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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
ddf7d40 faq rst fixes 07 February 2021, 22:30:42 UTC
24a569a add FAQ entries for more common fitting problems 07 February 2021, 22:15:45 UTC
00361b5 remove link to GSECARS conda channel 07 February 2021, 22:15:08 UTC
4edb1ea MAINT: update pygrep-hooks for pre-commit 07 February 2021, 17:01:51 UTC
e966106 DOC: a few more minor corrections 07 February 2021, 17:00:45 UTC
c6cd665 DOC: minor changes, correct typos, update links 07 February 2021, 04:22:01 UTC
802bb28 CI: install asteval from GitHub master branch - to remove DeprecationWarnings coming from NumPy v1.20.0; go back to the PyPI version after the next release 07 February 2021, 00:44:50 UTC
203de45 CI: fix running the test-suite with Python3.10-devel 07 February 2021, 00:44:50 UTC
c1dd868 FIX: better support for save/load of ExpressionModel - make sure init_params and init_fit get restored for ModelResult See: 07 February 2021, 00:44:34 UTC
2e541db DOC: add badge to README with link to GitHub Pages 06 February 2021, 03:07:47 UTC
8513f96 Merge pull request #703 from reneeotten/documentation DOC: last changes for new release 05 February 2021, 15:09:25 UTC
eaa240f CI: install wheel package To avoid the message: Using legacy ' install' for <package<, since package 'wheel' is not installed. 05 February 2021, 03:42:53 UTC
668910f CI: minimize dependencies for building documentation 05 February 2021, 03:42:53 UTC
8c6d264 Merge pull request #701 from lmfit/relax_epsilon Relax epsilon, some testing updates 05 February 2021, 03:38:48 UTC
06609e8 MAINT: update issue template and contributing guidelines 05 February 2021, 02:27:51 UTC
d692b24 TST: add test for SineModel.guess() 05 February 2021, 02:21:23 UTC
c8ed043 REL: update 04 February 2021, 03:34:38 UTC
38ba520 DOC: link to documentation on GitHub Pages - add the PDF/EPUB/HTML documentation to GitHub Pages instead of linking to (outdated) 04 February 2021, 03:34:38 UTC
7888368 DOC: link version number to release notes in sidebar 04 February 2021, 03:34:38 UTC
29640b0 DOC: add entries to whatsnew.rst and thank contributors 04 February 2021, 03:34:34 UTC
b6bbc28 ENH: add 'max_nfev' to basinhopping and brute methods - use more uniform values of 'max_nfev' for different optimizers 04 February 2021, 03:22:49 UTC
e1bfeee TST: relax text size for save/load model 04 February 2021, 03:22:49 UTC
b7a45c4 MAINT: allow SineModel phase shift to be [-2*pi:2*pi] 04 February 2021, 03:22:49 UTC
ddc5a68 ENH: check for "tiny internal value" for bounded parameters If smaller than "tiny" set it to 0, avoiding "parameter not moving from initial value" See: #700 04 February 2021, 03:22:48 UTC
a87d797 ENH: increase "tiny" to 1.e-15 04 February 2021, 03:22:48 UTC
474affa MAINT: remove duplicated pre-commit hook, upgrade pyupgrade hook 04 February 2021, 01:16:54 UTC
5c4e7ba Merge pull request #702 from reneeotten/azure-pipelines CI: updates to Azure pipelines 03 February 2021, 13:00:25 UTC
11c280c CI: remove Travis and add Azure pipelines badge 03 February 2021, 04:20:06 UTC
5ed5ad7 TST/CI: ignore lmfit/ for test coverage 03 February 2021, 04:16:55 UTC
152684e CI: make stage build_documentation independent 03 February 2021, 04:16:55 UTC
01d5f68 CI: hack to allow_failure for Python development version 03 February 2021, 04:16:48 UTC
4873f08 CI: collect covarage and upload to 03 February 2021, 03:22:38 UTC
2cf42dd Merge pull request #697 from lmfit/azure-pipelines Set up CI with Azure Pipelines 02 February 2021, 14:53:19 UTC
541ff62 Merge pull request #694 from rbnvrw/kws_to_minimizer_emcee Add the run_mcmc_kwargs argument to Minimizer.emcee 01 February 2021, 21:08:31 UTC
999eab4 Merge pull request #699 from reneeotten/fix_numpy_deprecation_warnings Fix NumPy deprecation warnings 01 February 2021, 16:59:01 UTC
35b35fd TST: xfail two tests when NumPy is 1.20.0 The warning message is now a DeprecationWarning from NumPy instead of the warning that is otherwise given by lmfit. The warnings come from the asteval package, so allow the tests to fail until we have resolved it. 01 February 2021, 01:29:57 UTC
0adb5ec MAINT: fix usage of aliases to builtin types NumPy v1.20.0 deprecated the usage aliases like, np.float, np.complex, np.str, etcetera. See: 01 February 2021, 01:24:51 UTC
5b6371c MAINT: remove use of numpy.dual, import directly from SciPy 31 January 2021, 22:28:27 UTC
8a44d2d MAINT: update pyupgrade pre-commit hook 31 January 2021, 19:46:24 UTC
e67f02a DOC: add fix to release notes 30 January 2021, 17:13:08 UTC
6610187 TST: update tests for change in encoding 30 January 2021, 17:10:59 UTC
7e34bfc FIX: json encode should preserve numbers type Previously both int/float values were encoded as floats, which causes trouble with NumPy functions like np.zeros(value). Newer NumPy versions do not accept floats anymore. 30 January 2021, 17:10:59 UTC
b8c5782 CI: set up CI with Azure Pipelines 30 January 2021, 17:01:11 UTC
76db16a MAINT: update copyright year 29 January 2021, 21:59:39 UTC
9251e43 MAINT: update isort pre-commit hook 29 January 2021, 21:59:39 UTC
20e09ec Merge pull request #695 from reneeotten/whats-new DOC: add changes in master branch to release notes 24 December 2020, 04:18:58 UTC
e65e971 DOC: add changes in master branch to release notes - acknowledge the new contributors in THANKS.txt 24 December 2020, 01:58:03 UTC
34365eb PR #694: Add the run_mcmc_kwargs argument to Minimizer.emcee 21 December 2020, 10:59:15 UTC
c57067f Merge pull request #693 from reneeotten/bump_numpy Require numpy>=1.18.0 20 December 2020, 21:26:39 UTC
80220c3 CI: use scipy==1.3.2 as minimum version for Python 3.9 This is the earliest version in the 1.3-branch that can be installed using pip for Python 3.9. 19 December 2020, 16:42:43 UTC
50278d9 MAINT: require numpy>=1.18 NumPy v1.16 cannot be build with PY39 anymore due to the removal of "the tp_print slot of PyTypeObject" (see Python 3.9 release notes). The earliest version that works is v1.17.2 (September 2019). Just skip ahead now to version 1.18.0 (released December 22, 2019), so we still support a 1-year old version. 17 December 2020, 01:17:42 UTC
2cdd37e MAINT: update pre-commit-hooks 17 December 2020, 00:49:06 UTC
c35f96c TST: skip flaky test for SineModel on macOS 17 December 2020, 00:48:22 UTC
59b04f8 Merge pull request #689 from reneeotten/various_minor_changes A few minor changes to the test-suite and 14 December 2020, 13:21:21 UTC
b858263 STY: fix warning from isort pre-commit hook 14 December 2020, 05:10:52 UTC
89c475d Merge pull request #688 from reneeotten/update_deps_python_versions Update supported Python and dependency versions 14 December 2020, 04:57:58 UTC
6c982f8 Merge pull request #687 from reneeotten/documentation_layout DOC: updates/fixes to layout and building of documentation 14 December 2020, 04:06:55 UTC
1fbc3af TST: start rewrite of to improve coverage 13 December 2020, 21:58:15 UTC
134c6d8 MAINT: add check for equal sized arrays Arrays for z and dz in propagate_err should be the same shape; raise a ValueError if that is not the case. 13 December 2020, 19:21:29 UTC
1126a46 MAINT: clarify message when raising a ValueError 13 December 2020, 19:21:19 UTC
d54aa2f MAINT: add and run isort pre-commit hook 13 December 2020, 16:33:18 UTC
a2fc065 MAINT: add py36-plus flag to pyupgrade - run the pre-commit hook and accept changes to formatting-strings; to fully convert the codebase this will require much more manual work... 13 December 2020, 16:33:18 UTC
cb897ac MAINT: require scipy>=1.3 13 December 2020, 16:33:18 UTC
90bd931 MAINT: officially support Python 3.9 - update dependency: asteval>=0.9.21 is required for PY39 (but will work for all), so just require it 13 December 2020, 16:33:18 UTC
d6ef040 MAINT: officially drop support for Python 3.5 - EOL since September 5, 2020 - not tested anymore since commit 0e907a7854b589aacc21bd17a0b8166cbad20ba9 13 December 2020, 16:33:18 UTC
4b666fb TST: add additional test for value.setter of Parameter class 13 December 2020, 16:31:33 UTC
a8b7301 TST: confidence interval with sigma=None 13 December 2020, 16:31:33 UTC
574268a TST: remove lmfit_testutils 13 December 2020, 16:31:33 UTC
2d7715d DOC: fix DeprecationWarnings in examples - MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: shading='flat' when X and Y have the same dimensions as C is deprecated since 3.3. - SymPyDeprecationWarning: The list of arguments is a `set` (of function lambdify). This leads to unpredictable results has been deprecated since Sympy 1.6.3. 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
95ba362 CI: test building all variants for documentation 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
6e38ecb DOC/BLD: filter links to Gallery index from examples 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
85e04c0 DOC/BLD: use sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter and cairosvg - convert images to PDF instead of PNG, resulting in better quality images in the PDF output - removes the dependency on ImageMagick in favor of a Python-only packages - have the Makefile targets epub depend on gallery instead of html so that it can be built separately if needed 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
55ca1be Revert "DOC/STY: fix issues reported by rstcheck pre-commit hook" This reverts commit c8b918e851bf63174a5608d3461b05d43b2dd801. The removal of 'nowrap' made the rstcheck pre-commit hook happy, but broke the building of EPUB/PDF documentation. Until a better fix is found, for now ignore the "math" directive when checking RST files. 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
b6d3606 DOC: fix building epub, suppress warning about unknown mimetype 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
0ce488b DOC/STY: minor cleanup docstring for SineModel 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
4fd7e3f BLD/DOC: require sphinx-gallery >= 0.8 This version removes the matplotlib agg warning, so we do not need to do this ourselves anymore in 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
b6c1ff6 DOC: do not show source file in sidebar 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
7f316a3 DOC: center titles in indexsidebar.html 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
fe7a58d DOC: show menu also on index page 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
29e4712 DOC: vendor update basic/layout.html - apply the same change as in 7979699bc17e9fc97bc47c684b73fdd17002016a to render our "menu" 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
688c0e4 DOC: update sphinx13 layout for lmfit 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
5b1878b DOC: vendor and use sphinx13 theme - fixes issue with the layout of code blocks and sidebar - sidebar remains now visible when scrolling down 13 December 2020, 16:22:02 UTC
b1ab243 Merge pull request #685 from reneeotten/updates_to_BLD_and_CI Updates to building and Travis CI 07 December 2020, 12:04:59 UTC
8ea52a8 CI: build documentation and run pre-commit hooks in separate stages 05 December 2020, 14:43:49 UTC
2818c97 BLD: update versioneer to 0.19 05 December 2020, 14:43:49 UTC
b252475 DOC: minor docstring updates 05 December 2020, 14:43:49 UTC
8068098 BLD: remove __pycache__ directories from source archive Closes: #661 05 December 2020, 14:43:49 UTC
c8b918e DOC/STY: fix issues reported by rstcheck pre-commit hook 05 December 2020, 14:43:49 UTC
507e6d8 STY: fix issue reported by codespell pre-commit hook 05 December 2020, 14:43:49 UTC
257b977 STY: fix issues reported by flake8 pre-commit hook 05 December 2020, 14:43:49 UTC
15d6b8c MAINT: add/update pre-commit hooks 05 December 2020, 14:43:49 UTC
d92c13a CI: test with Python 3.9 on Travis Allow for now failure with minimum versions of dependencies as these are not available on PyPI for NumPy/SciPy and they do not build either. It is probably time to update our minimum requirements of dependencies anyway, so this failure should hopefully disappear soon. 05 December 2020, 14:43:49 UTC
77e6ed8 Merge pull request #681 from mstimberg/fix_Dfun_jac Fix use of callable Jacobian for scalar methods 19 November 2020, 03:41:25 UTC
a70ef7e Fix use of callable Jacobian for scalar methods 16 November 2020, 15:40:19 UTC
c3d0772 Merge pull request #678 from leonfoks/master Fix #677 29 October 2020, 04:07:59 UTC
e1366fc Only modify message if bytes 28 October 2020, 04:07:40 UTC
264db1e added lbfgsb test to save load 27 October 2020, 03:02:22 UTC
3078a8a Fix #677. Force assignment of message as str, lbfgsb method was returning a bytes object. utf-8 specification was not needed. 27 October 2020, 02:52:58 UTC
7b45bbb Merge pull request #676 from lneuhaus/add-sine-model Add sine model 27 October 2020, 02:01:01 UTC
75fd53a Update lmfit/ 27 October 2020, 01:29:40 UTC
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