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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
1ee176f adjust default serialization for java.time (#1144) Set the default serialization to use millisecond timestamps. This keeps it more consistent with other usage in Atlas. 11 February 2020, 17:22:15 UTC
0d5876d update launcher url to use HTTPS (#1141) Bintray now requires HTTPS for downloading the artifacts. Also bump to the latest version. 06 February 2020, 13:41:36 UTC
45ffa4b update settings in memory.conf (#1139) Update the memory.conf example to reflect move of graphing logic to eval library. Fixes #1135 06 February 2020, 12:58:12 UTC
0df4e41 emit empty DataSources for a host if no more DataSource (#1137) Emit empty DataSources for a host if no more DataSource so that downstream can stop stream from LWC quickly for this host. This is in preparation for a single evaluator instance on the atlas-stream service that is part of iep-apps. 03 February 2020, 20:21:19 UTC
1563cfe fix streaming issue for multiple websocket clients (#1136) Currently WebSocket handler is singleton with the same streamID shared by different client connection, so only the first connection works. The fix is to create 1 instance of handler per request, also getting streamId from request allows client to have same streamId for all LWC API calls. 29 January 2020, 13:44:57 UTC
754eeae move metadata counter to separate category (#1134) During the transition period it is desirable to have this metric for ASGs even though we do not need other EC2 CW data. 28 January 2020, 00:35:40 UTC
b867a4f exclude ec2 cloudwatch category by default (#1133) A user can opt-in if desired. This makes the default config line up with internal usage. 27 January 2020, 23:53:06 UTC
1fac884 debug log for dropped messages (#1132) Adds a debug level log to see specific messages that are dropped because they cannot be enqueued. 23 January 2020, 16:30:00 UTC
9b74531 add mapping for MetadataNoToken (#1131) Tracks the number of requests to IMDSv1. Used to help with tracking migration to IMDSv2. 21 January 2020, 17:32:40 UTC
50cbe08 update dependencies (#1130) 20 January 2020, 22:37:07 UTC
e1f3c98 scalafmt 2.3.2 Also fixed minor formatting changes that happen with this newer version. 20 January 2020, 22:15:28 UTC
fb86bed sbt-scalafmt 2.3.0 20 January 2020, 22:01:51 UTC
fe338b6 sbt-bintray 0.5.6 20 January 2020, 21:58:31 UTC
8cda737 sbt 1.3.7 20 January 2020, 21:57:42 UTC
5dbdcb4 log4j 2.13.0 20 January 2020, 21:56:24 UTC
e2d9cef roaringbitmap 0.8.12 20 January 2020, 21:38:46 UTC
d235dd5 equalsverifier 3.1.11 20 January 2020, 21:38:18 UTC
59f01bc caffeine 2.8.1 20 January 2020, 21:29:11 UTC
ddb2904 iep 2.1.8 20 January 2020, 20:11:09 UTC
685c6db akka 2.5.27 20 January 2020, 20:08:48 UTC
2ca176d slf4j 1.7.30 20 January 2020, 18:53:50 UTC
b3a10d8 aws-java-sdk 1.11.702 20 January 2020, 18:53:18 UTC
b37ab8c scala-collection-compat 2.1.3 20 January 2020, 18:31:40 UTC
3db7529 spectator 0.101.0 20 January 2020, 18:30:31 UTC
4a1d9e3 jackson 2.10.2 20 January 2020, 18:28:13 UTC
0843692 fix delay of stopping host lookup (#1129) There's a delay on stopping host lookup caused by EvaluationFlows.repeatWhile, use EvaluationFlows.stoppableSource instead. The delay can cause temporarily incorrect LWC subscriptions when subscription changes. 16 January 2020, 18:15:23 UTC
84114ae remove unused methods from TagKey (#1128) Cleanup some of the unused methods and fields for TagKey object. The validation is handled based on the config now. 14 January 2020, 21:28:26 UTC
8b65138 Allow nf.shard tags (#1127) In order to support a new method of sharding internally at Netflix, allow `nf.shard1` and `nf.shard2` tags 14 January 2020, 19:08:14 UTC
418f909 fix unused import warnings (#1126) 10 January 2020, 00:46:07 UTC
733b7ef update lwcapi to accept `step` (#1125) The goal is to try and make the naming more consistent and standardize on `step` everywhere. Parts of lwcapi were the only places that referred to this as `frequency`. This updates the `ExpressionMetadata` class so it will treat `step` as an alias. This will allow the eval library to be updated. For now the output of the expressions api needs to keep it as `frequency` to ensure backwards compatibility with clients. 10 January 2020, 00:28:25 UTC
6b79023 update eval to use lwcapi websocket (#1123) This allows us to simplify the flow and avoid the separate branch that manages the subscription updates. 10 January 2020, 00:26:17 UTC
56243b6 fix style for chart title with dark theme (#1124) The text was not being rendered with the image style and was defaulting to black. So it could not be seen with a dark background. 09 January 2020, 23:20:23 UTC
1124e4f update license headers for 2020 (#1121) 02 January 2020, 15:29:38 UTC
56457e9 add cluster group by operator (#1120) Maintains a sub-flow for each member of a cluster. The set of flows can change as the membership of the cluster changes. This is a more generic version of the connection manager logic from the eval library. Primary use-case is for operations that require communication with all members of a cluster. 24 December 2019, 16:15:12 UTC
214374b stream helper to filter out duplicates (#1119) Works similar to the `uniq` command on unix and filters out consecutive values that are repeated. 23 December 2019, 18:10:58 UTC
7c6eb7f allow updating subscriptions via web socket API (#1118) Before it would work for the initial subscription, but didn't properly handle updates. This change adds a session manager that will handle the updated subscriptions. 23 December 2019, 14:30:37 UTC
06b23a2 fix Jackson deprecation warnings (#1117) Use builder for creating the JsonFactory instance. 17 December 2019, 01:03:04 UTC
af59566 fix RequestEntityTooLarge deprecation (#1116) Renamed to PayloadTooLarge in latest version of akka-http. 17 December 2019, 00:52:24 UTC
b768a0c fix scalatest warnings (#1115) Fixes the deprecation warnings after updating to scalatest 3.1.0. 16 December 2019, 20:26:45 UTC
16c5535 add support for a dark theme (#1114) Adds a theme parameter that can be used with graph images. There are two themes right now: `light` and `dark`. The `light` theme is the default and renders the same way as before. The default armytage palette is intended for a white background. This change also adds two new palettes from the [R Polychrome] package. The `light24`palette is the default when using the `dark` theme. [R Polychrome]: This change is still experimental and may change prior to 1.7.0 release. 16 December 2019, 19:14:33 UTC
6a41c21 handle some shard groups being empty (#1113) In intermediate deployment stages, some of the shard groups may be empty. Before this would result in a divide by zero error. Now it will return null. Null is used instead of `Option[T]` to maintain backwards compatibility and avoid the extra allocation if used in a hot path. 10 December 2019, 17:04:51 UTC
f1d110e simplify condition for isRestricted (#1112) The prefixes list is not used anywhere and it is faster as a simple condition. 02 December 2019, 19:49:35 UTC
f4880f6 remove empty test suite (#1111) 02 December 2019, 17:13:25 UTC
55995c2 update dependencies (#1110) 02 December 2019, 17:02:02 UTC
7c677c6 sbt 1.3.4 02 December 2019, 16:48:40 UTC
52d08bf jackson 2.10.1 02 December 2019, 16:46:50 UTC
4d767b8 scalatest 3.1.0 02 December 2019, 16:38:34 UTC
aab0781 slf4j 1.7.29 02 December 2019, 16:37:40 UTC
fd15b60 spectator 0.99.2 02 December 2019, 16:36:55 UTC
6ab22b2 iep 2.1.6 02 December 2019, 16:11:14 UTC
0bd72f4 aws-java-sdk 1.11.681 02 December 2019, 16:10:19 UTC
d4811a1 akka-http 10.1.11 02 December 2019, 16:08:36 UTC
5d72e0a add mapping for transit gateway metrics (#1109) CloudWatch mappings for [TGW metrics]. Note, in CW there are drop counts for bytes as well as packets, though the docs only shows packets. [TGW metrics]: 22 November 2019, 17:59:08 UTC
8484f6e remove old redis conf settings (#1108) Redis hasn't been used in a long time. See #561. 20 November 2019, 16:09:21 UTC
4b7e57d fix stream aggregation with same expr for different hosts (#1107) Fix stream result aggregation issue when multiple URLs with same query in one session. When multiple urls have the same query but different host, the result is aggregation of all data from urls with the same query ignoring different host. Fixed by grouping by host, processing them in sub-streams with the existing flow and then merging results back to one stream. 14 November 2019, 19:00:45 UTC
1b93714 avoid delay on finish for local eval processor (#1106) When using the eval processor for local data, it should stop quickly after the upstream is complete. Before the throttling on the Eureka lookup would cause about a 30s delay. This changes the Eureka lookup to use an empty source if there are no remote data sources. Also fixes a bug with TimeGrouped where it could potentially push without a downstream pull when the upstream finishes. 14 November 2019, 18:21:06 UTC
db806d6 optimize ByteStringInputStream for large payloads (#1105) Uses the `asByteBuffer` conversion to allow for more efficient reads. The `copyToArray` was really slow and was worse than just always using `apply` and reading a single byte. The byte buffer approach avoids the intermediate array allocation and supports a fast copy to another array. For the sample benchmark it is about 10x faster. 13 November 2019, 02:58:11 UTC
2d83102 optimization for tag validation (#1103) A lot of time is spent iterating the maps. It is faster to iterate over the set of rules for each key/value pair. 11 November 2019, 02:59:32 UTC
1c2ef40 improve tick label selection for log scales (#1093) For large ranges it will now use powers of 10 instead of using the normal linear selection. For smaller ranges the linear mode will still be used. If using binary labels, then the it will still have the old behavior. This will be fixed in a subsequent PR. Fixes #1007 09 November 2019, 04:52:22 UTC
b79a0bd remove duplicate ByteStringInputStream (#1102) This helper class was duplicated in eval and akka packages. Now the usage has been consolidated. Eval library wasn't actually using the util, so a few places have been updated to avoid the intermediate array allocation. 06 November 2019, 23:27:18 UTC
22d8b39 extract step when creating DataSource from JSON (#1101) If the step size is not in the JSON payload, then extract from the URI as expected rather than leave it as null. 30 October 2019, 18:30:11 UTC
dfc8597 add options to tune request handler (#1100) There are options now to disable automatic handling of compression and whether or not to setup access logging. For high volume services the automatic compression results in a lot of allocations for intermediate ByteStrings. The json directives will not automatically wrap with a GZIPInputStream if the data is GZIP compressed. For some services this drastically reduces the allocation rate. 23 October 2019, 21:52:41 UTC
7795f1e reduce allocations for parsing payloads (#1099) Adds a ByteStringInputStream so we can read the data directly from the ByteString without copying to an intermediate array. 23 October 2019, 17:25:00 UTC
c7c61d5 support lwcapi instance lookup via edda (#1098) Adds support for looking up the instances of the lwcapi clusters via Edda instead of Eureka. For now it is done with minimal changes and still supports the Eureka URIs. This can be refactored to be more generic in a later version. 23 October 2019, 13:49:50 UTC
b5a0d80 use PatternMatcher helper for validation (#1096) Improves performance in many cases. For more details, see Netflix/spectator#651. 22 October 2019, 23:16:56 UTC
a8b6c21 update dependencies (#1097) 22 October 2019, 21:38:36 UTC
5f7fd94 sbt-updates 0.5.0 22 October 2019, 20:36:51 UTC
dd51b8d sbt-release 1.0.12 22 October 2019, 20:36:09 UTC
0e729f1 sbt 1.3.3 22 October 2019, 20:32:42 UTC
8e45214 typesafe config 1.4.0 22 October 2019, 19:45:12 UTC
db1ae24 frigga 0.20.0 22 October 2019, 19:44:33 UTC
81a079f equalsverifier 3.1.10 22 October 2019, 19:43:37 UTC
acac947 iep 2.1.4 22 October 2019, 18:04:36 UTC
7e88be5 spectator 0.98.0 22 October 2019, 18:04:08 UTC
d3317f4 aws-java-sdk 1.11.656 22 October 2019, 17:10:47 UTC
4c137bc akka-http 10.1.10 22 October 2019, 17:09:43 UTC
88d99fe add mapping for EC2 API call metrics (#1095) For more details see: 22 October 2019, 16:34:33 UTC
a966472 akka 2.5.26 22 October 2019, 16:30:03 UTC
9ef97e0 jackson 2.10.0 (#1091) Update to latest jackson release. Should help resolve the frequent stream of CVEs related to default typing: 02 October 2019, 20:35:39 UTC
67f6733 update default set of `atlas.` reserved keys (#1090) Include `atlas.aggr` used for inline aggregation. Remove the `atlas.rollup` which was for an experimental rollup support that we ended up not doing. 02 October 2019, 13:53:46 UTC
4be162e jackson 2.9.10 (#1089) Fixes serialization issue with case objects on scala 2.13. 23 September 2019, 14:05:13 UTC
da36c62 make 2.13 the default scala version (#1088) As our deployments are switching over, it makes sense to have this be the default we use for development. 19 September 2019, 19:42:06 UTC
dcf4b36 update travis config to use latest scala versions (#1087) Scala 2.12.10 and 2.13.1. 18 September 2019, 22:57:38 UTC
3f0c61c add support for `count` with `:stat` (#1085) Provides better symmetry with the legend as this was the only stat that wasn't supported. 18 September 2019, 18:25:53 UTC
ea4d403 sbt 1.3.0 (#1084) CloudWatch test case fixed to properly shutdown the ActorSystem and avoid: ``` java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: akka/actor/dungeon/FaultHandling$$anonfun$handleNonFatalOrInterruptedException$1 at at$(FaultHandling.scala:310) at at$1(ActorCell.scala:557) at at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processAllSystemMessages(Mailbox.scala:293) at at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.exec(Mailbox.scala:241) at akka.dispatch.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask.doExec( at akka.dispatch.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask( at akka.dispatch.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool.runWorker( at Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:$$anonfun$handleNonFatalOrInterruptedException$1 at at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ... 12 more ``` For more details see sbt/sbt#5075. 18 September 2019, 16:25:01 UTC
7cf6f0a update dependencies (#1083) 18 September 2019, 15:58:04 UTC
bc891ab iep 2.1.3 18 September 2019, 14:15:28 UTC
ab73142 roaringbitmap 0.8.11 18 September 2019, 14:00:18 UTC
1be614e aws-java-sdk 1.11.629 18 September 2019, 13:59:45 UTC
84e1d74 akka 2.5.25 18 September 2019, 13:50:25 UTC
496fbee spectator 0.96.0 18 September 2019, 13:49:37 UTC
741ec94 scala 2.13.1 18 September 2019, 13:40:32 UTC
03375af scala 2.12.10 18 September 2019, 13:39:43 UTC
d918f71 use https for jfrog resolver (#1082) Helps avoid risk of MITM attack introducing bad dependencies. 17 September 2019, 16:12:30 UTC
35753f3 Add percentile example to wiki (#1072) Adds a `requestLatency` metric to the sample dataset that has percentile information. 27 August 2019, 21:19:59 UTC
3d46974 switch to max normalization for gauges (#1079) For use-cases where we perform inline aggregation this gives the expected value and avoids the need for an additional disambiguation tag for the aggregator instance. This also means that if no custom rollups are done the sum of the gauge values would match expectations rather than being a multiple of the number of aggregator instances. 15 August 2019, 21:08:07 UTC
5878290 update dependencies (#1078) 15 August 2019, 18:11:21 UTC
505fcb8 frigga 0.19.2 15 August 2019, 17:53:40 UTC
695088d roaringbitmap 0.8.10 15 August 2019, 17:52:00 UTC
f3f902c iep 2.1.2 15 August 2019, 17:46:34 UTC
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