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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
b494620 Made some additional tweaks that _may_ make it work adequately at --divisor=2. On the other hand, as more elements are added to the GUI, it will likely slow down somewhat, so I'm not sure I can make any firm inferences about what values of --divisor are likely to work on an ongoing basis. Still, every little improvement helps. 10 May 2020, 23:19:41 UTC
debac68 Okay ... I found a configuration which (on my 3.2GHz hex-core i7) seem to allow to keep up with yaLVDC --divisor=3. It can actually sort of keep up at --divisor=1, but some graphical operations seem to be queued up and may lag real time under some circumstances. At any rate, I'm hoping it will be good enough for my debugging purposes right now. 10 May 2020, 22:52:56 UTC
ec82602 It turns out that the peripheral is far too slow to keep up with the yaLVDC CPU emulator ... it keeps receiving messages from yaLVDC that have been buffered by the operating system long after the CPU emulation is paused. I've added a command-line option to yaLVDC (--divisor) that can be used to slow down the CPU clock, but even at a factor of 10 it's still too slow. Well, I'll keep experimenting, since I don't want to have to reimplement yaPTC on a more-difficult platform if I don't have to. 10 May 2020, 20:25:10 UTC
17c5393 Fixed how the STO instruction saved return addresses (776, 777). The emulation no longer obviously fails (in the sense of landing on empty or corrupted memory ... but it's still early days yet, so give it time! 10 May 2020, 18:19:52 UTC
df487e7 Finished adding the DISASSEMBLE command to the LVDC debugger. It's awesome. Probably a few bugs I haven't noticed yet. 10 May 2020, 16:49:06 UTC
9e8c25d Realized that LVDC/PTC self-modifying code was thwarting some of the emulation and debugger functionality, particularly checks that I had added to make sure code came only from places initially designated as code memory. Moreover, given that modified code no longer matched the source lines, I've added a number of hooks (and actual code) related to warning about that situation and providing a dynamic disassembly when detected. (It's not just a meaningless flourish; it's about having enough debugging horsepower to track down bugs I'm actually seeing.) 09 May 2020, 21:12:34 UTC
a49070d Added some backtrace capability to the LVDC/PTC CPU emulation. More LVDC/PTC-to-peripheral protocol fixes, and more work on the peripheral emulation for the PTC. It's working better now, but there's a long way to go before it's truly usable. I've found a way to crash the PAST program (or at least to jump someplace where no man has gone before), so presumably the CPU emulation has still got some bugs in it. The backtrace is hopefully going to be helpful in tracking that down. 09 May 2020, 15:57:00 UTC
2ffa3d4 Some protocol fixes. A lot of initial work on the GUI portion of 09 May 2020, 00:34:30 UTC
fa6013c Fixed various things wrong with the "virtual wire" networking protocol and code. Added a crude PTC client peripheral written in Python. It does very little at the moment, but I'm going to flesh it out a lot. 07 May 2020, 20:45:23 UTC
102df44 Outputting on virtual wires now works a little better. 07 May 2020, 00:23:51 UTC
a9fdc68 Simplified. Made some fixes to NEXT and RUN. Added part of the "virtual wire" interface for hooking peripherals to the LVDC/PTC emulator, though the portion I did add doesn't seem to be working entirely correctly yet. 06 May 2020, 23:59:20 UTC
e2e1b21 Added various features to the debugger: eXamine memory, Next (as opposed to Step), Run. I think the debugger is in good enough shape now that I can resume implementing emulating, particularly PIO, CIO, and interrupts. 06 May 2020, 00:58:24 UTC
10515bb A lot of fleshing out and cleanup of the gdb-type debugger code in the LVDC/PTC CPU emulator. 04 May 2020, 21:26:50 UTC
180951b Partial implementation of LVDC/PTC breakpoints. 03 May 2020, 23:58:21 UTC
834a76a More progress on LVDC/PTC emulator, mainly on the debugger interface. 03 May 2020, 20:57:59 UTC
aaeeea2 It's possible that all of the CPU instructions in the emulation are working now, though I have no good way of testing multiplication, division, and EXM, so that's just speculation. However, I do seem to be able to use all of the PTC instructions, though PRS, PIO, and CIO don't do anything as yet other than read/write to some memory buffers. The hooks are in place for interrupts, but there's no machinery there yet. 02 May 2020, 22:28:23 UTC
db571d6 Lots more progress on LVDC/PTC emulator. Some typos in PAST program comments fixed. 02 May 2020, 16:02:31 UTC
e997c90 More progress on LVDC/PTC emulator. 01 May 2020, 22:54:37 UTC
77049f3 Some progress on the LVDC/PTC CPU emulator. 01 May 2020, 20:18:08 UTC
5c3e94d Resumed development on yaLVDC, the LVDC/PTC CPU emulator. 30 April 2020, 23:37:26 UTC
7fc72f0 Just added a --ptc switch to the command line. It does nothing yet other than to set a global variable. 29 April 2020, 23:17:45 UTC
ad707fd Updated the README file for the PAST program to properly indicate which files the assembler requires. 29 April 2020, 19:38:10 UTC
044e28d Updated the PAST program's README file to cover assembly instructions. 29 April 2020, 18:44:30 UTC
632b47c Completed joint debugging of the modern LVDC/PTC assembler ( and the PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program transcribed source code and octal listing, with can now be assembled 100% correctly. 29 April 2020, 18:18:45 UTC
9ccc76b PAST program (source and octals) and the modern LVDC/PTC assembler have now been debugged to the point where the PAST program assembles without errors or warnings to the correct octals ... except for 3 lines of source where the residual bit is wrong in the assembled instruction. (Should still execute properly, but mismatches the original octals.) Hopefully fixable soon. But the LVDC portion of the assembler has regressed so that lots of (possibly bogus) errors and warnings have appeared in AS206-RAM, even though the assembled octals are still correct. This needs to be addressed before pushing the code upstream. But progress anyway. 28 April 2020, 23:23:15 UTC
8ca798d Enough progress to add octal checking to the assembler. There's still an enormous number of mismatches ... but making progress. 27 April 2020, 21:48:12 UTC
c0e55cc Still more assembler tweaks. Next choke point: the TRA** lines. 26 April 2020, 23:43:12 UTC
1cb0d6b Lots of progress on assembler. Was able to remove all temporary workarounds I had added to the PAST program source, but did have to insert a couple more to work around a bug in the original assembler that I haven't been able to reproduce in the new assembler. 26 April 2020, 21:26:35 UTC
ba66aa6 Corrected assembly (bits A7,A9) of SHR and SHL. 26 April 2020, 12:49:05 UTC
434ebcd Continues slow progress on PTC mods to LVDC assembler, but mainly made fixes related to assembly of BCI pseudo-ops: Adjust algorithm for length of padded BCI strings; adjusted both BA8421 and EBCDIC encoding tables, because the original assembler didn't conform exactly to them in so far as the characters (, ), and + are concerned. 26 April 2020, 00:34:55 UTC
7dbecd8 Completed code for assembly of BCI. Fixed code for assembly of SHL, SHR, CDS. Fixed a BCI string in the PAST source code. 25 April 2020, 14:37:20 UTC
a568dee More assembler tweaks. 24 April 2020, 22:33:05 UTC
5d200bf More fixups for the PAST program source code and the modern assembler. 24 April 2020, 22:24:22 UTC
4210f0c Continued jointly updating LVDC assembler for PAST while fixing bugs in the PAST program. 24 April 2020, 00:23:55 UTC
f679fc6 Lots of fixups of the LVDC assembler, related to assembly of PTC code. Similarly, lots of fixups to PAST program source code, identified by using the assembler. Still lots more to do on both of them. 23 April 2020, 00:38:34 UTC
8e3ad6b Updated PAST program's README to indicate status of the transcription effort. 21 April 2020, 15:18:22 UTC
ea19c16 Transcription (rough draft) of the PAST program's source code is now complete. No proofing has been performed yet. 21 April 2020, 15:13:53 UTC
7d0212c Transcribed PAST program source code through p. 150 (of 171). 20 April 2020, 23:21:48 UTC
0432422 Transcribed PAST program source code through p. 140 (of 171 total). 20 April 2020, 19:27:49 UTC
054af2b Transcribed PAST program source code through p. 135 (of 171 total). 20 April 2020, 15:27:22 UTC
9fb4526 Corrected a couple of typos. 19 April 2020, 23:26:43 UTC
3e289b8 Transcribed PAST program source code through p. 120 (of 171). 19 April 2020, 23:24:55 UTC
d635053 Transcribed PAST program through p. 113 (of 171 total). 19 April 2020, 15:38:23 UTC
083844d Merge pull request #1117 from thewonderidiot/yul_typo_fixes Fixed a bunch of typos in the YUL transcription 19 April 2020, 11:20:30 UTC
db3612d YUL: Fixed some more typos 19 April 2020, 06:41:19 UTC
1d942b1 First set of typo fixes for the YUL transcription 19 April 2020, 06:26:10 UTC
0dece38 Transcribed PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program through p. 99 (of 171 total). 18 April 2020, 21:45:35 UTC
785eef9 Merge branch 'master' of 18 April 2020, 15:03:56 UTC
79262a2 Transcribed PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program source code through page 86 (of 171 total) ... so I've managed to hit the halfway point. 18 April 2020, 15:01:35 UTC
b4177f8 Merge pull request #1116 from shirriff/typos1 Fix typos. 18 April 2020, 05:44:41 UTC
9ada5c8 Fix typos. 18 April 2020, 05:18:19 UTC
7d672af Transcribed PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program through p. 75 (of 171 total). 17 April 2020, 22:48:15 UTC
c2dc2d5 Transcribed PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program source-code through p. 65 (of 171). 17 April 2020, 21:04:27 UTC
dea9a23 Transcribed PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program source code through p. 58 (of 171). 17 April 2020, 18:27:54 UTC
433135a Transcribed PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program source code through page 50 (of 171). 17 April 2020, 14:44:32 UTC
1c26c5f Corrected some comments about the octal format used in the PTC octal listing. 17 April 2020, 02:36:41 UTC
c70687a Transcribed PTC ADAPT Self-Test program through p. 32 (of 171). 16 April 2020, 23:55:33 UTC
d148ba4 Transcribed PTC source code through p. 15. 16 April 2020, 13:38:55 UTC
5c8f71d Finished first proofing of the PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program's transcribed octal listing, and updated the associated README file. 15 April 2020, 23:26:54 UTC
bfebc36 Proofed module 1 sector 17. 15 April 2020, 23:09:08 UTC
a84f126 Proofed module 1 sector 16. 15 April 2020, 23:04:29 UTC
dd6a5eb Proofed module 1 sector 15. 15 April 2020, 23:01:31 UTC
013f2f8 Proofed module 1 sector 14. 15 April 2020, 22:57:55 UTC
2c96a01 Proofed module 1 sector 13. 15 April 2020, 22:55:05 UTC
25e62f8 Proofed module 1 sector 12. 15 April 2020, 19:57:32 UTC
e7d0217 Proofed module 1 sector 11. 15 April 2020, 19:40:36 UTC
8d0759d Proofed module 1 sector 10. 15 April 2020, 19:25:30 UTC
5dd0819 Proofed module 1 sector 7. 15 April 2020, 19:07:52 UTC
1e21c7b Proofed module 1 sector 6. 15 April 2020, 17:34:32 UTC
d38b2ad Proofed module 1 sector 5. 15 April 2020, 17:06:29 UTC
feebe36 Proofed module 1 sector 4. 15 April 2020, 15:31:12 UTC
19d8c1e Proofed module 1 sector 3. 15 April 2020, 14:55:01 UTC
51201e1 Proofed module 1 sector 2. 15 April 2020, 14:20:08 UTC
801171a Proofed module 1 sector 1. 15 April 2020, 13:33:58 UTC
c145b15 Proofed module 1 sector 0. 15 April 2020, 00:16:53 UTC
68baba4 Proofed module 0 sector 17 ... meaning that exactly the first half of the PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program's octal listing transcription has been proofed. 14 April 2020, 23:42:22 UTC
0e387e0 Proofed module 0 sector 16. 14 April 2020, 23:23:06 UTC
2d88a13 Proofed module 0 sector 15. 14 April 2020, 21:19:30 UTC
e773ffc Proofed module 0 sector 14. 14 April 2020, 20:52:40 UTC
9a9fe53 Proofed module 0 sector 13. 14 April 2020, 20:00:24 UTC
6b8daff Proofed module sector 12. 14 April 2020, 19:43:13 UTC
4717a00 Proofed module 0 sector 11. 14 April 2020, 19:30:17 UTC
5403fc9 Proofed module 0 sector 10. 14 April 2020, 19:07:25 UTC
cdf380c Proofed module 0 sector 7. 14 April 2020, 14:58:20 UTC
e7348fd Proofed module 0 sector 6. 14 April 2020, 14:34:18 UTC
fcbe0bb Proofed through module 0 sector 5. 14 April 2020, 14:10:18 UTC
a8357e7 Proofed through module 0 sector 4. 14 April 2020, 13:55:31 UTC
567e790 Proofed module 0 sector 3. 14 April 2020, 00:22:43 UTC
5386dce Proofed module 0 sector 2. 14 April 2020, 00:03:43 UTC
f0cd034 Proofed module 0 sector 1. 13 April 2020, 23:15:04 UTC
8c21c76 Proofed module 0 sector 0. 13 April 2020, 22:46:54 UTC
265f4ef Filled in all remaining pages of the PTC octal-listing transcription with OCR'd data, and added a script to help in the reformatting of the OCR data to allow that. However, none of it proofed yet, and it will require massive corrections. 13 April 2020, 17:04:40 UTC
4edccd9 Just a temporary save that I may want to revert to later. 13 April 2020, 12:36:07 UTC
8c949a9 PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program: Finished inputting octal listing through the end of memory module 0 sector 1. Transcribed source code through page 9 (of 171). 12 April 2020, 21:10:40 UTC
84bb426 Transcribed octal listing for module/sector 0/0 and half of 0/1. 12 April 2020, 15:31:37 UTC
3edfc13 Update 12 April 2020, 13:16:27 UTC
7cf9e94 Updated the PTC software readme file. 12 April 2020, 13:15:43 UTC
988fd6f Added the PTC-ADAPT-Self-Test-Program folder, to eventually contain the source-code transcription of the LVDC program "PTC ADAPT Self Test". Right now, the folder is essentially just an empty place-holder. 12 April 2020, 12:43:26 UTC
ec4acd5 Merge pull request #1102 from lazymutt/master Update 02 October 2019, 20:52:42 UTC
1bfdb7a Update Added many wikipedia links for cross reference, lightly edited formatting. 02 October 2019, 20:31:58 UTC
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