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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
81074fd Second try at merge 05 May 2020, 17:09:14 UTC
ff78629 Merge branch 'super_simplify_v2' of into super_simplify_v2 05 May 2020, 02:55:47 UTC
48df1a4 Add tool to dedup and simplify exprs 05 May 2020, 02:55:42 UTC
636b8df Merge pull request #4896 from halide/srj-simp2 minor super_simplify fixes 04 May 2020, 21:18:23 UTC
91ccc9d minor super_simplify fixes - add a sanity check in super_simplify to bail from the loop if we get too many counterexamples (preventing missed pathological cases from hanging) - remove unnecessary lock in find_rules loop - make BLACKLISTING logging debug(1) instead of debug(0) 04 May 2020, 21:16:59 UTC
4513165 More aggressive predicate synthesis 04 May 2020, 18:33:27 UTC
d20114d Allow arbitrary z3 timeouts. 04 May 2020, 18:33:01 UTC
12f0694 Don't use prove_me rules. Some of them are wrong. 04 May 2020, 18:32:14 UTC
ff754f0 Merge branch 'super_simplify_v2' of into super_simplify_v2 04 May 2020, 15:26:38 UTC
97512a5 Fresh rules from apps 04 May 2020, 15:26:23 UTC
4c34a6b Generate statistical significance results 04 May 2020, 15:26:06 UTC
35dd284 Turn on optimizations for the tools 04 May 2020, 15:25:30 UTC
f36385b Checkpoint pre-merge 04 May 2020, 14:04:33 UTC
2907b99 Merge pull request #4889 from halide/srj-simp Add optional output path for filter-rewrite-rules 03 May 2020, 01:42:05 UTC
a3edcf2 Add optional output path for filter-rewrite-rules 02 May 2020, 23:15:01 UTC
fadc168 Merge pull request #4888 from halide/srj-simp error-checking fixes 02 May 2020, 23:00:29 UTC
059ede8 Update find_rules.cpp 02 May 2020, 22:57:10 UTC
a575c17 Update find_rules.cpp 02 May 2020, 22:42:12 UTC
a84b5ac error-checking fixes - make blacklist.txt a required arg (so it doesn't assume 'current directory' - add error-checking to the iostream open() calls to ensure that failure to open files isn't overlooked 02 May 2020, 22:34:42 UTC
c1ae0ac Require that at least one var is eliminated in all new rules. 02 May 2020, 19:07:06 UTC
c4ad8fb Add ratios and new apps to results script 02 May 2020, 19:06:22 UTC
7b7f6e1 Add Mul to RHS recognition 02 May 2020, 19:06:01 UTC
353f92a Increase default accuracy of all benchmarks 02 May 2020, 19:05:36 UTC
bf69774 Add more apps and more random schedules for them 02 May 2020, 19:05:19 UTC
b772f5b Fix for repeated constants of different types 01 May 2020, 19:45:15 UTC
6d7a445 Fix float parsing 01 May 2020, 19:16:57 UTC
244fb81 Fresh rules from the apps 01 May 2020, 19:11:31 UTC
6350d18 Delete two human-added rules, one of which was incorrect! 01 May 2020, 18:35:24 UTC
c653925 Fresh batch of rules from the apps 01 May 2020, 18:18:01 UTC
7185b23 Add rules synthesized from second pass at blacklist.txt 01 May 2020, 00:05:53 UTC
3f3d37e Turn back on parallel rule filtering 01 May 2020, 00:04:49 UTC
b0f67bc Add initial batch of rewrite rules from apps 01 May 2020, 00:04:36 UTC
cb227cf Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into super_simplify_v2 30 April 2020, 23:35:11 UTC
8dde2ed Add instructions for running synthesis experiment 30 April 2020, 22:05:22 UTC
f4cf2a6 Predicate synthesis improvements 30 April 2020, 22:03:02 UTC
6c5e292 Fix z3 model parsing 30 April 2020, 22:00:22 UTC
2e064d0 Fix parsing of let exprs 30 April 2020, 22:00:06 UTC
98ce581 Make find_rules output to file 30 April 2020, 21:59:50 UTC
f9da218 Handle cases in predicate synthesis where bootstrapping doesn't terminate 30 April 2020, 21:59:37 UTC
98622c9 Add mod to more_general_than 30 April 2020, 21:59:07 UTC
1f875b0 Merge pull request #4883 from halide/srj-logging Add object-size and compile-time to CompilerLogger 29 April 2020, 17:41:13 UTC
7b8c573 Merge pull request #4875 from halide/revert_bounds_of_promise_clamped Don't inject min/max exprs in bounds of a promise_clamped of constant 29 April 2020, 07:02:58 UTC
7544c42 Emit object_code_size as a number, not a string 29 April 2020, 00:38:30 UTC
8557e80 Merge pull request #4879 from halide/clang_tidy_introspection Run clang-tidy on Introspection.cpp 29 April 2020, 00:37:10 UTC
db9ec76 Add object-size and compile-time to CompilerLoger 29 April 2020, 00:30:36 UTC
3b8f634 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into super_simplify_v2 28 April 2020, 23:47:56 UTC
d267874 Learn from (x % 2) == y and similar 28 April 2020, 23:45:54 UTC
f1a062c Merge pull request #4882 from halide/srj-dlsym Call dlsym() directly in runtime/metal.cpp 28 April 2020, 23:20:18 UTC
35c275d Merge pull request #4871 from halide/srj-telemetry Add basic Compiler Logging engine to Halide compiler 28 April 2020, 23:18:22 UTC
a252109 Merge branch 'master' into revert_bounds_of_promise_clamped 28 April 2020, 21:50:06 UTC
2762561 Fix Mac code 28 April 2020, 21:49:21 UTC
d40d978 Merge pull request #4881 from halide/srj-nits Minor clang-tidy issues in IRPrinter 28 April 2020, 21:46:37 UTC
53c90c7 Merge pull request #4880 from halide/double_braces Fix std::array initialization 28 April 2020, 21:45:49 UTC
8cb1ce6 Call dlsym() directly in runtime/metal.cpp Followup to -- `halide_get_symbol` isn't defined in our iOS runtime; it might be useful to add it there, but the bottlenecking is unnecessary here, so a spot-fix should be simpler. 28 April 2020, 21:35:52 UTC
f5ea389 Up to now, we've typically gathered metadata about Halide compilation on an ad-hoc basis (e.g. via debug() statements); this adds a CompilerLogger output to Halide to allow us to gather data in a more structured way, so that we can do batch analysis of things like Simplifier rules more easily. This is modeled as a Generator output for now (though it could be used manually with the JIT if desired); the `compiler_log` output is a JSON file that contains basic information about the Generator being driven, along with information about: - Expressions that failed `can_prove` (including a text version of the original and failed version) - Loop vars that are non-monotonic - Eventually, the usage rate for each Simplifier rule (this requires some additional scaffolding in the Simplifier to enable) The CMake build file was modified to emit `compiler_log` files by default for all Generators (I did not attempt to modify the Makefile in this way, though). For debugging purposes, you can use HL_DEBUG_COMPILER_LOGGER=1 to dump all CompilerLogger to stderr (whether or not compiler_log output is specified for a specific Generator). You can also optionally specify HL_OBFUSCATE_COMPILER_LOGGER=1, which will cause all logged data to try to scrub interesting identifiers away; this is intended to allow gathering data on proprietary code and contributing it to a public analyzer (e.g. to find missed simplifier opportunities). The JSON looks something like this: ``` { "generator_name" : "interpolate", "function_name" : "interpolate", "target" : "x86-64-linux-avx-no_runtime-sse41", "generator_args" : "auto_schedule=false", "non_monotonic_loop_vars" : { "downsampled_1.s0.y.v10" : [ "(((downsampled_1.s0.y.v10*-2) + ((t140.s*-2) + ((t140.s*2) + (select((0 < downsampled_1.s0.y.v10), -14, -15) + (downsampled_1.s0.y.v10*2)))))*-1)", "(((downsampled_1.s0.y.v10*-2) + ((t142.s*-2) + ((t142.s*2) + (select((0 < downsampled_1.s0.y.v10), -14, -15) + (downsampled_1.s0.y.v10*2)))))*-1)", "((downsampled_1.s0.y.v10*-2) + (select((0 < downsampled_1.s0.y.v10), -14, -15) + (downsampled_1.s0.y.v10*2)))" ], "downsampled_1.s0.y.v9" : [ "(let t140.s = min(((downsampled_1.s0.y.v9*8) + 4), downsampled_1.s0.y.max) in (((downsampled_1.s0.y.v10*2) + ((t140.s*2) - (select((0 < downsampled_1.s0.y.v10), -14, -15) + ((downsampled_1.s0.y.v10 + t140.s)*2)))) + -14))", ...etc... ], ...etc... }, "failed_to_prove" : { "(v0 <= (min(v0, 16) + (((max(v0, 16) + -1)/16)*16)))" : [ "(let t2839 = min(input.extent.0, 16) in (let t2840 = (normalize.s0.y.v10 + normalize.s0.y.v10.base) in (((((((uint1)1 && ((0 + (t2839 + -16)) <= (t2839 + -16))) && ((15 + (min((t2839 + (((max(input.extent.0, 16) + -1)/16)*16)), input.extent.0) + -16)) >= (min((((input.extent.0 + -1)/16)*16), (input.extent.0 + -16)) + 15))) && (t2840 <= t2840)) && (t2840 >= t2840)) && (0 <= 0)) && (3 >= 3))))" ] }, "version": "HalideJSONCompilerLoggerV1" } ``` If you specify HL_OBFUSCATE_COMPILER_LOGGER=1, this will instead look something like: ``` { // names omitted "non_monotonic_loop_vars" : { "anon0" : [ "(((anon0*-2) + ((anon1*-2) + ((anon1*2) + (select((0 < anon0), -14, -15) + (anon0*2)))))*-1)", "(((anon0*-2) + ((anon2*-2) + ((anon2*2) + (select((0 < anon0), -14, -15) + (anon0*2)))))*-1)", "((anon0*-2) + (select((0 < anon0), -14, -15) + (anon0*2)))" ], "anon11" : [ "((((((select((0 < anon11), 1022, 0) + anon11) + anon12)/512)*-512) + anon12) + anon11)", ...etc... ], ...etc... }, "failed_to_prove" : { "(anon58 <= (min(anon58, 16) + (((max(anon58, 16) + -1)/16)*16)))" : [ "(let anon59 = min(anon60, 16) in (let anon61 = (anon11 + anon62) in (((((((uint1)1 && ((0 + (anon59 + -16)) <= (anon59 + -16))) && ((15 + (min((anon59 + (((max(anon60, 16) + -1)/16)*16)), anon60) + -16)) >= (min((((anon60 + -1)/16)*16), (anon60 + -16)) + 15))) && (anon61 <= anon61)) && (anon61 >= anon61)) && (0 <= 0)) && (3 >= 3))))" ] }, "version": "HalideJSONCompilerLoggerV1" } ``` If generating a multitarget, the JSON will be an array of these objects (one per subtarget): ``` [ { "generator_name" : "interpolate", "target" : "x86-64-linux-avx-sse41", ... }, { "generator_name" : "interpolate", "target" : "x86-64-linux-avx", ... }, { "generator_name" : "interpolate", "target" : "x86-64-linux", ... } ] ``` There are definitely more things that we want to add to this that aren't yet implemented; off the top of my head: - Halide IR-building/lowering time - LLVM codegen time - total compilation time - final code size 28 April 2020, 20:25:49 UTC
8d844f2 Fix simplify test 28 April 2020, 20:04:24 UTC
f3b57f2 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/super_simplify_v2' into rule_removal_experiments 28 April 2020, 19:54:50 UTC
116b69b clang-tidy and clang-format disagree 28 April 2020, 19:45:49 UTC
d9daf0e Fix std::array initialization 28 April 2020, 19:38:29 UTC
e1ea3a7 Run clang-tidy on Introspection.cpp 28 April 2020, 19:07:28 UTC
f7bbab0 Improve comments. 28 April 2020, 19:02:02 UTC
6c29235 Minor clang-tidy issues in IRPrinter 28 April 2020, 18:46:44 UTC
fd5c263 Add test 28 April 2020, 16:55:07 UTC
d7ceeb2 Teach is_monotonic about unsafe_promise_clamped 28 April 2020, 16:40:16 UTC
40d2067 Merge pull request #4877 from halide/shoaibkamil/fix_potential_ios_link_error Switch to using dlsym for MTLCopyAllDevices() 28 April 2020, 14:21:23 UTC
69fda07 Synthesized new simplifier rules from autoscheduled apps Predicate synthesis currently set to z3 only 28 April 2020, 01:48:45 UTC
2d245ee Formatting 28 April 2020, 00:08:50 UTC
bae49b0 Switch to using dlsym for MTLCopyAllDevices() 27 April 2020, 23:00:14 UTC
d44cb3e Don't inject min/max exprs in the bounds of a promise_clamped of a constant No effect in public Halide, but I hear it causes at least one regression inside Google. The reason for injecting the min/max exprs in the case where the first arg doesn't vary has since gone away now that we push producers inside the guard-with-if if statement of a consumer. 27 April 2020, 19:15:24 UTC
5b4eac0 Merge pull request #4870 from halide/reenable_introspection Reenable introspection by default, and add support for the endbr64 in… 24 April 2020, 18:17:04 UTC
1e91a20 Merge pull request #4869 from halide/delete_uphill_div_rules Adjust simplifier rules so that they're provably cycle-free 24 April 2020, 18:16:43 UTC
994428a Delete debugging code 24 April 2020, 02:05:00 UTC
e8243b8 Merge branch 'master' into delete_uphill_div_rules 23 April 2020, 20:02:26 UTC
7d8f1f6 Reenable introspection by default, and add support for the endbr64 instruction Was accidentally deleted in b0b6a4a84c53b47a91a05b4487ef504fe1345e73 Also add handling for newer gccs. They now inject endbr64 instructions at function entry. 23 April 2020, 19:38:30 UTC
8975aaf Adjust simplifier rules so that they're provably cycle-free Several of these division rules weren't strength reducing - they created more ops (or stronger ops) than they removed. This commit tries just adjusting them to be strength-reducing. I'm a little nervous of it because it means in (x*4 - y)/2 we no longer move the x out of the numerator. Needs thorough testing. 23 April 2020, 18:34:41 UTC
91eb7e3 Merge pull request #4847 from pelikan/fix-plain-c-with-libcxx fix build when -stdlib=libc++ was passed into the plain C test 23 April 2020, 18:13:01 UTC
a277e60 Merge pull request #4868 from halide/shift_overflow Internal compiler code can introduce shifts by greater than the type size 23 April 2020, 17:31:36 UTC
9fc5b79 fix parens in Simplify_Sub 22 April 2020, 22:41:54 UTC
754ab2a Internal compiler code can introduce shifts by greater than the type size. So this should be an overflow IR node instead of being an eager user assert. The specific case was a can_prove(x << y) substituting in random values for y when HL_DEBUG_CODEGEN>0 to probe for counterexamples. Some of these random values where greater than the bit-size of x. 22 April 2020, 22:36:06 UTC
658474b comment out failing min/max/select likely tests in correctness_simplify 22 April 2020, 22:23:00 UTC
5bcdf80 Merge pull request #4840 from Infinoid/python-rdom-getitem Add RDom[i] method to Python bindings. 22 April 2020, 20:41:27 UTC
6a13b23 Fixup 22 April 2020, 07:42:11 UTC
e682691 merge master 22 April 2020, 06:48:20 UTC
a841d91 Merge pull request #4861 from Infinoid/python-buffer-leak Fix a leak in python extension wrapper code (Issue #4859) 20 April 2020, 22:45:51 UTC
f3af437 Merge pull request #4844 from pelikan/fix-eigen3-build fix eigen3 build on Gentoo Linux by using pkg-config 20 April 2020, 22:41:59 UTC
a3ed181 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into super_simplify_v2 20 April 2020, 16:37:38 UTC
8815280 Merge pull request #3037 from halide/add_image_checks_after_bounds_inference Move add_image_checks after bounds inference (See #3036) 19 April 2020, 21:17:32 UTC
7cb4f11 Don't add impure or non-integer things to the containing loops vector in trim_no_ops 19 April 2020, 16:55:48 UTC
daac7e5 Compute func inside GuardWithIf if statement if possible If a Func is computed inside all of the splits on a variable, it should also be computed inside the guardwithif if statement. This means it doesn't have to rely on bounds inference understanding said if statement. 19 April 2020, 16:55:48 UTC
649451c Fix bug with zero- or negative-sized realizations The get dead-stripped *before* allocation bounds inference, now that simplification runs earlier, so we need to make sure allocation bounds inference doesn't get confused by the lack of any access to the buffers. 19 April 2020, 16:55:48 UTC
9698c68 Added test that composes tail strategies in different ways ... ... and checks that bounds are tight when all the splits are exact. 19 April 2020, 16:55:48 UTC
020caba Don't use the loop_min in the promise_clamped from GuardWithIf 19 April 2020, 16:55:48 UTC
e8f0dd4 Don't keep IR just because it refers to the bounds of an input/output 19 April 2020, 16:55:48 UTC
1ec4226 Move printf before assert So that you actually get to see it if the assert fails. 19 April 2020, 16:55:48 UTC
bbfd486 Remove constant substitution in storage folding No point now that full simplification has run 19 April 2020, 16:55:48 UTC
0eb29f2 Remove max on fuse factor Should no longer be necessary 19 April 2020, 16:55:48 UTC
8f69a51 Rearrange lowering to fix input bounds inference issue add_image_checks needs to happen after bounds inference so that it detects buffer overreads on the input. In its current place it only detects if the input is large enough for the output to be correct, but it doesn't check for the presence of guard bands to cover loading out-of-bounds values that then get discarded. In theory this could fault, if a guard band is needed on a dimension with large stride. For this to not break a whole bunch of code due to false positives with overly strict bounds, we need better simplification. So the first simplification pass is moved before allocation bounds inference. As a side benefit, this also reduces the amount of IR that pass needs to chew through, so it speeds up lowering. Fixes #3036 19 April 2020, 16:55:48 UTC
1010cd1 Merge pull request #4864 from halide/fix_trunk_llvm Fix for llvm trunk 19 April 2020, 16:55:08 UTC
c0226f9 Deal with failure case in llvm::Expected 19 April 2020, 06:08:47 UTC
aad1ab9 Fix for llvm trunk 19 April 2020, 00:53:07 UTC
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