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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
4ecf940 Add another fix in computation of the shortest interval in the BayesianCalculator. - The computed interval was shifted by one bin. - The reference file did not need to be updates since the reference results are hard coded and taken from a paper. - Add now a new method returning the histogram approximating the posterior. - Increase the number of bins when computing the posterior histogram in stressRooStats 11 February 2019, 14:26:09 UTC
b66d552 Revert "update refeerence file for changes in Bayesian shortest interval after bug fix" This reverts commit d51c85a5ac1a32161d6e66d10b9426d242591d0c. 11 February 2019, 14:12:44 UTC
d51c85a update refeerence file for changes in Bayesian shortest interval after bug fix 08 February 2019, 15:11:04 UTC
059f4d2 fix a bug in excluding underflow bin when computing shortest interval in BayesianCalculator::ComputeShortestInterval. This fixes problem reported in ROOT-4619 08 February 2019, 14:54:52 UTC
f53e622 [TMVA] Fix GUI can't find all trained BDT's for plots (#3253) * TMVA-GUI: fix group folder name for methods When writing trained methods to the output file, there was a typo in the target directory. This lead to the results of a method of type "BDT" and name "MyBDT" being placed (incorrectly) in a folder named "Method_MyBDT/MyBDT". This patch places the data correctly in "Method_BDT/BDT". This is important since e.g. the GUI relies on all BDT's being placed in the "MethodBDT" folder. Squashed commits (slight refactoring and fixups): * TMVA: MethodBase -- fix indentation isses * TMVA: MethodBase -- refactor datasetName * TMVA: fix line wrapping * TMVA: refactor for clarity and better naming * clang-format * fix typo in type * `fFactoryBaseDir` is _not_ a field of MethodBase * Fix directory name in envelope test 08 February 2019, 14:14:07 UTC
3108084 Add a test for the new modified functions TH1::FindFirstBinAbove and FindLastBinAbove 08 February 2019, 13:50:36 UTC
cf6d8ba Re-factor FindFirstBinAbove and FindLastBinAbove by implementing a common function for all histogram dimensions. Add possibility to look in a range, re-implemnting on top of PR #1533 from @ksmith0. 08 February 2019, 13:50:36 UTC
0eb3194 Added a search range to TH*::FindFirst(Last)Bin. The additional firstBin and lastBin arguments limit the axis being searched for the bin above or threshold. If the firstBin term is less than 1 it is set to 1. If the lastBin term is less than 0 or greater than the number of bins the value is set to the number of bins for that axis. 08 February 2019, 13:50:36 UTC
5b257e1 TMVA: Dataloader includes last cleaning of this batch 08 February 2019, 13:38:10 UTC
d5e72da TMVA: Remove more dependencies from DataLoader 08 February 2019, 13:38:10 UTC
0c6f2ab TMVA: Clean up dependencies for DataLoader a bit 08 February 2019, 13:38:10 UTC
c56cad4 TMVA: Remove Envelope from being friends with DataLoader 08 February 2019, 13:38:10 UTC
d3c2d46 TMVA: Remove Factory as a friend of DataLoader 08 February 2019, 13:38:10 UTC
4ab83b9 adding linebreak in codegen 08 February 2019, 13:35:22 UTC
fbfeef2 Fix GoesRight() and some Double_t -> double in generated code 08 February 2019, 13:32:34 UTC
20f4d31 processed cosmetic comments on PR, use return by value 08 February 2019, 13:32:34 UTC
2244100 Implement standalone class generation for multiclass BDTG 08 February 2019, 13:32:34 UTC
bbc7535 [TMVA] Users guide -- update instructions for randomised trees 08 February 2019, 12:59:02 UTC
87b7536 [core] Check TString length parameters (ROOT-5012). 07 February 2019, 20:25:18 UTC
4f4ab67 Get rid of TGWin32InterpreterProxy (was commented out anyway) 07 February 2019, 14:39:11 UTC
fa8d620 Adding directories needed to use LibXML 07 February 2019, 13:21:35 UTC
dba4356 test-periodic: build with same C++ compiler as ROOT If not built with the same compiler, CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS may contain flags not known by the default compiler, which will make the test fail. In particular using Ninja + Clang on Linux makes this test fail with the error below without this patch. c++: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-fcolor-diagnostics’ ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. 07 February 2019, 13:16:13 UTC
d1d08b0 Fix clang-tidy script for CI. clang-tidy would run the wrong checks/no checks at all because of a missing comma. 07 February 2019, 10:21:57 UTC
238ff7c io: remove dead branch from read-only TMemFile constructor ParseOption("READ") returns EMode::kRead, so we know that the if will never execute, and that we do not need to create the file, since we are reusing external data. Nevertheless, make the file a zombie if the input buffer is empty, since a read-only empty file is otherwise useless. 07 February 2019, 08:58:13 UTC
3c50a65 io: use TBufferFile with same size as TBufferMergerFile Using nbytes we get a buffer only as big as last thing written with TMemFile::Write(), which causes many memory allocations to expand the TBufferFile to the same size as the TBufferMergerFile. Related JIRA issue: ROOT-9133. 07 February 2019, 08:58:13 UTC
2b54b2e io: use new TMemFile constructor in TBufferMerger::Merge() This avoids copying data from the buffer into the TMemFile when merging. Related JIRA issue: ROOT-9133. 07 February 2019, 08:58:13 UTC
908b6f5 io: add constructor to create a read-only TMemFile from TBufferFile TMemFiles can copy themselves into a TBuffer already, so this constructor is more convenient to create a TMemFile with data that was written out by another TMemFile and copied into the TBuffer. Related JIRA issue: ROOT-9133. 07 February 2019, 08:58:13 UTC
e132d71 io: add GetMergeOptions()/SetMergeOptions() to TBufferMerger This is to allow the user to set the merging options to avoid recompression of input data into the output file when the compression algorithm or level are different. ROOT-9779 #resolve 07 February 2019, 08:58:12 UTC
36b569b io: small fix for TBufferMerger doxygen docs 07 February 2019, 08:58:12 UTC
c7258c9 [RF][ROOT-9816] Replace core collections of RooFit with std::vector * Implement a RooSTLRefCountList as replacement for RooRefCountList. * Replace performance-critical instances of old ref count list, in particular in RooAbsArg. * Improvement of documentation, clang-tidy. * Remove more uses of legacy iterators over RooAbsCollection, in particular members of RooAbsDataStore, RooRealIntegral, RooSetProxy, RooRealIntegral. 07 February 2019, 08:01:19 UTC
a5e0f39 [Core] Add emptypcm argument to RIO, Core and Thread dictionaries this will allow cling to just get the information from the pch without triggering autoparsing of the full payload. 06 February 2019, 18:49:47 UTC
1d84c81 [RF][ROOT-9816] Speed up RooAbsCollection * The default collection in RooFit, the RooLinkedList, has been replaced by a std::vector to benefit from contiguous memory. * Replace often-used iterators in RooFit by std::vector iterators and range-based for loops. * Provide legacy iterators with old interface to not break existing code. * Flag legacy iterators with R__SUGGEST_ALTERNATIVE. * Update doxygen and release notes. 06 February 2019, 16:43:04 UTC
6631c1b [RF] Silence importing datasets to RooWorkspace. 06 February 2019, 16:07:07 UTC
a52a61a [TBufferMerger] Initialize TBufferFile with the right size in Write 06 February 2019, 13:36:34 UTC
3e6c3d0 [RF] Silence RooWorkspace unit test. The unit test for RooWorkspace tests failures when importing models into the workspace. Since RooFit will print `ERROR` messages, it looks like there is a problem in the test. The error messages are now silenced. 06 February 2019, 08:21:30 UTC
2b36b53 SetTitle now handles properly the title in the form `stringt;stringx;stringy;stringz` This fixes the issue ROOT-9767 05 February 2019, 16:52:22 UTC
bc35b1c - The saved TGraph2D should be access via its pointer to call SetDirectory. 05 February 2019, 16:52:22 UTC
d7dcdc0 Update documentation for TRandom::Integer as suggested in ROOT-9928 05 February 2019, 15:04:55 UTC
b8c925b [Core] Replace with TClass::GetClass<T>() other invocations of GetClass to show good practices or to lower contention on the global lock. 05 February 2019, 10:55:12 UTC
be82fbc [Core] Express {TClass,ROOT}::GetClass methods in terms of GetClass<T>() whenever possible, e.g. with signatures accepting T* and alike. 05 February 2019, 10:55:12 UTC
0f16f4f [DF][NFC] Add jitted filter usage example. 05 February 2019, 10:54:32 UTC
0e59338 Reformat the doc to fix ROOT-9923 05 February 2019, 10:31:21 UTC
b669d9e [ROOT-9924] Fixing compile time installation of clad in CMAKE_INSTALL_PATH [ROOT-9924] Installing headers for clad 05 February 2019, 10:27:36 UTC
ed60562 meta: TGlobalMappedFunction formatting, use override 05 February 2019, 07:59:16 UTC
2747f3e meta: use functor for extracting pointer on TIterpreter::Instance 05 February 2019, 07:59:16 UTC
4fde772 meta: fix in extracting pointer on gClientGlobal 05 February 2019, 07:59:16 UTC
55a6662 meta: use functor for providing gClient TGClient::Instance() does not provide reference like gFile 05 February 2019, 07:59:16 UTC
bc7179c meta: provide TGlobalMappedFunction::MakeFunctor with functor This special functor should correctly extract pointer on variable. Not all global ROOT functions can provide reference. 05 February 2019, 07:59:16 UTC
8e17010 Return address on global variable in TGlobalMappedFunction This is how TGlobal::GetAddress() is defined. Provide workaround for gROOT. TInterpreter::Instance and TGClient::Instance has wrong signature (returns value, not reference), therefore here is not possible to return real address. Keep old code until signature is changed 05 February 2019, 07:59:16 UTC
401ab18 Remove unused include 05 February 2019, 07:59:16 UTC
5ad3484 "Hide" functor in TGlobalMappedFunction In templated MakeFunctor method functor is created individually for each global functions kind. Per flag one can add created TGlobalMappedFunction object to globals. 05 February 2019, 07:59:16 UTC
f57dfbb Provide templated TGlobalMappedFunction::AddFunctor() method It takes global function as templated argument as creates appropriate functor with correct casting 05 February 2019, 07:59:16 UTC
c20b096 TGlobalMappedFunciton: clang-format and nullptr 05 February 2019, 07:59:16 UTC
5de461a globals function: use in all places std::function to extract pointer Previous cast of functions had incompatible types: "void* (*)" instead of "void* &(*)" And casting of function types are always dangerous 05 February 2019, 07:59:16 UTC
4d478eb [global functions] use std::function<void*()> to extract pointer 05 February 2019, 07:59:16 UTC
0d6375b Use `llvm::raw_string_ostream` instead of `std::stringstream` (thanks Axel) 05 February 2019, 07:05:58 UTC
74ee4a3 Windows: Fix formatting of Interpreter::toString(const char* type, void* obj) Make sure hexadecimal pointer values have the correct '0x' prefix (not automatic on Windows) 05 February 2019, 07:05:58 UTC
50aefd6 Adding back ROOT/RConfig.h to point to the new location 05 February 2019, 06:57:56 UTC
19e4890 Rename based fix for RConfig on case-insensitive systems 05 February 2019, 06:57:56 UTC
3bc90bc Importing 'Imt.ROOT/TTaskGroup.hxx' modules required by TThreadExecutor (#3374) 04 February 2019, 15:20:07 UTC
c316d09 [davix] Be helpful and state file name in open error. 04 February 2019, 09:47:31 UTC
2fcb082 [IO][ROOT-9926] Add support for data members which are unique_ptrs<const T> and add a unit test for TClassEdit. 04 February 2019, 09:15:13 UTC
65c740f [Exp PyROOT] Variables already defined by CPyCppyy module 04 February 2019, 08:17:25 UTC
a6e99e6 [Exp PyROOT] Expose some functionality from cppyy module Several functions that are present in the ROOT module of the current PyROOT now belong to the CPyCppyy module. This commit exposes some of them in the new (experimental) ROOT module, since they are used in a few tests. A more exhaustive investigation needs to be done to understand what cppyy functionality we would like to expose in ROOT. 04 February 2019, 08:17:25 UTC
a3988db Support new Hexagon type in TEveBoxSet + 2 bufixes 1. Add support for hexagont box-type (BHex_t) in TEveBoxSet. See tutorials/eve/boxset.C, new function boxset_hex(). 2. Bugfix in TEveBoxSet -- box set did not work with TEnv setting of `OpenGL.UseDisplayLists 0`. 3. Memory leak fix in TEveGeoShapeProjected -- TBuffer3D member fBuff was not freed in destructor. 01 February 2019, 19:16:15 UTC
c52012c [Exp PyROOT] Make tests runnable as Python scripts 01 February 2019, 17:44:56 UTC
16c66bb [Exp PyROOT] Re-enable tutorial, ROOT facade is there 01 February 2019, 14:51:44 UTC
1af28be [RF][ROOT-9518][ROOT-5333] Fix analytical integral of RooPoisson [ROOT-9518] The analytical integral of RooPoisson was interpolating between the integer points of the discrete CDF. Due to this, the CDF, is shifted by 1 such that asking for CDF_Pois(x=0, mu=1) yields 0. Further, due to numerical precision problems, the integral can be off by 1.E-2 depending on the range. The CDF obtained with these changes is now discrete. [ROOT-5333] Giving a range with an upper limit larger than max int will overflow an integer and yield NaN. Now, max int will be used as end of the integration range, yielding an integral of 1 in such cases. For an unlimited range, the integral will always be 1. Unit tests (testRooPoisson) have been added to test the integral of RooPoisson against publicly available tables, as well as ROOT::Math::poisson_cdf. The stressRooStats reference file needed to be updated because the fixed implementation will yield different values for tests where a product of two Poisson distributions is evaluated. 01 February 2019, 14:38:19 UTC
1a99bf2 [DF][ROOT-9933] Add GetNSlots method to RInterface and a test. 01 February 2019, 13:57:16 UTC
c4b95a7 [DF][ROOT-9931] Properly check available columns when booking Histo1D and Graph 01 February 2019, 13:57:16 UTC
893cfbe [RF] Fix spurious binning warning in RooDataHist RooDataHist warns that it has to readjust the binning of a variable although no such adjustment is happening. Fixes: ROOT-8163 01 February 2019, 12:32:50 UTC
78019d9 [RF] Remove fixed-length char buffers from RooWorkspace The RooWorkspace used 'char buf[xx]' in various places to process user strings. Supplying a long string to e.g. import object into a workspace would lead to the rest being ignored silently. Fixes: ROOT-9486 01 February 2019, 09:38:00 UTC
c27fcf1 [v7hist] Make fCanGrow non-const, to enable default assignment op: Works around In file included from include/ROOT/RHist.hxx:20: include/ROOT/RAxis.hxx:57:15: warning: explicitly defaulted copy assignment operator is implicitly deleted [-Wdefaulted-function-deleted] RAxisBase &operator=(const RAxisBase &) = default; ^ include/ROOT/RAxis.hxx:250:15: note: copy assignment operator of 'RAxisBase' is implicitly deleted because field 'fCanGrow' is of const-qualified type 'const bool' const bool fCanGrow = false; ///< Whether this axis can grow (and thus has no overflow bins). ^ 01 February 2019, 09:19:56 UTC
198639c Force the caller to use std::move to steal internals 01 February 2019, 09:19:56 UTC
af1ad9a webgui: allow --web also when ROOTWebDisplay library already load 01 February 2019, 07:15:53 UTC
e2917fa [PyMVA][ROOT-9677] Acquire Gil where needed 31 January 2019, 20:27:12 UTC
4cfd161 [DF][NFC] Minor fixes to OnPartialResult doc 31 January 2019, 14:11:56 UTC
e9fe075 [Exp PyROOT] Configure preliminar module facade for ROOT This commit puts in place a facade for ROOT to become a Python module, in a similar way it is done for the current PyROOT. For now this is just a simple skeleton that redirects lookups to cppyy's global namespace, and more investigation on the logic implemented by the facade of the current PyROOT is necessary. 31 January 2019, 09:47:05 UTC
73ffb0d [RF][ROOT-9777] Replay "Fix cloning workspaces" - When RooWorkspaces that contain a ModelConfig are cloned, the ModelConfig did not get updated. It would still point to the old workspace. - Add unit test. 31 January 2019, 09:22:27 UTC
9ede664 Windows: Add missing cling exports 31 January 2019, 09:05:27 UTC
bdfd174 webgui: check ROOTWebDisplay library when --web option specified When starting ROOT with --web option, check if necessary libraries are build. Only in that case change Gui.Factory and call gROOT->SetWebDisplay. Fixes 31 January 2019, 08:54:26 UTC
0d22cbc Silent gcc8 warning when specify callback function for gluTessCallback Unfortunately, gluTessCallback uses same function pointer type for absolutely different functions kinds. Only inside gluTessCallback proper casting done. Therefore the only solution - suppress warings 31 January 2019, 08:19:59 UTC
154b2e1 [DF][ROOT-9929] Extract branches names which are nested from jitted strings properly, for example treating cases such as 'branch0' and 'branch01'. The code of the helper FindUsedColumnNames has been simplified. A test has been added. 31 January 2019, 07:34:15 UTC
3c6cf1e [cxxmodule] Fix a warning in modules build Not expose ROOT/RConfig.h to rootcling, but to add the header to ROOT_Config pcm. 30 January 2019, 16:11:22 UTC
1f75abe Use for bin edge comparisons an epsilon abs value that is computed as a fraction of bin width. This would give a more robust comparison test. This should fix what has been shown in ROOT-7752 30 January 2019, 15:04:33 UTC
fb1357c geom: create TGeoCone with name in TGeoBuilder Looks like only TGeoCone was ignoring name. Fixes error described in 30 January 2019, 15:03:55 UTC
247ecf1 Add R__SUGGEST_ALTERNATIVE macro to flag legacy functions Functions that are outdated, but will not be removed, can be flagged with `R__SUGGEST_ALTERNATIVE`, a macro expanding to ROOT's `_R__DEPRECATED_LATER`. This can be used to point users to the recommended interfaces. Flagging a function like this: TIterator* createIterator() const R__SUGGEST_ALTERNATIVE("begin(), end() and range-based for loops are faster.") { ... } and defining `R__SUGGEST_NEW_INTERFACE` in a translation unit will trigger a warning such as: RooChebychev.cxx:66:34: warning: 'createIterator' is deprecated: There is a superior alternative: begin(), end() and range-based for loops are faster. [-Wdeprecated-declarations] TIterator* coefIter = coefList.createIterator(); IMPORTANT: Theoretically, the macro could be used for classes: Don't! This will trigger warnings for all uses of the class in the interfaces of ROOT. 30 January 2019, 14:57:16 UTC
b7e6379 [Graphics][NFC] Clarify the options of TROOT::SetWebDisplay 30 January 2019, 12:46:15 UTC
68635da [RF] Reactivate copy assignment for HistFactory classes * Make histfactory Samples copy-assignable. Rootbench depends on copy assignment for the Sample class. After implementing move semantics to speed up hist2workspace, the copy assignment had been implicitly deleted. This was fixed, and a gtest has been added. * Further, HistRef, a member of Sample, is now movable, and the histograms given back by Sample are now const TH1* instead of TH1*. 30 January 2019, 12:14:15 UTC
77fcbbb [RF] Improve RooFit tutorials * Temporaries in python: In the RooFit python tutorials, C++ objects save pointers to objects held by python. When these are temporaries, this leads to crashes. Naming the temporaries works around this problem. * rf204a: Add a new tutorial that demonstrates using extended pdfs when fitting in multiple ranges. 30 January 2019, 12:10:04 UTC
b3e0431 [cxxmodule] Infer proper modulename from library Before RegisterModule was assuming that "modulename" starts from "lib", which is not the case for CMSSW where the "modulename" is "SimDataFormatsValidationFormats_xr" for example. 30 January 2019, 07:28:50 UTC
d7f10a9 [RF] Speed up hist2workspace hist2workspace reads histograms from multiple files, which often contain numerous folders with a lot of histograms. It therefore needlessly suffers from TList::RecursiveRemove slowdowns, although almost all histograms and files are read only. Implementing the memory management for histograms without ROOT's TList, and implementing move semantics with better const correctness leads to a speed up of a factor 10 for a large ATLAS-style Higgs workspace with 28 channels and about 150 systematic uncertainties. 29 January 2019, 18:15:50 UTC
a682c54 [rint] 2019! Thanks, Stephan. 29 January 2019, 13:57:59 UTC
fc1a587 RooRealSumPdf 29 January 2019, 13:51:15 UTC
538e7f6 RooAbsReal getVal(). 29 January 2019, 13:51:15 UTC
3452e61 HistFactory. 29 January 2019, 13:51:15 UTC
c5f214c [RF] Improve docs of RooPolynomial. 29 January 2019, 13:51:15 UTC
cc4eb63 Only use the #pragmas if not using Visual Studio 29 January 2019, 13:44:49 UTC
39ecc32 Fix "unknown pragma" compiler warning on Windows 29 January 2019, 13:44:49 UTC
f280e2b Only use the #pragmas if not using Visual Studio 29 January 2019, 13:44:06 UTC
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