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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
f21d9b4 Change bilinear map for low-res case to use TempestRemap The bilinear map used for the ne30np4.pg2 and EC30to60E2r2 grid combination is changed to one generated using TempestRemap. This will allow coupling with offline maps to better match coupling with online maps which use the same algorithm from TempestRemap to calculate the weights. [non-BFB] for cases using ne30np4.pg2 and EC30to60E2r2 08 September 2023, 21:37:00 UTC
88ee186 Merge branch 'bishtgautam/lnd/fix-domain-decomp-test' (PR #5773) The land test for simple domain decomposition, which uses 2 threads, is moved to the e3sm_land_exenoshare. [BFB] 03 July 2023, 16:39:03 UTC
f1fe0cd Merge branch 'bishtgautam/lnd/add-mpi-barrier' (PR #5741) A namelist option (mpi_sync_nstep_freq) is added to allow ELM to call an MPI_Barrier. By default, the MPI_Barrier is not called. [BFB] 03 July 2023, 16:37:53 UTC
9e17b77 Merge branch 'cbegeman/ocn/fixup-loglaw-impl-bottom-drag' (PR #5734) Fix ocean implicit bottom drag using log law-of-the-wall Improves the log law-of-the-wall formulation for implicit bottom drag (notation Cd for the drag coefficient is used below): * Change the config option name so that it is more consistent with other formulations, i.e. config_implicit_bottom_drag_type = 'loglaw' * Change several hard-coded parameters to config options (i.e., min and max Cd values, roughness length) * Modify the formulation so that layer thicknesses less than 2 times the roughness length can be used and still offer reasonable solutions for Cd. This requires simultaneously modifying the vertical viscosity so that the total drag applied is consistent with the log law-of-the-wall (and the previous formulation). * Extend the applicability of the formulation to multi-layer configurations. Previously, the computation implicitly assumed that the log-law was only being used in single layer configurations. The extension to multi-layer configurations required adding the bottom drag term to each k-level in the tridiagonal matrix. This motivated separating the log law-of-the-wall formulation into its own subroutine since the tridiagonal matrix differs in construction from the Manning's formulation. [NML] [BFB] - stealth feature 23 June 2023, 15:27:00 UTC
cb80b02 Moves a land test to a different test suite The land test for simple domain decomposition, which uses 2 threads, is moved to the `e3sm_land_exenoshare`. [BFB] 22 June 2023, 01:55:34 UTC
bfc21ee Merge branch 'xylar/mpas/update-qu480-qu240-partitions' (PR #5635) Update ocean and sea-ice partitions for 6 E3SM v1 meshes used in testing New partition files are created for: * oQU480 * oQU240 * oQU240wLI * oQU120 * oEC60to30v3 * oRRS18to6v3 The new partitions subdirectory contains many more partition files that should hopefully avoid missing partition issues plaguing some developers The new sea-ice partition files are load-balanced so that each core gets a fraction of both polar and equatorial regions. This is not a concern for the first 4 meshes because they are very small but it is not a bad idea for the last 2 meshes. [NML] [non-BFB] potentially for some mpas analysis member output 21 June 2023, 18:25:02 UTC
36a2e47 Merge branch 'whannah/atm/add-interpolated-btau-output' (#5759) This adds optional versions of variables such as "BTAUXSn28" interpolated to specific pressure levels (100 mb, 50 mb ,30 mb ,10 mb) to assist in diagnosing the QBO. These history variables are the parameterized convective gravity wave drag at each wave phase speed. The new variables will not be output be default so this change will not impact any tests or configurations. [BFB] 20 June 2023, 17:57:39 UTC
5ba7ba0 Add new mpaso loglaw_impl_bot_drag testdef and stealth test 20 June 2023, 16:50:02 UTC
d3ba9f9 Merge branch 'bishtgautam/lnd/domain-decomp' (PR #5690) Initial check-in of a 'simple' domain decomposition for ELM in which the number of active land grid cells are divided by the number of clumps. [BFB] 19 June 2023, 17:47:50 UTC
aa7f492 Changes the compset for the new test 16 June 2023, 17:17:32 UTC
b22634f Merge branch 'xylar/ocn/allow-standalone-builds-without-adios' (PR #5732) Add HAVE_ADIOS=false CPP flag for PIO without ADIOS in MPAS framework This allows us to build standalone MPAS components with ParallelIO (which doesn't support ADIOS) instead of SCORPIO. [BFB] 16 June 2023, 16:28:10 UTC
bdc9b41 Merge branch 'jonbob/mpaso/remove-extra-char' (PR #5765) Remove extraneous character from openacc directive Removes the extra continuation char "&" @amametjanov found while testing the PGI (or nvhpc) compiler when compiling for a GPU run. Fixes #5764 [BFB] 16 June 2023, 16:22:36 UTC
b9c1a8c Merge branch 'sbrus89/ocn/manufactured_solution' (PR #5725) Add a manufactured solution to MPAS-Ocean This PR adds the tendencies necessary for a manufactured solution test case in MPAS-Ocean. A convergence study that uses this feature has been added to the polaris package. [NML] [BFB] 15 June 2023, 18:29:33 UTC
346363a Merge branch E3SM-Project/ndk/machinefiles/pm-cpu-update-intel-2023.1.0 (PR #5757) On pm-cpu, Update module version of intel compiler 15 June 2023, 15:52:31 UTC
06c9d08 Remove extraneous character from openacc directive 15 June 2023, 15:32:29 UTC
ebad771 Merge branch 'crterai/eam/zm_conv_pbltgfix' (PR #5729) Fix data type for pblt, pbltg, and pblt600 in zm_conv Fixes the data type of pblt, pbltg, and pblt600 so that they are declared integers rather than real. Fixes #5724 [BFB] * crterai/eam/zm_conv_pbltgfix: Fix pblt data type in misc_diagnostics.F90 Fix pblt, pbltg, and pblt600 type so that they are integers 15 June 2023, 14:06:16 UTC
ea6491a Merge branch 'ambrad/hommexx/hasher1' (PR #5751) EAMxx can print a global hash value before and after each process. Since Hommexx is a large EAMxx process, we want finer-grained hashing in Hommexx. This feature optionally outputs a global hash value after each boundary exchange and, at higher diagnostics level, before the boundary exchange, as well. Add internal_diagnostics_level = 1 or 2 (higher) to the Homme namelist to enable it. The default value is 0 (none). One HOMMEBFB test runs with internal_diagnostics_level = 2. infrastructure_ut unit tests the basic hashing routines. e3sm_developer and homme_integration pass on Chrysalis. [BFB] 14 June 2023, 18:06:41 UTC
f2bb28f Merge branch 'xylar/mpas-ocean/add-prescribed-land-ice-fluxes' (PR #5698) Add data ice-shelf melt fluxes (DISMF) configuration This merge adds a new package and mode for data melt fluxes. When `config_land_ice_flux_mode = 'data'`, land-ice freshwater and sensible-heat fluxes are assigned from the prescribed fields, which can be read in at initialization or from a stream. This merge renames existing compsets from `ISMF` to `PISMF` (prognostic ice-shelf melt fluxes) and adds new `DISMF` compsets. [BFB] for all currently tested configurations 14 June 2023, 16:38:06 UTC
9adc18d Rework tests to add one to e3sm_developer and remove from extra_coverage 13 June 2023, 20:40:13 UTC
953a1f3 Update bld files to be consistent with Registry 13 June 2023, 17:24:13 UTC
d264d0a change gw dummy var dimension to pcols 13 June 2023, 15:35:40 UTC
5cc1780 Update bld files to match Registry using the scripts 13 June 2023, 15:20:47 UTC
3fa5bfc Merge branch 'bogensch/atm/SCM_refactor' into master (PR #5406) This PR represents a long overdue cleanup/refactor for routines related to the single column model (SCM). Specifically, this PR: 1. Removes all hooks for the SCM in the Eulerian dynamical core (as if it never happened). The SCM has not worked nor been supported with the Eulerian dynamical core in E3SM for a number of years. 2. Renames the ill-named forecast.F90 routine to apply_iop_forcing.F90. In addition, this routine has been substantially cleaned up, refactored, and streamlined with much unused code (from seemingly the 1950’s) removed. apply_iop_forcing.F90 now contains two routines, one which applies the large scale forcing and the other which nudges the SCM to the IOP observations. 3. Refactors scamMod.F90 (where IOP information is read in). The largest change being that setiopupdate routine has been broken into two with the addition of a setiopupdate_init routine. 4. Removes a very out-dated block of code in clubb_intr.F90 that had case specific adjustments (which were never used in E3SM SCM as the case names never matched the ones specified in the code). 5. Removes the SCM column radiation mode (scm_crm_mode), which has never been functional nor supported within the E3SM SCM. 6. Renames a number of routines/files that had explicit usage of "SCM" or "single_column" to something more general since they are now shared by the SCM and DP-CRM. 7. Makes general cleanups, purging of unused variables, sensical variable name modifications, and cosmetic changes in several routines as seen fit. All e3sm_atm_developer tests pass on NERSC (Perlmutter). This PR is b4b, EXCEPT for SCM cases that use Temperature forcing that includes vertical transport. The reason is that in order to make the application of the IOP forcing code modular, a subtle change in the order of operations of computations was necessary. This leads to roundoff level differences. 13 June 2023, 14:56:42 UTC
574f24e Update bld files to match Registry 12 June 2023, 21:18:01 UTC
970826d add BTAU variables interpolated to pressure levels 12 June 2023, 19:12:26 UTC
e18bdf1 On pm-cpu, Update module version of intel compiler 12 June 2023, 15:09:34 UTC
f3bac4d Add review comments from Carolyn Begeman 09 June 2023, 17:30:21 UTC
e43bac5 Fix Registy variable description typos 09 June 2023, 17:24:06 UTC
2878a16 Hommexx: Fix header guards. 09 June 2023, 00:08:34 UTC
3562c6a Hommexx: Add state hash output capability for diagnosing run-to-run non-BFBness. EAMxx can print a global hash value before and after each process. Since Hommexx is a large EAMxx process, we want finer-grained hashing in Hommexx. This feature optionally outputs a global hash value after each boundary exchange and, at higher diagnostics level, before the boundary exchange, as well. Add internal_diagnostics_level = 1 or 2 (higher) to the Homme namelist to enable it. The default value is 0 (none). 08 June 2023, 23:34:29 UTC
d1388dd Merge branch 'jgfouca/remove_cori' into master (PR #5742) Remove cori cime_config settings. Machine has been decommissioned. [BFB] 08 June 2023, 19:38:54 UTC
f497cb9 Merge branch 'proteanplanet/seaice/vvelbugfix' (PR #5619) Fix high-frequency sea ice coupling to use ice v-vel component in atmospheric boundary layer Fixes atmospheric boundary layer calculations when high frequency coupling is switched on by ensuring that both the u- and v-component of sea ice velocity is used in turbulent atmospheric flux calculations. This change does not affect the current standard configuration of E3SM on ECwISC30to60E2r1 and EC30to60E2r2 meshes, but it is non-BFB on all other meshes, including the NARRM. [non-BFB] with active seaice on for all grids except EC30to60E2r2 and ECwISC30to60E2r1 08 June 2023, 17:10:29 UTC
d53c925 Merge branch 'bishtgautam/lnd/debug-tests' (PR #5599) Creates a new test suite, e3sm_land_debug, in which multiple existing land tests are moved with debugging turned on. DIFFs for some existing land tests and replaces some land tests with DEBUG versions [non-BFB] 08 June 2023, 16:25:13 UTC
4a5d565 Fixup merge conflicts 08 June 2023, 15:09:19 UTC
bcf74ff Update bld files to match Registry 08 June 2023, 14:56:17 UTC
bfd14de Move loglaw to separate function 08 June 2023, 14:55:21 UTC
ed1b81e Make depth threshold a config option 08 June 2023, 14:47:57 UTC
0151bd4 Add drag to multiple levels 08 June 2023, 14:47:49 UTC
f0f7271 Apply drag over multiple layers 08 June 2023, 14:46:48 UTC
71bdd55 fixup implicitCd 08 June 2023, 14:44:54 UTC
c001d50 Modify log-law to remove lower limit on layerThickness 08 June 2023, 14:44:54 UTC
1ef85be Replace log-law hard-coded values with config options 08 June 2023, 14:44:54 UTC
0598f98 Bugfix to loglaw drag 08 June 2023, 14:44:43 UTC
0bd0617 Merge branch 'azamat/chrys-test-pes/add-a-node-to-bgc-runs' (PR #5743) Add a node to allactive BGC nightly runs on Chrysalis. Prior 4-node cases were running into OOM errors. [NML] - for 2 allactive BGC cases [BFB] 07 June 2023, 17:16:23 UTC
123c956 Merge branch 'mark-petersen/ocn/linear-momentum-option' (PR #5662) Add ocean linearization options This PR adds two options that may be turned on in order to run the ocean momentum and thickness equation in linearized form. These two settings are: 1. Momentum equation: Turn off nonlinear advection. This is usually written as u dot grad(u) but in the TRiSK formulation, we (equivalently) turn off the terms grad(KE) and eta * uperp where eta is relative vorticity. This is now set with the new flag config_disable_vel_hadv = .true. 2. Thickness equation: The advection term div(h*u) is linearized to use a constant layer thickness in time, div(H*u), where H is taken from the restingThickness variable. This option is set with config_thickness_flux_type = 'constant'. Note that the previous flag config_disable_vel_coriolis would remain .false. for linear tests. Previously the flag config_disable_vel_coriolis was inappropriately named and turned off both the coriolis and advection terms. Now config_disable_vel_coriolis controls the coriolis term only. These new options will allow us to compare against analytic solutions to the shallow water equations, such as Kelvin waves and inertia-gravity waves. [NML] [BFB] 07 June 2023, 16:38:31 UTC
03d3e1d Merge branch 'wlin/atm/revert_aqueouschemistry_bugfix' (PR #5744) Revert aqueous chemistry bugfix PR Aqueous chemistry bugfix PR #5723 is climate changing even for v2 compset. This reverts commit c633ff0 to revert the climate changing behavior for default master compsets (v2-like) due to #5723. [CC] 06 June 2023, 15:29:08 UTC
0506a8d Update bld files to match Registry 06 June 2023, 15:15:46 UTC
1d53e0e Revert "Merge branch 'JiwenFan/E3SM/aqueouschemsitry_bugfix' (PR #5723)" This reverts commit c633ff013b7c6a61d2c25e183897cd7c355013e6, reversing changes made to b9e8b1bb91d9663e1b4bb77fbe23404ae16af365. 05 June 2023, 21:14:02 UTC
c3f189d Add a node to allactive BGC nightly runs on Chrysalis Prior 4-node cases were running into OOM errors. 05 June 2023, 21:05:18 UTC
2681d31 Remove cori cime_config settings Machine has been decommissioned. [BFB] 05 June 2023, 20:43:23 UTC
2a8637e Merge branch 'bartgol/hommexx-use-kokkos-from-ekat' into master (PR #5721) Homme: remove kokkos submodule, use Kokkos from EKAT submodule This PR removes the submodule in externals/kokkos, and uses kokkos from externals/ekat/extern/kokkos instead. Both homme_integration and e3sm_atm_developer pass on chrysalis. Fixes #5417 [BFB] 05 June 2023, 19:49:27 UTC
671e51a Merge branch 'azamat/tests/superbfb-mpassi' (PR #5601) Add initial superBFB tests for MPAS-Seaice. [BFB] 04 June 2023, 03:02:18 UTC
7ebb6b4 Merge branch 'xyuan/e3sm_sunspot' (PR #5685) Add sunspot aurora test machine to E3SM for both cpu and gpu using oneAPI compiler. [BFB] 04 June 2023, 02:39:27 UTC
a9ad253 Updates a comment 03 June 2023, 03:50:37 UTC
414b3d8 Run longer ERS_Ld3 C-case witth faster 2-thread PEs 02 June 2023, 22:52:42 UTC
68a6c07 Fix whitespace 02 June 2023, 22:06:25 UTC
55c7e3d Adds a ELM namelist option to add a MPI_Barrier A namelist option (`mpi_sync_nstep_freq`) is added to allow ELM to call a MPI_Barrier. By default, the MPI_Barrier is not called. [BFB] 02 June 2023, 20:00:10 UTC
08dad16 Merge branch 'xylar/mpas-seaice/new-partition-files' (PR #5611) Update partitions for 4 MPAS-Seaice meshes This merge points to new partition files for each of the following 4 MPAS-Seaice meshes. Each mesh has about 400 files that are expected to support nearly any conceivable core count. Meshes with updated partitions: * EC30to60E2r2 * ECwISC30to60E2r1 * SOwISC12to60E2r4 * WC14to60E2r3 The partition files are better load-balanced, since each core owns cells in both polar and equatorial regions. [NML] [non-BFB] only for mpassi globalStats files for these meshes does not change the seaice state 02 June 2023, 18:45:41 UTC
3341466 add module fabric due to the module system changes on sunspot 02 June 2023, 12:57:48 UTC
5cdb006 Add E3SM tests for DISMF 02 June 2023, 02:06:19 UTC
4984e6b Add DISMF compsets 02 June 2023, 02:06:19 UTC
2315b02 Switch compset names ISMF --> PISMF 02 June 2023, 02:06:19 UTC
67784fe Add data ISMF capability for E3SM runs 02 June 2023, 02:06:19 UTC
ddfdecf Add option to use data (prescribed) melt fluxes This merge adds a new package and mode for prescribed melt fluxes. When config_land_ice_flux_mode = 'data', land-ice freshwater and sensible-heat fluxes are assigned from the prescirbed fields, which can be read in at initializaiton or from a stream. 02 June 2023, 02:06:19 UTC
adc11c4 Remove trailing whitespace 02 June 2023, 02:06:19 UTC
0da078f Merge branch 'xylar/ocn/allow-debug-tracers-for-single-layer' (PR #5720) Warn if debugTracers enabled with single layer in RK4 Recently, it had been made a critical error when debugTracers are used with RK4 in single-layer mode. This was because this configuration is incompatible with many single-layer test cases. However, we would also shown that the cosine-bell advection test case does work with debugTracers and single layer. To support this case, we switch from a critical error to a warning in this merge. [BFB] - only used by mpaso standalone 31 May 2023, 16:29:09 UTC
ab3031b Update logic for HAVE_ADIOS in Makefile 31 May 2023, 15:28:21 UTC
a266fc3 Update bld namelist files 31 May 2023, 12:11:14 UTC
2dad03a move config_thickness_flux_type to advection namelist section 31 May 2023, 12:11:14 UTC
95a74fa Add suggestions by Carolyn 31 May 2023, 12:11:14 UTC
73d4db4 correct logic when all three terms are off 31 May 2023, 12:11:14 UTC
27ef608 remove config_linearize_thick_hadv 31 May 2023, 12:11:13 UTC
3f2dd09 add option config_thickness_flux_type = constant 31 May 2023, 12:11:13 UTC
fc9e07c Add option to remove momentum advection 31 May 2023, 12:11:13 UTC
498610f Switch to `HAVE_ADIOS` CPP flag 30 May 2023, 19:34:06 UTC
b983b30 Merge branch 'wlin/atm/fix_linozv3_ncol_pcols_mismatch' (PR #5683) Fix ncol/pcols mismatch in linv3_strat_chem_solve Array elements in fields data structure used by linozv3 has the shape of (pcols,pver). They are used in array operation for locally declared array of (ncol,pver). ncol and pcols are not always the same. Run with pm-cpu_gnu debug mode would catch the mismatch and abort the run. In non-debug mode, or with other machines/compilers, though the run could proceed, array elements in the first dimension beyond legitimate ncol would be used (e.g. shifted to next column or the level below, successively). The computed results are unintended, if not outright invalid. Fixes #5661 [BFB] for existing tests. [Non-BFB] for compsets using Linozv3 * wlin/atm/fix_linozv3_ncol_pcols_mismatch: Fix ncol/pcols mismatch in linv3_strat_chem_solve 30 May 2023, 17:54:04 UTC
504511e Merge branch 'azamat/atm-scm/nest-array-ref-in-scm_multcols' (PR #5544) Protect SCM array refs with SCM logicals Split an if-conjunction into nested if-stmts to avoid eager if-condition evaluation, which can lead to illegal array-reference. [BFB] * azamat/atm-scm/nest-array-ref-in-scm_multcols: Protect SCM array refs with SCM logicals 30 May 2023, 17:50:53 UTC
c633ff0 Merge branch 'JiwenFan/E3SM/aqueouschemsitry_bugfix' (PR #5723) Aqueous chemistry bug fix This PR is for fixing the the aqueous chemistry bug where total condensate (liquid +ice) mass mixing ratio was used for the SO2 aqueous chemistry process. The problem is that only liquid water mass mixing ratio should be used here. The bug was found because P3 produces more ice mass which leads to a much larger sulfate production from aqueous chemistry compared to MG2. By working together with Dick Easter, we identified this problem and we also got confirmed from NCAR. Fixes #5713 [CC] 30 May 2023, 17:42:11 UTC
96824ae Fix variable conflict 30 May 2023, 14:47:38 UTC
b9e8b1b Merge branch 'mingxuanwupnnl/atm/decouple_chemUCI_VBS_SOA' (PR #5719) Add chem mech file for decoupling chemUCI and VBS SOA This small PR aims to 1. decouple chemUCI and VBS SOA. Two files are added. - is for final chemistry-aerosol chem mech in, which has chemUCI+MAM5+VBS SOA - is for chemUCI+MAM4+VBS SOA Note that it also needs to change user_nl_eam for decoupling chemUCI and VBS SOA, which can be done in runscript for now. 2. Change if statement so that adding history_verbose won't remove Mass_xx output, and correct Mass_so4 for MAM5 strat sulfate (including so4_a5 and so4_c5). [BFB] For tests with present v2-like compsets and for v3-like tests with chemUCI-Linozv3 alone 28 May 2023, 02:01:34 UTC
d26724e Merge branch 'tangq/atm/exp_sol' (PR #5718) Change explicit solver equation for SO2 and H2SO4 SO2 and H2SO4 can be dead zeros due to aerosol processes, which fails the debug test with intel compiler and non-debug tests with pm-cpu_gnu. These test failures could be overcome if imposing a limiter. This PR implements a different equation in the explicit solver for these two tracers to avoid the issues without a limiter. Since SO2 and H2SO4 are handled by the implicit solver, instead of the explicit solver, in v2 compsets, this PR is BFB for v2 tests. Fixes #5646, #5648 [BFB] Tests not using chemUCI are not affected. Tests using chemUCI will be NBFB. 28 May 2023, 01:57:11 UTC
33dcee7 Fix pblt data type in misc_diagnostics.F90 26 May 2023, 23:01:20 UTC
362cd08 use qsub throttle to allow batch submit jobs one after another for regression test 26 May 2023, 21:36:24 UTC
e4de681 Remove kokkos submodule 26 May 2023, 20:45:39 UTC
a3cedc4 Update buildlib.kokkos to use kokkos from EKAT 26 May 2023, 20:45:39 UTC
7315e88 Homme: use Kokkos from EKAT submodule 26 May 2023, 20:45:36 UTC
6a3a1d0 Add ADIOS=false CPP flag for PIO without ADIOS This allows us to build standalone MPAS components with ParallelIO (which doesn't support ADIOS) instead of SCORPIO. We need to use ParallelIO if we want to build ESMF and MPAS standalone components with the same ParallelIO. 26 May 2023, 19:15:56 UTC
2fb2ec6 Protect SCM array refs with SCM logicals Split an if-conjunction into nested if-stmts to avoid eager if-condition evaluation, which can lead to illegal array-reference. 26 May 2023, 18:26:46 UTC
356e12c change cnst_OH/O3/NO3 to prsd_OH/O3/NO3 in vbs chem mech files 26 May 2023, 17:47:38 UTC
89fea95 Merge branch 'jonbob/seaice/add-column-tests' (PR #5651) First D-case column test of sea ice model The first step in creating a D-case column test. DTESTM-COL switches off dynamics. Note that only the namelist option: config_use_dynamics = false needs to be set. This also switches off advection, so that config_use_advection = true can left as is in the namelist, as can config_use_velocity_solver = true. The compset can be employed with resolution T62_oQU480 for quick execution (see oQU480 grid below), and has been set up in as the -s sandbox -c DC configuration. [BFB] 26 May 2023, 15:35:44 UTC
3fc7318 Fix pblt, pbltg, and pblt600 type so that they are integers 25 May 2023, 23:13:25 UTC
fe944ef Add mpas_ocn_manufactured_solution.F to ocean.cmake 25 May 2023, 22:00:40 UTC
8f7f58f Fix pattern matching 25 May 2023, 20:28:42 UTC
e7dfbb4 Add comments for explicit solver tendency diagnostics 25 May 2023, 20:14:45 UTC
c5c3c5d Remove comment 25 May 2023, 18:44:34 UTC
ad93c29 Calculate omega value for manufactured solution internally 25 May 2023, 18:14:46 UTC
7353947 Change comment Co-authored-by: Carolyn Begeman <> 25 May 2023, 16:55:36 UTC
b0bdc2b Add manufacutred solution tendencies 25 May 2023, 15:53:14 UTC
a877d9c Warn if debugTracers enabled with single layer in RK4 Recently, it had been made a critical error when debugTracers are used with RK4 in single-layer mode. This was because this configuration is incompatible with many single-layer test cases. However, we would also shown that the cosine-bell advection test case does work with debugTracers and single layer. To support this case, we switch from a critical error to a warning in this merge. 25 May 2023, 14:31:42 UTC
b8aaf4f Merge branch 'sarats/machines/crayflags' (PR #5686) Cray compilers: Remove obsolete flags * '-h byteswapio' is a remnant from old Cray configs. * '-N 255' needs to be removed for free-format files using Cray GPU configurations. [BFB] 25 May 2023, 03:50:11 UTC
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