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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
3ffcaa8 Add Joinx Adaptor/Expert and test 28 April 2014, 18:20:13 UTC
07bfc41 make get_test_dir helper function 28 April 2014, 18:19:42 UTC
1652da0 Pull a little more logic up to ExpertBase 28 April 2014, 16:20:23 UTC
bc74073 Add GRand as possible misidentification of gzipped/bgzipped files This file, created with 'bgzip' misidentifies: /gscmnt/ams1127/info/model_data/1C9/6A1D0CCBF11E3A4D7FFA12F9A8DCC/output_file.vcf.gz This bug is suppoed to be fixed in 'File 5.17' but even 14.04 doesn't have that package yet. 28 April 2014, 15:11:29 UTC
fed2434 refactor Genome/Sys/Lock.t to be independent of backends 25 April 2014, 22:14:47 UTC
363153a refactor test to use MockBackend 25 April 2014, 22:14:46 UTC
f571e82 add MockBackend 25 April 2014, 22:14:45 UTC
0043072 fix unwinding locks when one fails The previous code only happened to work because FileLock was always mandatory and was always first. 25 April 2014, 22:14:44 UTC
b1ba842 Move _link up to ExpertBase 25 April 2014, 21:25:01 UTC
1d07e7e move build_adaptor_op up to the base class, rename it 25 April 2014, 21:25:01 UTC
6bc76c1 refactor Nessy backend to be a non-singleton class 25 April 2014, 20:28:38 UTC
b616046 add genome_build_id and lsf_project to user_data 25 April 2014, 20:16:35 UTC
6d0a147 clear_state is FileLock-specific so remove from API 25 April 2014, 20:16:35 UTC
13d14da do not need to clear client after release_all 25 April 2014, 20:16:34 UTC
aef8f8b do not need to clear claims after unlocking 25 April 2014, 20:16:34 UTC
e25a629 missed a singleton call 25 April 2014, 20:16:33 UTC
178f873 only check lock inconsistency when NessyBackend is installed 25 April 2014, 20:16:32 UTC
ebb1323 only install NessyBackend if GENOME_NESSY_SERVER is set 25 April 2014, 20:16:31 UTC
4c04151 add instance validation subtest 25 April 2014, 20:16:31 UTC
46a6940 move to subtest 25 April 2014, 20:16:30 UTC
b810318 should not return resource if claim failed 25 April 2014, 20:16:30 UTC
1b1277a rename Genome::Sys::{NessyLock,Lock::NessyBackend} 25 April 2014, 20:16:29 UTC
49e7413 remove UR::ModuleBase dependency 25 April 2014, 20:16:28 UTC
9e676c9 replace class 'NESSY_LOCKS_TO_REMOVE' with instance 'claims' 25 April 2014, 20:16:28 UTC
76ea60b allow mix of class/instance backends 25 April 2014, 20:16:27 UTC
ee2ab9c replace class variable 'LOCKING_CLIENT' with instance variable 'client' 25 April 2014, 20:16:26 UTC
f67d637 move GENOME_NESSY_SERVER to instance variable 'url' 25 April 2014, 20:16:25 UTC
5110b04 *_messages need to be called on class not instance 25 April 2014, 20:16:25 UTC
8b2e437 s/class/self/ 25 April 2014, 20:16:24 UTC
0517bcb NessyLock implementes Genome::Sys::Lock::Backend 25 April 2014, 20:16:24 UTC
8cd1be0 define a Genome::Sys::Lock::Backend role 25 April 2014, 20:16:23 UTC
f6c0c43 whitespace 25 April 2014, 20:16:22 UTC
beee90c G:F:Fasta: divide_sequence_into_chunks_of_size for times when you want to do that 25 April 2014, 19:25:48 UTC
7e7b849 make file_name a parameter on ReporterBase and use it instead of the reporter name 25 April 2014, 18:57:34 UTC
32b02d6 move header printing functionality to ReporterWithHeaderBase 25 April 2014, 18:47:25 UTC
a629107 bump test data version v2 had a file_name in the params that is not defined on the class so was breaking tests. I fixed that in v3 and bumped the version here. 25 April 2014, 18:41:36 UTC
f9f68a6 stop deleting objects then immediately trying to use them 25 April 2014, 18:01:01 UTC
40c7426 add fatal message types to logger 25 April 2014, 15:47:19 UTC
24a3a7d add fatal/fatalf 25 April 2014, 15:47:05 UTC
2171116 instead of adding logger on import just extend the logger method 25 April 2014, 15:40:57 UTC
b19d499 default logger is tested by Genome/Logger.t 25 April 2014, 15:39:56 UTC
19f2f47 add croak 25 April 2014, 15:36:10 UTC
af135b2 return message from logging 25 April 2014, 15:35:51 UTC
96a2f53 reorder screen sub 25 April 2014, 15:35:46 UTC
7b0880c flush_cache to ensure subtest has fresh logger 25 April 2014, 15:34:58 UTC
1493aaa Updated `gmt` tab completion. 25 April 2014, 12:18:51 UTC
797ed90 Updated `genome` tab completion. 25 April 2014, 12:18:08 UTC
541c3bd Updated class browser cache. 25 April 2014, 12:16:36 UTC
6e1ef60 hard-code Nessy backend until circular dependencies can be fixed 25 April 2014, 00:05:01 UTC
698be32 remove use Genome::Sys 25 April 2014, 00:05:01 UTC
a40f6a3 Use awk instead of VcfToBed to create a region file. VcfToBed is not the tool we want for this. We don't actually want a bed file, we want a one-based region file. Moreover we do not actually care about sample information and their genotypes. We just want the positions where ANY variant was called. Awk is the easiest way to do this. 24 April 2014, 23:31:05 UTC
31a84d6 If region list provided does not exist, touch the output file and warn (some legitimate cases exist in pipelines for this) 24 April 2014, 23:31:04 UTC
758720c Refactored methods out of Expert.t into TestHelpers. 24 April 2014, 23:31:04 UTC
d75d6b4 first step towards allowing configurable lock backends There is still more work to be done but I believe this is in a working and semi-reasonable (but intermediate) state so I'm merging it back into master. 24 April 2014, 22:27:54 UTC
a390ad4 add test for Genome::Sys::Lock 24 April 2014, 22:23:52 UTC
ab0e3bc return failure if mandatory backend fails to unlock 24 April 2014, 22:23:51 UTC
ca32f5f allow timeout equal to min_timeout 24 April 2014, 22:23:14 UTC
5ca619f fix typo 24 April 2014, 22:23:13 UTC
7812da4 fix assumption that is_my_lock_target was equivalent to has_lock 24 April 2014, 22:23:13 UTC
075e8f8 move Nessy backend to site config 24 April 2014, 22:23:12 UTC
f0311ab support add/remove backend 24 April 2014, 22:22:32 UTC
e416f26 rename self to class 24 April 2014, 22:22:31 UTC
fa963d5 change NessyLock's unlock to just take resource as argument 24 April 2014, 22:22:31 UTC
cefa8cf allow backends to reshape args 24 April 2014, 22:22:30 UTC
ee7d89d do not carry forward the use of resource_lock 24 April 2014, 22:22:29 UTC
dc55d58 fix broken lock unwinding 24 April 2014, 22:22:29 UTC
2e85f9b make translate* part of the backend interface 24 April 2014, 22:22:28 UTC
4a42a43 change order of methods 24 April 2014, 22:22:28 UTC
d75471a add basic NessyLock.t 24 April 2014, 22:22:27 UTC
d9e56f4 return empty if there is no Nessy locking client 24 April 2014, 22:22:26 UTC
3e84985 return resource_lock instead of claim Return the resource_lock instead of the claim because the resource_lock is used to unlock. 24 April 2014, 22:22:26 UTC
8481e22 translate wait_announce_interval for async use 24 April 2014, 22:22:25 UTC
063114c validate inputs early 24 April 2014, 22:22:24 UTC
4b1ecbb translate lock args 24 April 2014, 22:22:24 UTC
824715b require timeout to be set as an arg 24 April 2014, 22:22:23 UTC
9db1fe0 check that resource_lock was set 24 April 2014, 22:22:22 UTC
c418dc8 separate private methods out 24 April 2014, 22:22:22 UTC
9df8130 add warning when releasing locks with release_all 24 April 2014, 22:22:21 UTC
3c7741c fix calling wrong _resolve_resource_lock* method 24 April 2014, 22:22:21 UTC
9e866df move methods to FileLock 24 April 2014, 22:22:20 UTC
06af081 memoize cleanup_handler_check 24 April 2014, 22:22:19 UTC
d7aa53e replace exit_cleanup with release_all 24 April 2014, 22:22:19 UTC
3c599d3 remove with_default_unlock_resource_args 24 April 2014, 22:22:18 UTC
125d12a remove use of with_default_lock_resource_args in FileLock backend 24 April 2014, 22:22:17 UTC
cb77323 move FileLock specific defaults into FileLock backend 24 April 2014, 22:22:17 UTC
3e177be add release_all to Genome::Sys::Lock API 24 April 2014, 22:22:16 UTC
d94dc43 document the used Genome::Sys::Lock API 24 April 2014, 22:22:15 UTC
b5e8a31 initial pass FileLock.t 24 April 2014, 22:22:14 UTC
a097896 separate the two backends 24 April 2014, 22:22:13 UTC
9c2881d blacklist Db/Ensembl/Command/Run/Vep.d/ in compile.t 24 April 2014, 22:08:45 UTC
292a1d3 fix issued exposed by UR update 24 April 2014, 22:08:32 UTC
92b57ff remove code that was previously stomped over by UR Remove code that was never run until a recent UR change exposed that. 24 April 2014, 22:08:16 UTC
1cf99e9 (don't) fix call to UR::Object::add_misc_update A UR update exposed that this method, add_misc_update, was not being executed before (becuase previously UR would stomp over it). The UR update changed the behavior to install to __add_misc_update instead of stomping over add_misc_update. Since the old code never ran I have reason to believe it doesn't actually work. However, I am making the fix that I think is equivalent to what was originally intended. 24 April 2014, 22:08:15 UTC
c5c07cc only load syslog logger if GENOME_DEV_MODE is off 24 April 2014, 22:08:14 UTC
792067b Added a test for the one-based indel integration case 24 April 2014, 21:25:51 UTC
e5b1c22 No longer incorrectly increment start pos for indels 24 April 2014, 21:24:52 UTC
c6b2d4a Need to be able to find vep scripts 24 April 2014, 20:54:38 UTC
d170efd module and test for simple report 24 April 2014, 20:38:41 UTC
1fc06e9 added available_fields and fixed name 24 April 2014, 20:38:40 UTC
302a583 move processing of vcf entry to ReporterPlan 24 April 2014, 20:38:40 UTC
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