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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
e525eb2 Commit for release 0.10.2 08 February 2016, 14:42:53 UTC
2cd0618 [tools] Properly update all POM versions in release script - Missing backport from master branch - Previous version missed quickstart archetype poms 08 February 2016, 14:37:55 UTC
0c8a9ce [hotfix, yarn] Exit JVM after YARN actor system shut down 03 February 2016, 16:27:07 UTC
e5b1910 [contrib, storm] Forward Kryo registrations to Flink Backport of be055b7a9f8ecb09e5e4e0bbddb98639173a09a7. 03 February 2016, 10:23:35 UTC
602151f [CLI] Set current class loader to user-class loader and disable class initialization. Enalbes submission of Flink programs written in Clojure. This closes #1457 03 February 2016, 10:11:23 UTC
bef39f8 [FLINK-3242] Adjust StateBackendITCase for 0.10 signatures of state backends 28 January 2016, 16:12:38 UTC
2aeb6fa [FLINK-3242] Also Set User-specified StateBackend without Checkpointing Before, the user-specified StateBackedn would not be set when generating the JobGraph if checkpointing was disabled. This closes #1516 28 January 2016, 13:35:22 UTC
dfeee23 [hotfix] Use AccumulatorSnapshot's class loader for deserializing accumulators This closes #1511 15 January 2016, 11:22:36 UTC
2d7f0b1 [FLINK-3236] [runtime] Flink user code classloader as parent classloader from Flink core classes Originally, the user code classloader delegates to the system classloader as parent. That works in Flink standalone settings, but not when the Flink core classes themselves are not loaded with the system classloader (certain embedded setups). This patch uses as parent the classloader that was used to load the Flink core classes, specificly "org.apache.flink.runtime.execution.librarycache.BlobLibraryCacheManager.FlinkUserCodeClassLoader.class.getClassLoader()". 14 January 2016, 20:48:09 UTC
d09a833 [FLINK-2962] Cluster startup script refers to unused variable 14 January 2016, 18:50:10 UTC
66dd32d [FLINK-3151] [runtime] Downgrade to Netty version 4.0.27.Final Netty versions >= 4.0.28.Final contain an improvement by Netty, which slices a Netty buffer instead of doing a memory copy ( in the LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder. In some situations, this interacts badly with our Netty pipeline leading to OutOfMemory error. To reproduce, run batch WordCount with a range partitioner and reasonably large data. 13 January 2016, 10:25:59 UTC
a726da6 [FLINK-3224] [DataStream] Call setInputType() on output formats that implement InputTypeConfigurable This closes #1497 12 January 2016, 23:25:43 UTC
e6e0fd9 [FLINK-3218] Fix overriding of user parameters when merging Hadoop configurations This closes #1496 12 January 2016, 23:25:34 UTC
ab2f14a [FLINK-3189] Fix argument parsing of CLI client INFO action This closes #1493 12 January 2016, 23:25:13 UTC
1d05dbe [docs] set version to 0.10.1 08 January 2016, 09:43:26 UTC
06a87f2 [docs] Add "Iterator Data Sink" section to DataStream guide. This closes #1487 07 January 2016, 18:00:57 UTC
6176248 [javaDocs] Fix JavaDoc examples in tumbling and sliding time windows This closes #1490 07 January 2016, 18:00:48 UTC
9feac5a [FLINK-3176] Improve documentation for window apply This closes #1488 07 January 2016, 18:00:40 UTC
f2de5f7 [FLINK-3185] [runtime, tests] Log error on failure during recovery 27 December 2015, 13:12:13 UTC
d8eb1d8 [FLINK-3185] [tests] Don't swallow test failure Exception 27 December 2015, 12:18:49 UTC
85804c0 [FLINK-3147] Expose HadoopOutputFormatBase fields as protected 15 December 2015, 20:38:02 UTC
f978030 [FLINK-3145][storm] pin Kryo version of transitive dependencies This closes #1441. 09 December 2015, 15:18:32 UTC
f3f2ced [FLINK-3143] update Closure Cleaner's ASM references to ASM5 - This solves errors with reflectasm using Scala 2.11 and Java 8 09 December 2015, 15:15:58 UTC
bf9caa5 [FLINK-3136] Fix shaded imports in ClosureCleaner.scala 09 December 2015, 10:22:04 UTC
9268514 [FLINK-3108] [java] JoinOperator's with() calls the wrong TypeExtractor method 08 December 2015, 00:14:52 UTC
a368221 [FLINK-3125] [web dashboard] Web server starts also when JobManager log files cannot be accessed. 06 December 2015, 17:19:17 UTC
319e180 [docs] Fix TumblingTimeWindows.of(AbstractTime) examples Added Time.of(Time), because there is no TumblingTimeWindows.of(int, TimeUnit). 06 December 2015, 15:17:22 UTC
33efba6 [docs] Add import statements to DataStream example programs (Java/Scala) New users sometimes struggle with the imports (especially for Scala API). 06 December 2015, 15:17:22 UTC
2afe600 [hotfix] [docs] Fix errors in streaming docs for fold() 04 December 2015, 10:50:25 UTC
789728c [docs] change signature of fold operation 04 December 2015, 10:40:37 UTC
b8fa5b8 [FLINK-3080] Relax restrictions of DataStream.union() Before, it would not allow unioning with predecessors (also transitive) and streams of differing parallelism. 02 December 2015, 11:18:29 UTC
961adea [FLINK-3081] Properly stop periodic Kafka committer 29 November 2015, 15:05:00 UTC
d6e118b [FLINK-3082] Fixed confusing error about an interface that no longer exists This closes #1411 27 November 2015, 11:33:27 UTC
16e5ab0 [docs][hotfix] Fix wrong window definitions in the docs This closes #1407 26 November 2015, 00:32:57 UTC
efbfc6a [docs] Fix typos in streaming documentation 26 November 2015, 00:32:48 UTC
0b6adc4 [FLINK-3067] Enforce zkclient 0.7 for Kafka This closes #1399 25 November 2015, 15:45:26 UTC
86b6605 [docs, setup] Add missing parenthesis 24 November 2015, 14:26:23 UTC
99d99a9 [docs, setup] Add note about (task|job)manager scripts 24 November 2015, 12:33:33 UTC
f963425 [FLINK-3020][streaming] set number of task slots to maximum parallelism in local execution 23 November 2015, 17:34:35 UTC
968d8b4 [doc] Fix Documentation formatting for recently added ExecutionEnvironment.readSequenceFile() This closes #1389. 20 November 2015, 15:19:25 UTC
dd5dede [FLINK-3052] [optimizer] Fix instantiation of bulk iteration candidates When a candidate for a bulk iteration is instantiated, then the optimizer creates candidates for the step function. It is then checked that there exists a candidate solution for the step function whose properties met the properties of the input to the bulk iteration. Sometimes it is necessary to add a no-op plan node to the end of the step function to generate the correct properties. These new candidates have to be added to the final set of the accepted candidates. This commit adds that these new candidates are properly added to the set of accepted candidates. Fix test and add new iteration tests Add predecessor operator and dynamic path information to no op operator in bulk iterations This closes #1388. 20 November 2015, 15:19:20 UTC
2ff9420 [FLINK-2974] Add periodic offset committer for Kafka when checkpointing is disabled 20 November 2015, 12:56:15 UTC
6656716 [FLINK-3021] Fix class loading issue for streaming sources Streaming sources were directly assigned their InputFormat in the StreamingJobGraphGenerator. As a consequence, the input formats were directly serialized/deserialized by Akka when the JobGraph was sent to the JobManager. In cases where the user provided a custom input format or an input format with custom types, this could lead to a ClassDefNotFoundException, because the system class loader instead of the user code class loader is used by Akka for the deserialization. The problem was fixed by wrapping the InputFormat into a UserCodeObjectWrapper which is shipped ot the JobManager via the JobVertex's configuration. By instantiating stream sources as InputFormatVertices, the corresponding InputFormat is retrieved from the Configuration in the initializeOnMaster method call. This closes #1368. 20 November 2015, 09:05:29 UTC
4bcc154 [FLINK-3032] Fix jackson-core dependency conflict with Hadoop 2.7.1. This commit is also changing how we build the "flink-shaded-hadoop" artifact. In the past, we were including all Hadoop dependencies into a fat jar, without relocating all of them. Maven was not able to see Hadoop's dependencies and classes ended up in the classpath multiple times. With this change, only shaded Hadoop dependencies are included into the jar. The shade plugin will also remove only the shaded dependencies from the pom file. 19 November 2015, 20:50:09 UTC
076bb0a [hotfix] [core] Fix assignment of strictly local splits to host instances This closes #1345 19 November 2015, 18:53:14 UTC
8f3f56b [hotfix] Fix concurrent processing-time Trigger in WindowOperator This fixes a problem that would occur if a Trigger registers a new processing-time trigger in the onProcessingTime method. The problem is that onProcessingTime() is called while traversing the set of active triggers. If onProcessingTime() tries to register a new processing-time trigger this leads to a concurrent modification exception. 19 November 2015, 18:38:04 UTC
7f3d08f [FLINK-3028] [runtime-web] Show cancel button for restarting jobs 19 November 2015, 17:30:12 UTC
440ccc1 [FLINK-3019] [client] List restarting jobs with scheduled jobs 19 November 2015, 17:27:03 UTC
bf065a3 [FLINK-3011] [runtime] Fix cancel during restart 19 November 2015, 17:27:03 UTC
839ae19 [FLINK-3011] [runtime, tests] Translate ExecutionGraphRestartTest to Java 19 November 2015, 17:27:03 UTC
ffd4e2b [FLINK-3011] [runtime] Disallow ExecutionGraph state transition from FAILED to RESTARTING Removes the possibility to go from FAILED state back to RESTARTING. This was only used in a test case. It was a breaking the terminal state semantics of the FAILED state. 19 November 2015, 17:27:03 UTC
9defe0c [FLINK-3043] [docs] Fix description of Kafka Consumer and Producer. This also adds to the deprecated classes pointers forward to the designated classes. This closes #1380 19 November 2015, 13:49:00 UTC
7441799 [FLINK-3005] [core] Bump commons-collections version to fix object deserialization remote command execution vulnerability This closes #1381 19 November 2015, 13:49:00 UTC
e977d82 [docs] remove snapshot information from front page 19 November 2015, 12:52:36 UTC
be27a18 FLINK-3041: Twitter Streaming Description section of Streaming Programming guide refers to an incorrect example 'TwitterLocal' This closes #1379. 19 November 2015, 12:43:27 UTC
df3347b FLINK-3022: Broken link 'Working With State' in Fault Tolerance Section of Stream Programming Guide 19 November 2015, 12:43:26 UTC
5495d93 [FLINK-3017] [Docu] Fix broken 'Slots' link on Streaming Guide. This closes #1357 19 November 2015, 12:43:26 UTC
0e80b05 [docs] Add note about Znode root config for HA setups 19 November 2015, 11:25:24 UTC
821bcf5 [doc] Fix JavaDoc of ElasticsearchSink This closes #1367. 19 November 2015, 10:03:15 UTC
f9a4d57 [FLINK-3036] [gelly] Fix Graph.fromCsvReader method in Gelly's Scala API The Graph.fromCsvReader in Gelly's Scala API returns a wrongly typed Graph instance because the implementation contains code paths with return types which are not compatible. This lead to a bad user experience. This commit fixes this. However, it also introduces a slightly different behaviour and is thus API breaking. Before there were parameters hasEdgeValues and readVertices which controlled whether edge values and vertices shall be read. This is now implicitly controlled by the types of the vertex and edge value. If the type is NullValue for the edge values then the edge value won't be read from the given csv file. If the vertex value type is NullValue, then all vertices will have a value of a NullValue instance. If the pathVertices is not specified and the vertex value type is unequal to NullValue, then the vertexValueInitializer is used for the initialization. Add documentation for Gelly's Scala API method Graph.fromCsvReader This closes #1370. 19 November 2015, 10:03:14 UTC
3a300e6 [FLINK-3013] [gelly] Incorrect package declaration in GellyScalaAPICompletenessTest.scala This closes #1356. 19 November 2015, 10:03:14 UTC
db456a7 [FLINK-3040] [docs] Add docs for State Backends 19 November 2015, 09:27:46 UTC
ef70909 [hotfix] [streaming] Fix instantiation of state backends from state backend factory. 19 November 2015, 09:27:46 UTC
a7e799b [FLINK-2989] job cancel button doesn't work on YARN In addition to the REST-compliant "DELETE /jobs/<jobid>", allows cancellation also via a special GET request of the form "GET /jobs/<jobid>/yarn-cancel". That enables us to cancel jobs from the web frontend on YARN while keeping a REST-compliant DELETE alternative. 18 November 2015, 17:56:28 UTC
f5f6750 [hotfix][docs] Replace Count.of() with appropriate Count(Trigger|Evictor).of() 18 November 2015, 10:49:33 UTC
d209cdc [FLINK-3025] [kafka consumer] Bump transitive ZkClient dependency to 0.7 for bugfixes This closes #1365 17 November 2015, 15:12:46 UTC
9895e3e [FLINK-2942] [web dashboard] Fix dangling operators in dataflow visualization This closes #1346 17 November 2015, 15:12:46 UTC
cda00ac [FLINK-2967] Increase timeout for LOCAL_HOST address detection strategy, give the local host address a higher priority This closes #1391 17 November 2015, 15:12:45 UTC
d8ed8f2 [FLINK-2879] [docs] Fixed broken links on the architecture page This closes #1348 17 November 2015, 15:12:45 UTC
42bef80 [FLINK-3024] Fix TimestampExtractor.getCurrentWatermark() Behaviour Previously the internal currentWatermark would be updated even if the value returned from getCurrentWatermark was lower than the current watermark. This can lead to problems with chaining because the watermark is directly forwarded without going through the watermark logic that ensures correct behaviour (monotonically increasing). This adds a test that verifies that the timestamp extractor does not emit decreasing watermarks. 17 November 2015, 13:38:22 UTC
7c4cde3 [FLINK-2977] Using reflection to load HBase Kerberos tokens This closes #1342 16 November 2015, 13:33:01 UTC
a5950a2 [docs] change baseurl of docs to 0.10 13 November 2015, 15:04:52 UTC
273f714 [docs] Update HA docs with YARN and state backend configuration 13 November 2015, 13:59:09 UTC
b39dfdd [docs] update version and stable version links 13 November 2015, 13:34:22 UTC
715d33b [FLINK-2966][web-dashboard] Improve the way job duration is reported 10 November 2015, 15:03:16 UTC
c0fe305 [FLINK-2992] Remove use of SerializationUtils 10 November 2015, 11:40:45 UTC
c098377 [hotfix] Check for null in StreamSource.cancel() 10 November 2015, 11:40:45 UTC
5716659 [FLINK-2990] Fix Flink on YARN for Scala 2.11 09 November 2015, 17:31:47 UTC
7028301 [FLINK-2982][cli] Fix to show streaming plans via info option. 09 November 2015, 17:14:16 UTC
66b124b [FLINK-2987] Remove jersey-core and jersey-client dependency exclusion to make Flink on Hadoop 2.6.0+ work This closes #1340 09 November 2015, 16:08:30 UTC
061e1f9 [FLINK-2730] remove Apache License incompatible chart library 09 November 2015, 14:51:48 UTC
326d066 [release][scripts] fix typo in release script 09 November 2015, 14:51:48 UTC
7a56e7c [dist] Bring LICENSE file up to speed 09 November 2015, 13:47:22 UTC
dd81e9a [hotfix] Remove DEPENDENCIES file. Previously, this fiel pointed to the different versions of the LICENSE and NOTICE files (source version, bin version). Since we dropped the convenience binary distribution LICENSE and NOTICE files and only ship the source release related ones, this is no longer necessary. 09 November 2015, 13:47:15 UTC
9de0cc7 [hotfix] [tests] Tests in flink-tests suppress log output by default 09 November 2015, 13:47:08 UTC
4ca2660 [hotfix] [tests] Fix manual tests to properly start testing cluster. 09 November 2015, 13:46:59 UTC
7f312d1 [FLINK-2979] Fix RollingSink truncate for Hadoop 2.7 The problem was, that truncate is asynchronous and the RollingSink was not taking this into account. Now it has a loop after the truncate call that waits until the file is actually truncated. This also changes the Hadoop 2.6 travis build to 2.7, instead. 06 November 2015, 18:47:55 UTC
63d92c7 [FLINK-2938] [docs] Update docs for key/value state 05 November 2015, 18:50:26 UTC
af05911 [FLINK-2968] [streaming] Let AbstractUdfStreamOperator forward output type information to WindowFunction The fold operation needs the output type information to serialize the initial value of it. Therefore, the OutputTypeConfigurable interface was defined. It is called by the StreamGraph upon adding a StreamOperator to the StreamGraph. Since some stream operators, such as the window stream operator, don't work directly on the data, but instead call a WindowFunction for the actual logic, the output type information has to be forwarded to this function to set output type information at the right place. Thus, the AbstractUdfStreamOperator checks whether its udf function supports the OutputTypeConfigurable interface. If this is the case, then it forwards the output type information to the udf. 04 November 2015, 18:47:19 UTC
81f8c05 [FLINK-2903][web-dashboard] Format numeric values of received/sent counters. 04 November 2015, 11:42:15 UTC
9bd27ca [FLINK-2943][web-dashboard] Rename bytes/records read/written to received/sent. [hotfix][web-dashboard] Fix taskmanager charts legend. 04 November 2015, 11:41:10 UTC
f1bf282 [FLINK-2964] [runtime] Fix broken spilling of MutableHashTable The HashPartition did not count properly the number of occupied memory segments, because it excluded the memory segments of the BuildSideBuffer. That caused the MutableHashTable to fail when trying to spill a partition which did not have any overflow segments. This PR fixes the problem by also counting the memory segments of the BuildSideBuffer. 04 November 2015, 10:32:58 UTC
e83bf74 [FLINK-2918] Add methods to read Hadoop SequenceFiles. 04 November 2015, 08:20:24 UTC
199e7d0 [FLINK-2958] Remove hard coded number of execution retries 03 November 2015, 15:33:20 UTC
630aae6 [FLINK-2930] Respect ExecutionConfig execution retry delay - fix hard-coded defaults 03 November 2015, 15:33:17 UTC
bd81abb [release][scripts] deploy Scala 2.11 version to Maven 03 November 2015, 15:29:26 UTC
a77d21d [web-frontend] Fix README to to reflect the latest changes 02 November 2015, 21:41:40 UTC
8a4f6f0 [FLINK-2939] add cancel button to web frontend 02 November 2015, 21:41:18 UTC
2009ca1 [FLINK-2953] fix chaining of sortPartition() calls in Scala DataSet API - Added tests for Scala DataSet sortPartition 02 November 2015, 21:41:10 UTC
ccddf5d [hotfix] remove Special LICENSE/NOTICE for binary release 02 November 2015, 21:41:05 UTC
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