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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
f6982b1 release 3.6.0 18 March 2013, 17:15:39 UTC
b1940da website; update FAQ 18 March 2013, 17:06:38 UTC
98c281e fix history 18 March 2013, 17:06:27 UTC
e8fc292 History 18 March 2013, 16:02:47 UTC
070e3bb website; add more api links 18 March 2013, 16:00:02 UTC
ffdd1ca website; add 3.5.x docs to prior releases 18 March 2013, 15:43:30 UTC
12e2f55 Change mongoose-types to an active repo 18 March 2013, 15:08:49 UTC
e979590 docs; indexes 16 March 2013, 22:00:36 UTC
0f7e8f1 docs; validation 16 March 2013, 21:50:17 UTC
1f2f706 docs; populate 16 March 2013, 21:47:20 UTC
97e2207 website; compat with node 0.10 16 March 2013, 21:38:22 UTC
d9f0c66 docs; populate 16 March 2013, 21:37:30 UTC
7a1231d remove deprecation for db#setProfiling 15 March 2013, 00:32:36 UTC
56ef292 tests; add authSource test 14 March 2013, 22:22:10 UTC
65d1960 added; QueryStream transform option closes #1346 14 March 2013, 21:47:37 UTC
db3d818 added; support for authSource driver option MongoDB 2.4 14 March 2013, 17:43:44 UTC
d82a692 updated; driver to 1.2.14 14 March 2013, 17:25:06 UTC
32c0ce9 update History 14 March 2013, 03:39:30 UTC
6f4e808 docs; add note about stream compatibility with node 0.8 14 March 2013, 03:37:12 UTC
c7b180a fixed; use of `model` as doc property closes #1383 14 March 2013, 03:34:14 UTC
4413881 docs; fix for private names 13 March 2013, 17:47:45 UTC
432f844 website; use T for generic type 13 March 2013, 15:48:58 UTC
1d6bd54 refactor MongooseArray#remove Its just an alias of pull, always has been. 13 March 2013, 15:48:13 UTC
db17a78 release 3.6.0rc1 12 March 2013, 21:12:00 UTC
beaf162 tests; excersize $setOnInsert casting 12 March 2013, 19:38:42 UTC
e7a04d9 fixed; $push $slice casting 12 March 2013, 19:34:53 UTC
c5527ba fixed; lean population should be lean() throughout all subdocs as well closes #1382 12 March 2013, 19:00:30 UTC
129bc78 docs; various schema items 12 March 2013, 18:56:45 UTC
6f2c0b1 docs; document#populated() 12 March 2013, 15:38:28 UTC
0426504 docs; document#populate() 12 March 2013, 15:34:45 UTC
3c5f0b9 fixed; empty object mixed defaults Now interpreted as functions that return new empty objects. To restore old behavior (a shared object between all documents) set the "shared" option to true. new Schema({ data: { type: Mixed, default: {}, shared: true }}) fixes #1380 12 March 2013, 15:22:00 UTC
74ee044 docs; shardKey 12 March 2013, 00:58:38 UTC
e2a4efe docs; added examples of overriding `strict` in doc.set and Model.update 11 March 2013, 23:16:28 UTC
a90162c benchmarks 11 March 2013, 21:43:29 UTC
b6995e4 docs; add toObject to reserved list 11 March 2013, 20:40:05 UTC
f2da042 remove old TODO 11 March 2013, 20:31:59 UTC
da655e3 fixed; populate w/ deselected _id using string syntax 11 March 2013, 18:22:46 UTC
eaa9fdd fixed; saving divergent populated arrays When a $set of an entire array or a $pop operation of that array is produced through and the array was populated using limit, skip, query condition, or deselection of the _id field, we now return an error. The view mongoose has of the array has diverged from the array in the database and these operations would have unknown consequences on that data. $pop: // database { _id: 1, array: [3,5,7,9] } // mongoose var query = Doc.findOne(); query.populate({ path: 'array', match: { name: 'three' }}) query.exec(function (err, doc) { console.log(doc.array) // [{ _id: 3, name: 'three' }] doc.$pop(); console.log(doc.array) // [] // <== Error }) This $pop removed the document with the _id of 3 from the array locally but when sent to the database would have removed the number 9 (since $pop removes the last element of the array). Instead, one could use doc.array.pull({ _id: 3 }) or perform this update manually using doc.update(..); $set: // database { _id: 1, array: [9,3,7,5] } // mongoose var query = Doc.findOne(); query.populate({ path: 'array', match: { _id: { $gt: 7 }}}) query.exec(function (err, doc) { console.log(doc.array) // [{ _id: 9 }] doc.array.unshift({ _id: 2 }) console.log(doc.array) // [{ _id: 2 }, { _id: 9 }] // <== Error }) The would result in a $set of the entire array (there is no equivalent atomic operator for `unshift`) which would overwrite the other un-matched elements in the array in the database. Use doc.update() instead. 11 March 2013, 18:16:53 UTC
5baac8c store all query options will use for divergent array checks 11 March 2013, 15:19:20 UTC
20054dd toObject now a reserved property name 08 March 2013, 17:46:56 UTC
2e1956e remove dead code 08 March 2013, 17:46:39 UTC
74d819f name private methods to something unusable any path starting with $ cannot be used in a schema 08 March 2013, 17:10:03 UTC
e5aa6b4 use TypeError 07 March 2013, 23:47:08 UTC
f8c507a benchmark; make adjustable 07 March 2013, 23:47:08 UTC
6e06767 test; added for saveable required populated buffers 07 March 2013, 23:47:08 UTC
2966053 fixed; non population buffer casting from doc 07 March 2013, 23:47:08 UTC
87b2a33 fixed; setting populated paths Setting a populated path (or manipulate a populated array) with works when the schema path does not have a `ref` declared and an adhoc model was used for population. relates to #570 07 March 2013, 23:45:49 UTC
18dbe62 fixed; casting when added docs to populated arrays closed #1348 05 March 2013, 05:17:25 UTC
8b847c0 fixed; prohibit updating arrays selected with $elemMatch An $elemMatch projection only returns the elements of the array in the database that match the argument. While helpful when working with large arrays, it means we can no longer depend on any array elements position being accurate - manipulating these arrays with the mongoose helper methods would potentially result in incorrect array elements getting updated or even loss of array elements in the database. Attempting to update an array selected with an $elemMatch projection now returns an error that includes the array paths in violation. To update arrays selected with $elemMatch, manually use Model.update, Model.findByIdAndUpdate, or another method outside of closes #1334 04 March 2013, 20:40:03 UTC
d4a38c6 test; more thorough test for #975 04 March 2013, 19:01:31 UTC
6753ed1 fixed; pull / set subdoc combination closes #1303 04 March 2013, 17:40:48 UTC
e85e4b7 test; cleanup 02 March 2013, 20:54:57 UTC
0f4cfd8 docs; populate example 02 March 2013, 20:33:56 UTC
b357689 test; make test-{short,long} 02 March 2013, 20:21:38 UTC
12574d9 fixed; multiple bg index creation In MongoDB < 2.4, multiple background indexes creation is not well supported. We now create indexes one-by-one. closes #1365 02 March 2013, 20:21:31 UTC
ffb1d2e test; added for #1365 #1365 02 March 2013, 19:48:45 UTC
6e0b01f added; bufferCommands option when running with the drivers autoReconnect option disabled, mongoose buffers commands when the connection goes down, until you manually reconnect. to disable mongoose buffering commands while waiting for the connection to open or when the connection is down, set the bufferCommands schema option to false. 01 March 2013, 22:24:34 UTC
424bdc3 fixed; manual reconnection to single mongod 28 February 2013, 18:55:24 UTC
cd52939 wire up db listeners before calling user code 28 February 2013, 07:41:34 UTC
6b429a5 fix rebase regression 27 February 2013, 17:09:33 UTC
7bd12b2 fixed; Constructor / version exposure new require('mongoose').Mongoose now contains all constructors that require('mongoose') exposes. see relates to #1124 27 February 2013, 16:35:23 UTC
32617bc remove unused argument 27 February 2013, 16:35:23 UTC
a785380 added; {mongoose,db}.modelNames() returns array of model names added. closes #1362 27 February 2013, 16:35:23 UTC
60372ad added; $push w/ $slice,$sort support mongodb 2.4 #1286 27 February 2013, 16:35:23 UTC
f11082f website; add news section 27 February 2013, 16:35:23 UTC
97122e3 docs; Buffer -> mongodb.Binary #1363 27 February 2013, 16:34:34 UTC
0df6563 tests; example of $setOnInsert working #1286 27 February 2013, 16:34:34 UTC
7754639 refactor; use Object.keys 27 February 2013, 16:34:34 UTC
55cf25b docs; indexing 27 February 2013, 16:34:34 UTC
f719406 fixed; hashed + sparse index creation 27 February 2013, 16:34:34 UTC
5a71daa style + cleanup 27 February 2013, 16:34:34 UTC
8c361e2 added; hashed index type mongodb 2.4 closes #1230 27 February 2013, 16:34:34 UTC
c671672 partial revert of eca2607 Instead of erroring when the model for an adhoc path cannot be determined, use the current model. This opens the door to populating path combinations of two+ separate schemas which are now populated, e.g. populate('owner.avatar'), avatar being a property of an owner field that was also previously populated. relates to eca26073e3c6e1895ea96632669608b68d1f323c closes #1359 27 February 2013, 16:34:34 UTC
d5d3438 docs; 27 February 2013, 16:34:34 UTC
3d990c2 added; support for mongodb 2.4 geojson closes #1229 27 February 2013, 16:34:34 UTC
0e20b75 fixed; CastError race condition Allow documents that corrected their CastError to be saved again within the original save callback. 27 February 2013, 16:34:34 UTC
5ded132 fixed; not swallowing misuse of subdoc#invalidate() calling subdoc.invalidate() would silently fail if the doc had not yet been added to an array. this now throws an Error. 27 February 2013, 16:34:34 UTC
a6262a9 added; value at time of validation error Invalid values are now included in the error message as well as included in the ValidatorError constructor. 27 February 2013, 16:34:33 UTC
98d003f fixed; utils.clone retains RegExp opts closes #1355 27 February 2013, 16:34:33 UTC
4a534b7 add driver spec stub #1352 27 February 2013, 16:34:33 UTC
ea8e818 deprecate pluralization 27 February 2013, 16:34:33 UTC
027472b deprecate connection#setProfiling 27 February 2013, 16:34:33 UTC
0a9bc74 pluralization will die in 4.x 27 February 2013, 16:34:33 UTC
5387ad4 updated; muri to 0.3.1 fixes #1347 27 February 2013, 16:34:33 UTC
fd8a00f fixed; population of non-schema property We only need the schema to deduce the model name. If a user passes the model name we allow it. If we cannot determine the model name we return an error. This is a change from < 3.6 where invalid path names were simply ignored. Pointing out the error to developers is more helpful behavior. MapReduce benefits: This means we can now also populate ad-hoc mapReduce results back to any model of our choice. 27 February 2013, 16:34:33 UTC
35e43f2 updated; driver to 1.2.12 27 February 2013, 16:34:33 UTC
4d9dce8 added; support for object literal schemas mongoose.model('Person', { name: 'string' }) db.model('Person', { name: 'string' }) 27 February 2013, 16:34:08 UTC
c3d18b4 docs; change `auto` option of ObjectId to public should have been already. relates to #1285 27 February 2013, 16:34:08 UTC
fd0c946 fixed; allow updating versionKey closes #1265 27 February 2013, 16:34:08 UTC
564e0dc fixed; add EventEmitter props to reserved paths throw friendly errors when `emit` or `_events` are used in schema. closes #1338 27 February 2013, 16:34:08 UTC
c51ac82 updated; mpromise to 0.2.1 27 February 2013, 16:34:08 UTC
e1d5b56 fixed; can now deselect populated doc _ids closes #1331 27 February 2013, 16:34:08 UTC
9339de3 release 3.6.0rc0 27 February 2013, 16:34:08 UTC
19f653e docs; 27 February 2013, 16:33:08 UTC
0856b82 populate; depopulate populated single paths also fixes legacy issue where single populated path was markedModified causing populated document to overwrite _id. relates to #570 27 February 2013, 16:33:08 UTC
3b48689 populate; allow setting single populated paths to docs relates to #570 27 February 2013, 16:33:08 UTC
b0c646e tests; adding docs to populated arrays add tests for docs with String, Buffer, and Number _ids relates to #570 27 February 2013, 16:33:08 UTC
05ca2f1 changed; Buffer arrays can now contain null to be consistent with strings, numbers, _ids, etc 27 February 2013, 16:33:08 UTC
44f194b fixed; casting docs with String,Number,Buffer _ids Schema({ fans: [String] }) new Doc({ fans: [{ _id: "miami" }, { _id: "trump" }] }) 27 February 2013, 16:33:08 UTC
b56c949 fixed; { path: [{type: "String" }] } 27 February 2013, 16:33:08 UTC
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