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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
3dcc923 v1.9.4 16 May 2017, 11:59:29 UTC
589c400 Typo fix Somehow I made that in 5ffc8a84cda91b5da037a923480236450f7f4586 without noticing 16 May 2017, 11:51:17 UTC
b8443e6 Added Win32 UNICODE wmain support (#903) * Added wmain support * Added appveyor.yml wmain configuration * Added wmain configuration flag to CMake 11 May 2017, 11:00:03 UTC
5604ec7 Updated toString documentation It will need another update when Catch 2 goes live. Closes #741 03 May 2017, 19:09:27 UTC
6f012f2 Added warning if source file cannot be found If source files are defined using relative paths, CMake will compile the tests, but this script will (sometimes) fail to find and parse the tests from the source files. I have added an explicit warning when ParseAndAddCatchTests fails to find a source file. 01 May 2017, 17:55:17 UTC
98e61c3 Approval tests now see different line endings as ok This is mostly to deal with WSL, where git will checkout file with CRLF, but code that uses formatted output will be writing LFs. 29 April 2017, 16:06:36 UTC
e641485 Updated approval tests 29 April 2017, 15:54:10 UTC
a3ceb8f Approval tests now can deal with different expansions of errno 29 April 2017, 15:52:12 UTC
b819432 Don't clear out all messages upon printing an assertion. Previously, this would not print out any messages for the last CHECK ```cpp TEST_CASE("Foo") { INFO("Test case start"); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { INFO("The number is " << i); CHECK(i == 0); } CHECK(false); } ``` now it does. 29 April 2017, 15:50:03 UTC
9ceae8f CMake binaries are now conditionally enabled Defining NO_SELFTEST=1 when cmake configuration is being done now turns off SelfTest and Benchmark executables. This is for projects that consume Catch using ExternalProject_Add and don't want to build our selftest binaries for their unit test suite. Closes #897 28 April 2017, 18:27:10 UTC
5ffc8a8 Fix order of arguments in CATCH_FAIL and nonvariadic INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG Fixes #896 28 April 2017, 16:30:04 UTC
6e0fa4b Update Fixed broken link to LICENSE 27 April 2017, 08:29:58 UTC
a0ada2e v1.9.3 25 April 2017, 14:23:06 UTC
e4694f5 Removed errant uses of uint64_t fixes #894 25 April 2017, 14:15:59 UTC
fc7f0a0 v1.9.2 25 April 2017, 09:08:02 UTC
211b330 Don’t unconditionally #include <stdint.h> (as earlier MSVC don’t have it) 25 April 2017, 07:43:14 UTC
d36fe21 Further tweaked alignment hack for Option 25 April 2017, 07:38:25 UTC
a34c053 All of Approx's member functions now accept strong typedefs Previously `Approx::operator()`, `Approx::epsilon`, `Approx::margin` and `Approx::scale` didn't. Closes #888 24 April 2017, 20:01:45 UTC
4cdb203 Improve documentation about using Catch with CMake Also added a note about the `contrib/ParseAndAddCatchTests.cmake` script. Closes #882 24 April 2017, 14:27:43 UTC
8014bf1 cmake script to generate ctest definitions from catch tests: fix for test case body bracket 24 April 2017, 11:33:04 UTC
49d87cf Add Newsbeuter to OSS users list (#891) 22 April 2017, 14:02:55 UTC
eedcc82 Tweaked storage alignment "workaround" a bit more in Option. 21 April 2017, 06:19:39 UTC
8e82590 Fix .travis.yml syntax 20 April 2017, 20:54:17 UTC
7869e5b Enable C++11 and C++14 on OSX on Travis 20 April 2017, 20:52:41 UTC
a49af46 Minor .travis.yml cleanup Still could use someone more experienced to clean it up properly... 20 April 2017, 20:50:07 UTC
417b2bc Enable C++14 on Linux on Travis 20 April 2017, 20:47:05 UTC
8f0feaa Enable /std:c++latest (C++17) for AppVeyor VS 2017 20 April 2017, 19:32:50 UTC
b95163b Don't enable POSIX signals under QNX Fixes #889 20 April 2017, 19:02:25 UTC
2809be8 “fixed” alignment in Option 20 April 2017, 13:39:07 UTC
ac369b7 Add script that helps with updating the Vcpkg package. Kind of a hackjob, that assumes vcpkg is already checked out and is next to the Catch's directory. 11 April 2017, 15:25:04 UTC
1aa3e4a Add CMake script to generate ctest definitions from Catch tests (#879) Added cmake script to parse the source files containing Catch's test and generate ctest definitions. It generates one ctest test per `TEST_CASE` and labels them, using the `TEST_CASE`'s tags. Closes #719. 11 April 2017, 14:51:02 UTC
e5c5a63 junit reporter does not count exceptions as failures if ok-to-fail 11 April 2017, 14:47:42 UTC
2bf30e9 Use (locally defined) UInt64 instead of uint64_t - typedefs long long for MSVC - typedefs uint64_t otherwise Should probably do finer grained compiler checking - but this should at least be better than what was there before 11 April 2017, 14:06:25 UTC
b591cb9 Added note about thread safety in assertions - closes #875 11 April 2017, 13:25:19 UTC
714d01c approved tests that were correct the first time (previous approvals were erroneous) 09 April 2017, 19:40:11 UTC
c6990cd v1.9.1 release 09 April 2017, 19:25:20 UTC
da8786b Unexpected exception are no longer ignored by default What an embarassing bug, I'll have to look into why it wasn't caught by any of Catch's self-tests. Fixes #885 and closes #887 (duplicate) 09 April 2017, 19:20:58 UTC
5577322 Added Nonius to open-sources users 08 April 2017, 21:47:13 UTC
1b03c5a v1.9.0 release 07 April 2017, 20:56:36 UTC
7dd3c19 Added NASA to commercial users list 07 April 2017, 18:12:13 UTC
29d26d3 Commented out unused argument 07 April 2017, 10:36:54 UTC
ca764ec TeamCity reporter “ignores” failures in tests marked “ok to fail” - also don’t report hidden/ not-selected tests 07 April 2017, 10:15:37 UTC
250f0ee Added approvals for “failed as expected” tests 07 April 2017, 08:33:19 UTC
09e4830 Added VS2017 to AppVeyor matrix 06 April 2017, 09:01:49 UTC
8f85d08 Give up on _Pragma for gcc, force disable Wparentheses in all TUs 05 April 2017, 19:37:27 UTC
3ae076c Updated REQUIRE* documentation under FAST_COMPILE 05 April 2017, 08:26:19 UTC
94425ad Add opt-in c++11 stream insertable check. (#877) * Add opt-in c++11 stream insertable check. To opt-in, define CATCH_CONFIG_CPP11_STREAM_INSERTABLE_CHECK. Opt-in fixes #872 and should fix #757 as well. 05 April 2017, 07:53:10 UTC
0354d50 Added templated constructor to C++11 Approx When using C++11, comparison operators are already templated to take anything that can be explicitly converted to double, but constructor took only doubles. This lead to warnings when an `Approx` was constructed from floats, which was problematic for some users. Since just adding float constructor would be a large breaking change, as suddenly `Approx( 1 )` would become ambiguous, I added a templated constructor that will take anything that is explicitly convertible to double. This has the added benefit of allowing constructing `Approx` instances from instances of strong typedefs, ie allowing `calculated_temp == Approx( known_temp)`. Closes #873 04 April 2017, 13:19:15 UTC
cdd83c2 Fmt and tag fixup for #876 Github wouldn't let me push to the PR, probably because it was made from fork of a fork... 04 April 2017, 09:31:13 UTC
9a07dde print messages when unexpected exceptions are thrown 04 April 2017, 09:27:19 UTC
6e091d3 Reset the UnexpectedException report state 03 April 2017, 09:48:50 UTC
95d85fb Fixed up CATCH_CONFIG_FAST_COMPILE for REQUIREs Unexpected exceptions no longer cause abort and there should be no more potential for false negatives. The trade-off now is that exceptions are no longer translated. 03 April 2017, 09:36:55 UTC
3a3f152 Updated documentation of CATCH_CONFIG_FAST_COMPILE 29 March 2017, 19:13:51 UTC
4fe2432 Rework of REQUIRE* changes in CATCH_CONFIG_FAST_COMPILE `ResultBuilder`s destructor now checks for exceptions, preventing false negatives. The speedup should remain the same give or take a tiny bit. 29 March 2017, 19:12:06 UTC
c3a41e2 Suppress -Wexit-time-destructors in Catch code This is another warning that follows test macros, making it painful to suppress without leaking outside. Luckily clang's `_Pragma` implementation works. Should fix #308 29 March 2017, 18:30:59 UTC
4838039 Merge pull request #869 from mloskot/patch-1 Add nanodbc library to Catch users 27 March 2017, 06:43:27 UTC
2a221b8 Add nanodbc library to Catch users 26 March 2017, 19:26:08 UTC
79ce693 remove redundant "/" This "/" is not needed as CMake adds this automatically 23 March 2017, 20:18:07 UTC
d762a7c Expanded documentation about THROWS_AS assertions 23 March 2017, 20:16:52 UTC
f23b6b8 Don't sanitize exception type in REQUIRE_THROWS_AS Effectively a revert of previous commit, fixing #542, where this was added to stop linters complaining about `REQUIRE_THROWS_AS` used like `REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(expr, std::exception);`, which would be slicing the caught exception. Now it is user's responsibility to pass us proper exception type. Closes #833 which wanted to add `typename`, so that the construct works in a template, but that would not work with MSVC and older GCC's, as having `typename` outside of a template is allowed only from C++11 onward. 23 March 2017, 20:11:21 UTC
4597b43 Throw instead of calling exit in RegistrarForTagAliases constructor Caries a problem vis-a-vis Windows, just like previous commit, but that can be fixed later on. Closes #866 22 March 2017, 17:40:07 UTC
f64d914 Throw instead of calling exit in enforceNotReservedTag Closes #865 22 March 2017, 16:53:22 UTC
d07999d Version struct now uses char* for holding branch name Since the info is constant, and the only use is to write it out during runtime, there is no need for `std::string`. 22 March 2017, 16:45:36 UTC
e04dc51 use inline 'libraryVersion()' function (closes #858) 22 March 2017, 14:51:02 UTC
cffb031 Added polymorphic_value to OSS users 22 March 2017, 10:33:52 UTC
f3ec843 Changed all internal forwarding macro usages to put macro name as first argument (and ‘expression’, if any, last) This is a first step towards allowing expression arguments to become variadic 21 March 2017, 13:23:35 UTC
55ed17f Removed stray define 20 March 2017, 09:53:32 UTC
6a502cc Renamed licence file, license should now be detected by github 20 March 2017, 07:59:25 UTC
6a009fa Documented REQUIRE under CATCH_CONFIG_FAST_COMPILE 17 March 2017, 16:02:39 UTC
7a8a020 CATCH_CONFIG_FAST_COMPILE now disables trys in REQUIRE* This seems to give about 15% speedup when compiling tests using GCC. The tradeoff is that under certain circumstances, there is a chance for false negative result, when the expression under test throws exception and the test code catches it before it gets to the test runner. Example: ``` cpp TEST_CASE("False negative") { try { REQUIRE(throws() == ""); } catch (...) {} } ``` This test case will succeed, reporting no assertions checked, instead of failing as it would with `CATCH_CONFIG_FAST_COMPILE` disabled. However, just removing the try-catch block inside client's code will fix this, so it is worthwhile. This change does not apply to CHECK* macros, because these are currently specified as continuing on exception and thus need the local try-catch to work as intended. 17 March 2017, 12:21:40 UTC
4dc06bd Use bulk vector::insert rather than back_inserter 15 March 2017, 15:19:38 UTC
08b597b Merge pull request #856 from lightmare/script-exec-perm Set execute permission on runnable python scripts 15 March 2017, 11:44:40 UTC
46d1664 Set execute permission on runnable python scripts 15 March 2017, 11:24:18 UTC
4ec8d53 Tag Alias registry is part of registry hub instead of it’s own singleton - should now be cleaned up properly 15 March 2017, 09:45:37 UTC
e7984e3 Reorganised the readme/ ref docs TOC and added link to reporters docs 15 March 2017, 09:08:20 UTC
90d8937 Added docs on reporters 15 March 2017, 09:07:23 UTC
0692317 Added Obj-C bindings fix to release notes 15 March 2017, 09:04:09 UTC
95fc8d6 Fixed up old documentation links in release notes 13 March 2017, 20:31:26 UTC
0c015aa v1.8.2 release 13 March 2017, 20:29:30 UTC
f69f821 Updatecd [!shouldFail] docs with extra explanatory note, 13 March 2017, 19:35:17 UTC
485dbdc Added link to event listeners docs 13 March 2017, 19:27:18 UTC
0afd52b Fix Objective-C Matchers Fixes #854 13 March 2017, 15:40:21 UTC
38b05f1 Don’t assume first CL arg (exe name) is present Fixes #729 13 March 2017, 11:00:58 UTC
db98666 Don’t ref past end of string fixes #830 13 March 2017, 10:22:02 UTC
4101ff3 #include <ctype> for std::to lower 10 March 2017, 19:25:00 UTC
68da5a6 Docs for Listeners 10 March 2017, 19:17:25 UTC
e4a25ad Added CATCH_REGISTER_LISTENER without the INTERNAL_ prefix 10 March 2017, 19:15:03 UTC
5d6c744 Qualified std::tolower in Clara. Fixes #543 10 March 2017, 18:38:52 UTC
5dd0639 Added FAIL_CHECK Works like FAIL, but does not abort test. As proposed in #765 08 March 2017, 15:42:11 UTC
a251575 Merge pull request #846 from m0ppers/patch-1 Add ArangoDB 07 March 2017, 11:34:07 UTC
807941e Add ArangoDB 07 March 2017, 11:29:13 UTC
a2e20b0 "Fix" build by annotating the new test as !shouldfail The quick test under ctest checks only for no tests failing, not for the expected output. 07 March 2017, 09:17:59 UTC
ace7040 Add tests for #835 Also add ErrnoGuard before `isatty` call, because apparently it can set errno to 25 (ENOTTY). 06 March 2017, 21:07:33 UTC
613e146 Save errno before using sprintf, ifstream. std::ifstream in libstdc++ contains a bug, where it sets errno to zero. To work around it, we manually save the errno before using std::ifstream in debugger check, and reset it after we are done. We also preventively save errno before using sprintf. Fixes #835 06 March 2017, 20:51:22 UTC
e95bf48 Take std::string by const-ref where possible Most places already do, this brings over some forgotten places. Also close #842 06 March 2017, 12:16:43 UTC
932a405 /Wx -> /WX (stupid typo) 06 March 2017, 10:29:57 UTC
9a03720 Enable /Wx (Warnings as error) for SelfTest builds 06 March 2017, 10:21:35 UTC
374c050 fixup 06 March 2017, 09:59:17 UTC
8b8e3ee Disable C4702 in Exception tests self tests VS 2015 in Release mode sees through our indirection and complains. There is no reason to make the indirectoin harder to reason about, instead of just disabling the warning. 06 March 2017, 09:52:21 UTC
af1ed70 Copied release note fixes to documentation 06 March 2017, 09:46:21 UTC
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