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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
a00b832 Release 15 March 2023, 15:04:08 UTC
136d924 updated changelog. 14 March 2023, 17:23:46 UTC
177b65e Move the benchmark codes to a separate repository ( 14 March 2023, 16:48:32 UTC
c2443f7 Third party includes were forgotten on OSX. 08 March 2023, 12:14:37 UTC
8a29a6f Prpeared release 08 March 2023, 11:05:08 UTC
63b223b Updated changelog. 07 March 2023, 19:42:08 UTC
97b9b3d Bugfix in population attribute setter. 07 March 2023, 19:38:42 UTC
86cfd32 ANNarchy requires since its 4.7 release a g++ compiler with full C++14 support. 07 March 2023, 18:21:31 UTC
a76a2f4 Correction on commit 199865f: used wrong position to update the indices. The event-driven transmission and gap-junctions share the same code generator function, but the indices need to be handled differently. 28 February 2023, 06:46:21 UTC
16f0299 Controlling projections via "transmission", "update" and "plasticity" is now possible before compile() 27 February 2023, 14:21:09 UTC
199865f Bugfix: the gap_junctions exampled did not work on GPUs caused by an index error in the code generation. 27 February 2023, 12:52:22 UTC
415ba23 Bugfix in code generation for event-driven transmission kernel for the case: csr, pre_to_post, GPU 27 February 2023, 06:48:22 UTC
e1a5f20 Same as in commit 6ca3a72 for pre_to_post case. 27 February 2023, 06:40:30 UTC
6ca3a72 Bugfix in code generation for the case of spiking, dense, GPU 26 February 2023, 10:29:22 UTC
0b3ab25 Removed debug print-out. 23 February 2023, 09:12:33 UTC
111fbf8 Bugfix: a previously configured mean firing rate (Population.compute_firing_rate) was not transferred to copied Network instance. 16 February 2023, 16:58:48 UTC
115b5a2 Bugfix: wrong condition in heuristic matrix ordering selection. 14 February 2023, 08:30:00 UTC
ddc9975 Bugfix when the bold monitor is used in multiple networks. The interface change made in commit e12059d was not applied for the copy constructed in Network._add_object. 07 February 2023, 16:02:12 UTC
36fad75 removed trailing spaces. 07 February 2023, 14:07:12 UTC
373ae32 Adapted documentation of Projecton.reset() 03 February 2023, 18:07:00 UTC
deb4f3f Release 02 February 2023, 10:36:11 UTC
3b582ec Added a check of configured fields (annarchy.json) during The check will only notify on diverges, it will not change the results. 02 February 2023, 10:27:50 UTC
cad9498 updated changelog. 02 February 2023, 08:56:28 UTC
cf7e9e6 Bugfix in CUDA code generation related to spike-based plasticity. The time points of last pre-spike events were not available in the post_event kernel. 02 February 2023, 08:54:08 UTC
acc905a updated changelog. 02 February 2023, 08:10:31 UTC
86f2747 Bugfix related to visible_cores argument and added another sanity check - due to wrong initialization the provided data was not considered. - check if the provided list contains doubled entries (that would reduce performance noticeably!) 29 January 2023, 12:24:36 UTC
c5b6093 Bugfix (f438f03): the implemented fallback did not consider the numerical method set by setup() 25 January 2023, 08:01:14 UTC
cebf75b Fixed dt in Hodgkin-Huxley example. 24 January 2023, 17:30:39 UTC
8eb80ee Code generation for _post_event kernel did not distinguish between sliced- and non-sliced matrix. Also fixed the bug as described in 172d8f9. 22 January 2023, 11:01:08 UTC
3ba4c63 Bugfix in C++ template library: CSRMatrix::row_ptr() used wrong type argument. 22 January 2023, 10:54:54 UTC
172d8f9 Bugfix in single-thread code generation. The pre-synaptic rank (rk_pre) was not available as variable in post-event kernel. 22 January 2023, 10:26:20 UTC
d0c3198 Refactor: updated out-dated placeholders. Code templates should aways use the placeholders pre_/post_index when accessing ranks or local/semiglobal/global_index when accessing variables. 22 January 2023, 10:22:56 UTC
d64ac26 Added new unittest for spike-based plasticity rules which rely on time-points of the pre- and/or post-synaptic event. 22 January 2023, 10:15:46 UTC
43e19c0 Added projection name to the set of values which are printed to codegen.log 22 January 2023, 09:20:41 UTC
2e63ca5 Bugfix in a8f78d1: the cython wrapper returns a LIL-like object not a numpy.array 19 January 2023, 09:44:38 UTC
5d80047 Removed two unnecessary variables in Network._add_object() 19 January 2023, 09:39:38 UTC
eb6d3db Bugfix in projection code generation. The changes made in 6637b21 did not consider the changes made in cfe765d. 18 January 2023, 07:36:41 UTC
1aa3b56 Bugfix in connect_from_file connector method. - in commit 844c816 we made storage_format/storage_order mandatory for connector methods. 17 January 2023, 14:41:34 UTC
c657ecf Bugfix and update of unit tests. - fixed a bug related to used data type of ranks when using PopulationViews (see also 5f9d58b, fe5b937) - Added new unittest: using Population[x,y] on two-dimensional population results in an IndividualNeuron instance not PopulationView 10 January 2023, 08:06:08 UTC
f438f03 Runge-Kutta 4 (rk4) is now available. 14 December 2022, 10:47:50 UTC
226063b Merge branch 'develop' 14 December 2022, 10:29:22 UTC
089d93a Call to warning() was not imported. 14 December 2022, 10:25:55 UTC
8474439 updated changelog. 14 December 2022, 10:11:47 UTC
b27ef35 Added a flag to explicitly disbale the mechanism introduced in a65cd0f (already did for debug in 488f97c). 14 December 2022, 09:52:20 UTC
a8f78d1 Bugfix in Convolution: the filters could not be changed after compile(). 14 December 2022, 08:39:38 UTC
c2393d9 In commit 77f3a3f we changed the implementation of the 'initialized' flag from only indicating the call of _connect to store if the c++ connectivity methods were correctly called. SpecificProjections override the _connect() method and consequently the 'initilized' flag was not initialized (i.e. None). 14 December 2022, 08:29:31 UTC
cd574fa Bugfix in code generation related to post-event and CSR on GPUs. 13 December 2022, 16:20:45 UTC
04c73ac removed unnecessary import introduced in commit e6bcde9. 13 December 2022, 11:20:53 UTC
e0b4daa Bugfix in code generation related to splitted CSRC/CSRC_T. 13 December 2022, 09:53:55 UTC
ed60b24 removed debug print 13 December 2022, 09:40:11 UTC
6613b97 Added sanity rule to prevent usage of CSRC_T and GPUs for non-default synapses. Improved readability of code (commit b66fdf5). 13 December 2022, 09:12:44 UTC
e3f2d82 Updated sanity rules to prevent the usage of continuous transmission on spiking synapses with pre-to-post matrix ordering. The continuous transmission kernel is derived from the rate-coded psp. Therefore, the inversed matrix view of the CSRC_T would introduce many misaligned memory accesses. In case of openMP one would also probably need atomic operations. 13 December 2022, 08:44:08 UTC
b66fdf5 Sanity rules for sparse matrix formats and rate-coded models should consider the hardware. 13 December 2022, 08:15:46 UTC
e16b13b Tentative: added implementation for spiking models using uniform delays and CSR on GPUs. 12 December 2022, 16:18:12 UTC
45588a6 minor change on unittest. 12 December 2022, 15:37:55 UTC
c5588c7 nonuniform delays are not supported yet on GPUs. 12 December 2022, 15:36:27 UTC
7bc8feb Bugfix in single item update using CSR. 12 December 2022, 11:19:40 UTC
8e507a1 ELLPACK-R: fixed single item update for CPU/GPU. 12 December 2022, 11:12:44 UTC
5d096dd Removed debug print left from commit 35b0de4. 12 December 2022, 11:07:08 UTC
82de4de Single item getter for dense matrix format was missing. 12 December 2022, 09:05:58 UTC
d3792c9 Implemented get/set for single matrix values for BSR (CPU/GPU) 12 December 2022, 08:49:55 UTC
d788821 Bugfix (commit 5b24fb5): the change performed in this commit did not adjust the code templates for min/max/mean. 11 December 2022, 17:31:59 UTC
064f68d Fixed code generation bugs related to non-uniform delays. 11 December 2022, 12:38:23 UTC
41d842d Addendum (commit 518b3a1): the custom connectivity classes did not considered the storage_format argument. 11 December 2022, 11:24:45 UTC
7f85445 Temporarily disabled pooling on GPU devices as the code templates are currently broken. The feature is anyways not useable right now, as the convolution is still missing on GPUs. 11 December 2022, 10:04:27 UTC
7396014 missing include statement for SpecificProjections on GPUs. 10 December 2022, 15:55:11 UTC
518b3a1 restructured unittests for custom connectivity and rate-coded psp. - no delay, uniform delay and non-uniform delay are now three classes - non-uniform delays are not supported on GPUs and therefore not tested 10 December 2022, 15:52:47 UTC
456351f Merge branch 'master' into develop 08 December 2022, 15:16:41 UTC
2a58a18 using consistant types. 08 December 2022, 10:36:16 UTC
8bc9663 Bug with midpoint. 05 December 2022, 16:25:45 UTC
8df6eb7 The parser made replacement errors when targets had overlapping names (e.g. sum(exc2) and sum(exc) used in that order). 05 December 2022, 16:14:04 UTC
73c3174 Version 25 November 2022, 15:56:42 UTC
439de48 updated changelog. 23 November 2022, 16:00:10 UTC
320af51 updated changelog. 23 November 2022, 15:48:43 UTC
ba6497d Bugfix: period_offset argument was ignored when creating object copy. 23 November 2022, 15:44:23 UTC
ff8b4f0 Tentative: modified test for save_and_load of projection parameters. The original tests fail, because the save function access the init attribute to gain the stored value. But the init value is only updated by access before compile(). The modifications which should be tested are performed after compile which let the test fail. Therefore I added another field in the test to store the initial states before compile(). 21 November 2022, 08:58:16 UTC
42fd859 Addendum (f2190e0): GPUs does not support CSRC_T, Dense_T for spiking models which are selected by automatic format selection on CPUs. Therefore, we fall back to CSRC on GPUs. 11 November 2022, 12:23:00 UTC
c5b7ac1 Continued work on fcba8bd. - the offsets need to be considered by get/set methods. 10 November 2022, 18:40:03 UTC
625954d Bugfix: related to Dense matrix representation and PopulationViews. If the matrix contains empty rows, the post_ranks need to be considered when constructing the mask which was not done. 10 November 2022, 17:20:41 UTC
aaa6223 Refactor (commit fcba8bd), same as commit d855701 but for openMP. Further, disabled the optimization for now until the feature is fully tested. 09 November 2022, 19:47:00 UTC
f92f460 Addendum (0491ef1): dense matrices. 09 November 2022, 19:30:04 UTC
d855701 Refactor (fcba8bd): instead of splitting the dictionary fields, I added a separate template file for this specialized implementation. 09 November 2022, 19:24:52 UTC
4052f6a updated changelog. 09 November 2022, 07:42:00 UTC
528eabb Bugfix (988b5e5): the psp argument provided to PoolingProjection() was not copied. 09 November 2022, 07:30:27 UTC
f1064f6 Suppressed xrange(). The usage of xrange is a Python2.x related optimization. In Python3.x the xrange() implementation was used to implement range(). 09 November 2022, 07:16:27 UTC
7e03c58 Changed ctype for boolean values on GPUs to char. For local/semiglobal variables we create a vector<ctype> instance. In the modern STL container implementation std::vector<bool> is a specialized container which (compiler dependent) may specialized as bitset container (see: However, for GPUs this is not suitable and therefore transformation of the boolean value on GPUs into a char datatype. 09 November 2022, 06:57:21 UTC
f2190e0 Extended heuristic format selection. Spiking networks with high density should switch to Dense, pre-to-post representation. 08 November 2022, 07:18:55 UTC
099a162 ConnectorMethods functions should use None as default argument storage_format/storage_order. Using None we can clearly separate between explicit choices made by users and default arguments. 08 November 2022, 07:11:27 UTC
078ff35 updated changelog. 08 November 2022, 06:51:25 UTC
fe5b937 PopulationView expects a numpy.array since commit (5f9d58b). 08 November 2022, 06:47:40 UTC
35b0de4 Tentative: added new debug symbol (_DEBUG_ACCESSOR) to trace accessor function calls (test-wise implemented for LIL) 08 November 2022, 06:46:41 UTC
1bd613a Merge branch 'master' into develop 08 November 2022, 06:06:23 UTC
050ac35 Addendum (a7123ed): suppressed the idx value of IndividualSynapse as it is not needed anymore. 08 November 2022, 05:57:54 UTC
a7123ed Bugfix related to the used index in IndividualSynapse When using calls like projection[post_rank][pre_rank] this leads to the creation of IndividualSynapse() objects. This object used the lil-idx (i.e. the position of pre_rank in the pre_ranks array) which was fine for earlier versions of ANNarchy which only used lil. For csrc, ellpack etc. I changed this accessors to expect the pre_rank not the index position. 08 November 2022, 05:48:36 UTC
e295a75 Merge branch 'master' into develop Notice: The conflict was on the configure_template_ids update tree. In earlier versions, we stored there the indices. Later I stored them together with the other template code. 03 November 2022, 11:01:14 UTC
407aae1 Bugfix in code generation: for sliced LIL, spiking and uniform delays the tid was forgotten when accessing the delay container. 03 November 2022, 10:50:14 UTC
0491ef1 Added inner-/outer-loop distinction for event-driven transmission. Our preliminary results and literature suggest that one need to distinguish between a parallelization on the inner- or outer-loop of the event-driven transmission kernel. For splitted matrices, one will always use outer-loop. 02 November 2022, 07:36:24 UTC
655dc5a Added partitioned implementation for CSRC + post_to_pre view. 02 November 2022, 06:51:39 UTC
eb2602b Bugfix (844c816): storage_order argument was missing in connect_from_matrix_market declaration 31 October 2022, 09:03:24 UTC
8d43915 Applied the changes made in commit fcba8bd also for dense matrix and post_to_pre ordering. 27 October 2022, 16:34:30 UTC
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