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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
7486ae2 Fix crash on /pluginname path 01 November 2022, 17:32:07 UTC
e1b2d8f Set SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT 01 November 2022, 15:48:53 UTC
ffb2e84 httpserver: Add support for WSGI apps For example, with Flask: ``` from supybot import utils, plugins, ircutils, callbacks, httpserver from supybot.commands import * from supybot.i18n import PluginInternationalization _ = PluginInternationalization('TestWsgi') from flask import Flask, request, render_template app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/") def hello_world(): return "<p>Hello, World!</p>" @app.route('/login/', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def login(): error = None if request.method == 'POST': if request.form['username'] == 'root' \ and request.form['password'] == 'admin': return 'Hello root' else: return 'Error: Invalid username/password' # the code below is executed if the request method # was GET or the credentials were invalid return ''' <form method="POST" action="."> <label for="username">Username: <input name="username" id="username" /> </label> <label for="password">Password: <input name="password" id="password" type="password" /> </label> <input type="Submit" /> </form> ''' class TestWsgi(callbacks.Plugin): """Test Flask""" def __init__(self, irc): self.__parent = super(TestWsgi, self) callbacks.Plugin.__init__(self, irc) httpserver.hook('testwsgi', app) def die(self): self.__parent.die() httpserver.unhook('testwsgi') Class = TestWsgi ``` 31 October 2022, 21:13:56 UTC
4da1291 URL: Lazily deserialize records from the end in @last Before this commit, the plugin first fetched a list of all (deserialized) records in a list, then reversed the list, and iterated on the reverse list. This proved to be slow, with most of the time being spent in `dbi.DB._newRecord` (which essentially deserializes one list of CSV). After this commit, the list is reversed first, then the plugin iterates on its generator, which calls `_newRecord` on records as they are requested. This means that when there are many URLs in the database, `@last` does not need to waste time deserializing most records, when the result is near the end (and if the result is the first record, then it does exactly as much work as before). 30 October 2022, 19:46:35 UTC
f4ac7f8 RSS: Don't crash on invalid variable name It's confusing not to have feedback on IRC when a variable name is typoed. 28 October 2022, 20:41:43 UTC
77805ff irclib: Abort authentication when server fails SCRAM challenge Will be tested by irctest: 28 October 2022, 13:00:58 UTC
e9a29e9 irclib: Fix crashes on ecdsa/scram signature failures 28 October 2022, 12:57:57 UTC
b0525bc Double default peekSize We bumped it to 8kB in 2015, but it is starting to be an issue again. 28 October 2022, 12:22:44 UTC
2cfc821 Web: Allow configuring higher peekSize on Youtube 28 October 2022, 12:18:52 UTC
009b900 Make TimeoutQueue.iter() actually expire items It is functionally fine not to, but causes objects to never be freed if iter() is the only method called on the queue (ie. no enqueue/dequeue, len(), ...) 24 October 2022, 21:43:52 UTC
2c5dc40 test: Revert generic 'The Limnoria Contributors' in copyright notices I forgot to include these in 63eb6672eac794a9c39dec87db3aa45147e06974 (This is fine because noone but me touched these files since the initial change in db7ef3f02517f9f2a3c56829a22b9fad3c36e374). 24 October 2022, 21:41:26 UTC
47253e0 Add test for structures.TimeoutQueue.__iter__ 24 October 2022, 21:21:11 UTC
d0a484c Sort remaining nondeterministc sets of values Closes GH-1516 20 October 2022, 16:35:58 UTC
dc94f8d registry: Default to sorting sets of values Not sorting them causes the config file to change when the bot writes it, because order is nondeterministic. This is usually fine, but can be annoying when configs are deployed with Ansible. Closes GH-1516 14 October 2022, 21:15:11 UTC
8c17505 User: Sort output of @capabilities It's more readable than a random order. 13 October 2022, 19:46:50 UTC
a6aa553 Ensure files written with AtomicFile are read in UTF8 With some locale configurations (not that uncommon on CentOS), open() may default to non-UTF8 encodings (eg. ANSI_X3.4-1968). This is usually not an issue, because we use open() both for writing and reading. However, AtomicFile implicitly enforces UTF8; which needs to be mirrored when reading. 06 October 2022, 07:49:42 UTC
b1cfb87 String: allow multi-character inputs in "ord" and "unicodename" This allows them to support emoji ZWJ sequences, which render like one character but are actually multiple. 06 October 2022, 06:31:22 UTC
35bf599 utils/web: Add <br/> to the list of block elements It should always be replaced with a space. 20 September 2022, 05:51:46 UTC
169824a Math: make `@icalc` fail early when result is too large This avoids inconsistent errors between CPython 3.10.7 and older versions; and the result would not be readable anyway. Closes GH-1517. 18 September 2022, 18:06:34 UTC
acdae12 Bump CI version from 3.11.0-alpha.2 to 3.11.0-rc.2 18 September 2022, 18:06:34 UTC
bc3a441 Poll: Make answers case-insensitive 18 September 2022, 17:25:48 UTC
200acdf registry: Normalize values before checking they are valid Otherwise, normalization is useless, and gives a surprising error message, such as: ``` <user> config plugins.rss.sortfeeditems oldestfirst <bot> Error: Valid values include 'asInFeed', 'oldestFirst', 'newestFirst', 'outdatedFirst', and 'updatedFirst', not 'oldestFirst'. ``` 07 September 2022, 10:31:22 UTC
86b3896 MessageParser: Ignore chathistory batches To be consistent with commands and PluginRegexp (snarfers) 15 August 2022, 22:23:33 UTC
fccb4f7 RSS: Log feed URL when feedparser.parse raises exceptions 07 August 2022, 17:17:15 UTC
4db32e2 Ctcp: Fix 'RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration' 06 August 2022, 13:09:10 UTC
0780624 Time: Fix typo 06 August 2022, 13:08:51 UTC
b8dce0d Time: Skip new assertions on Python 3.6 so testSeconds passes 02 August 2022, 11:16:21 UTC
8f837a6 Time: Add support for omitting space in @seconds 02 August 2022, 11:01:08 UTC
cd0f9f2 Polls: Make nick matching case-insensitive This prevents the same nick from voting twice by changing the capitalization 31 July 2022, 07:04:27 UTC
28c52c2 Poll: Add @poll list command 30 July 2022, 19:25:47 UTC
2afa3c4 Fediverse: run black 30 July 2022, 19:23:10 UTC
ef08174 commands: Silence noisy logging of command evaluation 29 July 2022, 08:29:48 UTC
ee60431 Add debug logging when skipping SASL mechanisms It is useful to figure out what you forgot to configure 29 July 2022, 08:03:39 UTC
f549ec1 Add debug logging of SASL mechanisms 29 July 2022, 07:45:09 UTC
796f717 requirements.txt: Classify and provide a rationale for each dependency 20 July 2022, 16:31:24 UTC
7b9a944 Remove dependency on 'mock' It is a backport of unittest.mock for Python versions before 3.3, which we do not support anymore. 20 July 2022, 16:25:27 UTC
461c091 Fediverse: Hide channel actor on PeerTube 20 July 2022, 16:15:51 UTC
34f8842 Fediverse: Add support for descriptions with line breaks 20 July 2022, 16:10:14 UTC
2df2bc2 Fediverse: Add support for videos 20 July 2022, 15:57:29 UTC
d67fb2a Autocomplete, Fediverse, Geography, Poll: Run Black 20 July 2022, 15:53:09 UTC
5d8f59b add conditional to respond acc to kick being true or not (#1512) Co-authored-by: Pratyush Desai <> 13 July 2022, 19:02:28 UTC
964acac for #1490 extend usage examples 13 July 2022, 06:56:30 UTC
65d8844 supybot-plugin-doc: default to RST None of the current maintainers are sure what stx is?? 09 July 2022, 21:24:13 UTC
95f6b16 Aka, Alias: replace obsolete LastFM example 09 July 2022, 21:15:57 UTC
988fe08 .gitignore: add doc-* paths from supybot-plugin-doc 09 July 2022, 21:15:33 UTC
96b7f51 callbacks: Ignore chathistory batches in PluginRegexp This is consistent with what we already do with commands; and generally makes sense, as we don't want to re-send titles and others when cycling on UnrealIRCd (which includes a chathistory batch when joining when chmode +H is set, despite umode +B) 06 July 2022, 20:07:37 UTC
3ecb37d test_callbacks: Add PluginRegexpTestCase.testReply to check basic behavior 06 July 2022, 20:05:30 UTC
6a943b8 test_callbacks: Fix PluginRegexpTestCase to actually check regexp callbacks 06 July 2022, 20:04:33 UTC
d00113e PluginDownloader: replace automatic 2to3 step with a simple warning The previous heuristic runs into false positives when imports are merged in More broadly though, it's unlikely automatic 2to3 is particularly useful in 2022 - plugins that were written ~10 years ago are unlikely to work even if syntax errors are fixed. 23 June 2022, 20:31:17 UTC
8ccf2c7 PluginDownloader: drop legacy Python 2-only repos Most of these haven't been updated in ~10 years and are unlikely to work out of the box today (obsolete web APIs, etc.) 23 June 2022, 20:31:17 UTC
b3443a5 setup: Fix install of subpackages when pip-installed from git repositories It seems setuptools needs to be explicitly told to include subpackages in this case. 22 June 2022, 18:31:59 UTC
d04e816 Add ability to exclude channel from self censoring (#1508) 17 June 2022, 14:44:12 UTC
6379a9d supybot-reset-password: Update help string to match the man page 17 June 2022, 07:11:35 UTC
a65960b Add missing man page for supybot-reset-password. 17 June 2022, 07:09:20 UTC
fd04fcc i18n: Validate value of supybot.language 16 June 2022, 22:29:38 UTC
93370b6 utils: Rewrite i18n initialization The previous implementation was messy and needlessly complicated This simplifies the logic and removes hackiness by making utils/ handle internationalization logic itself, instead of bending over backwards to load logic from the parent package at import time. 16 June 2022, 22:05:51 UTC
4a620bf Socket: Use the right variable to initialize the reconnect delay 16 June 2022, 20:35:08 UTC
94d669e Make the minimum reconnect delay configurable 28 May 2022, 11:53:05 UTC
32198d4 i18n: Skip fuzzy strings The German translation currently has at least one fuzzy string with a missing %s; and several translations are completely wrong. 27 April 2022, 20:15:43 UTC
109f938 Implement +draft/channel-context 22 April 2022, 16:30:31 UTC
1d4a43e AutoMode: Fix crash on servers without ISUPPORT PREFIX 16 April 2022, 10:05:43 UTC
94c7c7d supybot-plugin-create: Remove fallback for missing supybot.i18n It is unlikely new plugins will be used on stock Supybot or Gribble. 08 April 2022, 11:02:31 UTC
9ec4eb9 irclib: Fix assertion failure on InspIRCd when Sigyn plugin is loaded 08 April 2022, 10:44:42 UTC
eb6fc93 Web: Fix matching for youtube 04 April 2022, 21:29:47 UTC
21ea999 Time: Add support for UTC offsets as tztime arguments. 04 April 2022, 20:07:06 UTC
4f3d6fc Geograpy: Fix formatting of negative non-integral offsets (and improve others) 04 April 2022, 20:06:19 UTC
088d0f5 irclib: Catch exception from outFilter, as with inFilter 17 March 2022, 21:29:10 UTC
862fca1 conf: Use imports instead of sys.modules to detect module availability `conf.supybot.databases()` may be called without any plugin supporting sqlite3 being loaded yet, which causes `sqlite3` to be missing from `sys.modules`; so it wouldn't be used by plugins loaded afterward. 06 March 2022, 12:39:47 UTC
d58d8d4 conf: Prioritize sqlite3 over sqlalchemy in supybot.databases It's usually a better choice for plugins that implement both 06 March 2022, 12:39:41 UTC
9e995d8 conf: Remove 'sqlite' module from supybot.databases It is wholy replaced by 'sqlite3', now 06 March 2022, 12:39:19 UTC
80b26c0 Fix typo in (#1501) Fixed typo that lead to a wrong variable name being pointed out 06 March 2022, 11:30:02 UTC
66d986e Web: Add overrides to support Youtube and Reddit; remove Twitter from tests. 03 March 2022, 21:16:53 UTC
76f7ece Fediverse: Update tests broken by previous commit 19 February 2022, 20:18:24 UTC
78bdc46 htmlToText: Don't replace inline element tags with spaces They are not meant to be displayed like this, so they look weird sometimes. For example, Mastodon splits long links between spans, so the Fediverse plugin always displayed them broken. 19 February 2022, 20:00:51 UTC
bc76f7e Fix utils.time.iana_timezone on python < 3.9 17 February 2022, 11:18:13 UTC
4e60d88 Misc: Make @last handle --regexp in a single process for all messages Spawning one process for each message was a little silly, considering there can be thousands of messages. Plus, some instances do reach the timeout after running for a few weeks, so we really need to fix this. Ideally, `regexp_wrapper` should also be removed from other plugins (Todo, Notes, ...) as they have the same issues, but this will do for now. 16 February 2022, 20:27:28 UTC
4b892c2 all: Update .pot and .po files 05 February 2022, 23:14:47 UTC
f13d275 sandbox/ Run msgmerge as well 05 February 2022, 23:12:42 UTC
24f0e21 sandbox/ Also generate .pot file for the core 05 February 2022, 23:11:20 UTC
736430d Modernize sandbox/ 05 February 2022, 22:51:04 UTC
5b7b2bd Fix chmods 05 February 2022, 22:37:39 UTC
dacaefd supybot-plugin-create: Create 05 February 2022, 16:32:11 UTC
498290f wizard: Fix mixup of sasl username and password 03 February 2022, 18:56:59 UTC
0ed743b Format: allow empty substrings in 'replace' This allows for easy substring removal without having to use regex. 29 January 2022, 01:50:31 UTC
c7fa33b Use the website's URL instead of the repo's 26 January 2022, 18:03:47 UTC
da549e4 Geography: Print current UTC offset next to timezones. 16 January 2022, 19:45:41 UTC
880efbb Merge branch 'geography' into testing 16 January 2022, 18:44:22 UTC
1643cb1 registry.Regexp: Better safeguard against misuses of _setValue() 11 January 2022, 19:38:44 UTC
28b28fe Config: Fix crash happening since the previous commit 11 January 2022, 19:38:14 UTC
dcca9f9 RSS: Make feed announces actually network-specific .getSpecific() always returned the channel-specific but non-network-specific var, unless the channel-specific and network-specific one was manually set. 11 January 2022, 19:13:39 UTC
40155ed Fix syntax DeprecationWarning. 09 January 2022, 13:10:15 UTC
74f8665 Remove fallbacks for old Python versions. 01 January 2022, 17:11:36 UTC
181e34b + CI: Remove support for Python 3.4 and 3.5 01 January 2022, 16:49:12 UTC
7fade19 Google: Update suggestions in the deprecation warning 1. DDG is now built-in 2. GoogleCSE is actually limited to site-specific search 23 December 2021, 19:09:49 UTC
caa5aa3 Config: Replace inconsistent terminology 19 December 2021, 20:11:26 UTC
3f77c53 utils/structures: Fix typos, remove unused code 19 December 2021, 19:53:11 UTC
8053d74 Fix typo 18 December 2021, 18:38:49 UTC
ac379eb supybot-wizard: Ask for SASL username and password 18 December 2021, 17:37:46 UTC
d1191d1 Remove 3.4 and 4.5 from the classifiers 18 December 2021, 17:37:26 UTC
49c7c30 Remove reference to supybot from the short description 18 December 2021, 17:36:48 UTC
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