BY ovs.visit DESC, DESC LIMIT 1; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=9.71..28.82 rows=1 width=113) InitPlan 1 (returns $0) -> Index Scan using origin_url_idx on origin o (cost=0.56..8.57 rows=1 width=8) Index Cond: (url = ''::text) -> Merge Join (cost=1.13..2198.75 rows=115 width=113) Merge Cond: (ovs.visit = ov.visit) -> Index Scan Backward using origin_visit_status_pkey on origin_visit_status ovs (cost=0.57..1606.07 rows=93 width=85) Index Cond: (origin = $0) Filter: ((snapshot IS NOT NULL) AND (status = 'full'::origin_visit_state)) -> Index Scan Backward using origin_visit_pkey on origin_visit ov (cost=0.56..590.92 rows=150 width=28) Index Cond: (origin = $0) (11 lignes) ``` Finally, replace `INNER JOIN` with `LEFT JOIN`: ``` swh=> explain SELECT * FROM origin_visit_status ovs LEFT JOIN origin_visit ov USING (origin, visit) WHERE ovs.origin = (SELECT id FROM origin o WHERE o.url = '') AND ovs.snapshot is not null AND ovs.status = 'full' ORDER BY ovs.visit DESC, DESC LIMIT 1; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=9.71..35.47 rows=1 width=113) InitPlan 1 (returns $0) -> Index Scan using origin_url_idx on origin o (cost=0.56..8.57 rows=1 width=8) Index Cond: (url = ''::text) -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=1.13..2396.79 rows=93 width=113) -> Index Scan Backward using origin_visit_status_pkey on origin_visit_status ovs (cost=0.57..1606.07 rows=93 width=85) Index Cond: (origin = $0) Filter: ((snapshot IS NOT NULL) AND (status = 'full'::origin_visit_state)) -> Index Scan using origin_visit_pkey on origin_visit ov (cost=0.56..8.59 rows=1 width=28) Index Cond: ((origin = ovs.origin) AND (origin = $0) AND (visit = ovs.visit)) (10 lignes) ``` This would also work with a subquery just to get the value of `` and removing the actual join to `ov` entirely, but it was more annoying to implement because the function reuses `self.origin_visit_select_cols` as column list. All these EXPLAIN queries were run on staging. 29 September 2022, 11:22:57 UTC
44616af conftest: Replace multiprocessing hack when pytest-cov >= 4 is installed The hack crashes on >= 4 because 'pytest_cov.embed.multiprocessing_start' is not in the hook list anymore. 29 September 2022, 10:53:41 UTC
87d3f0d retry: Do not retry on SystemExit exceptions It prevents process shutdown (unless the user presses Ctrl-C several times in a row) 28 September 2022, 11:27:05 UTC
7da7067 docs: Update archive stats 27 September 2022, 14:13:51 UTC
26995d4 Handle errors raised by fromisoformat. 27 September 2022, 13:10:33 UTC
1281ee7 Add date-based index to origin_visit This will help queries retrieving origin_visits by date by avoiding having to scan all visits for the origin. 13 September 2022, 14:10:10 UTC
0786ab1 SQL upgrade scripts don't need to bump dbversion anymore 13 September 2022, 13:55:19 UTC
aa735cb docs: Document metadata formats for Gogs and Gitea 31 August 2022, 12:57:58 UTC
d038240 postgresql: Fix SQL query for origin_find_visit_by_date method In that query, the interval alias was set for the visit column instead of the date difference computation which could lead to wrong visit being returned due to invalid results ordering. 30 August 2022, 12:36:35 UTC
57e5431 Raise StorageArgumentException on ProgramLimitExceeded So it is no logged on the server side, and so clients do not retry 29 August 2022, 12:24:56 UTC
b5836ba origin_visit_add: Fix crash when adding multiple visits to the same origin simultaneously This works by adding a RW lock on the row of the latest visit, which should block other transactions until the insertion is committed; so other transactions will generate a different (larger) visit id This commit also slightly rewrites how the max visit id is computed, as we need to actually select a row to lock it, instead of using the `max()` aggregate function. 22 August 2022, 09:22:50 UTC
77c7088 Updated backport on buster-swh from debian/1.6.0-1_swh1 (unstable-swh) 16 August 2022, 12:46:24 UTC
036ce3e Merge tag 'debian/1.6.0-1_swh1' into debian/buster-swh 16 August 2022, 12:46:23 UTC
5a40829 Updated debian changelog for version 1.6.0 16 August 2022, 12:36:51 UTC
b916657 Update upstream source from tag 'debian/upstream/1.6.0' Update to upstream version '1.6.0' with Debian dir 86c67609298670467429d7d09f9eb0e562cfeb39 16 August 2022, 12:36:50 UTC
34ba15b New upstream version 1.6.0 16 August 2022, 12:36:49 UTC
5335244 retry: Add constant 10s wait when retrying transient exceptions They are typically caused by server shutdown and other temporary failures that may take more time than the typical 0-3s delay used by the retry proxy. This should keep noisy exceptions like AdminShutdown out of the Sentry dashboards. 09 August 2022, 13:42:03 UTC
7c7a721 Convert psycopg2 errors to TransientRemoteException instead of RemoteException On the wire, this is done by making the server return a 503 error instead of 500, which the RPC client generated by swh-core interprets to change the exception class. 09 August 2022, 13:38:15 UTC
b4f289c Add anchor extrinsic-metadata-original-artifacts-json It needs to be linked from swh/lister/crates/ 08 August 2022, 18:42:54 UTC
de4a842 Updated backport on buster-swh from debian/1.5.1-1_swh1 (unstable-swh) 05 August 2022, 12:27:52 UTC
08cc3cd Merge tag 'debian/1.5.1-1_swh1' into debian/buster-swh 05 August 2022, 12:27:51 UTC
4e53af0 Updated debian changelog for version 1.5.1 05 August 2022, 12:17:23 UTC
5b0437e Update upstream source from tag 'debian/upstream/1.5.1' Update to upstream version '1.5.1' with Debian dir aecb33b9607d268dc35fe135a46a97eab940b3e5 05 August 2022, 12:17:22 UTC
6dba4b5 New upstream version 1.5.1 05 August 2022, 12:17:20 UTC
280ecc3 cassandra: Fix flakiness of test_directory_add_atomic[concurrent] 05 August 2022, 10:24:10 UTC
68b93a6 Fix crash of test_*_arbitrary when given objects with the same id 05 August 2022, 09:39:42 UTC
9b9eb28 cassandra: Make origin_visit_status_get_random's interval consistent with postgresql The postgresql implementation uses '3 months', which is closer to 13 weeks than to 12 weeks. 05 August 2022, 09:20:33 UTC
56f69e5 Fix flakiness of test_origin_visit_status_get_random_nothing_found start is increased from 13 to 14, because 13 weeks is 91 days, ie. 30+31+30; so it is sometimes smaller than 3 months. This was only hit rarely because the number of visits was small, so this commit also increases the number of visits to make the test more likely to fail if it should actually fail. 05 August 2022, 09:18:46 UTC
cb92e90 Updated backport on buster-swh from debian/1.5.0-1_swh1 (unstable-swh) 05 August 2022, 08:55:08 UTC
48b6668 Merge tag 'debian/1.5.0-1_swh1' into debian/buster-swh 05 August 2022, 08:55:07 UTC
7d18537 Updated debian changelog for version 1.5.0 05 August 2022, 08:44:42 UTC
eae94e6 Update upstream source from tag 'debian/upstream/1.5.0' Update to upstream version '1.5.0' with Debian dir 34ae119254de09bf2789c8e454ecae8cb67a614d 05 August 2022, 08:44:41 UTC
ea2f9f4 New upstream version 1.5.0 05 August 2022, 08:44:39 UTC
4825f40 Fix flakiness in test_directory_add_get_arbitrary By ignoring other attributes when raw_manifest is not None; just like we already do in test_revision_add_get_arbitrary and test_release_add_get_arbitrary. 05 August 2022, 08:08:01 UTC
fc89059 Stop logging and sending postgresql timeouts to Sentry They are very noisy, and clients are expected to retry a few times before re-raising the exception on their side. 04 August 2022, 14:02:47 UTC
1e7ede1 Stop using `USE <keyspace>` with prepared statements This caused the following warning: ``` WARNING Server warning: `USE <keyspace>` with prepared statements is considered to be an anti-pattern due to ambiguity in non-qualified table names. Please consider removing instances of `Session#setKeyspace(<keyspace>)`, `Session#execute("USE <keyspace>")` and `cluster.newSession(<keyspace>)` from your code, and always use fully qualified table names (e.g. <keyspace>.<table>). ``` This also prepends 'test' to the name of keyspaces used in tests, so they are guaranteed to start with an letter (starting with digits cause syntax errors in most statements). 04 August 2022, 11:53:29 UTC
0aff461 cassandra: Simplify SELECT statement formatting 04 August 2022, 11:51:16 UTC
2205fa6 Add test_directory_add_raw_manifest__different_entries This reproduces what I think is the issue found in This does not fix the issue as it is a consequence of the design, but documents this problematic behavior. 04 August 2022, 09:55:40 UTC
633c08e Updated backport on buster-swh from debian/1.4.2-1_swh1 (unstable-swh) 04 August 2022, 08:23:22 UTC
c1ef03a Merge tag 'debian/1.4.2-1_swh1' into debian/buster-swh 04 August 2022, 08:23:21 UTC
11fde18 Updated debian changelog for version 1.4.2 04 August 2022, 08:13:26 UTC
95fc846 Update upstream source from tag 'debian/upstream/1.4.2' Update to upstream version '1.4.2' with Debian dir 9e4f8fb309e3513a2cc36f0dd6a80fb264910e05 04 August 2022, 08:13:24 UTC
fad99cc New upstream version 1.4.2 04 August 2022, 08:13:22 UTC
fbe3803 postgresql: Increase some timeouts to get origin visits Even if missing index to speedup origin visit queries has been added to replica database, the configured timeouts for origin_visit_get_with_statuses and origin_visit_find_by_date were still too low to avoid query timeouts in production. After performing some tests locally, bumping them to 2000ms makes the timeouts go away. Related to T4386 13 July 2022, 14:44:35 UTC
cfc8679 backfill: Add support for directories with duplicated entries This uses Directory.from_possibly_duplicated_entries() to mangle entry names instead of crashing. 12 July 2022, 12:26:13 UTC
d6db4e4 cli: move an import statement in the cli command 08 July 2022, 11:57:44 UTC
e0825ac do not always auto-create an OriginVisitStatus object in origin_visit_add() when the OriginVisit object given as argument to be inserted already have its visit id set (which is usually the case in a replayer-like session), it makes no sense to auto-add the first OriginVisitStatus objects related to this visit; this behavior is expected only when the origin_visit_add() is called from a loading session. Adapt tests accordingly -- several tests did depend on the auto-add behavior of the origin_visit_add method for OriginVisit objects which visit_id is given in the test dataset. 06 July 2022, 15:28:47 UTC
47caf04 Add a Storage.flavor property to the postgresql backend and add tests for 'mirror' and 'read_replica' flavors. 01 July 2022, 13:03:43 UTC
a00650e Update pytest_plugin for swh.core 2.10 01 July 2022, 13:03:41 UTC
3567976 Updated backport on buster-swh from debian/1.4.1-1_swh1 (unstable-swh) 03 June 2022, 15:40:41 UTC
6c840c8 Merge tag 'debian/1.4.1-1_swh1' into debian/buster-swh 03 June 2022, 15:40:40 UTC
9d8f0d8 Updated debian changelog for version 1.4.1 03 June 2022, 15:25:20 UTC
cf5448f Update upstream source from tag 'debian/upstream/1.4.1' Update to upstream version '1.4.1' with Debian dir dbb991421736a20fe750987037213b265bfc0620 03 June 2022, 15:25:19 UTC
5b366ae New upstream version 1.4.1 03 June 2022, 15:25:17 UTC
c19f53f Set current_version attribute to postgresql datastore This also simplifies the db collaborator code reusing core.db functions to check the code version and the actual db version matches. Related to T4305 03 June 2022, 13:40:56 UTC
e64d64e pytest_plugin: use the stock pytest_postgresql postgresql factory instead of swh-core's postgresql_fact one, since we actually do not use its custom features any more in swh-storage. 31 May 2022, 16:41:53 UTC
a936cfd Add missing in proxies/ 31 May 2022, 11:35:36 UTC
cb12394 docs: Describe metadata formats more precisely, and mention github and gitlab's 10 May 2022, 12:05:12 UTC
27d3c8a add strict asyncio_mode in pytest.ini 09 May 2022, 10:14:18 UTC
273538c Updated backport on buster-swh from debian/1.4.0-1_swh1 (unstable-swh) 03 May 2022, 10:09:00 UTC
46332af Merge tag 'debian/1.4.0-1_swh1' into debian/buster-swh 03 May 2022, 10:08:59 UTC
002897e Updated debian changelog for version 1.4.0 03 May 2022, 09:55:07 UTC
2c4770f Update upstream source from tag 'debian/upstream/1.4.0' Update to upstream version '1.4.0' with Debian dir 73644a39fe481a5df44d85383ea7932ad94b8b0e 03 May 2022, 09:55:06 UTC
d0af35e New upstream version 1.4.0 03 May 2022, 09:55:04 UTC
9562953 Add function It will be used i swh-storage to fetch a complete directory object, ie. with the raw_manifest and all branches. 02 May 2022, 10:26:23 UTC
fb55141 client: Migrate to _post method call to stop deprecation warnings 28 April 2022, 10:23:22 UTC
a942679 Bump mypy to v0.942 26 April 2022, 11:06:14 UTC
62cf989 Updated backport on buster-swh from debian/1.3.2-1_swh1 (unstable-swh) 25 April 2022, 12:48:49 UTC
5ad117d Merge tag 'debian/1.3.2-1_swh1' into debian/buster-swh 25 April 2022, 12:48:48 UTC
d4183fb Updated debian changelog for version 1.3.2 25 April 2022, 12:33:52 UTC
9daf7bc Update upstream source from tag 'debian/upstream/1.3.2' Update to upstream version '1.3.2' with Debian dir 4800aced1470880655cac85fcaa18ec010184687 25 April 2022, 12:33:51 UTC
2c45e26 New upstream version 1.3.2 25 April 2022, 12:33:50 UTC
e6e658e pre-commit: Remove codespell commit-msg hook That hook can be frustrating as it can discard a long commit message if it finds a typo in it so better removing it. 21 April 2022, 11:39:50 UTC
f136559 User logger everywhere in 14 April 2022, 10:13:58 UTC
bbb4fc1 retry: re-raise original exception instead of a RetryError This will make the sentry reports more usable. If the exception changes across calls, the earlier exceptions are still logged and available as breadcrumbs. 13 April 2022, 13:37:57 UTC
72c2b91 Updated backport on buster-swh from debian/1.3.1-1_swh1 (unstable-swh) 12 April 2022, 13:02:20 UTC
20cbf17 Merge tag 'debian/1.3.1-1_swh1' into debian/buster-swh 12 April 2022, 13:02:19 UTC
f66d1e5 Updated debian changelog for version 1.3.1 12 April 2022, 12:48:04 UTC
ac7bd15 Update upstream source from tag 'debian/upstream/1.3.1' Update to upstream version '1.3.1' with Debian dir 396826333823bf05c82e05c3784d0cea79d93835 12 April 2022, 12:48:03 UTC
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