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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
ac00261 enabled UDP messaging along with NDN messaging 07 January 2015, 18:46:38 UTC
3b0a382 disabled automatic invocation of UDP messaging for tracking data. NDN messaging could be used instead 08 December 2014, 18:59:36 UTC
131d71d Added a new parameter: prediction_duration. 24 November 2014, 18:38:46 UTC
e73bb34 Added warning messages when 100+ detections are above maximum allowed delay. 24 November 2014, 15:29:17 UTC
acfffc5 Completed node for track smoothing. Dynamic reconfigure available. 24 November 2014, 13:54:29 UTC
b547300 Added warning messages when detections from a sensor are missing for more then 10 seconds. 19 November 2014, 09:49:30 UTC
b238dd4 Added plot of images acquired. 19 November 2014, 08:48:15 UTC
935bf8b Corrected compilation error. 14 November 2014, 10:30:51 UTC
5cefb14 Corrected compilation bug. 14 November 2014, 10:28:52 UTC
dd14806 Added debug messages. 13 November 2014, 13:47:40 UTC
e399018 Added output when checkerboard is detected. 13 November 2014, 09:17:31 UTC
4a9a464 Improved visualization of tracks when doing calibration refinement. 12 November 2014, 10:14:45 UTC
29f7962 Update ground_based_people_detector_sr.yaml 11 November 2014, 19:42:35 UTC
c66bb1a Update ground_based_people_detector_sr_multicamera.yaml 11 November 2014, 19:42:07 UTC
b2a8a20 Update ground_based_people_detector.yaml changed max_distance back to reasonable default - 50 is too huge 11 November 2014, 19:41:50 UTC
a0c6aa4 Added calibration refinement procedure based on people detection from all the nodes. 11 November 2014, 16:25:54 UTC
42e320a Added parallel execution of image processing (to find checkerboards). 11 November 2014, 10:52:04 UTC
a46fc8d node js and python 06 November 2014, 20:51:12 UTC
35b840d touch tox 06 November 2014, 20:46:02 UTC
ab64a04 Debug ROS_INFO output changed into ROS_DEBUG. 05 November 2014, 16:00:36 UTC
de6546c Added ros-$ROS_DISTRO-camera-info-manager-py package to ros_install script. 04 November 2014, 10:09:02 UTC
a6ab3fa Bugfix for tracking hanging issue (GitHub issue #13). 03 November 2014, 21:55:01 UTC
4fa6cfb Solved upside-down cameras bug. 03 November 2014, 14:01:24 UTC
25a8047 Added output for debugging purposes. 28 October 2014, 19:28:12 UTC
bfaf217 Added 'valid_points_threshold' parameter to dynamic reconfigure GUI. Moreover, warning/error messages are written to the console less frequently. 26 October 2014, 16:39:48 UTC
105a8c1 Feature #315. Intrinsic calibration for SwissRangers published by the driver and read by the detector. 24 October 2014, 15:51:52 UTC
397784e Added missing file in commit 298f6bb783967a9c333a863210b175a0020395cc. 24 October 2014, 11:45:07 UTC
d6a49c8 Bugfix for using dynamic reconfigure GUI with SwissRanger. 24 October 2014, 11:36:30 UTC
298f6bb Feature #315. Added creation of a valid CameraInfo file during calibration of a SwissRanger. 23 October 2014, 16:09:43 UTC
fbf1568 Added camera_calib_url argument when creating the sensor launcher for the calibration procedure. 23 October 2014, 16:06:05 UTC
11e825f Now loads CameraInfo from URL, if existing. 23 October 2014, 16:05:17 UTC
9308c02 Added camera_info_url argument. 23 October 2014, 15:59:50 UTC
07338ac Added CameraInfo URL parameter. 23 October 2014, 15:57:05 UTC
de7d945 Added launch file and script to get the calibration file of a swiss ranger intensity image. 21 October 2014, 18:26:37 UTC
7b9caab Corrected calibration_toolkit version to download. 21 October 2014, 12:38:15 UTC
36af2f9 Added floor constraint to checkerboards. Works with calibration_toolkit tag v0.2. 21 October 2014, 11:42:26 UTC
dbf3a31 Corrected scale factor for swiss ranger's confidence and intensity image values. 21 October 2014, 11:31:19 UTC
f306793 Added synchronization between CameraInfo and Image messages. Added P and R matrices to CameraInfo messages. Corrected scale factor for confidence and intensity image values. 21 October 2014, 11:25:04 UTC
572d6fc Re-indented swissranger_camera driver code to make it more readable. 21 October 2014, 09:47:23 UTC
2edf1f1 Added Utility class to convert Swiss Ranger's PointCloud2 messages to PointCloud<PointXYZ> + images. 21 October 2014, 09:47:23 UTC
82196d3 Renamed camera_network.yaml to camera_network.yaml.example. 20 October 2014, 21:42:14 UTC
13edb9f Added possibility to save to file the ground plane manually estimated for every sensor and then use it in place of ground plane estimated from multi-camera calibration (see read_ground_from_file in ground_based_people_detector.yaml). 13 October 2014, 19:14:46 UTC
a2b7eaa Improved handling of detections coming from SwissRangers. Partially solve issue #312 in Redmine, #14 in GitHub. 10 October 2014, 16:50:30 UTC
147122e Now detection parameters (GroundBasedPeopleDetector and HaarDispAdaDetector nodes) can be set via dynamic reconfigure. 10 October 2014, 09:52:52 UTC
feb37a9 Added possibility to disable/enable detection algorithms on disparity (for kinect e stereo_pg). 09 October 2014, 15:01:33 UTC
79402c2 Added possibility to change voxel size and minimum distance between persons from detection configuration files. 09 October 2014, 12:46:09 UTC
bcb37ad No need any more of calling SwissRangers in a particular mode for better handling them in the tracking node. Now detection messages contain also information about the type of image and algorithm used for extracting the detection confidence. 09 October 2014, 11:50:53 UTC
e84104e Update webhook confirmed 08 October 2014, 01:03:39 UTC
514da40 Update testing webhook 08 October 2014, 01:03:03 UTC
164daf1 Update 08 October 2014, 00:59:18 UTC
cd553ef Update 08 October 2014, 00:57:09 UTC
4270aee Update testing redmine github hook 08 October 2014, 00:23:14 UTC
937bf12 adding stereo pipeline doc back for now 07 October 2014, 01:42:24 UTC
52cb651 Another parameters restored to default value. 06 October 2014, 00:27:15 UTC
a708ed7 Default parameters have been restored in the configuration files. 06 October 2014, 00:24:33 UTC
333287d Now tracking parameters can be set online with 'rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure'. 06 October 2014, 00:22:35 UTC
c9ab4bf documentation note 05 October 2014, 18:04:48 UTC
0a31f33 removing docs that were moved to wiki... will soon be replaced with offline HTML export of wiki 05 October 2014, 18:00:03 UTC
7a6e7f0 Increased in/out queue_size for topic /tracker/track. Solve bug #16. 05 October 2014, 14:36:42 UTC
c4ea722 Revert "Bugfix to tracking filter node." This reverts commit 80ecd9c0e1e68f732971f67c82845d6021699425. 05 October 2014, 14:30:40 UTC
80ecd9c Bugfix to tracking filter node. 04 October 2014, 21:29:40 UTC
3dd9a4f Increase queue for tracking filter node. 04 October 2014, 20:49:54 UTC
a250077 Added stereo_processing node to detector_stereo launch file. 03 October 2014, 16:51:39 UTC
e965b67 Bugfix to detector_stereo.launch - missing argument. 29 September 2014, 17:45:15 UTC
a130156 Update ground_based_people_detector.yaml max_distance: 50.0 #15 is too low for default. ideally this would only be used when it's necessary / IE causing bad detections. helps to have a less restrictive default when setting up 8 hosts :) 23 September 2014, 22:07:13 UTC
2f481bd Update ground_based_people_detector_sr.yaml updated max_distance default it's great to have this - but 15 is too low for default. ideally this would only be used when it's necessary / IE causing bad detections. 23 September 2014, 22:04:33 UTC
454519e Corrected wrong arg names. 22 September 2014, 18:44:34 UTC
13776d4 Added missing "0" to kinect with no serial calibration file. 22 September 2014, 18:06:15 UTC
8e2b314 Added usage of calibration files for Kinect devices. 22 September 2014, 18:00:37 UTC
76e0120 Added instructions for using PointGrey cameras with OpenPTrack. 22 September 2014, 14:42:58 UTC
01b907e Smoothed tracking topics renamed for consistency. 22 September 2014, 14:25:37 UTC
41d5b69 Added missing header to history pointcloud. 22 September 2014, 14:25:37 UTC
7f4e69e Added publication of a pointcloud that keeps the previous track locations. 22 September 2014, 14:25:37 UTC
3ce3fad Added GigE packet delay parameter for PointGrey GigE cameras. 22 September 2014, 14:09:33 UTC
f1b37d1 Added GigE packet size to PointGrey parameters that can be set via configuration file. 19 September 2014, 20:48:55 UTC
291954b Now 'camera_info' topics for stereo cameras composed of BlackFly cameras are directly published by PointGrey ROS wrapper. 19 September 2014, 12:52:12 UTC
562f7d7 Bugfix for single-camera tracking and publishing markers representing tracks output of tracking_filter node. 18 September 2014, 16:01:17 UTC
3480ed3 Added markers to tracker_filter_node. 18 September 2014, 14:45:35 UTC
75666f6 Now also not visible (but still alive) tracks are published by the tracking node. 18 September 2014, 10:08:04 UTC
147bb1f Bugfix: death of tracker_filter_node. 18 September 2014, 09:31:22 UTC
e39c1c3 Time is now calculated from last msg in which the person is visible or occluded. 18 September 2014, 07:34:59 UTC
f3b4300 image doc 17 September 2014, 19:44:19 UTC
183698f removed old files... more to come 17 September 2014, 03:35:15 UTC
052ff35 Now UDP data are published at a fixed frame rate, messages with no tracks can be enabled/disabled and a heartbeat message is published when messages with no tracks are disabled. Parameters can be set from 'tracking/conf/tracker_filter.yaml'. 16 September 2014, 11:58:42 UTC
411b2c6 Re-added configuration file for tracking filter node. 15 September 2014, 15:58:08 UTC
5db4df8 Temporary fix for compilation issue. 15 September 2014, 15:53:27 UTC
13d771c Added tracking_filter node. 15 September 2014, 15:02:50 UTC
918ac23 Bugfix for displaying detection trajectories in RViz. 15 September 2014, 13:57:51 UTC
0a2c4d2 New features to debug detection nodes: detections from all cameras can be visualized in real time in RViz from the topic "/detector/markers_array" of type "MarkerArray". Detections coming from different cameras have different colors and different "namespace". Thus, from RViz it is possible to select only detections coming from a particular sensor by selecting the correct namespace. Moreover, a "PointCloud2" message can be visualized by selecting topic "/detector/history" which shows trajectories of all detections (different cameras <-> different colors). 15 September 2014, 10:34:18 UTC
98a1ae8 Added possibility to update the background for every detector by sending a message over the network. To update the background, this command has to be run on the master PC: rostopic pub /background_update std_msgs/String "update" -1 If background subtraction was not enabled at system startup, sending this message also enables it from that point on. 14 September 2014, 13:51:29 UTC
46b47dc Added possibility to perform background subtraction within ground-based people detector. Flag for enabling background subtraction (it is disabled by default) and relative parameters are in yaml configuration files for ground_based_people_detector. Each detection node learns its background at startup. 13 September 2014, 15:07:42 UTC
414f4e6 Trying to fix issue 9: "JSON packet formatting - garbage at end #9". 12 September 2014, 12:00:50 UTC
550050f Added missing parameters to stereo demo launch file. 12 September 2014, 07:51:51 UTC
42acb48 Update to 'multicamera_calibration_guide.doc' with instructions on how to maintain the user reference frame when re-calibrating. 01 September 2014, 13:01:52 UTC
d549637 Added reference to 3DRP-PCL2014 paper in 01 September 2014, 12:42:51 UTC
e6bdec9 Added missing configuration files for stereo people detection. 31 August 2014, 22:52:03 UTC
62ddb2c Bugfix for "waving" SwissRanger intensity image with Ubuntu 14.04 and ROS Indigo. 31 August 2014, 22:42:17 UTC
41c1380 Removed auto-generated file from repository. 29 August 2014, 07:29:02 UTC
4daa848 Update to the pipeline described in 'stereo_pipeline.doc'. 28 August 2014, 17:11:43 UTC
1b0f859 Update to 'stereo_pipeline.doc'. 28 August 2014, 16:57:29 UTC
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