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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
6a94784 HACK: change the tmpdir if --keep-tmp is set. We were coincidentally deleting the /tmp before (which we wanted). Now that we sometimes need to keep it, change directories to preserve it only when we want it. Otherwise let it get removed. 27 August 2014, 20:53:30 UTC
885f1ad updated graphite submodule to 09c7ddb 27 August 2014, 18:32:30 UTC
eb2cb9b updated jenkins submodule to 6d13341 27 August 2014, 18:32:23 UTC
c310841 updated ur submodule to 0a399f7 27 August 2014, 18:32:09 UTC
9d0dc72 Merge branch 'updated' into gb_master 27 August 2014, 18:28:56 UTC
5405201 Unescape VEP CSQ field 27 August 2014, 18:26:22 UTC
be629c0 Fasta reporter 27 August 2014, 18:18:20 UTC
c99f50a updated exepcted XML c6c8aac bumped the memory reservation which showed up in the expected output. 27 August 2014, 18:03:27 UTC
5b0dbd9 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git/srv/git/genome 27 August 2014, 17:42:27 UTC
f72dc9f Add newline to report YAML for indels 27 August 2014, 17:42:23 UTC
abad278 Add accessor sub to get target_region_set FeatureList. 27 August 2014, 17:40:33 UTC
c6c8aac Increase RAM for VEP to 32GB from 16GB 27 August 2014, 17:34:33 UTC
64e5cd9 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git/srv/git/genome 27 August 2014, 17:33:50 UTC
b85a690 Remove coverage-vaf and genotype-vaf as required interpreters from VcfReporter 27 August 2014, 17:33:44 UTC
82c32e9 VCF v25: Fix appending FT field in Vcf::VcfFilter 27 August 2014, 17:24:05 UTC
969bb75 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git/srv/git/genome 27 August 2014, 17:04:13 UTC
58a92b1 Add a basic version of the CLE report plans which performs no hard filters. 27 August 2014, 17:04:01 UTC
aefd35b Update the name of the plan file used. To start, we need to run without hard filters. 27 August 2014, 16:10:23 UTC
0b1e8df update the staging dir path again 27 August 2014, 15:25:43 UTC
10227e2 update the staging dir path as to not conflict with the chimerascan temp directory path when rsyncd 27 August 2014, 15:20:47 UTC
73a8a70 Re-enable somval testcase with a test model. 27 August 2014, 13:39:07 UTC
e177f83 Replace production model with test-factory version. 27 August 2014, 13:33:17 UTC
e4643b4 whitespace 27 August 2014, 13:16:19 UTC
baeb2e0 Updates to handle chromosome names with special characters. 27 August 2014, 12:54:28 UTC
d1e900b Added model files for P. miyazakii 27 August 2014, 12:42:16 UTC
ee878fd Updated `gmt` tab completion. 27 August 2014, 12:17:37 UTC
6862e06 Updated `genome` tab completion. 27 August 2014, 12:16:55 UTC
6f681cd Updated class browser cache. 27 August 2014, 12:15:18 UTC
fd402f6 instrument query_tcga_barcode so we can tune timeout, sleep, and attempts 27 August 2014, 01:02:33 UTC
327caf6 instrument attempts and failures 27 August 2014, 01:02:02 UTC
ba02818 extract prefix for reuse 27 August 2014, 01:02:01 UTC
a79c4af return successful attempt number 27 August 2014, 01:02:00 UTC
3c32192 add timer instrumentation around query_tcga_barcode request 27 August 2014, 01:01:59 UTC
a103acb generalize retry_request to just retry I would like to add metrics around query_tcga_barcode and I think a more generalized retry helps facilitate that. 27 August 2014, 01:01:59 UTC
97b54b0 moved directory Moved directory because it needs to match package name. Updated source_files.with_new_source_files.tsv and source_files.tsv for new path. 27 August 2014, 01:01:58 UTC
018197d InstData Reimport: move generate file for reimport to import name space 26 August 2014, 20:51:08 UTC
e6e521a InstData Reimport: update attrs excluded; allow multiple files per inst data 26 August 2014, 20:51:08 UTC
22c6e88 Break ties by sorting on date_completed 26 August 2014, 20:32:59 UTC
348b37e Fix spelling; change contact e-mail. 26 August 2014, 19:44:34 UTC
51f336d Remove old `gmt snp screen-seq-by-snp-list`. Remove it rather than fix its spelling. 26 August 2014, 19:28:09 UTC
c3a935f s/chromosone/chromosome/ 26 August 2014, 18:52:09 UTC
a5f9be4 Update clinseq blessed build due to metric change. 26 August 2014, 13:05:02 UTC
942ad55 Updated `genome` tab completion. 26 August 2014, 12:16:45 UTC
3c48440 Updated class browser cache. 26 August 2014, 12:15:07 UTC
fa52422 remove unused imports 25 August 2014, 20:44:23 UTC
d94dbbc Update expected test case for metric change to SummarizeBuilds. 25 August 2014, 20:30:16 UTC
adc0fad Update ClinSeq SummarizeBuilds to use metrics The file it was reading previously is no longer being stored in all cases (AUE-321) 25 August 2014, 20:17:47 UTC
0f5841c initialize empty df with 6 cols 25 August 2014, 19:40:57 UTC
0d81918 Use different test model for refalign; omit somval test for now. 25 August 2014, 18:40:00 UTC
c224e1d InstData REfine Reads: known sites is optional for commands as it in in results 25 August 2014, 18:20:23 UTC
785fbaa Update model define expected case since command was redone. 25 August 2014, 18:11:42 UTC
86488c3 Skip comparing directories since there's only one file. We're about to diff it, anyway. 25 August 2014, 17:53:56 UTC
86dc585 Filter possibly variable path to fpkm file when comparing in test. 25 August 2014, 17:50:24 UTC
8b3b1d8 Explicitly return 1 or 0 (so config can use these values). 25 August 2014, 17:04:14 UTC
a387598 Add "is_rna" accessor for benefit of configuration. Hide all sorts of trouble with data integrity behind a single boolean! 25 August 2014, 17:01:32 UTC
ab96892 Also skip in shortcut() if skipping. 25 August 2014, 15:41:34 UTC
e312055 Set a dummy result ID for benefit of legacy workflow. 25 August 2014, 15:38:37 UTC
795d802 Add brief docs for properties for benefits of define command help text 25 August 2014, 15:01:39 UTC
0303060 Move SomVal define command so basic auto-generated one can be used. 25 August 2014, 15:00:35 UTC
a6f4a4d reporter for DoCM vcf 25 August 2014, 13:54:48 UTC
4ffeff4 Updated `genome` tab completion. 23 August 2014, 12:16:30 UTC
fbfb18c Updated class browser cache. 23 August 2014, 12:14:54 UTC
fffb400 make rnaseq wrapper a command 22 August 2014, 20:34:22 UTC
26b35fa Rnaseq wrapper now automatically runs the report. 22 August 2014, 20:30:05 UTC
c99d2cd RnaSeq wrapper, currently only creates the resource file 22 August 2014, 20:29:50 UTC
86b36bc Merge branch 'copy' into gb_master 22 August 2014, 17:11:03 UTC
f09f90d Make coverage_models a separate input from models 22 August 2014, 17:09:56 UTC
f13db33 cleaned up formatting and usage of data_dir instead of hardcoded paths 22 August 2014, 16:07:18 UTC
15eac5e Bless new somatic-variation build A new default version of bam-readcount leads to more accurate calculations of Tumor VAF 22 August 2014, 15:49:14 UTC
ceb3075 Merge branch 'copy' into gb_master 22 August 2014, 15:25:43 UTC
d68391c Change source tags to sample names 22 August 2014, 15:12:27 UTC
c3f52df Merge branch 'copy' into gb_master 22 August 2014, 14:54:29 UTC
a287e30 Add source when combining d0 and d30 reports in wrapper 22 August 2014, 14:47:17 UTC
fc95225 Optionally add a column of source tags to the combined report 22 August 2014, 14:47:15 UTC
1b8c1bd Combine files with the same headers but in different orders 22 August 2014, 14:47:10 UTC
bb4d054 test files needed for Trio test 22 August 2014, 13:21:13 UTC
e81ca2f formatting fixes 22 August 2014, 13:21:13 UTC
3d1a1cc move logic for determing filter results for each allele to separate subroutine 22 August 2014, 13:21:13 UTC
4f130b9 rename filter_interpreters to soft_filters 22 August 2014, 13:21:13 UTC
7356b9a new reporter for vcf indel reporting that inherits from the basic vcf reporter 22 August 2014, 13:21:13 UTC
39cf2e9 additional subtests for previously untested subroutines 22 August 2014, 13:21:13 UTC
fef8e12 include vcf report in the full CLE report processing plan files 22 August 2014, 13:21:13 UTC
d1540ce add vcf_id and vcf_description subroutines 22 August 2014, 13:21:12 UTC
06be488 Restructure for clarity 22 August 2014, 13:21:12 UTC
e6ab9f3 Remove is_filter_interpreter subroutine 22 August 2014, 13:21:12 UTC
408ac03 Remove header_is_written property and use $self->header instead 22 August 2014, 13:21:12 UTC
b2a70dc Updated `genome` tab completion. 22 August 2014, 12:17:13 UTC
71f9478 Updated class browser cache. 22 August 2014, 12:15:28 UTC
745666d add homopolymer filter 21 August 2014, 22:10:55 UTC
5435896 Don't require the parameter if we're going to skip. (Ptero wouldn't care if it wasn't set when shortcutting, but legacy Workflow is more stringent.) 21 August 2014, 21:26:50 UTC
62d61bf add renamex and movex that throw exceptions 21 August 2014, 20:57:21 UTC
d06fbbc fix move_file still using File::Copy directly 21 August 2014, 20:57:18 UTC
fdd24b4 refactor rename to reuse for move We also need to provide an alternative to File::Copy's `move` function (which is a `rename` with a fallback on a `copy`). Note that File::Copy has different permission modes: `cp` preserves permissions while `copy` does not. However, both `mv` and `move` attempt a `rename` which does preserve permissions. 21 August 2014, 20:57:12 UTC
f2143e2 Support supplying a directory instead of a BED file. 21 August 2014, 20:12:37 UTC
1f47d50 In order to support alignment-only builds, no longer require annotation. 21 August 2014, 20:08:10 UTC
ebc66b1 Skip run if no verifybamid specified in processing-profile. 21 August 2014, 20:07:41 UTC
5be2db3 Add test for allows_hard_filters option on reporters 21 August 2014, 19:38:49 UTC
fb9abbd Implement allows_hard_filters option on reporters 21 August 2014, 19:27:30 UTC
81088c3 Extract __interpreter_plan_errors__ method 21 August 2014, 19:27:30 UTC
de9a93d Strip CRs from BED files being imported 21 August 2014, 19:08:00 UTC
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