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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
544d84f [tmva][sofie] Fix failing GNN Python tutorial and dependency Fix the dependency of the GNN C++ Application tutorial from the Python parser tutorial. Add Parser tutorial directly by hand since previous way of secifying the dependency did not work in this case. Need to specify the cling include pathin TMVA_SOFIE_GNN_Application.C to be sure that the generated headers are found whne running from ctest 07 December 2023, 09:41:01 UTC
59dee69 [tmva][sofie] Modify test for changes in the GNN_Data for edge indices 04 December 2023, 10:08:35 UTC
418302d [tmva][sofie] Use RTensor<int> for the GNN edge index data Instead of a vector of receivers and senders use a common tensor of shape (2, number of edges) for the edge index conections (receivers senders). This is in line with pytorch geomoetric data structure Improve tutorial for parsing the model and for run the model Fix also tutorial dependency 28 November 2023, 17:08:03 UTC
3221e65 [tmva][sofie] Add support for variable number of nodes and edges 24 November 2023, 11:12:07 UTC
6f3169e Remove queuing mechanism from TBufferMerger At least according to my limited tests, this is equally fast because it avoids the overhead of preparing a TBufferFile for queuing, and uses less memory. 24 November 2023, 09:14:41 UTC
3d59a5b Limit memory usage of TBufferMerger Instead of letting the buffer queue grow without bound, limit it to at most one buffer per attached file. 24 November 2023, 09:14:41 UTC
6ff6266 [CMake] Always build Minuit2 In the discussion thread to JIRA ticket ROOT-10864, Axel suggested the removal of the option to disable minuit2 as a possible solution. I think this is a very good idea good idea, because: * Minuit2 only depends on `Hist` and `MathCore` anyway. * Now that Minuit2 is the default for *all* minimization in ROOT, building ROOT without Minuit2 changes the behavior of ROOT way too much, in a ways that people that set `minuit2=OFF` probably are not intending or aware of. This closes the following JIRA ticket: 23 November 2023, 19:34:41 UTC
46642ca [math] Use `EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ` in test_tprofile2poly.cxx As seen in #9601, using `EXCEPT_NEAR` with an absolute error is not so good, because if the numbers are large the hardcoded absolute error can be smaller than the double precision. In these cases, `EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ` is recommended instead. 23 November 2023, 14:51:47 UTC
2d3ce86 Use rootgeom.C in demos.C Show in central demo tutorial new geometry classes 23 November 2023, 08:59:05 UTC
a075da4 [webgui] improve handling of embed widgets In RBrowser different widgets are embed. Add dummy pending connection handle to get possibility for widget wait for such connection been established 23 November 2023, 08:59:05 UTC
386cc18 [ntuple] Add support for `std::unordered_map` fields 23 November 2023, 07:34:59 UTC
cd55619 [RF] Implement more `clang-tidy` suggestions in RooFit 22 November 2023, 13:17:55 UTC
0956039 [RF] RooFit documentation improvements Most importantly, specify what "RooFit" should link to in some cases: the main RooFit documentation instead of the namespace documentation. 22 November 2023, 13:17:55 UTC
1dc43a6 [RF] Move `RooUnitTest` out of public interface The `RooUnitTest` is not meant to be part of the public user inferface, it is only used for internal tests. 22 November 2023, 13:17:55 UTC
39cfecb [RF] Address change requests by Jonas in the RooFit AD support document These changes are on top of the first draft that I submitted, that was merged as part of [PR13929}( The requested changes can be tracked in my personal drafts repo [here]( Changes: - RooFit intro before AD support -> already covered in "Overview on RooFit implementation details..." section by @guitargeek - **Extracting free functions** to a separate header file is **optional**, re-wrote it as one of the two currently recommended approaches - changed to "Support **Code Generation**" instead of "AD Support" in most places - minor formatting and spelling errors changed - added fully qualified function names in some places for better Doxygen rendering - Removed random commit IDs and added branch name to repo links 22 November 2023, 13:17:55 UTC
6e2b804 [jsroot] dev 21/11/2023 Support custom fonts in TWebCanvas Support in-browser PDF generation Respect IsEditable flag of canvas Several fixes in TLatex processing 22 November 2023, 12:35:13 UTC
513c6ec [webcanvas] add support for custom fonts Let add font to the web canvas and use it for any kind of objects. Custom font index only will work with web canvas 22 November 2023, 12:35:13 UTC
952dbf6 [ntuple] simplify expression in RDF DS 22 November 2023, 11:56:58 UTC
dc110b3 [ntuple] improve clarity of unit test Co-authored-by: Florine de Geus <> 22 November 2023, 11:56:58 UTC
5602ead [ntuple] use cluster boundaries in RDF iteration - Respect cluster boundaries when assigning entry ranges to slots - Add RPageSource::SetEntryRange to avoid cluster read-ahead into other slots entry range 22 November 2023, 11:56:58 UTC
1844e61 [ntuple] Move includes to correct header file 22 November 2023, 11:55:44 UTC
2549c34 [NFC][ntuple] Add `std::unordered_set` to specification 22 November 2023, 10:31:43 UTC
ceea794 small improvements in sqlite3_prepare * [sqlite] sqlite3_prepare with tail info * [sqlite] tail nullptr 22 November 2023, 07:17:35 UTC
7d500ff [webgui] use loopback by default Default value is on in C++ code, but was remained off in system.rootrc and over-rulling C++ 21 November 2023, 17:03:59 UTC
1dbb353 Don't check CMAKE_GENERATOR use MSVC instead 21 November 2023, 13:07:54 UTC
a1f51ac [skip-ci] Update fonts' documentation (CMS request) (#14049) * Update fonts' documentation (CMS request) * Revisit the font description * Small rephrasing * Update the font table in TTF.cxx to be compatible with the one in TAttText.cxx 21 November 2023, 13:00:44 UTC
32b80ad [ntuple] Add inner field type check for `std::map` fields Inner fields *must* be of type `RPairField`. Ideally this should be done at compile time through the constructor argument type, but this is still causing issues and needs further investigation. Thus, this runtime check is added as a temporary solution. 21 November 2023, 12:47:18 UTC
b1057b5 [ntuple] Add missing include and dictionary entries Necessary for builds without runtime modules enabled. 21 November 2023, 12:47:18 UTC
d21d888 [ntuple] Remove use of `offsetof` macro for `std::pair` fields This macro is conditionally supported and with the addition of `std::map` fields, compilation warnings will be thrown for nested maps. To prevent these warnings, the offsets are determined in a similar way to `std::tuple` fields. 21 November 2023, 12:47:18 UTC
336d6dc [ntuple][NFC] Add specification for `std::map` fields 21 November 2023, 12:47:18 UTC
1e0e023 [ntuple] Add support for `std::map` fields 21 November 2023, 12:47:18 UTC
032358f [ntuple] Move STL dictionary entries to separate file 21 November 2023, 08:03:39 UTC
69a324d [NFC][readspeed] Improve usage text formatting 20 November 2023, 11:46:58 UTC
1f3b75d [ntuple] Add support for `std::unordered_set` fields 20 November 2023, 09:58:19 UTC
cddecc1 Improve vetoing of HistFactory and RooStats tutorials * Make Python versions of RooStats tutorials depend on test data * Veto all RooStats tutorials if XML is not found, for simplicity 20 November 2023, 08:49:11 UTC
b9edc47 [RF] Use RooGenericPdf instead of custom code in RooStats tutorials This reduces the complexity of the tutorials a bit. I checked that tutorial results and runtime were unaffected. 20 November 2023, 08:49:11 UTC
df75305 [RF] Add initial `.clang-tidy` config to RooFit inspired by CMSSW Only two checks were removed from the config, because the replace copies with `const` references using the too loose heuristic of assuming only calling `const` functions on them is okay: * performance-for-range-copy * performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization 20 November 2023, 08:44:18 UTC
8c5e888 [RF] Apply remaining `clang-tidy` suggestions from CMSSW style 20 November 2023, 08:44:18 UTC
58c4066 [RF] Replace usage of `RooAbsCollection::getSize()` with `size()` This is done to be more aligned with the STL style. In particular, that helps code analysis tools like `clang-tidy`. 20 November 2023, 08:44:18 UTC
30e1516 [RF] Replace all C-style casts with C++ casts Again, thanks to clang-tidy with a bit of manual intervention. This makes it much easier to reason about the code, with the correct distinction between `static_cast`, `const_cast`, and `reinterpret_cast`. 20 November 2023, 08:44:18 UTC
2d5977f [RF] Deprecate RooFit legacy iterators The STL-compatible alternatives are now around long enough (since ROOT 6.18, 4 years ago) so after this grace period it is time to deprecate and eventually remove the old iterators. 19 November 2023, 21:53:10 UTC
bce6451 [hist] Avoid `try-catch` in TH1 Using exceptions to handle the cases where a regular check for consistency like `TH1::CheckConsistency()` fails is not great for code readability, performance, debugging, etc. Exceptions should only happen in *unexpected* cases. These expected inconsistency check results should better be encoded in the return value. 17 November 2023, 15:27:05 UTC
19ed1bc [RF] Prefer member initializers and default member initialization Apply the suggestions by the following two checks: * `cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer` * `modernize-use-default-member-init` This makes the code much less verbose and avoids possible mistakes in the initialization. I carefully went over the changes manually to make sure that they are correct. 17 November 2023, 13:30:27 UTC
18b789c [io] adjust RRawFile/XRootD unit test to new target 16 November 2023, 15:44:30 UTC
1b8c060 Avoid CDT doc in ROOT doc (#14066) 16 November 2023, 15:01:29 UTC
479d383 [webgui] try to convince Firefox close window 16 November 2023, 09:39:41 UTC
bb42361 [webgui] improve handling of $profile argument Avoid double slash, Correctly replace it in exec string Catch other singals in trap command of 16 November 2023, 09:39:41 UTC
8827e11 [webgui] prevent firefox ask questions about upload Was already disabled for headless mode, but also should be done for interactive mode 16 November 2023, 09:39:41 UTC
cee1000 [webgui] introduce script It is required to correctly cleanup temporary directory with custom profile after exit of firefox 16 November 2023, 09:39:41 UTC
12aaeda [webgui] imrpove Firefox handling There are no command line options for firefox for many settings. Therefore one have to create custom profile and put such custom settings there. These are: visibility of URL string and visibility of tabs widget. Also custom profile allows to provide wiidget width and height. The only drawback for now - after deletion of such custom profile firefox still writes some modified files back. 16 November 2023, 09:39:41 UTC
fb71268 [core] Allow deprecations for 6.34 16 November 2023, 08:47:12 UTC
b3c7568 [core] Remove RGitCommit.h Its contents were deprecated with 6.30 and it was supposed to be removed after branching, ie master becoming 6.31. 16 November 2023, 08:47:12 UTC
9040490 [mathcore] Remove long deprecated interfaces 16 November 2023, 08:47:12 UTC
d369148 [core] Fix R__NO_DEPRECATION on Windows 16 November 2023, 08:47:12 UTC
38edd36 Change default TColor resolution TColor::GetColor(r,g,b) uses 5bit threshold by default to create new colors. This differs from normal X11 with 8bit colors. As a result, images produced in batch and in interactive session may differ - see greyscale.C macro. Make default 8bit resolution for colors, and reduce it only if detecting such display. 16 November 2023, 07:26:52 UTC
449f50b [RF] Comment out unreachable code in `RooDstD0BG` 15 November 2023, 16:31:13 UTC
8197026 [RF] Code format `RooDstD0GB.h/.cxx` files The next commit will change many lines in theses files, so they are formatted now. 15 November 2023, 16:31:13 UTC
8d5f49a [RF] Avoid manual memory management via `takeOwnership()` 15 November 2023, 16:31:13 UTC
5989d5d [RF] Replace final use of legacy iterators 15 November 2023, 16:31:13 UTC
7762699 [RF] Code modernization of `roofitcore` In particular, remove explicitly declared default destructors and constructors. 15 November 2023, 16:31:13 UTC
dacbb2a [TMVA] Remove workaround from the CINT era Since cling can deal with `dynamic_cast` correctly, the `TMVA::Reader::FindCutsMVA()` workaround is not needed anymore. That's one of the changes necessary to address #10058. 15 November 2023, 16:31:00 UTC
19b6e6e Replace triangle.c by CDT (#14036) * Replace triangle.c by CDT * Fix warnings and test * Remove old code * Make sure local variables do not shadow CDT ones * Fix warnings in CDT * Update release notes 15 November 2023, 15:33:07 UTC
db6ff45 [TGNumberEntry] add centisecond display option Adds support for centiseconds in TGNumberentry. 15 November 2023, 12:25:51 UTC
a10884c [TMVA] fix some inconsistencies and warnings found by doxygen Fixes several doxygen warnings in TMVA. 15 November 2023, 10:18:40 UTC
c6c1599 Some improvements to RooStats tutorials, in particular Python versions * Get rid of checks if files or objects in the file were found. It's ROOTs responsability to error out nicely if something is not found, not the responsability of the tutorials * Use f-formatting in Python to be more concise * Use Python iteration patters * Use pythonic `len()` instead of `GetSize()` * Use native Python string instead of `TString` * In Python, one can retrieve objects in the `RooWorkspace with `workspace[obj_name]` independent of the type, which is preferred because it's more Pythonic 14 November 2023, 22:28:41 UTC
bad90a5 [RelNotes] Add Akeem Hart to the list of contributors For his translations of RooStats tutorials 14 November 2023, 22:28:41 UTC
df2aaa7 Fix typos in `math` and `histfactory` tutorials and others 14 November 2023, 22:28:41 UTC
030f599 Translated StandardProfileInspectorDemo and StandardProfileLikelihoodDemo to pyROOT 14 November 2023, 22:28:41 UTC
84b5b3a Update stressgraphics reference for TLatex 14 November 2023, 16:57:45 UTC
3a53ad6 Format code around `#tilde` processing 14 November 2023, 16:57:45 UTC
14b0887 Scale line width when draw #check and #slash symbols Adjust a bit #slah symbol position 14 November 2023, 16:57:45 UTC
e0ed96a Fix position of #grave and #acute latex symbols Use line width scaling 14 November 2023, 16:57:45 UTC
c3da092 Draw #dot and ##dot in latex as small filled rectangle With previous implementation dot with large scale was transformed into short line. Now minimal dot size is 2 pixels - aka default line width in TLatex 14 November 2023, 16:57:45 UTC
a8133b9 Use scalable line width in #bar and #vec latex symbols Simplify logic how vertical position is defined for #hat Use at least line width configured before 14 November 2023, 16:57:45 UTC
6dc6044 Use const reference on TextSpec_t in TLatex method No need to copy members for TextSpec_t object which should not be changed 14 November 2023, 16:57:45 UTC
a1bdb59 Increase test timeout 13 November 2023, 23:57:28 UTC
f1b7008 Use consistent wording of the comments in the different TMVA classification tests to avoid confusion. 13 November 2023, 18:36:22 UTC
25ce7f5 src/RBDT.cxx is a source file of libTMVAUtils and should not also be a source file of libTMVA. Remove it. Adjust test using symbols defined in this source file to link to libTMVAUtils instead of libTMVA. 13 November 2023, 18:12:49 UTC
27082fb [math][minuit2] Don't try to copy non-existing file in standalone build Follows up on 8ce465cc41c. That commit introduced two months ago a copying of the `ROOTConfig-version.cmake` file to the Minuit 2 standalone build dir. However, this file is only available after building ROOT, as it's generated from the `` template. A ROOT build should not be required for Minuit 2 standalone. Therefore, this commit suggests a different way to get the ROOT version number: by inspecting the header files from the ROOT source. 13 November 2023, 14:32:28 UTC
dfe59e2 [math] Remove again the `R__HAS_MINUIT2` macro I recently introduced a `R__HAS_MINUIT2` macro when moving to Minuit 2 as the default. Introducing this macro broke the standalone build of `mathcore`, because `RConfig.h` was now required. This commit is avoiding that by using cmake definitions instead. Follows up on 6866a574597. 13 November 2023, 14:32:28 UTC
b3a0a0b [DF] Avoid unused parameter warning in RDF ActionHelpers This avoids the following warning when building `rootbench` (gcc 13.2.1): ```txt In file included from /home/rembserj/spaces/master/root/src/build/include/ROOT/RDF/RInterface.hxx:15, from /home/rembserj/spaces/master/root/src/build/include/ROOT/RDataFrame.hxx:21, from /home/rembserj/spaces/master/root/src/root/rootbench/root/tree/dataframe/RDataFrameBenchmarks.cxx:1: /home/rembserj/spaces/master/root/src/build/include/ROOT/RDF/ActionHelpers.hxx: In instantiation of ‘void ROOT::Internal::RDF::SnapshotHelperMT<ColTypes>::UpdateCArraysPtrs(unsigned int, ColTypes& ..., std::index_sequence<S ...>) [with long unsigned int ...S = {}; ColTypes = {}; std::index_sequence<S ...> = std::integer_sequence<long unsigned int>]’: /home/rembserj/spaces/master/root/src/build/include/ROOT/RDF/ActionHelpers.hxx:1747:27: required from ‘void ROOT::Internal::RDF::SnapshotHelperMT<ColTypes>::Exec(unsigned int, ColTypes& ...) [with ColTypes = {}]’ /home/rembserj/spaces/master/root/src/build/include/ROOT/RDF/RAction.hxx:104:19: required from ‘void ROOT::Internal::RDF::RAction<Helper, PrevNode, ColumnTypes_t>::CallExec(unsigned int, Long64_t, ROOT::TypeTraits::TypeList<ColTypes ...>, std::index_sequence<_Ind ...>) [with ColTypes = {}; long unsigned int ...S = {}; Helper = ROOT::Internal::RDF::SnapshotHelperMT<>; PrevNode = ROOT::Detail::RDF::RLoopManager; ColumnTypes_t = ROOT::TypeTraits::TypeList<>; Long64_t = long long int; std::index_sequence<_Ind ...> = std::integer_sequence<long unsigned int>]’ /home/rembserj/spaces/master/root/src/build/include/ROOT/RDF/RAction.hxx:112:18: required from ‘void ROOT::Internal::RDF::RAction<Helper, PrevNode, ColumnTypes_t>::Run(unsigned int, Long64_t) [with Helper = ROOT::Internal::RDF::SnapshotHelperMT<>; PrevNode = ROOT::Detail::RDF::RLoopManager; ColumnTypes_t = ROOT::TypeTraits::TypeList<>; Long64_t = long long int]’ /home/rembserj/spaces/master/root/src/build/include/ROOT/RDF/RAction.hxx:108:9: required from here /home/rembserj/spaces/master/root/src/build/include/ROOT/RDF/ActionHelpers.hxx:1760:40: error: parameter ‘slot’ set but not used [-Werror=unused-but-set-parameter] 1760 | void UpdateCArraysPtrs(unsigned int slot, ColTypes &... values, std::index_sequence<S...> /*dummy*/) ``` I'm sure similar warnings also pop up in other places, but I just happened to notice them in `rootbench`. 13 November 2023, 13:23:06 UTC
9d7aa4a [DF] Avoid public dependency of RDataFrame on `nlohmann::json` It's better if the RDataFrame doesn't depend on `nlohmann::json` for this reason: If you build ROOT **without** the builtin nlohmannjson, it finds the json header with `find_package(nlohmann_json)`, which is fine. However, if the `nlohmann/json.hpp` header is not in the default include path, one is now forced to also do `find_package(nlohmann_json)` in every compiled project that uses RDataFrame! This happened to one of our students recently, which is why I got aware of the problem. On most Linux systems, this is not a problem because `json.hpp` is in a standard location, but for macOS this doesn't seem to be the case necessarily. 13 November 2023, 13:22:56 UTC
52bf59d [core] Counterpart of Pythons `str.join` function in C++ This complements the existing `ROOT::Split()` function. 13 November 2023, 13:13:51 UTC
04ec405 Adjust stressGraphics reference for changed TLatex 13 November 2023, 12:31:53 UTC
048f20b Improve latex drawing for `#hat{f}` Several letters like f are taller than normal x or a and not match to the remaining space. Therefore for such letters lift it higher Also scale line width used to draw hat. For large letter it looked not very nice. 13 November 2023, 12:31:53 UTC
b62ce9d [cmake] Bump minimum CMake version to 3.10 CMake v3.10 is the version included in Ubunut 18.04 LTS. 13 November 2023, 09:13:10 UTC
eeb564e Changed filters used by RBatchGenerator to a single string Changed the internal handeling of filters in RBatchGenerator. Instead of adding a new filter for each filter, the filters are concatenated to a string and applied as a single filter Note: The Python interface of the RBatchGenerator does not change. 13 November 2023, 09:12:46 UTC
eca07cf [ntuple] Update comment in ntpl004_dimuon.C Commit cf78f40d60 made it use the RVec collection type. 12 November 2023, 12:42:43 UTC
21290a4 [ntuple] Add packing tests for half-precision floats 12 November 2023, 12:39:07 UTC
ff74d44 [ntuple] Add support for half-precision floats 12 November 2023, 12:39:07 UTC
ceef4a2 [v7] Add conversion to and from half-precision floats 12 November 2023, 12:39:07 UTC
c5048fa Apply suggestions from clang-tidy to `dataframe` and `rntuple` Applies the clang-tidy suggestions from the following checks, which are the same as in the CMSSW `.clang-tidy`, only that the checks that replace copies with `const` references are removed: ``` ,boost-use-to-string, ,misc-definitions-in-headers, ,misc-string-compare, ,misc-uniqueptr-reset-release, ,modernize-deprecated-headers, ,modernize-make-shared, ,modernize-make-unique, ,modernize-use-bool-literals, ,modernize-use-equals-delete, ,modernize-use-nullptr, ,modernize-use-override, ,performance-inefficient-algorithm, ,performance-inefficient-vector-operation, ,performance-faster-string-find, ,performance-move-const-arg, ,readability-container-size-empty, ,readability-redundant-string-cstr, ,readability-static-definition-in-anonymous-namespace, ,readability-uniqueptr-delete-release ``` 10 November 2023, 15:10:40 UTC
8e460c3 [jsroot] dev 10/11/2023 with TWebCanvas adjustments Use new object referencing in TWebCanvas. Now functions, sub-histograms and sub-graphs are referenced as secondary objects via id of master object plus extra string specifier like <tstack_object_id>#hist or <tmultigraph_object_id>#graphs_10. And now such compose objects do not disantagled on server side. Many small fixes: 1. Fix - do not add `THStack` and `TMultiGraph` to legend 2. Fix - correctly use margin in `TPaveText` class 3. Fix - correctly draw endcaps in legend errors 4. Fix - custom color palette usage 10 November 2023, 14:51:50 UTC
a2511a2 Fix typo in tutorials/graphics/earth.C 10 November 2023, 14:51:50 UTC
8a6e76e [webcanvas] correctly handle graphs in TScatter 10 November 2023, 14:51:50 UTC
1a12ce5 [webcanvas] "hide" pads primitives when producing canvas json While primitives handled separately, one not need to stream them together with the pad itself. Therefore just set pad->fPrimitives to nullptr before streaming and restore immediately after. This is less disruptive method than before when TLists were cleaned and then rebuild again. 10 November 2023, 14:51:50 UTC
d86bd45 [webcanvas] handle scatter plot functions same as in other classes Do not try to make flat primitives list but rather use smart referencing on client side. 10 November 2023, 14:51:50 UTC
0f32f36 Adjust tutorials/graphs/multigraph.C to show reasonable fit 10 November 2023, 14:51:50 UTC
01a5392 [webcanvas] let search for histogram in the pad again One has to scan all primitives. Use special internal string constant 10 November 2023, 14:51:50 UTC
ee66015 [webcanvas] provide stats and handle functions in TGraph and TMultiGraph In the case when TGraph has function in list of functions, it has to draw stats box. Therefore stats object should be created for TGraph and for all graphs in TMultiGraph. 10 November 2023, 14:51:50 UTC
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