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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
6b55577 bumping to version 2.2.2 02 August 2017, 22:45:04 UTC
b7bee89 specify heroku python runtime 26 July 2017, 18:43:35 UTC
7100397 closes #280 documentation typo 27 June 2017, 22:04:38 UTC
f6e6a55 removing inappropriate call to 'finish' 01 June 2017, 00:54:57 UTC
309af67 moving InvalidUsage out of, adding to default imports 31 May 2017, 20:12:59 UTC
4ef899e pull heroku database url from env 31 May 2017, 18:43:41 UTC
82e2373 adding an InvalidUsage exception handler for use with API routes 31 May 2017, 18:11:26 UTC
2009ced Merge branch 'master' of 14 May 2017, 03:50:09 UTC
d862fb4 Merge pull request #278 from ymollard/master Exit the worker command when not connected 14 May 2017, 03:41:49 UTC
dfaebcb Merge pull request #279 from NYUCCL/bump_flask_werkzeug bump Flask and Werkzeug versions 14 May 2017, 03:38:45 UTC
0c24c45 Retry submission to mturk if failed previously `or status == SUBMITTED` because we suspect that sometimes the post to mturk fails after we've set status to SUBMITTED, so really they have not successfully submitted. This gives another chance for the submit to work when not using the psiturk ad server. Note that, unfortunately, we cannot post to turkSubmitTo on behalf of the turkers in order that we might detect any error response. MTurk requires that the post originate from the turker's (authenticated) browser -- and that post cannot happen over AJAX, either :( A fix for the psiturk ad server will be harder because the ad server does not understand the notion of 'already_in_db', which is crucial for this approach to work. `already_in_db == false` + `status == submitted` ensures that we're looking at a worker that hasn't already completed an assignment for us. The ad server assumes that anyone with `status > completed` has already successfully submitted. `/check_worker_status` will need an overhaul for the ad server to be able to retry posts. 14 May 2017, 02:59:43 UTC
eeb56fc mode-ify /complete route The /complete route now relies on the mode request arg being passed, so that mode=lab can be used without requiring that the hitId and assignmentId be prefixed with the 'debug' string. 14 May 2017, 02:40:22 UTC
155e5a8 bump Flask and Werkzeug versions Flask 0.12.1 allows range requests, allowing proper streaming and seeking for videos. 13 May 2017, 19:44:30 UTC
ee06b90 Exit the worker command when not connected 24 April 2017, 18:11:15 UTC
45d3d96 bumping requests closes #268 28 February 2017, 23:04:50 UTC
e755c65 bump version 28 February 2017, 03:02:43 UTC
b86ef13 cast adserver_revproxy_port else to str Fixes a bug where if adserver_revproxy_port is not set, there is an attempt to concat an int with a str, which caused an explosion. Thanks @braingineer for noticing 28 February 2017, 01:27:46 UTC
07665d8 adding heroku files to example 27 February 2017, 21:24:23 UTC
b757fec dynamically set port if on heroku 27 February 2017, 20:59:47 UTC
a8afaeb fixing logging on heroku 27 February 2017, 20:40:05 UTC
f0b6d8f improving loggin on heroku 27 February 2017, 20:33:30 UTC
d6a6789 overriding global configs with env vars if set 27 February 2017, 20:10:56 UTC
8bb0740 removing unused config parsers removed both localParser and globalParser. also removed write and set() functions. Assuming they're holdovers from the web gui psiturk version (pre-shell days). 27 February 2017, 19:46:06 UTC
a8345d1 bumping version 15 February 2017, 15:23:26 UTC
0d61195 Merge branch 'allow-repeats-to-adserver' 15 February 2017, 04:05:55 UTC
9ae3b32 removing warning about ad server not supporting allow_repeats 15 February 2017, 04:00:41 UTC
55206bf Merge branch '263-qualifications-fix' 15 February 2017, 03:55:29 UTC
e8dcd35 removing ignored common parameter values during hit creation 15 February 2017, 03:54:55 UTC
4d6c0a8 Added qualification requirements to HIT type (Fixes #263) 14 February 2017, 22:54:35 UTC
3d77ccf Issue #90: proposal for dealing with repeats if allow_repeats = False after a period where it is True then use the highest status associated with that worker as the exclusion criteria. 09 February 2017, 18:44:50 UTC
dd89fe8 always check worker status w.r.t. current assignmentId 09 February 2017, 17:01:11 UTC
0027258 passing allow_repeats to the adserver 08 February 2017, 21:55:03 UTC
d00b571 adding a missing chdir in an overriding teardown 08 February 2017, 21:14:04 UTC
f66891a adding a warning about allow_repeats not yet being implemented on the psiturk ad server 08 February 2017, 21:13:29 UTC
9fe45d3 removing reference to a gist that no longer exists 08 February 2017, 21:13:02 UTC
0898a88 Merge branch 'jhamrick-allow-repeats' Note that this is not yet implemented on the psiturk ad server. So you will need to host your own ad if you want to use this feature. 08 February 2017, 21:07:29 UTC
3095462 removing warning message from docs for num_conds see bugfix in #257 07 February 2017, 01:00:35 UTC
07a7e9a Merge pull request #257 from ariekahn/fix/condupdate always use current cond/counterbalance values from config 07 February 2017, 00:55:39 UTC
e526c5b always use current cond/counterbalance values from config 06 February 2017, 23:12:00 UTC
f66f3a6 point ad server to reverse proxy This adds two new config params that allow a user to tell the psiturk ad server to direct traffic to a reverse proxy, such as nginx or apache, instead of directly to the psiturk gunicorn server. If the `adserver_revproxy_host` param is present (not commented out), then its value will take precedence over all others when a debugging url is requested (e.g., `debug` or `debug -p`). See also discussion in #246 06 February 2017, 19:15:30 UTC
db7fb72 Merge pull request #256 from jacob-lee/master Bug Fixes and Improvements to Hit Creation 03 February 2017, 21:12:40 UTC
14fe4c3 Committing for testing. Bug Fixes and Improvements to Hit Creation The following bugs and UX issues were noticed when creating a HIT in the command line tool: 1. Partial command input raises uncaught exception Example Input: hit create <numWorkers> Now it queries for the remaining arguments. 2. The regex to validate the reward per HIT fails on inputs like: -10.00 3J55 J55 New stricter regex used, along with cast to float. 3. Uncaught exception when duration can not be cast as a float, e.g. when receiving a non-numeric string as float. Note, the arguments passed to amt_services methods have been cast to their numeric equivalents. My tests, and the documentation for boto.mturk and amazon's amt API suggest this should be just fine. 30 January 2017, 18:18:03 UTC
8464eaf bumping version 25 January 2017, 03:29:56 UTC
4fc0164 Merge pull request #255 from NYUCCL/173-import-gnureadline-if-available import gnureadline if available 24 January 2017, 01:14:41 UTC
427ead5 I don't pretend to be expert in mac enviornments, but explicitly importing gnureadline fixes broken things see #173 24 January 2017, 01:10:22 UTC
3273512 Merge pull request #253 from jacob-lee/master The methods get_trial_data, get_question_data and get_eventdata were not catching TypeError and ValueError exceptions as intended, causing data download in the psiturk shell to fail. The list of exception classes needs to be enclosed in parentheses. 05 January 2017, 02:28:09 UTC
a391711 Bug Fix The methods get_trial_data, get_question_data and get_eventdata were not catching TypeError and ValueError exceptions as intended due to a lack of parentheses surrounding the list of exceptions in the except clauses. 30 December 2016, 22:25:45 UTC
388b22c adding a `pub` alias for the `ad` route, to get around ad blockers. will need more work later to interface with the psiturk ad server 04 October 2016, 20:46:40 UTC
30d8461 Merge branch 'allow-repeats' of into jhamrick-allow-repeats Also fix a bug in the test_psiturk that was not finding an error string because of html formatting difference 06 September 2016, 04:05:28 UTC
28593ff allowing psutil to be higher to fix an anaconda issue 06 September 2016, 03:28:24 UTC
22363f9 Merge pull request #249 from pmlandwehr/patch-1 Adding a reference to the LICENSE 06 September 2016, 03:26:40 UTC
8f534a0 bumpity-bump-bump 23 August 2016, 20:32:01 UTC
c375bfc bumping again for travis' sake 23 August 2016, 20:24:34 UTC
9bc9d85 Update 23 August 2016, 20:18:23 UTC
1f7fbac updating travis yml config for pypi deploy hook 23 August 2016, 19:31:16 UTC
0723cbc Adding a reference to the LICENSE I've gone ahead and made a `conda` package out of this repo for distribution via the community-curated `conda-forge` channel. (If y'all want to help maintain it, that would be cool, but is unrelated.) We've started included links to license files in the conda builds themselves, but doing so requires that the license be in the manifest itself. If this pull gets incorporated into the next pypi version, that would let us include said link. 17 August 2016, 18:00:22 UTC
44e3836 Merge pull request #248 from NYUCCL/execute_one_cmd making it possible to execute just one command instead of having to r… 15 August 2016, 19:40:52 UTC
8182f74 making it possible to execute just one command instead of having to read in a script. this will facilitate batch-creating hits via `hit create`. 03 August 2016, 06:39:22 UTC
75c078e due to pypi problem just stepping minor version forward by one (sorry y'all!) 01 August 2016, 03:55:19 UTC
f9d5ce2 minor fix for pypi release 29 July 2016, 19:43:09 UTC
3827d9e preparing 2.1.3 release 28 July 2016, 18:36:18 UTC
792b8ab nuking container-ad strings (#245) see also 1f9d16e 14 July 2016, 21:20:21 UTC
d7d9eba Update thanks-mturksubmit.html making the error message more user-friendly. 13 July 2016, 17:53:55 UTC
178a21d Use own ad server (#226) * documenting the tab-complete functions * adding functionality for gunicorn ssl and for specifying one's own ad_location (instead of using the psiturk location) * printing the ad url and the mturk url, for both psiturk and non-psiturk ad_locations * no need to ask them twice if they're using an external server... * functionizes generate_hit_config and also create_psiturk_ad to make hit_create less bulky * Adding some documentation for the new [server parameter] and [shell parameter] SSL- and ad-server-related experimental features. Also I'm removing most of the inline documentation from the default local config.txt file. It seemed like it might have been overwhelming to newcomers. I moved it into the docs instead. * added important note to docs emphasizing that if the psiturk server is ssl-enabled, a proxy server must be used in front of it in order to serve static content. * warn before reloading on submit page if it hasn't finished submitting to mturk yet. 12 July 2016, 01:16:38 UTC
fb4b1fc Update retrieving.rst add `mode` to toplevel datastring 11 July 2016, 17:02:07 UTC
d16ecbe record mode and full useragent string (#240) this stashes the mode in the db (live, sandbox, debug). this can be helpful when doing analyses later down the line in case one needs to distinguish between live and sandbox assignments in the db. the mode is stored as part of the taskdata datastring also, this fixes a neighboring bug where the full useragent string wasn't actually being saved to the taskdata datastring by backbone 11 July 2016, 16:27:36 UTC
cb4eac3 Fixes #236 (#239) 11 July 2016, 16:26:59 UTC
1011093 add_bonus function searches db using uniqueid (#238) Closes #237 11 July 2016, 16:26:02 UTC
bbd9fc8 changing the error message for RDS connections for IAM users (#232) * changing the error message for RDS connections for IAM users December 2015 AWS enabled IAM access control for Mturk. This commit edits the error message to be DB-services specific. Right now it makes users think that their credentials aren't good for anything, but actually the message here is only triggered if RDB services can't be accessed. Other commits should maybe change other login messages too to be more specific, but this is a start. Sorry for the obscene length but at least the message is informative! see [this group thread](!topic/psiturk/1nx8D-tsE74) * simplied the error message, and shunted some of the documentation load for this to the docs. Also linked to a description of using IAM with psiturk. * updating description for openshift and for the mysql description 11 July 2016, 16:24:40 UTC
6467abe task parameters doc update (#243) * Update task_parameters.rst with description of experiment_code_version and num_conds bug workaround. 11 July 2016, 14:39:56 UTC
e9c907f sync url update in comment 30 June 2016, 00:32:38 UTC
ab04063 Merge pull request #233 from deargle/openshift-mysql-db use openshift db cartridge, if one is installed 27 June 2016, 19:13:38 UTC
1f9d16e evading pesky adblockers on ad.html the commonly-used ad-blocking list on was recently updated to include 'container-ad', which blocks our entire psiturk ad container. changing our container id. see!topic/psiturk/yzT-w7KZxms 27 June 2016, 14:07:56 UTC
cf89f8f typo 25 June 2016, 09:20:02 UTC
e362c04 use openshift db cartridge, if one is installed openshift will host mysql or postgresql relational DBs for you, if you add those cartridges. this commit tells to use the first installed openshift db it finds. note that it is theoretically possible to have both postgresql and mysql addon cartridges installed at the same time. don't do that, that would be silly. No editing config.txt required -- the location of the openshift db can change, so relying on the env vars is really the best way to go. and it's not easy to integrate the env vars into config.txt. See README at for an example of getting mysql up and running. 08 June 2016, 17:02:45 UTC
693e40b Merge pull request #231 from deargle/ctrl-c-kill-server notify user when ctrl-c kills experiment server 10 May 2016, 01:17:25 UTC
796c587 Merge pull request #230 from deargle/ctrl-c-new-line Ctrl+c creates a new line 10 May 2016, 01:16:50 UTC
e393d33 Merge pull request #209 from deargle/208-get-all-hits get_workers get all hits 10 May 2016, 01:16:07 UTC
e7063ff shameful self promotion 02 May 2016, 19:12:41 UTC
69a711d notify user when ctrl-c kills experiment server gunicorn's `on_exit` is hooked so that it can be called when the server is shut down via CTRL+C. Otherwise there is no notification to the user that the server has shut down until they hit `enter` and see that the cmdloop prompt suddenly says "server off" unfortunatley detection of ctrl+c can't be handled reliably by psiturk_shell even by checking `server.is_server_running()` because gunicorn shuts down its workers asynchronously and therefore status will sometimes be read before, during, or after everything has shutdown requires gunicorn >= 19.0 though (when the on_exit hook was implemented). Everything works with the most recent gunicorn (19.4.5) Closes #229 02 May 2016, 19:05:12 UTC
704046f this function doesn't actually create a blank line -- it is called by _after_ a blank line is submitted. 02 May 2016, 18:44:42 UTC
df80755 remove call to parent stub functions each of the removed calls were just stub hook functions in the parend module. no need to call them. 02 May 2016, 18:36:15 UTC
fa752a5 create newline on keyboard interrupt. `cmd2`'s `_cmdloop` only exits when `stop` internally evaluates to True. unless there has been a keyboardinterrupt. So if stop is False yet we got here then a keyboard interrupt happened. unfortunately we can't simply listen for a KeyboardInterrupt here because cmd2's `_cmdloop` eats exceptions with a `return` in a `finally` block. so we have to fall back on checking this stop value. we also have to use `_cmdloop()` instead of `cmdloop()` because `cmd2`. 02 May 2016, 18:24:24 UTC
51158ca Merge pull request #228 from deargle/script-no-kill-server this `atkill` handler does _not_ do what it claims. It claims to hand… 02 May 2016, 14:58:49 UTC
cffdae0 this `atkill` handler does _not_ do what it claims. It claims to handle keyboard interrupts but that is precisely what the module is designed to not do. what this codeblock _does_ do is kill the server whenever `psiturk -s` is invoked. That's bad. `psiturk -s` should shut down its own servers if that is what the user wants to do. other code already handles shutting down the server on invocation of `exit` or `server off`. this code simply has to go. 30 April 2016, 05:16:17 UTC
a3b9a8f Merge pull request #220 from adamliter/fix/219 Adds browser_exclude_rule for Safari 26 April 2016, 17:02:37 UTC
e3806cc Merge pull request #218 from NYUCCL/db-timeout-fix fixes "MySQL Server has gone away" error for long-term experiments 26 April 2016, 16:26:45 UTC
61961fc Merge pull request #224 from deargle/patch-2 Describe fractional duration functionality 26 April 2016, 16:19:46 UTC
4db23e0 Merge pull request #225 from deargle/patch-3 build docs in readthedocs theme 26 April 2016, 16:19:22 UTC
f61e477 Adds browser_exclude_rule for Safari This fixes #219. As disscussed in #219, Google Chrome userAgent strings include the word Safari. Because of this, trying to exclude Safari also excludes Google Chrome. The value for Safari userAgent strings just includes Safari and not Google Chrome. Therefore, this problem can be fixed by first checking if both "Chrome" and "Safari" are in the userAgent string. If this is true, then we do not want to exclude it, so we do nothing. If this check returns False, then we still want to check to see if "Safari" is in the userAgent string because that is what we want to exclude. If it is, then we exclude it. 22 April 2016, 20:52:02 UTC
a6777f9 build docs in readthedocs theme This makes the local build look just like things will look like 21 April 2016, 23:36:34 UTC
3ae6462 Describe fractional duration functionality Reflects fractional duration functionality introduced in #180. See also #137, #165. 21 April 2016, 03:29:16 UTC
418f098 Merge pull request #221 from deargle/patch-1 Fixing the readthedocs link to be an external link 18 April 2016, 18:34:48 UTC
e31484e to address #222: comment out imgmath extension from sphynx (build errors on readthedocs) 18 April 2016, 17:50:15 UTC
1a787b6 Merge pull request #223 from deargle/docs-external-survey Docs for how to integrate external survey tools such as Qualtrics 18 April 2016, 17:42:23 UTC
040409c the new page and its fine linkages 17 April 2016, 06:08:10 UTC
63cecba removing some problematic blank lines 17 April 2016, 06:08:10 UTC
87e0d3a pngmath is replaced by imgmath. imgmath and mathjax can't exist at the same time, or the docs won't build. Also, commenting out static_folder since it causes a warning. 17 April 2016, 06:08:10 UTC
a265c98 Making the readthedocs link an external link 14 April 2016, 08:36:39 UTC
b208d3f fixes "MySQL Server has gone away" error for long-term experiments MySQL defaults to closing connections that have been inactive for 8 hours, which will result in the “MySQL Server has gone away” error if you have a long-term, low-traffic experiment (e.g., if you want to leave a server up for a one-session-per-day experiment). Setting the pool_recycle=3600 flag in the create_engine call forces SQLAlchemy to hourly refresh DBAPI connections. 22 March 2016, 16:56:46 UTC
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